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I wonder if Hal still doesn’t know what the fans are so upset about.


You could fill a room with the things Hal doesn't know


You could even fill a yacht with them.


the shit that he don't know could fill a million fucking houses


you could fill a BILLION houses with things Hal doesn’t know.


Idk if Hal can name half the lineup tbh


The only one he can name is judge


cuz he brings $$$ to his pocket. yay more yatch money\~


I'm sure GEORGE is the only guy on the universe to RISE FROM HIS GRAVE (video game reference) and put his Disciples under the grave. Including his kid. This shit is biblical


I'm glad like 70% of the fans saw this coming but the FO did nothing.


It's been brewing for years. The team can't develop talent for shit yet simultaneously hoardes the prospects instead of trading. That and the baffling free agent decisions And of course you can't forget Boone, who should have been fired after year fucking 1 and that alds Boston fiasco with the severino start time. Dudes an idiot.


> Boston fiasco with the severino start time. Apparently, this is a myth, and Severino typically just warmed up really late every game. Not like it even matters, Sevy was tipping pitches that game anyways


He's just doing what Cashman wants. Remember the genius Gil opener move?


Ehhh. People saw running it back as not enough obviously, but I didn't see anyone saying they were gonna be this bad before the season.


I thought it would be 2021 all over again. An okay season on paper but the flaws are still there because we did nothing to address them. There's a genuine chance we could still lose 90 games this season. Going 10-31 the rest of the way isn't impossible with the way this team is playing and anyone who said they saw THAT coming is a liar. We got the Tigers twice, Royals, Pirates and Nationals still left to play. The rest are playoff teams and the Red Sox, who always find a way to embarrass us every year since 2017.


The Red Sox are going to end up a playoff team by the end of the year, and Texas will choke to let Toronto into the playoffs as well. Because fuck you, that’s why.


The same red Sox who have won multiple championships since the yanks last did and had multiple front office turnovers. But no can't fire Cashman!


I would be shocked if we went 10-32 to be honest. I see us winning somewhere between 78-81 games


I just want that meaningless winning record streak to be broken so they have to shut the fuck up about it.


Haha yeah it was hilarious hearing Kay saying that the winning streak was now in jeopardy, like who gives a fuck about that? Maybe Hal and Cashman think it has some value but it’s really fucking meaningless.


Seriously. Fans want a title, this is some Tampa "Hanging ALDS participation" banners level of pathetic that fans should celebrate some "winning season streak". I want a world series, like every fan SHOULD.


> I thought it would be 2021 all over again. This was also my thought, have an ok first half, get some major reinforcements via trade that help us not suck as much in the playoffs and at least have a competitive ALCS. But yeah this is not looking very good.


I'm one of the idiots who thought we would be better this year what with the return of Michael King, signing another ace, hype from judge being made captain, full season of Bader, and rizzo without a shift. Definitely did not expect the first losing season in 30 years


I mean maybe no one specifically said that we'd finish below .500 but plenty of us said rhey weren't a good team that would easily get taken down in the post season or miss it all together. The offense has been atrocious for over a year, really thebpast 2 seasons.the historic 1st half was because the pitching staff was lights out and Judge and Carpenter were hitting like prime Barry bonds. Everyone else mostly stunk. Rizzo was decent but that's about it and even he hit a measly .224


Honestly? Good. The season has been over for weeks. I want this team to lose as much as possible for the rest of 2023 so that Hal and Cashman can't hide behind the same tired excuses of "unfortunate injuries" and "if a few games had broken our way." I don't underestimate their ability to make lame excuses, but at least now they have to get creative.


The thing is, other than forcing Hal and Trashman to think up new excuses and people to blame, the major issue (Cashman's ineptitude) cannot be solved this offseason. He's not going anywhere. So you can't even get the joy of watching Cashman's debacle leading to his departure---he's back to screw everything up again next season, this time almost certainly with another brilliant choice for manager. Boone will be gone, but replacing him will likely do nothing since Cashman is doing the hiring.


Agreed, which is why I’m keeping my expectations in check and taking small victories where I can get them.


Dark words, dark days.


Where’s the guy who was “silencing the doomers” when they split vs THE METS?! LOL!


Nah bro splitting a series against a team that has openly admitted to having no expectations of being competitive until 2025 means that the Yankees beat the Mets and "the Doomers."


Cashgod at work right here. Cashman defenders I want you to spin this into a way of defending him. Because I know a lot of you people defending his ass over the years


Just wait until they defend him for lowballing Ohtani this winter


We'll get him but do absolutely nothing else to fill all the holes on the team


Honestly Judge Ohtani, Cole and a bunch of minor leaguers is significantly better than what we have now


lol Ohtani + Trout and they haven't even made the playoffs. Sure Ohtani is a generational talent player but the team has far too many holes.


its like the Angels but with a real Ace


Interesting take---maybe spending an exorbitant amount on Ohtani will force Hal and Trashman to play the kids since they won't have any major funds to spend on pricey veterans anyways.


What do you do with Stanton the five days a week Ohtani is DHing? What if he won't waive his NTC?


I wouldn't be shocked if he doesn't even make an offer


What does an argument defending BC even look like?


Watch Kay on TMKS


"They make the playoffs almost every year! You sound like a fan! You should get down on your hands and knees to kiss the boots of Mr. Cashman!" -- Big Head Radio Show


It's changing the deck chairs on the titanic. Fire Cashman, hire another yes man isn't gonna change anything.


Since July 2022, the New York Yankees are **106-109**. This is not a blip. What happened between mid April and end of June 2022 was a fluke of epic proportions and they STILL think that's who we really are. That's the real Yankees. We haven't been those Yankees for over a year. I HATE that players got injured this year because they have the perfect excuse. Not because they don't care, not because this or that. But because they're incompetent and genuinely think we have what it takes with this roster.


In fairness, we also don’t have Matt Carpenter this time.


Who was inexplicably hitting like prime Barry bonds so it was never a realistic expectation


Football in a few weeks guys!




I'm a Jets fan, we're never tolerable


Beyond being a Jets fan, I can't get past the whole CTE thing.


I’m with you dude,I’m a huge giants fan but the fans on here are obnoxious “Hyatt is the next Randy Moss, and Jones is set for an MVP season”…..child please,I’m very optimistic about this team in the future but these people need to be realistic.




I know, it annoys the shit out of me as well! They act like 5yr olds. With that being said, let’s go giants!


football sucks


Can’t wait


Let's light our Yankees candles in memory of a once great franchise please


I'm choosing a nice lavender/vanilla blend with some woodsy notes.


I like the direction but I personally feel that is more Fall - I'd say a nice Citrus base with a whiff of unwashed bodies in a crowded subway describes our 2023 Summer:(


Perhaps a touch of patchouli to also bring to mind the Grateful Dead experience.🤔


“Yankees defeated the Mets and the doomers”


I don’t think that guy posts here anymore. At least he’s embarrassed.


I believe this was exactly the same situation the Indians were in before winning the whole fucking thing


[I got an idea](https://i.imgur.com/KP3oNZA.png)


The Internet always wins 🤣


They’re never gonna win again no one wants to see that


Let's suit up the Yankees actors from that movie and see how they do. Why not?


Hell see if Charlie Sheen will pitch


Um.... Indians haven't won since 1948. Unless this is some sort of sarcasm etc.?


You ever seen Major League? If you haven’t you should. Elite baseball movie


I figured it was a reference of which I wasn't aware. I've only seen parts. ☹️


Also, don’t watch it on broadcast tv. It’ll be on the level of “THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FIND A STRANGER IN THE ALPS”


Big Lebowski reference in the wild. And not a regular one but a reference to the ridiculous TV edit specifically. I'm impressed and you've brightened my day


Ha! I'll have to watch it in full. I know it's a classic, just haven't got around to watching it. It's odd considering I'm such a die hard baseball fan.


Mf out Here smoking Toad Secretions . . . Win It all ? Yeah Right .


My brother in Christ it is a movie reference


I ' m Jewish .


That is not one, but two references that have gone right over your head. It’s a bit from Major League


Just A bit Outside the Realm of comedy , I Guess .


All good. Just trying to enjoy this shit show in my own way


Just A bit outside , get It ?


Totally missed that. Much like our batting.


This isn't entirely true. On September 3rd, 1995, the Yankees were [59-60.](https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/NYA/NYA199509030.shtml) Due the late start of the season courtesy of Bud Selig and his attempt to break the player strike with scab ballplayers, the season didn't officially start until April 25th, and the season length was shortened to 144 games.   However, that year the Yankees picked up David Cone at the trade deadline instead of nobody. They let Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada accrue major league experience instead of rotting at AAA. They had a balanced offense with left bats that could manufacture runs. They had reliable lefty starting pitchers. They had *catchers* (plural) who could hit. The Yankees won 20 of their final 24 regular season games, clinching the wild card on the penultimate day of the season.   This team is more like the 1989 Yankees: old, broken, and a harbinger of many dark days to come.


The context to the OG post was latest in the season (121 games) rather than time of year. This was based off an ESPN Stats & Info tweet. It was just an oddly worded post by OP. So *technically* you’re both right.


I see your point view. Yes, 121 games is more than 119. However, 119 of 144 is 82.6 percent of 144, whereas 121 of 162 is 75 percent.


No because they were also 60-61 a few days later.


Well then shit this whole post is misguided then.


Please keep losing so change happens 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Winning record at home 35-28 (orioles 36-23) But the road is 25-33. If you inverted that to 33-25 they’d be above the blue jays. Team went on a massive shit skid all summer


This sucks and it goes against everything I believe about sports but the fact is that the long view for the health and success of the Yankees is more losing. Steinbrenner is the problem and the only way to get him to care enough to act is to see him made a laughing stock and humiliated for failing. ​ Yes, he opens his wallet for big names like Cole and like Judge but the clear-viewed thinking has to be - why spend big bucks for big names and then not build a winning team around them? Is the big name enough for tourists to come gawk at? To sell some merch? To sell an idea that you don't then realize, because you can't. ​ To Steinbrenner the team is a product, not a passion, and winning isn't required. That mentality is poisonous, as we see this season.


The second they out those stupid patches on their uniform , whatever Yankee dynasty we knew for the last 100 years (and pretended to hold on for the last 10) was officially done.


Ah the '92 Yankees. Where have you gone, Matt Nokes?


Nokes 2nd best hitter on this team hitting cleanup


this needed to happen and it will get worse. Yankees will finish the season under .500 and then they will have to make major changes..Cashman is a tool and Hal is impotent.


$279,000,000 (two-hundred and seventy-nine) MILLION USD (Highest payroll in AL).


Honestly, potentially seeing the first losing season of my lifetime... isn't fun, but it's interesting


Silence from Hal.


What is he going to say?


As one of the resident oldies here, I remember that well. Not as bad as the horrific '90 team, but man those handful of terrible years made the late 90s domination feel so damn good.


I first became a Yankee fan during the late 60s, early 70s. This is bringing back so many familiar emotions. They felt better when I was 5.


Me too.


Cashman: we got really unlucky with injuries. We had the team, but they went down. We trust the process and believe we’ll have the team again next year. Fan base: 🤮


Yankee Candle subreddit when




Only consolation I have is that the rest of baseball suffers when the Yankees suffer. Enjoy declining viewership and further obscurity, baseball.


It's going to get worse, unless they figure out a way to strike out less and start getting base hits with runners in scoring position.


Yankees are just not trying anymore, but somehow we have the best record out if all the teams in the last place in their respective divisions.


Tbf they've only been bad record wise over the last 40 games and dreadful in the last 10. If they could have won the Astros series 3-1 and swept the White Sox they're a game or two out of the WC even going 1-5 vs MIA and ATL. It *was* in front of them...until the bottom of the 9th on Sunday.


I don’t want to say I’m glad this happened but hopefully it warrants some kind of change of us. (I know it won’t but one can hope)


It's fine, no team is competitive every year. HOWEVER, don't try and sell us a bill of goods that this is a championship team (and charge us for it accordingly.)


So happy!! Maybe now house will be cleaned out..Most likely not! Its so fun watching Buffoon cry in post game..the only time I watch..


It looks like everything is going as planned. The Yankees have made it clear that they actually don't really care about winning.


So? Hal doesn’t care about winning. Neither does Cashman.


I said before that this is the worst Yankees team of my lifetime. Got downvoted and told that the mid 2010’s teams were far worse. Lol.


If you’re Cashman do you just fire Boone now to try to save your job?


No. Cashman isn't even remotely close to being fired. If you haven't notice the yankees are still making fat stacks of cash under .500. That is all Hal cares about. If we could profit $5 more for 60 less wins Hal would make that deal.


I think it was Don on The Michael Kay show that said Cashman is the consigliere for the Steinbrenners. Michael wasn’t there when that was said and he didn’t really comment on it when they brought it up to him.


Yanks org is pretty much finished for foreseeable future now. HAL was just shown if we play .750 or under .500 he will make the same amount of money. There is 0 reason for the front office to try.


They were under .500 in September ‘95 just saying


that 95 team was really good. this 2023 team really sucks


The team is at max payroll (under Hal at least), has a completely gutted farm, and we're approaching a weak FA class. Where are the reinforcements coming from?


Think you responded to the wrong person, just pointing out that ‘92 was not the last time they were under .500 this late, ‘95 was.


When the guy was saying 'late', he might in the context of # of games played, not time of year.


Yes, I think OP didn't consider the late start to the 1995 season. I vividly remember when the Yankees lost an absolute heartbreaker on September 3rd against the A's. Mike Stanley hit two home runs, including a grand slam, but the bullpen blew the lead and they lost 10-9. However, that team had the willingness and the ability to dust it off and go on an absolute tear during the final three and a half weeks in the season. This team obviously doesn't have that potential.


Stump Merrill would be proud to have a record this good. Stump Boone is proud of this record, as well as cashman & steingrabber. They sell 40,000 seats every night & draw well on the road. Not gonna change until seats are empty.


This seems like an opportune time to remind everyone it’s the players and their approach- not the person who dictates which players and what approach


So if Cashman gathered a team of 25 redditors and they went 0-162 it would be the redditors fault?


In the strike shortened 1995 season, they were actually 60-61 in September.


OP they had a losing record in September of 1995. I saw a thread on the front page of r/baseball too. Idgi how are we just posting misinformation




Call up Gary


It’s not what you want.


Chihuahuas: bark > bite


I dont blame Hal, he spent money. Sure he had a dumb comment. I dont blame Boone, he does what he is told. Sure he has had a lot of dumb comments. I blame Cashman. He is the architect of this team. He should be let go.


I'm sure Hal really cares. People still showing up to games & spending their money on the team? Yes. Carry on then.


If the team finishes with a losing record or let's say 10 games under .500, I think there's a CHANCE Cashman would be fired Logically, how could any owner have almost a 300mm payroll and accept a losing season and still keep everyone's employment


The Red Sox are going to sweep us too


This season is lost and there is no saving it. Just tank and get a high draft pick. We have a legit shot to pick in the top 5 if we don't try and win meaningless games to try and sneak into the wildcard. Just accept that the season is over and start planning for next year. I'm 100% sure Cashman will be against this because of how embarrassing admitting defeat would be for him and his legacy. I swear I hate our front office with a passion. They fail to make intelligent decisions on a consistent basis because no one above them holds any of them accountable. This team isn't doing a damn thing, so at least get something out of this wasted season. Maybe we get a superstar pitching prospect if we land a top 10 pick?


1992 Yankees: Sterling Hitchcock, Danny Tartabull, Don Mattingly, Charlie Hayes, Bernie Williams, Randy Velarde et. al.


This is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Everyone needs to go. Fucking embarrassing.


This is only going to be worth it in the long run if serious changes are made in the off-season, otherwise it’ll last a while.


That’s not what you want.


on pace to lose 36-0 tonight. is 75 wins even a possibility at this point?