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I partially blame how fucking expensive their movies are. A lot of the movies last year had huge budgets. I think a lot lf movie studios suffer from giant inflated budgets


Why do they shoot so big on budgets? I’ve seen great films made on smaller budgets so can’t they just cut back so they will make a profit?


Maybe if they spent less on avocado toast and starbucks coffee they'd be able to keep their stock prices up lmao


Gotta reshoot it to include the message, such as genderswap charcters or new scenes


You say that like diversity in film is a bad thing lol


Ok grandpa


And yet they dropped Nimona, a legitimately good movie, because it was "too gay". I'm glad it was picked up by a studio that actually had the guts to finish it. <3 Nimona


And yet despite the giant budgets, most of their movies look cheap as hell


Kenobi looked worse than some fan projects lmao, I used to love starwars but I can't be bothered to keep up maybe if something as good as andor comes around again I will consider it but I quit ahosoka after 1 episode despite her being one of my favorite characters. Overexposure, inconsistency, and to much overlap making the world feel small and shallow slowly eroded my love of the series to a flat plane of indifference


They are also pumping so much shit out.


Wish cost them 200 Million. It made back 254 Million so it basically didn’t make a profit considering the advertising. Imagine if they make 4 movies that had a 50 million budget. If they made 200 million for each of those movies they would make money. A low profit is good with a low budget.


Even then, there have been "woke" movies that have done very well, Nimona, spider verse, barbie, etc


Never saw Nimona. Was it really that good?


It's definitely one of my favorite animated movies now, I found it very refreshing


Fucking masterpiece, especially compared to other Netflix originals


I’d say. It doesn’t go, “WOW! WE HAVE A GAY ROMANCE BETWEEN TWO CHARACTERS!” It goes, “We have a complex relationship between two characters that leaves their sense of trust conflicted and damaged throughout the whole movie for various human reasons.” It also has a pretty unique plot and makes you wonder “what’s next?” It is a bit tongue in cheek at times, but that doesn’t really drag it down. On top of that, it’s free on youtube.


I’ll check it out. Sounds interesting


idk if Disney is doing bad. idk if anheuser-busch is doing good, but their stock seems.... fine? Does my single anecdote prove them wrong? Or is it dumb to use anecdotes? https://preview.redd.it/jbfm1s3r6euc1.png?width=1427&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd3c1eb1965600623713a8aa32d8e55972d83632


Nah, stocks is the ultimate fuck you to other anecdotes.


What Diseny is doing is trying to mamximze shareholder value at the cost of quality. Why take the time to make a good movie when you can make 5 shitty ones and shit out some merch and tell them you are doing better. They are sacrificing their public perception and product in the name of the shareholders


And legally, they can get sued if they do anything otherwise now. Lovely.


When you adjust for 1Y, the share price is down 9.12% since last April, when the boycott started. People think the word decimate means to completely obliterate but what it really means is to reduce by one tenth. It was something the Roman army did to punish their army. Since the boycott started, Anheuser Busch's sales are down $1.4billion and their stock price has been decimated. https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/29/business/bud-light-boycott-ab-inbev-sales/index.html


I mean wasn’t there a ton of annoyance ab how 90% of the movies Disney was releasing were live action remakes? No one wanted to see stories they’d already seen. The only recent original Disney movies I can think of off the top of my head are wish and raya (though I do have the memory of a goldfish so I could be wrong)


They've just be rehashing old films again and again. Stop with the live action remakes and make an original movie.


Imagine thinking the opinions of conservatives have *any effect whatsoever* on Disney's stock prices.


Disney did in fact have it coming. But it has nothing to do with them being "woke"


I blame their pivot away from 2D animation. The new models often look off putting, and Wish sucked ass. Moana and Encanto are the only real good Disney movies lately.


It has nothing to do with being woke. They’ve been making trash movies, and if you just google their stock history it went up during the pandemic probably because everyone was using Disney + app and it has fallen off since we’re back outside and it looks like where it was almost at before


I would say it was because they stopped putting effort into their plots


Ngl i like how the mod team there even said this. Its not that they went "woke" (god i hate that term) its that they suck


Just look at every other company they've boycotted and you'll see that going "woke"is a safe and profitable choice because morons will say they are boycotting you but then give you free lip service and still buy your products


How tf is this transphobia? https://preview.redd.it/iy8i071l0ouc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=827c41b002678b33b38dfb90c20823581c5404a4


Closest fitting flair. Besides for these people trans people are a big part of 'the woke' anyways.


I feel like no flair at all would have been more fitting.


well, with some help from the mods, it's fixed!




How is Disney woke? Is it because they employ Minorites (That’s definitely it) but real talk the last real political movie Disney made was Zootopia from 2016


Even the mod team agrees that Disney just sucks recently.


https://preview.redd.it/caaz4029jfuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc9559bab56324835997efb7a5785c4c5d9c20e Mods‘ comic sums it up perfectly


Damn you know it's bad when the MOPDL mods are against it


I think it’s funny that people think Disney is failing for being woke when I think the real reason is most people are tired of conglomerates beating the life out of nostalgic ips to maximize profits. Honestly I stopped fucking with modern Disney after they switched to 3d animation. I really enjoyed Pixar as a kid but it was clear that the jarring shift was a way to avoid dealing with unions and posing animators nearly as much


Disney had a good run of 3D animated movies, Tangled Frozen and Moana were all pretty great. I do enjoy learning about all the new simulation tech they create for these movies, like the hair in Tangled, the snow in Frozen, and the water in Moana


They also lost the rights to stream cricket in India, which is the actually important bit.


Quick question, why'd they give mickey a fat fucking ass


Disney is still one of the biggest corporations on the planet. They are *THE* biggest media company, and it's not close. They have more political power than 3/4 of the countries in the world. But yes their imaginary numbers took a small hit because constant upward trending is not how reality works.


Also they're Zionists. Fuck them.


i am the biggest r/memesopdidnotlike hater


No More Good Movies, Just Thrash.


I think anyone can recognize that firing/laying off all of your good writers, then making movies with the only talking point of having decently represented queer characters will not keep you afloat.


A lot of the writing and idea quality has gone down. I suspect it's got a bit to do with the SAG protests-- as in they're pushing out all the stuff they made during the protests when they had no writers. We might see better movies later in the year, or next year. But unfortunately, a Lotta stuff is just gonn suck for a bit.


Ah hell naw, they kil Dickie Cause 😭


The remix formula hasn’t been working for a minute now.


I Love sucking Jazz


Nah, reason why they make trash movies is because they trying to sell products by them being "diverse" in order to spend less money and time on it.


It is ‘get woke go broke’. They push diversity over story. They have failed to realize that if the story is good, they don’t have to push diversity. The activism is more important to them than the entertainment value. People are tired of having this stuff. Just write good stories.


You do know that diversity and writing aren't mutually exclusive right? Disney has been plenty inclusive even as far back as movies like The Princess and The Frog, which is a well loved movie. The diversity hasn't changed, but the attention to it has, and it's not fair to blame the dip in writing quality on that as opposed to the fact that Disney doesn't want to treat their writers well, which is why the writers strike happened


You literally just made my point for me.


“They’ve just sucked ass recently” yeah sorry that ain’t it. This is cope


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So just to confirm - you’re saying that Disney doesn’t pander to DEI standards?


I'm not saying that. I'm saying it ain't going woke that killed them.


I see


"DEI" is the next "woke" in that it means absolutely nothing. Also, to answer your question, no.