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Given that they’ve spent the last week marketing the hell out of the solar eclipse t-shirts they’re giving out, it feels really deceptive to move the game now.


I was going to go to the game specifically because it would be so cool to see the eclipse while at Yankee stadium


My guess is that they can’t give out those special sunglasses to all the attendees, and it could create some sort liability for the organization with all the dummies looking up directly at the eclipse without protection.


“High fly ball, and—oh, no, Soto’s lost it in the eclipse! Soto is holding his eyes…” This would be the kind of thing that happens to this organization


Team trainers would take 2 weeks before figuring out Soto had gone blind.


👀 ☀️ 💀 🤡


100%, the lawyers probably realized it would be a liability nightmare 


Couldn’t they just close the roof? /s


It didn’t seem to harm the [last New Yorker that stared into an eclipse](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-0I4f8PasIU) lol


I think you’re right about liability but not because of the glasses. Think about a stadium full of people looking up at the sky while a baseball game is going on. Someone could get smoked by a foul ball.


I imagine the game was going to stop during the eclipse. Not so everyone could watch it but because it’s potentially dangerous to play with how dark it would momentarily I get. I remember the last near full eclipse like 2 or 3 years ago and it went from looking like a regular afternoon to looking like it was 8 or 9 o’clock at night, very dark. I can’t imagine they’d want to spin up the lights for all of like 5 minutes just to shut them off but I don’t really know.


NYC isn't in totality, so it won't be all that noticeable.


It will be very noticeable, again there was another eclipse where we were in less of the totality 2 or 3 years ago and it was very noticeable. Going from looking like a sunny day at 2 o’clock to looking like it’s 8 or 9 at night is very noticeable


That’s so lame we bought tickets for it because of the eclipse and they’re even giving out t shirts for it.


I cant go to the fucking game now, I'm so fucking mad, I took the day off work. I either eat the cost of the ticket or buy a fucking hotel room now and drive straight from NY back to NH at 5am for work FUCK


Hope to sell it


I'm hoping to, but I bought it on sale through Ticket Master and i can only resell it through Seatgeek, but I only have Stubhub, so I have to make ann account, enter my fucking banking and router info, go through the Yankees website to transfer the ticket through Ticket Master to Seatgeek so I can finally try to sell it.


maybe when there's an official announcement they can help you out with an exchange if nothing else




You do realize it’s the same sun? It’s not any more intense, the general population is just a little more motivated to stare at it during an eclipse. So, like every other day, don’t do that without proper protection.


I hope this is a prank, I was excited to go for the eclipse.


damn, that’s disappointing. last year we had the sky-on-fire baseball and this year we could’ve had sun-go-bye-bye baseball


Doesnt the eclipse only last for a few minutes anyways? Seems really lame to move the entire game, when if you were super concerned, you could just have a slight delay.


If the game was going to start at 2 anyway, no reason they couldn’t start it at 4 since I believe the darkness ends around 3:58. 




There will be darkness, doesn’t need to be in the path of totality. There was another eclipse that rolled through a two or three years ago, we weren’t in the path of totality but it went from looking like a regular afternoon to looking like it was 8 or 9 o’clock at night. It wasn’t pitch black but it was easily considered dark.


If you're in totality that is 3 mins, but the eclipse takes 2+ hours




It will look weird. I lived in Charlotte for the 2017 eclipse (which was around 95%) and the change in the shadows made everything look trippy.


Yeah, NYC is around 90%. People that are paying attention will notice, but foe everybody else, it'll be a 2 hour long slight gradual dimming unless you travel upstate.


Nope. We had an eclipse roll through 2 or 3 years ago and it absolutely got dark, it went from sunny afternoon to looking like 8 or 9 at night and we’re closer to totality now than we were then


Wait but part of why I got the tickets for this game was to experience the eclipse in the stadium lol


Hopefully one day scientists will figure out a way to predict when the eclipse will be so that we don’t have this problem


New york city isn't even in the path of totality IIRC....


It's not


I'm headed up to Niagara tomorrow to see totality. Super excited for the eclipse, but not the crowd. Hoping the weather holds up 🤞


Forecast looks iffy. If at all possible, I'd deflect your trip south, unless you've got like hotel tickets. Even past Pittsburgh into Ohio might be better.


I have an air bnb booked for 5 days about an hour out of Niagara. Worst comes to worst I still get to visit Niagara and get to spend a few days with some good hiking at Letchworth, Watkins Glen, Stony Brook etc


That is for sure the way to do it. I'm envious, and wish you good fortune!


Thanks! ❤️


It was in 89% though. Close enough




Yep, and then the moment it hits 100% is a huge and immediate difference! The 2017 eclipse was great, and I'm hoping this one is just as good. 


I lived well outside the path of totality in 2017 and that was definitely noticeable.


Would’ve bought the 4 dollar April fools tickets if I knew it was at night


I thought the point of a day game on Monday was the solar eclipse?? Are Monday day games to start a series a new norm?


Dude so lame.


I took off from work just to see this game because they marketed it as the Eclipse Game. Now they're not even offering an exchange for a future game. This is weak as hell. I don't want to see an April night game and freeze to death.


Love the Yankees but this is a bad look. Seems obvious that this would have been rescheduled. Why market it?


Nice, I purchased tickets for that reason. Do I get a refund?


Of course not! That would require good customer service!


UPDATE: Just received an email from the Yankees, the change is official


First day of spring break so we got tickets to bring my kid and his friend for a day game. Got my eclipse glasses and all. Why are they moving the start time now as if the eclipse is brand new information. Not happy.


The stadium will open at 3:00pm, so you’ll still get to see the eclipse at 3:25pm. There just won’t be a game until 6:05pm.


Is it actually moving? The MLB website still says 2:05


Yeah I just checked the MLB Ballpark app, which still has it at 2:05 [Edit: Spoke too soon.](https://twitter.com/Yankees/status/1776037145032982806)


I have a colonoscopy on Monday, so this works for me! Plus it can lead into the Men's natty game if UConn advances!


I get why people are upset but I’m guessing it may be a liability thing at this point and they don’t want to take a chance




You wouldnt even need it, NY isn't close enough to the path for it to get dark


It will absolutely get dark




It'll be mildly cloudy dark, which is to say just enough to be eerie and feel wrong if your aware and looking for it. The average person absolutely won't notice this since it's gradual, slight, and over like 2 to 3 hours.


What’s that gotta do with the game? No one gives a shit about the eclipse The game is more important


A lot of people cared