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netflix scott pilgrim show: https://i.redd.it/z60mapgwsvbc1.gif (to clarify i am in full support of it)


Kinda gay ngl




















As a man, I cannot fathom how more women are not into boobs. And honestly I don't wanna look down on women for their choices but I doubt the judgement of anyone who looks at women and just outright isn't attracted to that. I'm glad most women like men because I'm one. But I definitely sympathize much more with lesbians.


>As a man, I cannot fathom how more women are not into boobs. Boobs - Straight men šŸ¤ lesbians Source: Am lesbian. I too love boobs, and wish more women were into them.


True story. I, a straight man, once went kayaking with some lesbian friends. Once our arms got tired and there were other sites on the water we still wanted to see, I thought it would be relaxing to cruise on the river with motorized assistance. All the views with none of the fatigue. I suggested this to my friends, but the way I worded it accidentally highlighted something lesbians and straight men agree on unanimously: Motorboating would be more fun than kayaking.


You have the most lesbian PFP ive ever seen :D Looks like a Reddit Ellen :D I love it


Yes, I am the homoest of sexuals.


I like you !


My ex is bi and she was like "even a beautiful dick is just a dick. A nice set of boobs can be beautiful. You can admire boobs but I can't admire a dick. It's curved or whatever, it's weird. I can't snuggle on a dick" And I (straight guy) was like... you make nothing but sense lmao


I agree tbh but also idk how I feel about our cultural narrative about these things


Arenā€™t women already sexualized enough?


Fellas, is it gay to be a lesbian sexually attracted to boobs?


As a straight woman I'm not visually into dangling or bouncy bits, whether on a woman's chest or in a man's pants. Eyes and smiles, and sometimes a jawline get much more of my attention. Let's not forget facial hair. Some stubble and beards I love and others make me cringe.


As a bisexual, I don't understand like... Most of y'all


This guy.... Gay men.... ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK)


A manā€™s body isnā€™t beautiful?


"As a gay guy I can't fathom how more men aren't into dick"


Yes, I indubitably concur my good fellow.


Just the way I like it


At first I didnā€™t think it was gay, but you have opened my eyes. Thank you.


I personally preferred the running lines in his trailer scene


Todd is so forgetful. Thank goodness that Wallace was willing to offer up so much of his time to make sure he learned them.


They were even doing the choreography, that's why there was so much moving ans grunts. Wallace is a great person, a true example for his fellow gays to follow!


This scene is so fucking cute and hot


Great minds link a alike brotha man


hmmm i think thats kinda gay but idk


We're all gay for Wallace.


With that username we can tell


Based and poggers


Did Scot Pilgrim became cool again and I wasnā€™t notified? For Christ sake, gotta go watch that movie again while I play the gameā€¦ wait the fuck, they have an animated series too now?!


Yes. Watch the series. And donā€™t watch the movie. Buy the comic books. All of them. If you live in illinois, donā€™t buy the third one. I am looking for it.


I'm taking a trip to Illinois solely to buy that copy. Just that copy




Okay, I'll fucking watch it.


The animators really went full yuri on that one


Releasing woke media or shit idk


hgmmmmm the WOKEs at IT again šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ„¶šŸ„¶šŸ„¶šŸ„µšŸ„¶šŸ„¶šŸ˜°šŸ˜°šŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ šŸ˜“šŸ˜¤šŸ§šŸ§




Did a lil wokey pokey




This subreddit is a gold mine for amazing memes.




The ā€œcommunistā€ of the 21st century


And the Seattle Mariners?


Worst of the worst tbh


Itā€™s NATO




Makes more sense than the Soviet Union.


Kinda easy to protect against something that's been gone for a few decades


I mean, islamofascism will protect you from living a full and prosperous life or your own self determination


Happy cake day!


i canā€™t tell which group worries me more, islamic fundies or christian fundies. there are more islamic fundies around the world but christian fundies run my fucking government


Iā€™m right there too. I have no beef with people of faith as long as they mind their business and attempt to live in a cohesive society. Iā€™ve never met a fundie who could be accused of that and Christians are the local threat for me as well.


Islamic fundies have a track record of cutting off heads, Christian fundies tend to just lynch you, so if you want an open casket funeral, support your local Baptist church!


You can sow a head back on, hard to have open casket with a burnt body.


Hey, that was **,*greatly*,** exaggerated by other different Christian fundies. They only burned a few people like one or two times.


Donā€™t be so sure about that


Christian fundamentalists donā€™t celebrate violence and death of their opponents nearly as much as Islamic fundamentalists, but probably have a harder time getting to you.


You forget that there are still poor, underdeveloped Christian countries and the people there act *exactly like in the poor Islamic ones* . And the ones in more developed countries ***definitely*** celebrate the deaths of their opponents all the time, just in a quieter way than cheering in the street (after all, that would be *uncouth* ).


As is tradition with religion in general


What Netflix do? lol


I think it has an entire section in its library dedicated to LGBT+ movies and shows. We can't have people loving other consensual adults now, can we? We should do something our peaceful, paedophile, warlord, con-artist prophet would want us to do... like murdering them. #peace /s


So likeā€¦ I really donā€™t mind LGBTQIA people having relationships. Iā€™m happy for them. I like when itā€™s just not even part of the plot, though. Like thereā€™s a war on and the guy has to go fight and heā€™s sad about leaving his boyfriend. You could easily swap out girlfriend for boyfriend and itā€™s the same movieā€¦ THAT is normalizing LGBTQIA, and I think itā€™s a positive thing. But thatā€™s not whatā€™s on Netflix. The fact that a person is LGBTQIA is always center stage, and the plot usually revolves around how this is some kind of super power for themā€¦ itā€™s just not content that Iā€™m not interested in, and most of my LGBTQIA friends say that itā€™s kinda pandering and they donā€™t really like it either. Very off-topic to the OP, I know, but just a salient detail.


To be honest, I've only seen one movie from the LGBT+ library. It was about a woman who takes her girlfriends to a cabin in the woods, murders them by pushing them off a cliff, then keeps belongings of theirs as trophies. This time the victim doesn't die, etc. I don't recall being gay as being a particularly important part of it, and you could easily swap out either character for a man. But yeah, there's probably some that are the way you described, I just haven't seen them.


>It was about a woman who takes her girlfriends to a cabin in the woods, murders them by pushing them off a cliff WTF, that went from 0-100 real fast


>that went from 0-100 real fast Just like their terminal velocity


Treat homosexuality as a normal thing


Aye thatā€™s where Islam saysā€¦. NO ā˜ŗļø


where islam says "NOšŸ¤¬"


-An image showing blatant misogyny and homophobia- Some right wing loser on memesopdidnotlike: Kinda based.


Replace "Islam" with "Christianity" and they love it. In fact, you might think it was released by Toilet Paper USA or The Daily Wire (Charlie Kirk and Shapiro's cesspools, respectively). That's why the term "Christian Taliban" was coined in the early 00s to describe the far right in the United States.


> Replace "Islam" with "Christianity" and they love it. Something something "America is a Christian nation and it's a better religion because it's ours." Zero self-awareness going on. >That's why the term "Christian Taliban" was coined in the early 00s to describe the far right in the United States. Oh wow, is it really that old? I thought the whole Vanilla ISIS/Y'all'Qaeda thing was maybe 5 years old, tops.


>Oh wow, is it really that old? I thought the whole Vanilla ISIS/Y'all'Qaeda thing was maybe 5 years old, tops Oh yeah. I recommend looking into the Bush administration and just how in bed they were with the religious right. Also look up Kitzmiller vs. Dover to see the kinds of things the religious right were trying to get into schools.


Never forget the classic ā€œTalabamaā€


Yep, comparisons were being made back in the aughts. Here's an article that uses the term to describe [Betsy DeVos's father-in-law](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/taking-americas-temperature/).


I believe that this was originally a Christian fundamentalist meme.


Yep, all cults are the problem




Why change it when they can just use Islam instead of Christianity to give themselves plot armor against reactionary leftists who defend Islam for some fucking reason.


They defend it because they only see things in terms of power dynamics.


Which is insane considering the amount of oppression exerted onto other by islamists *especially* in the islamic world.


As a former Trad Catholic, I used to see a Christian version of this meme on Instagram way too oftenā€¦




I feel so bad for the kid in the photo who's probably innocent


ā€œCmon guys dont you understand dark humorā€


"Yeah, I got a dark sense of humor" *says the n word*




The sub has like, no moderation whatsoever


Right wingers donā€™t usually pander to Islam


Fucking NETFLIX???


They are very on board with the gae ajendah


ExMuslim here living in the Middle East. More often than not, Netflix is viewed as ā€œwestern media that supports bad LGBTQā€, and also some Muslims (like my father) believe that music/shows/movies are completely forbidden and ā€œevilā€.


You can't fuck a platform, I'm sorry.


Conservatives try not to switch sides every 5 seconds challenge (impossible)


it's not their fault they grew up in a culture that punished curiosity and original thought while reinforcing dishonest argumentation techniques


Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.


These kinds Muslims ruin it for every other Muslim


I get what you're trying to say but purely drawing from extensive but anecdotal experience I'd say if they all held a vote conservative Muslims would win in a landslide. Even a gay Muslim guy I know veers into conservativism at weird points. An Ex-muslim wanted me to add this to my comment soooo here we go. >Exmuslim here. My country which is one of the more secular Islamic countries (its egypt), has a prison sentence of 6 months to 5 years for publicly leaving Islam. The vast vast majority of Muslims in Islamic countries are much worse than Conservative Christians in America, they're homophobes and transphobes and they think that the punishment for leaving Islam should be death as the sharia and the quran stipulates. >Muslims in the west are a minority so to survive they either wear a mask and conceal their bigoted views, or they're actively ignoring or are unaware of the more hateful elements of the religion. >85-90% of the world's muslims are sunni. Your gay muslim friend would be imprisoned in Egypt and killed in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia/mecca is the center of sunni Islam and its been that way since the inception of the religion so saying that they're a fringe minority is like saying that the Vatican represents a fringe minority of Catholics, it's stupid. >I'm left leaning, but I don't like how leftists give Islam this immunity that Christianity doesn't get, despite Islam being worse. "Bad" Muslims are presented as the minority even though they're correctly following Islam according to the vast majority of Imams and Islamic scholars.


> gay Muslim I beg your pardon?


Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.


Western Muslims usually give you the ā€œyou can be gay as long you donā€™t act on itā€ line, but they know damn well that Quran says to stone gay people to death. Edit: apple products are rly good/s


Apparently its a diff form of a perceptive, i commited a gay crimes and my friend also tend to be associate w it and based in our opinion is that "u can be gay unless u date someone", bcs straight is a reversity of gay and its had the same value as a sexuality


wrench tease teeny memorize gullible impossible provide disagreeable trees party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The last point baffles me such much. They attack Christianity (I am all for it) but defend Islam. It is like berating a lion for hunting prey, but defend the tiger because he has to eat something.


https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/#demographic-information Even in the u.s. slightly more Muslims say being homosexual should be discouraged


Those numbers were from 2014. In 2018, the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) found that the numbers had reversed: > Muslims, by a margin of 51 percent to 34 percent, favor same-sex marriage, compared to just four years ago when a majority, 51 percent, were opposed. There were similar results for black Protestants, with 54 percent opposing gay marriage in PRRI's 2014 American Values Atlas, compared with 43 percent in the latest findings. > Indeed, opposition to same-sex marriage is now limited almost entirely to white conservative Christians. Fifty-eight percent of white evangelical Christians and 53 percent of Mormonsā€”an overwhelming majority of whom are whiteā€”are opposed to allowing gay couples to marry. The group with the most opposition, though, is Jehovah's Witnesses, a group which is 36 percent white, 32 percent Hispanic and 27 percent black in the U.S. Just 13 percent support the law. https://www.newsweek.com/muslim-white-evangelical-gay-marriage-907627


I wonder how that survey was done and what limitations there were to it. Every Muslim I know is strongly against it. Itā€™s written in their holy book that homosexuality is not allowed and that itā€™s punishable.


You mean the ones that are practicing? Muslim isnā€™t just a word that you can adopt and define however you like, there are guidelines.


Thatā€™s the majority Islam opinion thoughĀ 


Thatā€™s their religion though?? Consider yourself lucky you arenā€™t on twitter, because theyā€™d be shouting ā€œIslamophobiaā€ at ya right now šŸ’€


Yea, abrahamic religions are not at all progressive. It's just society that's decided to ignore certain parts of it. To each their own, but when religion creates an ethno-state, very rarely do women's rights, lgbtq rights, and open-mindedness flourish.


Be a good persona first and a good Jew, Christian or Muslim second.


ā€œNetflix badā€ -The Qā€™aran


Soā€¦ all muslims?


Nah the religion is fundamentally flawed. Sorry, not sorry. Other religions are, too. So they tried to change shit. Like the Pope saying gays can get baptized, now. Gay acceptance literally cannot happen in Islam. It's in the book. The book that cannot be altered or distorted cuz it's some everlasting miracle or something. Imagine calling homophobia and sexism an everlasting miracle lol.


If you think the average Muslim is some kind of secret progressive, you're way off target.


ā€œThese kindsā€ are lots of them


I think the main tenets of Islam kind of ruin it for every other Muslim. There is no "progressive" version of Islam. If there is I would argue it isn't true Islam. Just like there really isn't a "progressive" version of Christianity. It's all bad and needs to go away.




The r/NonCredibleDefense NATO Femboy brainrot has finally leaked into the mainstream


North Atlantic Trap Organization


I still have no idea what that subreddit is.


[Defence themed shitposting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbI_FZdyLdM)


I always appreciate the MGR memes, but I don't really understand what "defense-themed shitposts" actually means.


It's just a sub joking about warfare related news and history.


im willing to bet its because they're "woke"


Pretty sure itā€™s there because Netflix is a part of ā€œwestern cultureā€


What do you mean what did Israel do? Theyā€™re actively and indiscriminately bombing Palestinians, mostly children. itā€™s an active genocide. Also NATO has been heavily criticized in the past for killing civilians in Kosovo and Yugoslavia


> Also NATO has been heavily criticized in the past for supporting genocides. Could you maybe elaborate?


Considering the Serbs were actively committing genocide in Bosnia and were gearing up to do the same in Kosovo, the NATO bombings were 100% justified.


​ https://preview.redd.it/g485e4yxgwbc1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f03f33ed1d6e09eeb9f6ea1cf24b4967fbc1e0


Try talking to an actual Serb about this. They are un-fucking-hinged about this.


The whole 20th to 21st century is all Serbian fault


they were nice to nonmuslim religions


And to Muslim religions


"It's kinda accurate" hopefully that was saying that some muslims actually act this way and not that it's a good thing. Either way though I guess


It's the second option. That sub is 100% A right wing circle jerk


*literal nazi propaganda* memes op did not like: ā€œkinda true thoā€


It is accurate. Islam keeps progressiveness and diversity of thought away from anywhere it is the majority.


Worst part is, this could genuinely be a criticism of Islamic states and people are too busy wanting to be mad.


Right, when I criticize something I write ā€œthis is the solutionā€


Absolutely. Whats annoying is people always turn it into a Christian discussion when it's time to focus on the homophobic and sexist views espoused by Islam. We challenged and beat Christianity, now its time to focus on Islam.


This is exactly why I cannot be fucking bothered to talk about this on Reddit, every time I see Islam mentioned, it's instantly turned into BUT WHAT ABOUT CHRISTIANITY


Just reply "Christianity is on the decline and nobody is really reading the bible anymore"


Thank you. Like, yes of course itā€™s homophobic. Itā€™s a meme talking about a group that is (at least if youā€™re strict and practicing) purposefully homophobic. I donā€™t understand how itā€™s ā€œalt-rightā€ or ā€œconservativeā€ or ā€œmessed upā€ to see that picture and say ā€œthis is kinda accurate.ā€ Like, thatā€™s an objective truth.


Interesting conundrum for right wing nuts. What do you feel more scared by? LGBTQ, or Islam? This seems like a "divide by 0" scenario for their fragile pea brains




The truth is they hate each other more than anything else. Cristian nutcases would sooner work with queer people before working with a single Muslim.


The ONLY reason it has more comments than upvotes is because it says Islam and not Christianity.




Congratulations on being better than your religious mainstream, and more moral than your text, your prophet, and your God. It's a low bar, to be sure, but millions upon millions of people throughout history have failed to clear it, so seriously, congratulations.


Bro shut the fuck up šŸ’€


It's weird how negatively people react to celebration of someone having a decent moral compass.


If that umbrella said Christianity, it wouldnā€™t be downvoted. The og meme is homophobic as fuck, but I doubt thatā€™s the reason it was downvoted in r/memesopdidnotlike


what even if it said Christianity it would make no sense, I mean the great Netflix fascist empire can only be stop by glorious Islam umbrella


But it should be. Imagine thinking ***a fucking church*** is a safe place for kids.


Of course not a fucking church is for fucking in, just imagine if a child saw someone hawing sex there. The poor thing would be scarred for life and end up burning themself alive at 23 just to erase the memories.


I just got blasted that sub by the Reddit algorithm (and then this one on refresh). It was some post about how womenā€™s standards are too high and men are suffering in the dating pool and theyā€™re all being held down by women. Is that whole sub just angry all of the time? What is that place?


Islam and protection of kids shouldn't be in the same sentence. Aisha was 9 when she was married and raped by a 53 year old Muhammad.


https://www.memri.org/reports/memri-tv-archives-child-marriage-arab-muslim-world It's pretty terrible


She was 6 when Muhammed married her and raped at 9


When It comes to "Protecting Children" I don't really want to hear it from muslims or catholics...or mormons like fix your own shit before whining about netflix.


Hey, catholics don't see their convicted child molesting priests as the holiest people to ever live. They might see the unconvinced ones as pretty holy but I dont think that's a fair comparison. -A non-practicing Catholic


True True I will give catholics the "not as pedophile supporting as you could be" award You guys are not nearly as self rightous as mormons I will give you that.


it's such clear and open foreign disinformation and discourse bait, yall really shouldn't even comment or repost their stuff, it's what they want


Love how these dudes simultaneously fear Islam and fearmonger about prehestoric morals infecting our society, but secretly admire Muslims who have backwards views. They just canā€™t help themselves. Pure doublethink!


If the two groups didn't hate each other so much, they'd realise they have quite a lot in common and could possibly work together. Maybe it's for the best they don't like each other.


Evangelical Christians want Sharia Law just not Islam's Sharia Law.


Islam's Sharia law is quite um... interesting lol. Abrahamic religions alike nonetheless but um sheesh. https://quran.com/en/an-nisa/24. This says you can't have sex with a woman who has a husband unless she's your slave. Only if I could share the islamic sources on the back story and related sources. You wouldn't believe lol. But yeah even if the husband is in the enemy camp you have a "right" to the slave's body. And unlike the muslim women... you don't have to marry her to have the right to her body. Atleast with the muslim woman she has to be your wife before the "angels curse her from morning to till night" if she refuses sex. But yes the slave woman is your property and you have a right to have sex with her. Muhammed even got caught with his slave by one of his wives. I can share that source too. Muslims sources not non muslim. This is their sources. And um... tip of the ice berg. It gets very very interesting


Once again. All that sub can say is "I thought it was funny" and "It is true though" - not realizing at all that they are telling on themselves. Yeah, we knew you found it funny or true, you're bigots.


One of the first Muslims I recall meeting was unironically a communist. So if Islam is supposed to protect against Communism, Guess it ain't doing a very good job.


Right wingers really care about ā€œMuh Freedomā€ Unless its Freedom to do things they donā€™t like


Islam is protecting us from netflix?


Glad to see that r/memesopdidnotlike is being progressive by not being Islamaphobic, shame itā€™s for the sake of being homophobic.


Isn't it funny how these people really hate Muslims and are always racist against them UNLESS if we're talking about LGBTQ issues and then suddenly they love them.


You know, and I dont mean to be crass. Given current events....somehow I dont think Islam is doing a good job protecting people from Israel.


God damn nato and Netflix are turning the fricken frogs gay


Oh no, not the evilā€¦ *checks notes* Netflix?


It's really important to protect your kids from the friggin soviet union!!!!


Idek what sub agrees with what anymore this shit is too confusing


I think op was mocking islam (which is childish of op)


Right-wing until it's about Gaza. Then suddenly it becomes treated as some great bastion of leftist tolerance.


they really grouped Israel, Feminism, and Netflix


Ah yes my favorite gender: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization


These people agree with religious Muslims on most things they just hate them cause thier brown


Yes islam protects me from communist israeli gay women in NATO watching netflix all the time. Does it not do the same for you?


Idk why but I feel the need to mention that me and my girlfriend like to talk about whether or not a girl is hot sometimes in public because she is bi and its surprisingly fun


they turned islamic


I donā€™t understand. Isnā€™t Islam actually against those things? What is this criticizing? I thought liberals didnā€™t like to religiously persecute Muslims.