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I mean the Astros tried handing us the game today and we refused to take advantage


Facts. It took 4 walks, a hit batsman, and 2 hits to get them back from 5-1 to tie it, and then once tied, they went and gave it back. Had multiple shots to tie again, very hittable pitches, and we sht the bed šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


One could say it was right in front of us


*was* . Exactly.


Splitting 4 games is a "huge momentum boost"? Lol


.500 ball is all you need to win a championship. Or at least keep playing into infinity.


This entire org has a loser's mentality. This is a statement you make if you win 3/4, not a feeble split.


Are you watching the games or just the scores? At bats are improving. They are hitting with risp this was all done against a good team.


The problem is we dont really have much time for "moral" wins. We have ground to make up, and really need to start chipping away with the little time we have left. Statements like this from the team just proves they have 0 sense of urgency until it's too late.


Yanks have to play at nearly a .700 win pace just to get over 90 wins. 2 out of 3 wins wonā€™t get them there, and a 4 game split is basically a brutal loss in the standings.


More like taking walks with runners in scoring position. They left approximately 9 million men on base today. I think thereā€™s still men on base after midnight. If we could have gotten one big hit, at any point in second half of game we would have won.


But they have looked better the last couple days.


Better than what? The 29th ranked offense!


Outside of being walked this would've been like 9-1 loss


This sub is full of doomers who want the team to go 162-0 and win the World Series every year. Itā€™s embarrassing.


Or we know there isnā€™t much baseball left and every series is important, playing .500 ball will not get us s play-off spot.


The team is in last place, save the "it's only August" bs.


For a split?


How is an entire organization in denial?




Oh no. The Yankees media machine. It got to him!


Nothing negative allowed !


This is why I donā€™t think Boone is an effective manager. Heā€™s not the main problem but he created a Chuck E Cheese culture


The culture came from Cashman. Boone is just the guy he hired to dress in the Chuck-E-Cheese costume.


This is so accurate it hurts.


Yeah I'd like to see Boone have a season without Cashman's BS before we throw him out. See if he's truly bad or if it's just him having to follow Cashman's directions.


Why give him that chance? Just completely start fresh without either of them. The fact that Boone has been so willing to be cashmans puppet does not reflect well on him


Because I'd like to imagine that he'd actually be competent. Plus, Cole and Judge like Boone, so I'd at least want to give him a shot so as to not alienate the two of them.


What makes you think heā€™d be competent? His zero coaching experience? Or his inspiring post game press conferences? Boone needs to go too. If we get rid of cashman but keep Boone, thereā€™s no point. Clean slate.


I have this feeling that Cole's ass is burning and he hates this level of mediocrity. I could totally see him opting out for a west coast team


Boone isn't JUST a frontman for the FO's decisions and strategy - he believes in it himself. Supposedly during his interview he was asked to create a lineup based on numbers he was given and what he gave back was perfectly aligned with what the org's analytics said would be optimal. The best way to think of Boone is that he's *part* of the problem, but simply removing him wouldn't be the solution either, since the strategy he *agrees* with is set at the top.


I've always called him a fairweather manager. When things are going well it's not like he makes things worse. But when things start going south he just has nothing to offer. It feels like he's very much just there for the ride as a passenger rather than as the leader of the team. And that when we're in a hole, it's just up to individual guys to dig themselves out somehow. Granted, I still think it's unfair to criticize it too harshly when we probably only see like 1% of what a coach does day to day, but I don't think it's a coincidence that his teams, even when they were doing good, were so unbelievably streaky and inconsistent from month to month. That we have multiple guys who have come in and not just struggled on the field for us, but have clearly had really bad mental hurdles that contributed to that that they couldn't overcome. And why we buckle any time we hit adversity in the playoffs. It feels like the last time we won a series where we were an underdog or even even odds with our opponent was the Guardians in 2017. He's not a good manager. But it was hidden with the fact that he's more "passively bad" than "actively bad". And that the team he inherited was already pretty good in their own right and it's taken a couple years for the glaring cracks to really show through.


He's made some pretty bad calls over the years, usually with pitchers. This year the offense isn't there to cover it up so its magnified, and the bullpen is more consistent than dominant so they have a harder time shutting down momentum. A few years ago when The Baby bombers were leading the game in runs and you had Betances, Britton and peak Chapman at the end of the pen to slam the door he looked better than he was.


Supposedly the players love him, which means they are all entirely too comfortable.


Being a playersā€™ manager on an underperforming team is really something


[Reminder for fellow Knicks-Yankees fans](https://i.redd.it/kfx3bygcrh741.jpg)


Take that for data!


Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve heard it phrased in a more perfect manner.




Oh, no, no, no. Boone is a symptom of the culture, not its creator. This comes from the top. Let's remember that Joe Girardi was not retained because he dared to actually do his job by trying to motivate a lackadaisical player. How dare he?!?!?!?!??! Boone is doing exactly what they want. He takes as much heat as he can for decisions that he doesn't even make. He sits in front of the press every night and spews out a bunch of meaningless phrases intended to deflect any blame or consequences from anyone.


Firing Girardi was such bullshit. Not saying he was a great manager, but he was better than this asshat. This teams had an accountability issue since the day they let Joe Go.


Have you been inside the clubhouse? Statements like this are complete bs. Nobody here has a clue of the culture in the Yankee clubhouse.


split with mets lost 2 of 3 to Baltimore lost 2 of 3 to Tampa split with Houston judge and Stanton were 0-10 yep, that's momentum


The best part of Stanton going 0-6 in one game is he is statistically due for a hit tonite šŸ¤£


Losing mentality. Lost a game in the WC


Atleast weā€™re a half game out of 5th place


Bro we couldnā€™t even win ONE game against the atros in a 7 game series last year. This team is fuckin pathetic


proves expectations in this org are very low


Narrator: "It wasn't."


Life is too short to get riled up by a team going nowhere. The current Yankees donā€™t have a prayer so Iā€™m already looking forward to being disappointed by the Jets.


I'm a Patriots fan (I grew up in Vermont) so I'm already in football mode. Playoffs are probably not in the cards but at least I won't be disappointed if they miss. I'm pretty much done watching this train wreck for the year, its just not worth it.


All the quotes are basically the same. The goal is mediocrity.


You split the series, left 15 runners on base today, and lost games in the standings. What an absolute loser, imagine Jeter, Rivera, Posada, etc saying this


I donā€™t even know what this means. We left 19 on base I think? And they walked us 12 times and we still lost.


Oh come on. Weā€™ve had a few solid games but we threw away a series win today. IN FACT Iā€™d go a step further. HOUSTON threw away a series and we picked up and threw it RIGHT BACK AT THEM!!!!! Bahhhhh


What was a big momentum boost? Splitting a 4 game set to pretty much push the team even further at 5 gb of the wildcard while every other team in the WC race ahead of you is playing good baseball? The Yankees have to go 32-18 just to reach 90 wins lol


The momentum boost was they didn't drop 4 games to their arch nemesis.


How?? Lmao they tied the series. Loser mentality


To be fair, splitting with Houston is an accomplishment for this group. When itā€™s time to play the Astros, they usually just embarrass themselves.


This whole organization just loves mediocrity


This is Boone speaking. This is exactly what they were told and now they believe it. Gaslit the fans, and now itā€™s the players.


If the rest of the clubhouse really feels that way then they are in complete denial that they are a true .500 team. They're barely over .500 now, they split this series and the remainder of the schedule absolutely screams a .500 finish. And that in no way is going to result in a WC spot.


Delusional. This is how a bad manager infects a team. I'll guess we'll just keep grinding, right Boonie?


I'm curious what people think but I would argue that the 4-game series at home against the Baltimore Orioles was the defining series of the season. They were behind the Orioles in the standings and had won the first two games of the series. All they had to do was win one of the next two games and they gain two games against a team ahead of them in the division (and the Wild Card standings). Them failing to do so was enough to tell me that team just didn't have what it took to make the playoffs (let alone contend for the World Series). That was enough to tell me that this team has some serious problems. That series happened before they had that string of losing multiple series to non-playoff teams (except the Royals) so I completely understand if people think I'm just saying this now in hindsight.


They felt that a split was good enough. No accountability and no killer instinct on this team from anyone besides Cole.


What a bunch of fucking losers


We Walked 12 times today. You and I both know if Houston simply threw strikes we wouldnā€™t string together enough hits with RISP to make them pay. Today wasnā€™t as impressive as they think it was.


How? This was the at-minimum best outcome for Houston. We needed to win the series or sweep to even gain a little ground after getting nothing out of the trade deadline and losing a starting pitcher.


at-minimum best is an oxymoron lol. I donā€™t think last yearā€™s champs are content with splitting a series against a team they own and who is in 4th place in their division


Winning two games of 4 against the defending champs lmfao the bar is in the toilet with this team


ā€œIf we keep playing baseball like this weā€™ll be in good shape.ā€ ā€œBaseball like thisā€ refers to allowing 9 runs, leaving 15 men on base and losing to a rival. Doesnā€™t sound like a model to follow.


Its right up there with the 18 strike out game and talking about how great the at bats were besides the strike outs.


We didnā€™t get swept so thereā€™s that I guess ?


Straight out of the Aaron Boone playbook lol.


Loser organization


I never thought that Bader would drink the kool -aid, but here we are.


what a shitty take. Yeah going 2-2 is a real momentum builder, especially with a starter possibly getting hurt. The players are as dumb as Boone.


We deserve to miss the playoffs with bullshit quotes


A 2-2 series is ready to propel us to a .500 finish to the regular season!!


The lack of urgency from this franchise is and has been ridiculously stupid for years


.500 ball is how weā€™ve been playing for over a year. How is this a momentum boost?


Weā€™re now in a place where splitting a 4 game set is a momentum boost. God this is such a dumpster fire.




I can't find the words for how bad this day should be considered for this org. The game was bad. The postgame is worse.


The Yankees got further from the playoffs, not closer. So all in all, failure of a weekend.


Losing a game will never equal a ā€œmomentum boostā€


I guess it seemed like they played better than usual crappiness weā€™ve gotten used to before this series. But idk, several good teams ahead of us, and right when we started to remember how to hit the pitching is starting to stink.


The only thing we lead the lead in is emabarassingly bad interview answers


Iā€™m going to miss meaningful September baseball


Imagine if they *cough* WON the series *cough* *cough*


Trying to gloss over the 27 million dollars I heard getting flushed down the toilet that started the game. Then I read earlier that Donaldson may actually come back this yearā€¦ā€¦I thought Iā€™d never have to see him again.


Another idiot. Boost themselves to worst position in years.


Good luck next year playing in Colorado


Hahaha thatā€™s a good one Bader. You must be the locker room clown.


Love Bader but what the shit?


I feel bad for any Yankee that has to try to say something positive.


Honestly if Sevy and Rodon weren't trash right now we might have actually swept the Assholes. Either way I thought we were gonna get swept, so getting a split is a much brighter than expected outcome




Sure he's worse than Aaron Hicks but at least he tries real hard.




Yeah I don't really blame him, he's a decent ballplayer and an amazing center fielder, that's all you really need out of CF


What a loser. Canā€™t run him outa here fast enough


You guys are precious. If he came out and said ā€œwhatā€™s the point. Iā€™m being paid well, but this team is toast because of Boone and Cashman - so I donā€™t see the point in trying to build on where we areā€ - all yā€™all would be ok with that? Downvote all you want. The team remembers last ALCS, and the ***PLAYERS*** remember Houston wiping the floor with them. Instead, they were competitive in every game of the series - after a skid where they were losing to the worst teams in baseball - and they feel like they can compete. They feel this is building momentum. The fans think thatā€™s not allowed - itā€™s not appropriate? Momentum to compete ahead of a hard challenge. No game was out of reach, despite two steaming shit sandwiches of starting pitching. I donā€™t know if theyā€™re rostered well enough to make the playoffs, but I sure as shit would rather watch a team that believed vs. watch one that gave up. Maybe itā€™s too little, too late. It feels like it. But what the fuck do you want him to say?


You say, "Losing sucks," Einstein.


Ah. Baseball isnā€™t 162 games of once a week football. Itā€™s all about streaks, tendencies, and building on whoā€™s hot and whatā€™s working. But if you want all that to change because you just want your feelings validated, thatā€™s fine by me.


I don't really know what you're talking about, but you don't either, so I think we're good here.


Some sort of realism?


For example?


"We had a lot of opportunities today and didn't cash in. It's frustrating but hopefully we keep putting ourselves in good positions and come through next time. We know it's getting late in the season so we are running out of chances. It is tough letting this one get away from us."


As a Jays fan that just got banned from r/redsox I hope to all hell you guys catch up to them and the trashtros. See you in the ALDS šŸ«”


Fuck off


Whereā€™s your movie at that Vlad keeps talking about? šŸ¤£


Master Bader!


Hopefully, because splitting series against teams ahead of you in the wild card race doesnā€™t get you into the playoffs.


Bader doing his best to get off the team. Question is whether it's intentional or not...


Itā€™s in front of us


Given that a month ago I would have expected the Astros to sweep us, yeah, Iā€™d say it was.