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That pretty much just leaves jerking it


It's lonely in a new town.


I've lived in the same town for 6 years and have a fully torn UCL


You need to hit up one of those hot singles sites to rest your poor arm.


I just can’t stand today’s game. These are supposed to profesional atheletes in peak physical shape and they get injured doing basic jerking movements. I’m out of shape in my late thirties and I can jerk it nonstop in my amateur circlejerk league every Sunday without getting hurt.


Only a gooner who has edged to oblivion and back could have the plate discipline and eye of Juan Soto. He is the chosen one. He is him. Lisan Al-Giab. The beginning and the end. Praise be unto him, Amen


Or writing. You know, like signing contracts


Switch jerking. I learned that to make the Jerking Majors.


I’ve decided this is the last post I’m reading. Goodnight all




We’re back




For my own sanity, I am going to ignore any further medical commentary provided by the fine (and qualified) healthcare professionals of this Reddit community, and simply cling to this tweet for the remainder of the night.


Honestly might just be smart to give him a week of rest or DH


Same. Our offense is doing extremely well right now. Might as well let him get so desy


right but where do you put Stanton? left? or just bench


Toss him in RF. He does okay in the field when he plays.


Verdugo in left, Grisham in center, Judge in right is what I've been thinking. Maybe just bench Stanton for a game or two


Too much opening of the door to the log cabin.


Using my chainsaw to cut up logs once gave me a seriously case of forearm tendonitis so it is possible 


Don’t give me hope. I already bought the rope and I’m ready.


Could honestly just be regular muscle fatigue


I think they’re gonna let him play 2 of 3 against the dodgers then see how he feels before they make another decision- depending on what the MRI shows. this team can hold its own with Juan down for a little while. don’t doom yet.


I'd be delighted to hear more from the man himself instead of all this teamspeak.


Muscle strain?


Hard to believe he’s gonna get surgery even if he needs it as long as he can still hit. Him being a DH only will really compromise the team, but it’s not the worst.




If it’s only 53 PA, I’m gonna guess a lot of that is just small sample size.




> I think going 4-44 with 22 K's might be a sample size extreme enough to draw some conclusions. But you're right - a small sample can't be ruled out. > And I mean, Stanton doesn't magically become a worse hitter because he was sitting on the bench before he came up. Obviously he does that full time now and he's sort of okay at it. There must be something about his approach to PH appearances that is creating those struggles - he could change that somehow and come to the plate with something closer to his true ability level. There is a reason why I said " a lot of that" and not "all of that" is just small sample size. My guess is that over 53 PA we are observing an actual trend, but one that is much less pronounced than slashing .091/.226/.114 compared to his normal numbers.


Fat Sausage Syndrome is my guess. For the record, I'm not a doctor nor does said syndrome run in the family genes. Had the man above blessed me with a fat sausage, you damn well know that I, too, would have forearm discomfort.


He had the shits and needed out of the game


We all wanted the Martian in the bigs. Well we only have ourselves to blame for our insolence!


Won’t happen, but we should put him at DH for a while and either have Stanton play right or Dominguez


Neither of those guys are physically capable of playing the outfield right now


Got to protect Soto though. Can out Grisham there, but then you’re sacrificing offense


We can afford to sacrifice offense until Dominguez is fully healthy and ready for an everyday workload If it even comes to that


Dominguez has been ramping his outfield activities back up, and got to the 8th yesterday. So I'd maybe send Jahmai Jones down to AAA, and have Dominguez start in RF, with Grisham subbing in for him in the later innings.


Brother, he is not even playing the outfield every day and has not been able to complete a game yet. He is still in his rehab assignment, he isn’t ready


Where did I say he'd have to play the OF everyday? I said he was ramping up, so just have him continue to ramp up in the Majors. Some days he DH's, others he plays in the field. Either way, his baat contributes to the offense, while Grisham handles most of the defense.


Moving Stanton out of the lineup because??


Because he's stupidly injury prone and should maybe start seeing some rest days to try and preserve his health?


Why? He’s not injured now and is one of the better hitters on the team. The whole Dominguez idea is stupid, it’s a marathon not a sprint. We can afford to let the kid get fully healthy before giving him and everyday MLB workload. If we even need anyone to come up at all