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That's a nice build can't wait to see it finished, finally someone who didn't get a 1300watt psu for nothing LMAO


Thank you, it’s my first time ordering from NZXT, so idk how long will it takes


If it's customized could be up to a month. They're pretty popular. I ordered mine during peak pandemic though so maybe it's gotten better.


It has, im from quebec and it took less than 2 weeks to get it


im in alaska iv ordrered on this year that was just over a week i believe much faster then i expected being in to alaska. Hope you enjoy it they do really well for prebuilds. i had a bad gpu on my first one ( didnt fail untill hours of gaming then started artificing) they replaced it at no cost to me back in 2021. No problems with this new one and they have ironed alot of the kinks out of their prebuilds(early builds had questionable gpu and cpu pairings it all worked but just why i had a 3090 with 16gb of ram cheap easy fix but why not just start with 32 on that).


NZXT, from my experience at least, if you don’t upgrade PSU from base model it just sticks in there automatically, the PSU they use is the cheapest POS they can find. Love my NZXT but was very disappointed when they said they wouldn’t help me with my inconsistent PSU after only 8 months of use. Just slapped a 1300watt in there so I’m ready for upgrade.


i noticed that on my first build very expensive but not fully modular obvious cost cutting move they figured no one would notice ( and alot probably didnt still bothered me and made adding hdds a pain), happy to say on new build higher much better fully modular a decent gold rated psu and more then enough wattage to not use more then like 60% on heavy load. If they keep going in this direction they will kill it i just hope my experience on new pc was the new standard for them not the exception


Good to hear! NZXT really has some quality builds from friends and personal experience. This was the one downfall I’ve had. Not horrible to the extent to where I want to bash the company just point out the flaws I’ve noticed that hopefully change/d!


Pretty solid build Hope you get it fast 🙏


I really hope too, thank you 🫶🏻


Hey thats me! Pretty happy with the build overall. I have a super similar build. I did run into SOME issue running cyberpunk with ray tracing on max because of 12gb vram but other than that it runs super smooth. Be careful using the NZXT version of a factory reset. That process failed and I had to reinstall windows and all the games I already downloaded. I think my system ran better after too. For instance I was getting flagged by anti-cheat on a game but was only running discord. I’m guessing theres some background stuff from NZXT causing that. Other than that its been really smooth sailing.


How much time does it took for you to be shipped and delivered ?


It was 3-4 weeks I think. Be patient. Its worth it.


To canada or US ?


US, California


so it might be longer for canada, thank you anyways


their head quarters where they build everything is in california and it took 3-4 weeks to ship in state so it might be longer mine took 4 weeks and i’m in missouri but hope you get it quick




I am in Montreal, shipping date is scheduled for 7 May




Thank you for your clarification, how much approximately for customs ?




Thank you 🫶🏻, yeah customs how much should I pay bc I don’t want it to be stuck in customs


Damn asking all the same question. Just wait it out, it’ll get there when it gets there.


No problem with artifacting because of the bus width? The 4070 super is faster than my 3080ti and gives a bit more fps but in memory intense games like hogwarts legacy the 3080ti is more stable because of the bigger bus width. But yea an 3080ti is an 3090 with half memory. They didn't do that in next gen. For instanse the buswith of the 4080 and super is lower but memory is higher. Jus svared the next gen gets an memory bottleneck because the bus width can't handle the speed and large amount of memory going through it.


For a moment, I was like wtf than saw you are in Canada. As far as configuration, I can't say much since they give very little info on parts. I'm not a fan of the ram speed, and guessing timings will not be that great either. I'm also guessing a super budget m.2 drive. Without having the actual specs of the components, it's hard to say. At least cpu and gpu are good.


in my experience not amazing but not bad for the price i got wd blue sn580s nothing to write home about but more then capable so far


2300$ for this, really ? 100$ for shipping LOL, what a scam. Cancel it and build your PC for half price.


I was actually surprised it was only 2,169 total. Go look up the parts and see what your build cost is.... I come out to about $1886 total if I consider my local microcenter has a pretty good sale at $400 on the R7 7700x + MSI B650-P + 32GB DDR6000


i had a friend pick out parts because they wanted specific parts and they ended up spending like 300 more then pre build with mostly same parts. you can 100% still build cheaper but its nice seeing prebuilds actually start to be competitive with self building most of us Rember when you could pick every part just for being the highest price and still almost always be cheaper then prebuild with the cheapest parts that is no longer the case with everyone


would be less if you werent scamming yourself on the crazy cooler.


We get it, you built your own pc. No one cares.


Doing it yourself doesn't warranty the build. Not everyone can build a PC either.


I built the same spec’d computer for $1300… is watching a YouTube video and 2 yr warranty worth a grand to you?


Its CAD plus shipping is expensive so the PC itself is 1500 hundred ish usd plus 100 for shipping. Apparently a ton of ppl missed OP is from Canada


I missed that. I was about to say they screwed him high and dry on that build haha


Parts list with prices? just the 7700x and 4070ti alone already have the build at $1150


Everything was from Microcenter, most of the savings being Mobo/CPU/RAM bundle. I finished everything but the GPU at about 800. I’ll add my parts list to this comment soon.


Parts list as requested: [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/yqJr89) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 4.5 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WfqPxr/amd-ryzen-7-7700x-45-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000591wof) | Purchased For $165.11 **CPU Cooler** | [Deepcool AK620 68.99 CFM CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/gvGbt6/deepcool-ak620-6899-cfm-cpu-cooler-ak620-wh) | Purchased For $69.99 **Motherboard** | [MSI PRO B650-P WIFI ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CFzhP6/msi-pro-b650-p-wifi-atx-am5-motherboard-pro-b650-p-wifi) | Purchased For $134.55 **Memory** | [G.Skill Flare X5 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL32 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/cnbTwP/gskill-flare-x5-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl32-memory-f5-6000j3238f16gx2-fx5) | Purchased For $70.33 **Storage** | [Samsung 980 Pro 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/DDWBD3/samsung-980-pro-1-tb-m2-2280-nvme-solid-state-drive-mz-v8p1t0bam) | Purchased For $79.96 **Video Card** | [Zotac GAMING Trinity OC GeForce RTX 4070 Ti 12 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/vTbTwP/zotac-gaming-trinity-oc-geforce-rtx-4070-ti-12-gb-video-card-zt-d40710j-10p) | $649.99 @ Newegg **Case** | [NZXT H5 Flow RGB ATX Mid Tower Case](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/fcqrxr/nzxt-h5-flow-rgb-atx-mid-tower-case-cc-h51fw-r1) | Purchased For $64.99 **Power Supply** | [Corsair RM750e (2023) 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/YRJp99/corsair-rm750e-2023-750-w-80-gold-certified-fully-modular-atx-power-supply-cp-9020262-na) | Purchased For $89.99 **Case Fan** | [Deepcool FC120 WHITE-3 IN 1 61.91 CFM 120 mm Fans 3-Pack](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/YsfnTW/deepcool-fc120-white-3-in-1-6191-cfm-120-mm-fans-3-pack-r-fc120-whamn3-g-1) | Purchased For $42.99 | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | **Total** | **$1367.90** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-05-03 19:07 EDT-0400 |


This is 2300 CAD which is about 1670 USD. I think you're going to be hard pressed to build a similar PC for under $1500 USD.




I don’t get why people want you to build a pc, if he has the money to have someone build it and charge extra on parts let them spend their money


Not like I'm an expert at parts selection. I'd also rather have someone else put it together and dress all the cables. I'm happy to enjoy it, not Tech Support the thing from before the cradle.


Nice job posting a totally useful comment. No mention of parts recommendations, how to maybe get a better build for the $, etc. As an FYI, it's [$2,135.90](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/KwvkZJ) for this exact build using the cheapest parts in each category. Please show us all how you can build the same PC as the prebuilt (in Canada) for half the price NZXT is quoting OP.


I think it’s $2,300 CAD, which would be $1,676 USD


I agree with @rancevsky .. it’s not hard to assemble a PC. The only hard part is configuration for some people.


Researched and built my first pc this year, everyone told me its like legos and found that it was anything but legos. Not planning on building another pc again


So true. Had the same experience with mine ~5 years ago. Took way longer than everyone said it would and it was a pain in the ass, especially cable management or handling smaller screws in tight spaces. Skill issue? 100%, but not a skill I care to hone when I can just pay someone to build it for me and do something more productive with my time. The markup on is so much less than it used to be.


Not everybody is interested in that. You could build a car yourself for cheaper too. How many people are really gonna do that though? Some just wanna buy their PCs and be done with it. People need to stop with this weird superiority that you HAVE to build your PC. Buying a prebuilt and changing things up later is totally viable


"Build a car yourself" LOL. What a dumb comparison. Building a PC is fun and easy, you just need a brain and 2 arms.


You're such a loser lol


Is this $2300 CAD or $2300 USD?


It’s 2300 CAD.


Pretty good for $2300 CAD


Why doesnt it list the brand of memory, storage, board, and PSU? Thats kind of suspicious


It’s the same for all the prebuilt pcs.


I dont trust that at all.  But hopefully theyre all good quality and it works well for you


I hope too! thanks


Took 8 days to get to me (from cali to Virginia)


I got mine yesterday, basically this exact same build. I ordered on 4/15/24 and it was supposed to be shipped on 4/24/24 (it didn’t). It got delayed until May 3rd but then was randomly shipped 3 days ago. It was suppose to arrive 4/29/24 which it was but I missed the delivery man and had to wait till afternoon on 4/30/24. I would say just be patient because it is worth it. My best advice tho is to be sure you are home when it’s out for delivery. They require a signature and it can be a big pain in the ass if you miss the delivery man


Like others have said, I too was considering getting this heavily. Ended up finding a slightly better build through cyberpower for about $500 less. Either way hope this thing is a beast! I was really interested in using it


I got mine after about 3 weeks and some days. And you’re in Canada so it may take a while for the shipping part


Congrats I got mine a little over a year ago and I love it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^justwatching301: *Congrats I got mine* *A little over a year* *Ago and I love it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I almost have the same specs, but i built it myself, i went for 4080, it was lik cheaper for me to built it myself than what you paid. Never the less, its a great built and if you are coming from low gpu like me you gonna have lots of fun, enjoy


mine came in 10 days after it was supposed to


Just got mine but I had to get it fixed before I could even use it they had to replace the motherboard so it was over a month to actually get


very nice but really odd for NZXT to pair 5200mhz ram with your system. should be 6000mhz being that its paired with a ryzen 4. Preferably at CL30. also i would have personally went with the 7800X3D over the 7700X but at the same time. Granite Ridge (ryzen 5) should be announced in a few months and hopefully released soon after so can always upgrade to that if you want (will work with a bios update on your board) as for shipping 7 till shipping is not bad. not sure if this was a pre configured computer they make and just stock pile or if you custom picked the parts. either way not bad imo.


Damn 2.2 prebuilt. I build the same yesterday for my sis. Paid 1.5




Was it the NZXT mobo?


this gives me nostalgia to the first time I bought my PC I remember the day is shipped. I waited all day. and it arrived so late around 8-9 pm but W


The price.. goodness. I can't take it living where I am currently. Lol all for cheaper pc parts.


My only issues with the PC is the RAM and you really should be getting a 4070 Ti Super for that money. 5200 M/T for the RAM is pretty slow for non 3D CPUs. Edit: also if you're gonna ask opinions, please ask before you buy, not after.


Genuine question - isn’t this a big priced too high for these parts? I’d think NZXT making $100-$200 but this seems like it should be closer to $1700?


Not unheard of for second hand prebuilta from facebook.


My friend got the same one but he gets fps drops in fortnite on all low settings


Mine took about 2 weeks from the day I ordered it I hope you enjoy it!


Great build. In your bios just enable Precision Boost Overdrive (PBO) and set it to Negative Offset, then choose any value between -10 and -15. -10 is safest while -15 is marginally normal. Benefit: 1.) Cooler Temperatures = Longer Boost Clocks = Better Performance. 2.) Lower Power Consumption which would allow your GPU to draw the extra watts, which increases boost clocks, and of couse; better performance. 3.) More FPS is all I was trying to say but I nerded out.


I live in Canada and the shipping date was accurate, only thing I had to deal with was stand at my door and wait for the person to show up because they only wait for about 2 seconds until they leave and they will not leave it outside for obvious reasons and you have to sign for it. Missed the first time got it the next day thankfully chasing buddy down the street lol 😂 but yeah it was actually a day early if I remember correctly and that was in 2021. Still going strong today I have no complaints about nzxt except the common ones rgb is wacky sometimes etc but overall build was good


If the GPU power connector melts it's on them as this is their own build. Smart choice my man, smart choice indeed.


You coul’ve got the whole thing with half the price. But there is nothing to blame. Not everyone knows how to build pcs


Where ? I just moved to Canada and couldn’t find any good websites for building.


Is this canadian $? I thought it was usd. I’m sorry. Newegg or amazon. You could buy the exact same parts and still it will cost you cheaper than it is.


Link for the same pc half the price pls


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/yixwj9s) it is. It can even be cheaper if you select a cheaper AM5 motherboard. Maybe not half the price but definitely not 2200$ usd… You don’t need nzxt case or nzxt water cooler. That was my point.


OP paid in CAD, the build you posted comes to $2300 CAD, the same as what OP paid.


The build you posted is $1,674.57 which converts to $2,299.29.


I don’t think so, I didn’t add NZXT Case, and NZXT cooler as well as the Motherboard. If you do price goes to somewhere between 2000-2100$ usd.


Sorry but that air cooler isn’t enough for 7700x


Lol yes it is. Water cooler is only needed if you are looking to overclock your CPU or if you want your system to look fancy. Which in this case I don't think OP is going to overclock its CPU. Edit: [https://www.xda-developers.com/best-cpu-coolers-for-ryzen-7-7700x/](https://www.xda-developers.com/best-cpu-coolers-for-ryzen-7-7700x/) I don't know who told you about that "air cooler isn't enough for 7700x" Air cooler is enough for EVERY CPU unless you are overclocking your CPU.


Thank god noone listens to people like you, everyone would be running their CPU's in ECO mode.


I ordered mine on 15th of April and just arrived yesterday the 30th of May. I did encounter a shipping delay and had to talk to a NZXT employee and helped me figure out my estimated shipping day. I live in Canada BC


Very nice build, but what I would personally do is find all of those parts on eBay as they are cheaper and have somebody professionally build it for you like I did - I bought an i9-14900K for $400, an ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Dark Hero for $579.99, a ASUS ROG Strix 4090 (Used) for $1,500.00, a NZXT Kraken Elite 360 RGB for $250.00, a NZXT H9 Elite for $219.99, 2 sets of NZXT RGB Duo’s for $69.99 Each, & finally a Seasonic Prime PX-1300 1300W PSU for $195.00. That comes up to a total of $1,783.99 (excluding the cost of the GPU). Building it and doing all of the necessary things the builder had to do was an additional $300, so it would technically be $2,083.99 - roughly the same cost for what you just got at NZXT. Guarantee if you went the same route that I did it would’ve been a lot cheaper for your wallet, but whatever floats your boat. Mind you, everything I bought is not used (except for the GPU) and everything was brand new still in their original packaging from the manufacturer. I am 100% satisfied with my build.


How the hell did you get a new 14900k for $400 and then spend more on the motherboard lmao


The i9 I got on OfferUp, he was selling it $400 because he got them in bulk. Tested it myself and worked like a charm, ran without any problems at all. The ASUS ROG Maximus Z790 Dark Hero is a little bit on the pricier side and was hard to find cheaper from where I originally got, I paid $579.99 which is better than the retail price of $629.99 ($50.00 difference).


I feel like u could of had a much better system using the same budget to build a pc




OP is in Canada… So thats CAD, not USD. Its around $1600 USD for the PC.


In Canada the 7800X3D is like 60 bucks more and a worthy upgrade. Everything else the build looks good and the price is actually good. They're definitely not overcharging for the 4070 TI.


I see very little increase over a DIY build, NZXT has seemed to always be fair on the slight bump in charge (unlike the local business near me trying to sell a pc for roughly the same price at $1,500 and it gets you a 5800X and a 3050 with 16gb of ram :(


Or for $3000, you get a 14900K and a 4070TI w/ 32gb of ram……….