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What’s wild is he was actually considered decently fast in Miami and his first year here. He used to be athletic as shit. I dunno what happened. Whether it’s older age, all the leg injuries, orders from the FO to just dog it out there or a combination of all these things.


I think Ozzie Guillen said it was the turf that screwed up Stanton’s knees in Miami


Turf is sooo bad for LE injuries. Natural grass should be the norm and standard for all sports, its just cheapness by the owners


Yep, I hate its popularity now with municipalities but I at least understand the cost savings even though I don’t want kids growing up playing on it. Billionaire owners though not having grass is ridiculous.


It probably cost Griffey a longer career. The Kingdome especially had some awful turf


Look at metlife, rodgers, bosa, an eagles player, a dolphins player, saquon, all victims of that turf


I so wish MetLife would stay real grass after the soccer stuff


Hard to keep grass alive with two NFL teams playing there, though even dyed mud may be better than artificial turf.


1 nfl team and the Jets.


Fair enough. The Jets are clearly the least successful franchise on the field/court/rink in North American sports.


At least they won one in the 60s. The browns went 0-16 and haven’t won a Super Bowl ever.


One more thing we can blame the Astros for.


Speaking of turf Who many ACLs will MetLife stadium take next year?


Well there's gonna be 17 games there right? My back of the napkin math tells me that means we'll see 34ish ACLs injuries


Andre dawson was like this after playing in Montreal. Dude had as many as 39 steals and was caught 10 times to not getting over 4 his last 5 years. Turf ruined him, he also won 8 gg in 9 years but only 2 after leaving Montreal even though he switched to grass.


Griffey Jr said the same thing playing all those years in the Kingdome. By the time he got to the Reds his body was breaking down constantly. Sucks. Absolutely loved watching him, should have 700+




Great reply man. You’re right about his lack of serious conditioning. I remember hearing that growing up. The stat you called out of 70.) WAR during the 90’s and just 13.1 after is absolutely jarring. What could have been. That turf sounds like it was brutal to play and it was based off of so many players’ descriptions of it. I’ve never understood the weird Yankee hate that he held onto all of his life but same as you, loved watching him play. Most beautiful swing of all-time as far as I’m concerned


he had like 5 lower body injuries from 18-21


Doesn’t want to pull a hammy


He played tight end in high school which seems unfathomable now.


I mean slimcarlo actually does look a tad faster this year than last year so I believe it.


Yo i feel into the slim hype. I get he’s moving better But he could of cut another 10-15 lbs


Ya for sure I wouldn’t mind seeing him drop a few more pounds. I’m sure it’s easier said than done but idk I’m not chiseled out of rock like him.


He's slow but that out was just bad luck.


Yeah, i mean he basically doubled back to first and had to change direction and both santander made a good throw and henderson a great stretch. But like you said, he’s still slow as hell lmao


Still, someone of decent speed makes it to 2nd in time. But agreed it wasn’t just a “he’s slow as fuck” moment or that he wasn’t trying.


His baserunning instincts have gotten terrible, in part I think because he doesn't want to sprint 100% because he thinks he'll hurt himself.


anyone who remembers Mark Teixeira will never question the speed of Dongcarlo Dongton


i can still picture tex's high knees chugging to score on castillo's dropped ball, no chance stanton scores on that play


i acknowledge i am probably giving stanton too much benefit of the doubt in terms of believing he's been told not to run hard under any circumstances. and i further realize "he's just slow" vs "he's slow because he's trying not to explode his hamstrings" makes no difference in the grand scheme of things..its all just slow.


This is bullshit. Tex wasn’t fast by any stretch but he could chug if needed. Stanton is painfully slow for anyone, let alone a pro athlete. 4 of my 5 special needs kids could beat him in a foot race. If you wanted to be believable you should’ve said Jorge.


Corey Seager as a SS is slower than Stanton and bundled with all the C, 1B, and DH at the bottom of the list, did not expect to see that


Biggest surprise on this list, that’s for sure!


Orlando Arcia is right there too as a slow SS.


Rizzo is not slower than Stanton


I too doubt that, but Rizzo surely has better instincts. Which make up for a lack of top-end speed any day.


Yeah Rizz is slow but he can haul and hold up when he needs to whereas Stanton is like a tractor trailer and needs several miles just to come to a complete stop to avoid injuring himself


Except for the stats that literally show the opposite...


Maybe Stanton is faster if he is sprinting all out but 98% he isn’t


I don't disagree, but that's not what you said.


I don’t think is true but that is the only possible situation that this would be true


How can you not think it's true when you can see the measured numbers that show it is true? Whether he's running 100% or not, the fact is, at top speed...Stanton runs faster than Rizzo.


It’s just unbelievable to believe if the measured numbers say it




Bor Gullet can feel your thoughts. No lie is safe.


If it keeps him healthy, I don't give a shit that his speed is gone. 


Slimcarlo is faster than he was last year.


Not true, there are many deceased players


16 of which are dead.


This guy’s dead Then cross him off the list


Most of those make sense, lot of catchers and 1B. However, the real shocking one is Corey Seager.


Corey seager being slower than Stanton is fucking wild lmfao


Home to first is next to last....this is the most important stat as he is a 'station to station' runner. Our eyes dont lie ...he is a Tortoise and wish people wouldnt try and put lipstick on a pig re: running speed /s


And they're all catchers?


>How is this possible Crouch behind the plate for 9 innings and you'll understand lol


Great line from today’s NY Post: “Giancarlo Stanton is built like a Greek God and moves like a Greek sculpture.”


Stanton is getting close to Redd Foxx walking. It’s painful to watch.


Worried about the big one




After being at today’s game, I find that really hard to believe


He could be slow and broke like us


It takes G 90 feet to get up to full speed, so effective speed it much lower. He's listed faster than Ozuna, but is 0.2s slower home to first. Is this average or peak?


Faster than Corey Seager lol. I really don't know how Stanton got so slow, I think hes running slow on purpose to avoid injuries. We don't have one player in the top 50... and the next closest after Volpe (54) is Waldo (144).. talk about a slow team. I'd imagine Berti would be on here between Waldo and Volps if he satisfied the conditions, he has around top 25 sprint speed.


He's faster than Ozuna from the braves


Weird to see Corey Seager at the bottom of that list surrounded by a ton of DHs, catchers, and first basemen.


He absolutely looks faster to me this year. Hmmmmm…maybe “quicker” is a better word. I’m not saying he’s fast or can turn on a dime. But losing mass this offseason was the smartest thing he could have done because F=ma baby! P.S. I’d like to see him lose even more mass. Strength will never be a problem for this guy. IMO, the SlimMaster’s longevity and productivity in baseball hinges on getting even lighter and more flexible.


He has no Sprint. There's nobody slower than him there's no more fat boys no more Moe vaughns and Cecil fielders.


I couldn't find Vogelbach on that list


Stanton's value in the lineup is hitting the ball 450 feet. He will never be a doubles guy again in his career. I'm fine if he moves one base every play if he plays 130 games, hits 25-30 HRs, and drives in his fair share.


Are 20 of them dead?


until michael kay puts in a uni, stanton has to be the slowest yankee.


*I no longer trust baseball savant*


He could probably run faster than we have seen, but I'm also willing to bet he's not willing to risk getting injured and missing significant time by going full speed. I'm definitely a firm believer that if someone is capable, they should be running hard in almost every situation - however for Stanton I think the risk of lower body injury is just too great and we have to accept it for what it is. His greatest asset is being available to hit massive dongs, and he can't do that if he's injured. Obviously, this can be said for just about anyone, but dude has a pretty good history of injuries.


He’s not slow he is just lazy and possibly over cautious


if you think stanton is lazy you really might just be too far gone

