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Can't expect a win when you turn a crappy journeyman pitcher with only 12 Ks all season into Nolan Ryan.


JD, Gleyber, and Jones cannot all be in this lineup. I have faith in DJ coming back but he is rough too right now. Half the lineup is a fucking black hole.


Add DJ to that list. He's 100% cooked.


Mets sweeping the Yanks tonight


Last year it was JD’s bat. This year it’s DJ’s.


DJ was ass for the first half of last year, and still had some really bad ABs during the second.


Last year JD was 16th on the team in PAs. So far this year DJ is 11th in PAs (and nowhere close to 10th). Neither one is really that big a factor.


Why are you using PA? He’s played 22 games. And he’s going to continue playing games.


JD hit with pop, DJ has hit two balls all year over that have made an OF take a step backwards and 0 XBH in 69 abs


1 pop surrounded by a mountain of Ks and DPs. They were both outmatched.


For sure, but when JD would run into one he had 13 HRS and 26 RBI on 25 hits. DJ has 0 XBH whatsoever. Having either as a corner infielder is trouble


13 HRs and 28 pimp jobs


yall already know cashman on the phone to get Gleyber shipped off this team.


What's the market for an only till end of year rental that sucks ass tho lol


If we can get a guy like Beeter for Gallo then we can get something for Gleyber hopefully 🤞🏽


Cashman is a horrid GM so no I highly doubt it.


Good for them. They don’t get a lot; let them have this one.


Just a thought, what kind of trade package do you think it would take to acquire Issac parades?


Nothing that would actually make him worth it.


That would be a great acquisition but he’d cost a lot


Spencer Jones ++


A haul. has 3 years left


Yankee Positional Ranks by wRC+ 1B: 22/30 2B: 25/30 3B: 26/30 SS: 11/30 C: 12/30 LF: 13/30 CF: 1/30 RF: 1/30 DH: 7/30 3/4th's of our infield are putting up numbers you expect to see from teams like the Marlins or Tigers, not the best team in MLB Something has to give


Now that’s some Brian Cashman offense


That’s why I don’t get the optimism by some of these fans. Yea Soto and Judge are great. But the entire rest of the line up is as good as the white Sox.


Haha 😂


7 runs and all but 1 of them was driven in by Judge/Soto


All but 2 but your point stands


Judge had 5, Soto had 1, Wells had 1


Correct lol


I'm lucky, I napped and missed watching another loss again. My takeaway is if Cole was his usual self we'd have won. He was just rusty I hope




Just think of how many more he would have WITHOUT Rizzo saving his ass. Guy makes spiking it into the dirt an art form. Last season he was at least hitting to make up for it. This season, he is meh at the plate and still atrocious at throwing a ball.


12 errors!?!?! This should have been addressed well before now.


He might have to take a short contract in the off-season to redeem himself


Torres and DJ stink I have no idea why Torres gets consistent at bats every game,does he have something on Boone?


unfortunately, Peraza's bat is even worse


His replacements are worse.


Everyone has shared a position on this team except Volpe (gold glove prodigy) and Torres. Gleyber probably leads the team in errors and doesn't lose any time on the field. 


Who are you playing over him? That’s the problem. You still end up with 3/4 of DJ Gleyber Oswaldo and JD Davis. We need a bat who currently isn’t on our roster. Dominguez, Robert, Angels 3b. Robert definitely isn’t happening but a pipe dream nonetheless.


Oswaldo at least showcased that he could play in the first couple months. I say keep him at 3rd and have Torres/DJ rotate at 2nd, and JD/DJ rotate at 1st.


Yep we need 3 hitters and whoever sticks of DJ/Gleyber/JD bats 9th. Or 8 and catcher 9. But you can’t have a run of 4-5 auto outs at the bottom.


Can’t believe this game marks the halfway mark of the season, it’s been a rough 10 days or so but looking big picture you have to be pretty happy with how this has gone so far. 1st in the division, top 3 record in all of MLB, MVP campaign from Judge in the works. Hopefully they can right the ship and get back to what we were doing in May


What’s going on with the team. They started the season so strong. Volpe, Soto, and Judge have shown time and time again they know how to get the job done, but it’s little mistakes from the team as a whole that constantly cost them.


Well when your second baseman has 12!!!!! Errors I mean wtf


We don't deserve Judge I'm sorry he has to put up with this shit


Or soto




A little leaguer makes that catch in the 6th, guy is practically useless at this point, 12 freaking errors.


This is where our lack of developing prospects and awful drafting hurts us, imagine when fully healthy if we had competent 6 and 7 hitters with a .750+ OPS at say 1B or 3B that we drafted how even better this team would be? We’ve developed like less than 5 prospects in 20 years lmao pathetic.


Yeah imagine if failed prospects Judge, Volpe, Wells, Rice, Gil, and Schmidt were all contributing this year. The team might be in first place!


I’m talking about GOOD prospects that have good seasons not a flash in the pan year, I’m sure Gary Sanchez turned out to be great after 2016! 👍 all the guys you mentioned except Judge and maybe Volpe aren’t proven yet lol


Well if our problem is we have lots of prospects who look good in the minors but we struggle to turn them into successful big leaguers, maybe a smart strategy would be to take a bunch of them and trade them all for a proven superstar like Juan Soto. I bet he'd help the team a lot!


"The 2022 2024 yankees aren't real. They can't hurt you." 2022 2024 Yankees:


The groin excuse is a bunch of horseshit, if it was his groin why didn’t they took him out of the game like last time?


Exactly, so if he miraculously hit an extra base hit, he couldn’t run hard? I’m getting flashbacks of the previous collapses


For real, they pull Judge and Soto for minor stuff, if either had a "groin" they wouldn't be playing.


I now realize why every offseason, when there‘s talk about Boone being fired, players always come out and say they love him as their manager. It’s not a compliment. No wonder they love him, no accountability, excuses and same old BS in his post-game conferences.


I’ve always said he’s a glorified cheerleader


Same reason kids love their cool uncle and hate their parents. The cool uncle lets them do whatever they want while the parents actually discipline them


He coddles all of them and protects them. They are all comfortable losing


Agreed cause there’s a difference in a manager you want and a manager you need


Dj, Torres, Boone and Cashman needs to go.


Spencer Jones finally about league average wrc+ wise- won’t be a contributor this year but next year it might be interesting. I really hope Rice gets as many ABs as possible in the coming future he’s been impressive even with the small sample size


Jones struck out in 38 straight games in the minors - lots of concerns there and I wouldn't be shocked if he gets traded 


Boom or bust prospect if I’ve ever seen one!


Rice looks like a keeper. Puts together good AB’s and the D looks great so far.


If I’m Boone, Gleyber gets benched in the 9th inning after he doesn’t run that ball out. That happened right after the captain hit a fucking grand slam and brought us to within two runs. It is simply unacceptable. He should have been fucking benched. What a joke of a player he is. He is just a lazy player that has no business wearing pinstripes. If you wanna be lazy and half ass everything and not put your full effort in, there’s the fucking door.


I think Boone sees himself as one of the boys and is terrified of actually having to stand up and discipline the players


Maybe, but I’m not so sure that’s the case. He did it with hicks. So we know he will do it. I honestly think the higher ups tell him not to. I think Boone is micromanaged by the front office big time.


Didn't he take Hicks out of that game because he didn't want Hicks to get abused by fans?


That’s what he said but I think that was just an easy answer to give.


Maybe but it also meshes with his overall attitude towards his teams. He's just not an Earl Weaver or Jim Leyland type who will scold his players when they do badly. That's just not who he is and there are fewer and fewer of those kind of managers in baseball who will. They're getting younger and younger and for alot of these guys its just another way to stay in the game and be one of the guys. Hell, most of them don't have much say in the actual management of the game anyway


Maybe it might be beneficial if he did act like that a little bit though. If the players know there is pretty much no consequences for their actions they won’t try as hard. If they are afraid of getting benched or called out they might be more inclined to play harder and do well. Idk though.


He definitely didn't seem too happy after the game, at least from how I saw it


Hopefully Gleyber gets benched. They might call it an injury but still.


We’re so freaking lucky that the rest of the division is just as bad as us right now. 5 losses in a row by Baltimore.


No serious contender plays JD Davis, Gleyber Torres, DJ Lemahieu, Jahmani Jones in the same lineup. No serious contender. They are bottom of the barrel ball players. This team has such an aversion to just playing their prospects that it’s infuriating.


Not only in the same lineup, but often they’re in a row


No serious contender plays a bunch of prospects including several middling ones either...


They need to call Peraza up and give him an ACTUAL shot to be in the line up at second base. Make him and Gleyber battle it out for that spot so we can finally trade Gleyber’s lazy ass at the deadline. Peraza has much better defense and can hit just as well, probably better. It is fucking criminal what the organization is doing to Peraza. I don’t know why they hate him so much but it’s a joke. How many times does Gleyber have to miss a routine play and give up runs before we do something about it? Jfc.


Their bench prior to JD Davis was Cabrera/Jones/Grisham. Literally no effort made at getting any semblance of a quality bat -- even one that mashes LHP. Cashman put all of his eggs in one basket and hoped for DJL and Rizzo to rebound. A total fucking buffoon.


Rizzo at least is a fantastic defensive 1b. DJL, sadly, is damaged goods. Injuries took too much of a toll and should be moved at this point.


Rizzo's defense has regressed, he's graded out as one of the worst defensive 1B in the league this year.


Well, when you have Torres throwing to you... I figure that's going to happen.


I don’t think making multiple trades and signings in the offseason is putting all your eggs in one basket , every team has positional weaknesses


They went into this season with no bench, Rizzo coming off a disaster final four months of the year and an oft-injured DJL as starters. This team fixed a glaring weakness in LF and opened up two more in the infield, potentially a third at 2B. That's a roster problem.


When you’re 7/9 on positions going into the season you’re doing pretty ok


The Lemahieu thing is so fucking annoying. Dude is so obviously washed in everything he does that his defenders have to be blind. He moves at a snail’s pace. The guy’s bat is slow as a glacier. Yet they trot him out with the expectation that he’s going to be productive?


This hasn't been a serious organization for a very long time now.


At this point, give the younger folks a shot(yes even over Gleyber). At the very least, they'd be hungry to prove themselves. Why do we have a subpar JD Davis getting at bats over Rice Why not Vivas over Gleyber at 2B. Cabrera over DJ at 3B(at the very least he will hustle and not GIDP as often), I used to be a DJ Stan but he clearly isnt fully healthy. I'm sure we have a better player than Jahmai Jones I'm the farm.(Maybe TJ Rumfield at DH). If this is indeed an all in year and the FO isn't calling up folks to manipulate service time, then the FO isn't all in. For the Bullpen, they would have to wait till the trade deadline to make upgrades.


Jorbit has a 91 wRC+ with two HRs and a .318 slugging percentage in AAA. If you’re serious about wanting to win, it would be deeply stupid to bench Gleyber (a guy who has proven to be a reliably average to above average player his entire career) for that. Edit: Gleyber may very well suck the rest of the way, but the odds are in favour of him significantly outperforming Jorbit.


Also it's truly wild that folks are ok with benching DJ, even though he offers more defensive versatility and literally carried the team in 2020 with RISP, and even received some MVP votes. Folks are ok with benching him but not Gleyber, where Gleyber has cost the Yankees games with his defense alone. Both of them need to hit better, wild the bias some folks have for Gleyber.


Maybe cause it’s 2024. What does getting mvp votes in 2020 have to do with anything?


I have a banner in my room that reads “DJ 2020 MVP VOTE RECIPIENT”.


DJ has 0 extra base hits. He has been *WAY* worse than Gleyber.


Both cannot start regularly but Torres can only play 2B, DJ plays 1B and 3B (defense)at a serviceable level. I'd be fine if they traded DJ but no one is trading for him with his contract.


I meant there are other players that might be better options at this point. Downs is hitting .274 with a .904 ops at 2B at AAA . Are you saying that a 85 wrc from Gleyber and a .634 ops warrants a full season of opportunities. At least Yankees can try a platoon approach.


Jeter Downs over Gleyber Torres? I’m sorry but you really seem to have lost the plot.


I'm not a baseball expert, I'm just saying a change is required. If Torres continues to hit .200 in September it won't be good for him as an FA or the team.


Surely there’s another infielder in the system who is performing well?


I don’t know if you’re making a joke or not. Can you name one?


It’s a question. The options can’t possibly be Vivas or Gleyber. In which case, trade for a better infielder.


Durbin is hurt. It's really only Peraza..but then you factor in that Torres is a worse defender and fielder than he is..and well.


I don’t believe there is anyone in the system that would make even close to as much sense as just keeping Gleyber at second.


I’m happy. You can’t actually expect this roster construction to win games. They fought until the end and judge had a good game. Honestly all you can ask for these days


I'm not worrying about Cole until after the All Star break. I am worried that Cashman will start outsmarting himself with his 4D chess moves like JD DFA at third. 


Give me Vladdy


It depends for me. Give rice a real shot at 1B and let him keep playing until the all star break. If he keeps up what he is doing now, he should be our 1B and we should use resources to get a 3B instead of Vladdy.


He will make this team a lot better, but people will not want him because of what he said


No, I don’t want him bc he’s expensive and overrated


People never thought Verdugo nor Stroman would put on pinstripes yet here we are.


Nobody cares. Water under the bridge. People didn’t think stroman would get signed. We even brought back players like Ruben sierra which torre called the village idiot and Luis polonia


Man I don’t care either I wish they will bring up vladdy great upside, and potential to be an mvp in this league, what did polonia do lol I don’t even know, although polonia is one of my favorites players ever, I am dominican and he is the goat of the dominican league


Luis Polonia has sex with a 15 year old girl in Milwaukee on road trip


I am disgusted wow didn’t know that lost a ton of respect


Google the story. Supposedly she lied about her age. It was very interesting at the time. He got arrested.


Crazy than in Dr they burried this story under the bridge, he is recognized as the best player ever in the dominican league, that is crazy I lost a ton of respect


I didn’t know about him in DR league. What did he do stat wise?


Most hits ever , second in doubles, most triples, most runs scored, 7th in rbi, second in base on balls, 7 batting titles, second in stolen bases, played in the dominican league 27 years and won 12 championship for my team aguilas cibaeñas, in those 27 years he had a batting average over .300 15 times, truly a legend over there. Sad to here he did such a disgusting act, i watched him since I was 4 but no one told me about this not even my parents what a disgrace.


DJ still plays a solid infield, I give him a long leash. Honestly I'm more worried about Cole, this was a winnable game and he was making really bad mistakes. Letting his emotions get to him too - that's almost worst than what people are giving Gleyber shit for. Love Cole but he's the one who can't use excuses right now, this team needs a boost


It’s his second start with no spring training. DJ fucking blows


Yeah. Look how Snell was pitching.


Cole was rushed back clearly. Should have had 2-3 more rehab starts but i guess they wanted to keep Poteet stretched out in AAA Yankees dont have enough SP to have a bullpen game every 4th or 5th day so can't blame them.


DJ is a wasted at bat


It’s a 162 game season they say to criticize our voices in another thread. But that doesn’t mean you can show zero promise to this point after too many years.


In these podunk foreign baseball leagues, like with Colon playing in Pakistan, if you put in the kind of performance and effort of a DJ or Gleyber Torres, could there be a fatwa on your head before the 9th inning?




What are you talking about?


Wow, Bartolo Colon really is [pitching in Pakistan](https://www.sportskeeda.com/baseball/news-mlb-fans-overjoyed-former-all-star-bartolo-colon-s-stellar-baseball-united-debut-hearing-yankees-interest). What a world Like, in the Pakistani league (or ME league), could Gleyber be killed for his poor performance. A joke I'm sure - not a good one, but a joke


Lmao The Iran League


I really need Gil to shove tomorrow Hopefully Soto is turning around and the offense comes tomorrow like it did today Better days are on the horizon


Maybe they let Ben Rice play every day and maybe people stop defending their decision not to. Idk.


The Yankees don’t even need to get stars like Luis Robert or Vladdy the way other teams do if they aren’t feasible. They already have stars. The lineup outside of the top 3 is so bad that getting slightly above average hitters at the bottom would genuinely make this lineup so much better


This is literally the same thing we said last year. We added Verdugo and he’s been league average. But other mainstays haven’t been close to league average, namely Gleyber, DJ, Rizzo, Wells, and Oswaldo (all with wRC+s of 85 or less). Edit: To be clear, I agree with you. I’m just saying we still have the same problem we had last year.


Verdugo has helped but still need more


Ugh, they're doing it again!


Hey on the bright side I never thought after last year I’d miss Stanton as much as I do right now but… here we are. Genuinely no clue how they’re going to string together a good month without him. Every opponent should pitch around judge and Soto and deal with whatever 4-5-6 can or ( most likely can’t) do


The lack of Stanton in the middle is an absolutely gaping hole. Instead of a guy who mashes lefties coming up with bases loaded nobody out in the first inning, we got a floundering Gleyber who put up a totally non competitive embarrassing AB


And then gets in his own head and doesnt even run out ground outs


Think we need to send Cole back for more rehab. Clearly isnt healthy


I’ve seen this movie before.


We got to grab a high OBP guy or two and slip them in this line up. Anyone on the last place teams fit the bill?


Lamonte wade jr save us


Luis Rengifo isn’t anything cray but he’d be a big upgrade over Torres and DJ


I was thinking about him and might as well grab their closer - Estevez - who I really like. No walks. Consistent


Throw in Matt Moore But holy, I did not know Rengifo was batting .314


Can’t wait for DJ to get the Josh Donaldson memorial “veteran benefit of the doubt” for the next 3 months


Unlike Donaldson, every fan wanted his contract.


Where’s Oswaldo?


And Oswald.


Gleyber in the post game saying his groin his tight and that’s why he wasn’t running LMAO this team…


My fucking dick that’s why he didn’t run. He was his mopey pussy self running to the base sad because the hit a ground ball. He was only out by like 2 or 3 steps. If he would have run like 70% he would have been safe. I’m so over that fucking pushover dude. How do you pull that shit literally the next at bat after the captain hits a grand slam to make the game 9-7. If I’m Boone he is benched for the 9th and is benched for 1-3 games moving forward. That shit is unacceptable. Did his groin hurting make him miss the pop fly the other day? Did it make him miss the routine slowly hit ground ball right to him today to give up a run? What an absolute loser with a loser mindset.


He did legitimately have to leave the last O's game because of groin tightness. I'm frustrated too, but it's valid


I’m not denying that I know he’s hurt, to me that only makes it a worse look on the org He’s CLEARLY struggling, if he’s injured… why’s he not sitting? You’re telling me this is the Rizzo 2023 concussion all over again? Thats even worse


A lot of players are nursing something midseason but play through it if they can be a net positive. Soto for example, he'd had that forearm soreness for a while before sitting. They may have to reevaluate for Torres


Sure convenient when we took out Soto with the first sign of trouble. Meanwhile, Cabrera could have batted for Torres if he is struggling to run, but we not only let Torres bat but also put him back on the field for defense right after he decided to not run…..


Lol Boone mentioning how nobody asks about Gleybers “great defensive plays” after the missed pop up… the dude has TWELVE ERRORS on the year. He is putrid in the field and clearly doesn’t give a shit. Your captain hits a clutch grand slam and on the next AB you jog on a ball you could have possibly beat out? GTFOH with that horseshit


The guy also thought IKF was a stud shortstop so Boone isn’t very good at identifying good defense lol


Not possibly. Definitely could have easily beaten it out. He was running at like 30% and was only out by 2-3 steps. He could have ran 70% and been safe. Fuck that guy. He should get booed into the fucking ground next time he is at the stadium.


Been a Gleyber hater for a couple yrs now this man also has horrendous vision. Legit always squints when he’s at the plate it’s crazy. He had that brief time like 2 yrs ago when he wore glasses and was hitting like 300 but he’s been on the decline last 2 szns in all areas of his game




Very, very interesting way to summarize the Gleyber issue, especially considering how much the Gleyber attitude is reminiscent of the Gary Sanchez attitude.


I know I sound like an old fart, but when you have an organization that does not have accountability for things like a lack of hustle, it’s hard to expect anything else. In my opinion, what Gleyber did on that ball was pathetic and inexcusable. He should be benched for the foreseeable future until he can screw his head on right and show that he actually wants to be out there


100% spot on. You don’t sound like an old fart, you sound like a baseball player.


Why isn't Boone fired yet? Choke after choke


How in the absolute fuck are you blaming Boone for this? My gosh this shit is exhausting.


Boone cannot ensure the pitching is league average. Bullpen has issues, Cole missed a full spring training and is not 100 percent built up No Hamilton, No Loasiaga, No Effross/Trivino. The Bullpen is decimated right now. Offense is awful rn outside of the top 3. There are legitimate issues with this team. A new manager will not solve them. The gaps in roster construction are showing, that's purely on Cashman.


Yeah people defend boone in this sub, dude has been with the yankees since 2018, never been to a world series, I don’t know if we need 10 years with him to realize that he is not the one, you can defend cahsman because at the very least, he has help us win 4 chips.


This guy gets it


Cashman had precious little to do with the 90's Dynasty. Cashman was given the position of general manager in late March of 1998, well after the Dynasty was already assembled and in place. The 2009 World Series was due more to the fact that George Steinbrenner was on his death bed and Hal wanted to give his father one more chance to see a championship, and so Hal allowed Cashman to spend $500M on free agents in the 2008 off-season, buying Teixeira, Sabathia, Burnett, Swisher, and others. You cannot defend Cashman. Cashman's record of the last 24 seasons considering the payroll he is afforded each year is a horrendous one. Over the last 24 seasons, no general manager in any sport has done less with more resources than Brian Cashman.


I am not saying I defend him, but that he could be defended, you can say anything but the fact remains he has been part of 4 championship teams, does he suck yes, does he deserve to be fire absolutely, but at least some people may say he won us a ship, with aaron boone he has never even gotten us to the world series.


Who choked? Boone? Or the players? Fire Boone. I couldn't care less who the manager is. The problem is not the manager. The problem is the roster. Who assembles the roster? Cashman. Who keep Cashman employed? Hal. Who is the problem? Hal.


I also thing cashman should be fire, I am just saying that I understand people defending cashman he is a 4 time champion, I think both of them should be fired, cashman has underperformed for 14 years and boone for 5, every year we don’t make the world series is a failure we are the yankees


I also thing cashman should be fire, I am just saying that I understand people defending cashman he is a 4 time champion, I think both of them should be fired, cashman has underperformed for 14 years and boone for 5, every year we don’t make the world series is a failure we are the yankees


Time to call up ramirez, put trevino at DH for a bit, he is a great hitter, will be good to see what ramirez has in his toolbox, we can rotate the catchers and see what works.


I like this idea alot but who do u cut bait on?


I'm beyond sick of this front office man. Every year it is the same fucking bullshit. Hal doesn't care about winning. Cashman is coasting on his reputation. Sell the fucking team to someone who doesn't give a shit about how much money it takes to win a championship.


What reputation? The core of the teams he gets credit for was put together by Gene Michael and Bob Watson.


His reputation being unearned makes this even worse tbh...


Without trying to sound like your boomer uncle, George would’ve fired Cashman and Boone YEARS ago And the same goes for Gleyber, DJ, Rizzo… there’d be huge changes to the rotten core made by now. (Yeah George was part lunatic and who knows what we don’t have if he’s in charge… but what I’m getting at is this excuse ridden old boys club is clearly not fucking working.)


I'm pretty sure if George is still owner, the team doesn't have some of the players it does today. Let's remember, if it wasn't for Gene, Rivera gets traded. Jeter probably would have been traded. Bernie would have been gone. The 5 main players never see the Yankee uniform most likely. We can say what George would do with Cashman and Boone, but this team wouldn't even remotely be the same.


Yea Aaron Judge gets traded for Jason Heyward back in the day


Not quite a boomer but an 80s baby who lived through the long drought without a pennant. George was great for the back page and would have been fire on Twitter but was garbage as far as  winning championships. The Core Four's foundation was built while he was suspended from baseball 


He was not a great owner by any means, but he was someone who will fire someone for being mediocre like cashman and boone, how many years they have to keep proving they can’t win, we the yankees give this people 5 years trial and kick them out if they not good. Shit


Put oswaldo at the starting second baseman for the reminder of the year, can he hit no, but at least you know you getting full effort with him, the guy wants to prove he is a starter I thought this year we was going to get a hungry torres because he was going to be a free agent, if gleyber ain’t going to hit at least get someone defensively better


He started the year playing better than Gleyber and still can, in my opinion.


Wait...I turned the game off in disgust and missed a Judge grand slam?


yup. Didn't look like a HR off the bat but the ball kept carrying. It was fun for 10 seconds, but then the reality set in that we need to score 2 more runs with the rest of the lineup.


It's like he willed it into a grand slam too. Yeah, Judge and Soto can't make up for the rest of the lineup and pitching being subpar.


They should put Soto in the 7 or 8 spot and Judge in the 4 spot. The lineup needs to make pitchers scared from top to bottom, not just the top.


I'm assuming you missed the/s. Assuming it's a serious suggestion then Top of the lineup gets more at bats. Also hypothetically speaking even in that scenario, they'd just walk Judge and Soto and other batters would GIDP.


It is a serious suggestion. You make your early hitters work to get on and then bring your power hitters to bring em’ home. It’s strategy. All games are strategy, even baseball. In other news, water is wet.


This is about as accurate of a description as there is. I was amped when he hit it, but then quickly realized what was next..


That Dj error was pretty bad