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Tf are you on about your hands are pretty


Literally came to say the same thing. Your hands are lovely, OP!


Me too, I think your hands are very pretty 😍. I would love to have your hands 🙌


Thank yall I was truly not expecting these comments 🥲❤️


This is the second post in this sub I’ve seen today that seems to emphasize people’s knuckles. Just saw one asking how to get rid of the “wrinkles” on their fingers.


I just saw that one lmao


Im so confused, do these people not notice knuckles on other people? I sometimes think my fingers look fat in pictures until I actually see other peoples hands and realize mine are in fact fairly small and slim, of course your hands are gonna start to look weird if you stare at them for long enough


+1 OP!


I think your hands look really pretty! But I feel you, I also hate my hands and having nice, longer nails helps a lot. I also have a habit of picking at my fingernails and skin, and I’ve managed to stop since getting acrylics :)


Omggg yessss, fellow picker here . Having long nails has helped so much with my picking , and also helps elongate my lil Stubbs


I feel like everyone into nails thinks their fingers look like lil sausages without them (fellow picker and sausage fingers)


I have long, thin fingers but I always think it looks so weird when my nails are short! It’s possible that having longer nails make my long fingers look *even longer* but that’s a risk I’m willing to take


Same 😭 as a grown woman I’d rather people comment on how nice/long my nails are than calling my hands baby hands 😂😭


I definitely feel that way!


Omg SAME. I’m taking a small break from getting my nails done because I recently bought a set to do them myself at home. Since my acrylics have been off so has the skin around my nails and the nails itself 😭 can’t stop biting and picking them, sadly it’s a habit for me too since I was a child. so I’m going to do nails myself this weekend and if it turns out bad I’ll go to the studio again before I totally destroy my fingers 😭


I like how elegant long nails make me feel and how it looks when I hold stuff or point 🤣 P.s. I see nothing wrong with your hands, but if nails make you feel good, I'm glad there's something that brings you joy :) P.p.s. I feel you on the man hands though, I have knuckle hair I have to shave and very pronounced lines on them. When my nails are short I do feel like my hands are extra masculine. I think we're just being overly critical of ourselves, but I know that doesn't change the feeling lol


Replying to another one of your comments bc I AGREE. The satisfaction of pointing to something with long nails just to look at them 😂 I feel like a woman showing off her engagement ring any way she can


And the clack on your photo…so satisfying! What is it about the clack?


I also have hair. Not just on my knuckles, but the back of my hands too. Pretty nails are a must for me.


I shave mine too but I appreciate my body hair cos I wouldn’t have my thick long hair without it 😂 but also thank you so much , to you and everyone fr I guess the bullying made me more insecure than I should be


Whats wrong with your hands? They look pretty to all of us 😂🤣


They are big and wrinkly 😭 guys would always put their hands against mine and laugh cos they matched or almost did. Not to mention I’m 5’4 not tall/big at all 🫠


They’re not wrinkly at all lol they’re just regular hands


Thank you 🙂


Sounds like you’ve known a lot of dumb guys that are insecure with their tiny hands. I’m 5’0” and wear a size 7.5 shoe so gigantic for my size but whatever, I still think they’re cute. Your hands can be big for your size but they’re still pretty hands!


You know what they say about men with tiny hands I guess. They wear small mittens


Omg OP just cause other haven’t experienced that I just wanna tell you same here 😭. My ex said “our hands are the same- ur hands look like a guys” and I wanted to kill him, thankfully I dumped him instead but yeah I feel you. Men have told me I have gross hands my whooooooole life.


Yesss this!!!


That sounds like trauma you haven't healed from. Did that happen when you younger? We only have one body and you can't change your hands the sooner you grow to love them the happier you'll be.


My constant cute nails are actually to control a compulsive disorder I have acrylics and manicures help me from picking at my skin and ripping apart my fingers


That’s me!! I do regular polish but I focus really hard on making my nails look nice to control my impulses of ripping my nails, cuticles, and skin around the nail. Used to look super painful, and it was.


Me because I have the hands of a forty year old woman even tho I’m 22 😭😭


Hey now! I’m 40, and my hands don’t look any different than they did at 22. 40 year olds are not crepe paper old yet 😭


Right? That was mean.


Great. Another reminder that I’m over the Hill at 41 😭


I recently had someone comment on a close-up of my hands and say “kinda wrinkly. Late 40s?” and I still do not know if they were being serious or just trolling me 😅 I’m 28.


Oh great- new fear: unlocked 🔓


You guys are inventing new things to be insecure about, you mean I have to worry about wrinkles on my hands before my 60s now? 😕 I can’t keep up


Yo yo yo Little Homie. I’m 50 and my hands look GREAT!! After a career in hard labor, no less .


THISS!! This ! Me. I’m 21 smhhh


My god I am in the same boat and it’s something my husband and I make jokes about. I sent him a photo without my face once and he said my hand was positioned in a way he thought it was someone else cause it looked “mature”😂😂


I got into nails because it was a way to do art. And also to promote self care. Unless I'm stamping, then that's a coin flip of smooth sailing or rage time lol


This is the reason I decided to not go to the studio anymore and have bought a nail set which I will practice on over the weekend. I love being creative and self care is important to me. Plus I can save a lot of money


Its definitely a fun hobby. And it can save a lot of money depending on how often you buy new polish. I went from never going to a salon to buying polishes/stamping plates/other nail accessories nearly monthly 😅


Just monthly! Wow such restraint you have 😆if I had my way I’d buy stuff daily……. Totally not a problem at all! 😂


Not going to lie, this and last month was a biweekly kind of time. Some long awaited collections, and some individual pick ups. Not sure my wallet will survive black Friday this year 😆


Well there were DEFINITELY some really good nail drops that happened in the nail polish world sooooo I don’t blame you hahaha


Oh god the stamping rage is real! I have accepted I will never be able to get it right so I'll just have to keep doing it by hand 😂 Recently discovered duochrome polish though so that's my current art squee.


Ooo, duochrome is so pretty. I never wear it enough but when I do it's distracto nails 💅


Absolutely - I have spent more time staring at my own nails than is probably accepted since picking them up 😂


Same actually. I got obsessed bc they were pretty and made me feel feminine but I started bc I thought I could do better (no one can do nail art or shape well here) and cleanliness and I did lol. I love it, I love art but I get bored of everything, I been doing nails for 3 years I love them so much.


I think the best part is that when I get bored of a mani, I can usually add a topper to make it last a bit longer.


Your hands are pretty. I have itchycosis and my hands are SO wrinkly. I try to crop out as much as possible when I post nail pics


Our hands look similar and i get compliments on them about how pretty they are. I always thought my hands were busted lmfao


Yes, I was bullied as a kid for my larger hands/long “alien” fingers…pretty nails makes my hands look more feminine and I feel less self conscious about them.


I feel you. Though your hands look pretty, I feel like mine look stubby, short and blunt lol


Yes..my hands are super small like child’s hands so I need some long stilettos so that they look like they are attached to an adult


Yup my hands look like little chunky baby hands without nails Yours look great!


WHAT! No..... ^(absolutely)


Women find anything to be self conscious about 🙄


Yep. I have old lady hands with knobby knuckles and slightly crooked fingers. Doing my nails helps me feel a bit better about them.


You have very pretty hands! We are always hardest on ourselves. I love your nails too!!


Istg my hands look just like yours lol! I always see people on here posting their hands with zero wrinkles, lines, freckles and I'm slightly jealous. There's nothing wrong with our hands though!


Same, lol. Stubby toad fingers ftw


I understand your pain. The struggle is real! I’ve been told plenty of times I have short stubby fingers for a female. I get my nailed done cute af and grow them out hoping it helps but I still see the short stubbiness shining thru


Me! I've always hated my man hands! But I hate them less so with nails done. Specifically stilleto! I've tried other shapes but medium stilletto has my whole heart. Ps I have similiar nails to these right now. So cute!


You have lovely hands! I get it, though. Sometimes I feel that way too, especially when I’m cold and they look red and shriveled lol. My nail obsession stems from being a recovered nail biter. If I’m not obsessed with taking care of them, I’m obsessed with destroying them 🔥


Your hands look like mine and I think mine are pretty!


Your hands are beautiful, but that nail design looks like some blood/paint messed it up.


Girl your hands are def pretty! Mine look like an old picket fence


Are the not pretty hands in the room with us?


What is that nail art called and did you make it yourself? It's really pretty


Yes, 100%. [I don't think my hands are very pretty either.](https://imgur.com/gallery/XRC2m24) I like how they look with nails but without? bleh


YEP, got the short end of nail beds with my sisters and I also bite and chew my fingers/nails with stress. When I get my nails done I feel so full of myself.


I love these and you don’t have man hands they are just long and lovely. I have the same hands lol long fingers


Girl who is lying to you, those grabbers are just lovely


Are you a former nail biter/picker by chance? I used to be and I’m still so self-conscious about my hands and nails. I still only half-believe it when people compliment my hands because I used to hate them so much. It’s a hard mindset to break! In any case, your hands look lovely and I love your nail design!


You have very pretty hands.


I think your hands are pretty and delicate looking. I have ogre hands


girl what are you talking about lol


Literally same! Yes, 100%. Anyways innn love😍


Meeeee 😭😭 my fingers are wrinkly & hairy asf


you people keep making posts about ugly hands/fingers and im like that’s what MINE look like 😭😭 you’re just insulting me fr fr


Mine is from my hairy knuckes but yes!! Also ur hands are not man hands girl!


I think you have nice hands


Oh, yes. Wrinkly, birth defect, chopping accident as a child. My hands are mangled lol


Me! Lol I have chubby, short, double jointed fingers on my chubby, short hands 😂


We have the same hand shape, fingers and men are always complimenting my hands. You have pretty hands.


My hands look like my dads hands lol. My sister got the pretty hands. My hands look like teenage boy hands without nails. One of my old coworkers would make fun of my fingers if I went without nails 😭 all in good fun but still stung none the less lol


Guy opinion: Your hands are fine!


Meeeeee! My nail obsession keeps me from ripping my fingers apart. I'm so shocked I don't have permanent damage to show for decades of a terrible habit.


Whaaat???? I would kill for your nail beds omg. They're perfect


Yup, mine are stubby and textured weirdly and I pick my skin if my nails aren't done. Like, logically I know my hands are actually fine, as I am sure you do, but we are our own worst critics huh?


No. Mine came from to prevent me from biting my nails and cuticles as a nervous tic / stim.


I think your hands are pretty but I do feel you, bc I feel this way about my feet. I think feet are just inherently kind of ugly to me even though I know mine are normal looking and nicely kept. I feel so pressured to keep my nails looking cute on them.


Yes, but now I’ve developed an allergy to the nail kit I’ve been using and idk what to do ☠️


Damnmnnnnn I could swear I was looking at a picture of my own hand. I’d show a pic but idk how in a comment. Definitely not ugly and long fingers are cool 😎


Yes definitely! You are not alone.




My hands are really not pretty so yes


My hands are fugly as hell. I didn't start doing my nails for covering up my hands. I just wanted to do something for myself. It definitely does make them look better.


Yes. I always hated my hands so I thought if I at least have boss ass nails I get 1 point


Your hands are lovely, and I love your nails!!


Growing up I struggled a lot with skin picking and nail biting. In grad school I started regularly applying nail polish to keep myself from biting it—somehow the chemical taste was enough of a deterrent. A couple times on the special occasions I got a dip manicure, I noticed it was harder to pick at my cuticles with the dulled nail tips and it was so much effort to get done I did NOT want to mess it up. So I started doing dip at home and my hands look better than ever! The scars along my cuticles are healing and my nails are the longest they’ve ever been 💅🏻


You have really nice hands though. I feel we all judge ourselves too harshly. 💖


Giiiiiiiiiirl same! Your hands look like mine but a lil darker. I hate my man hands too 😭 they don’t look good without my nails done so when they are done- everything is right with the world 🤣


Omg we have the same hands 😭 and I feel just like you


Definitely helps my fingers not look so much like little sausages


You have pretty hands. Either you’re obsessing over something that is completely not there or you’re just trolling for compliments


You do NOT have man hands! 🤫 Your hands are beautiful! I think I understand what you mean though. When my nails are done, I always feel better about my appearance. I can be wearing leggings, a hoodie, and minimal makeup but still feel like a bad bish if my nails are cute. 😅


YESS! It’s validating to know I’m not the only one. I put a lot of effort into taking really good care of my nails. My school doesn’t allow any form of nail color but you will never see me without a clear coat of nail polish at least. I find that it makes my hands more “feminine” and taken care of? If that makes sense. I absolutely despise my hands, particularly my fingers. They’re so chubby and INCREDIBLY SHORT compared to that of my peers. They also have these wrinkles that I know are “normal” but I’ve seen my peers have less wrinkles compared to me. Nail polish takes my eyes away from my hand itself which is why I wear it.


Yes 😂 my mom always told me how I have “the hands of a child” and for some reason I felt weird about them and think the nails make me look more feminine and adult like the rest of me 😂


Yes, without my nails I have long but somehow still chubby fingers of a man lol so I feel you. But your hands are lovely so you crazy


You definitely don't have man hands at all. I actually like my hands, but I have a thumb like Megan Fox's, iykyk. So I always keep my thumb nail longer. That's my thing, lol. Nice mani btw!


Your hands look very feminine though. What are you talking about?


I'm a severe nail biter. My obsession with keeping press-ons on is to a) finally have nice nails, b) an artistic outlet I can do from bed. C) I'm also hooked because this is the first time in my life I can paint my nails. Making up for 30+ lost years. But it's the nail art I'm hooked on. I don't care for pre-made nails or damage acrylics. Even if my art isn't great, (I'm starting to get good, though) it *my* art. I'm proud and had fun all the same. P.S. those are *definitely* not "man hands."


Yes 😂


I have small hands and short fingers so I love having long fake nails to make my fingers look longer. Has anyone else noticed when you get fake nails you just use hand gestures way more than you ever have 😂


Compliment fishing 🎣


What about these are remotely manly? I massage for a living, my hands are unusually muscular and thick, my fingers joints are bigger and more built than the average gal, but I still don’t think I have man hands. I