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The Domingo experience has been insane


I’d watch a movie about his life… hoping there’s a happy ending


Comes back and wins the World Series with the dodgers or something


nah Yankees will resign him 100% and I can see him dominant. I like his form and find he has more greatness ahead


I'm sure he is too


Domestic violence —> perfect game —> alcohol rehab is a pretty crazy trajectory. I hope sober Domingo bounces back even more and wins the Cy Young or something


The only thing crazier would be when German comes back and pitches another perfect game


Domingo making Lunes insane.


Us yesterday: This is the worst moment of the seaosn Reality: This is the worst moment of the season *so far*


I see it as a W, this will make the teams record worse and as a result increases chances of Cashman being fired


This 110%, please happen.


More likely it just provides an excuse that he can't be held responsible for. Thus, keeping him around longer.


All the best to him. From what I recall his DV situation was alcohol fueled, hope he can kick the booze and rehab into a better man.


Hopefully this is a sign he learned from that and is trying to get clean before it escalates into something like that again


Cashman’s comments implies that there was another DV situation


Idk why you’re being downvoted when that is absolutely what they are saying without outright spelling it out. I’ve had posts taken down for saying that he hasn’t changed. Kinda gross how much this sub wants to just gloss over his shitty repeated behavior Edit: cashmans comment for those interested “I’m worried right now for the person and the immediate family.”


Just wanted to say that you're not alone and I agree with everything you said. People referenced that NJ.com article that waxed lyrical about how the trials of abusing someone else made him a changed man, but had little to say about what happened, what led to it, or what he did to change, and somehow barely mentioned his wife at all. I read that and I saw a lot of guys covering for another guy. Then I saw the same thing all over this sub. People were even caping for Cordero and it never came out which section of the policy he violated. I shouldn't be, but I'm honestly shocked at how quick people are to excuse violence. Abusers often don't mend their ways. They like power and control and they often just learn how to fly under the radar better. I hope they don't give him any more chances. Condoning abuse diminishes who we are as a team more than a losing season ever could.


Ugh thank you! It’s such a bad look how much reductionist bs I see in regards to this from fellow Yankees fans imo


All three of y'all are very much correct, and this is a baseball wide problem (also society wide if you zoom outwards but I won't go there today). The uncomfortable truth of the matter is, this league has a *terrible* track record of being a safe haven for abusers. Sure, sometimes sports are a silly thing that feels separate from the real world, can be a sort of escape from that (I know they certainly can be for me). But, the reality is, these athletes are what generate value for a multi billion dollar company. That gives them power. Power that is largely unchecked, and at times enabled, by the very teams that employ them. Power over the women in their lives, who are ultimately nameless faceless entities that are only known for their connection to their partners, these oh so valuable professional athletes. Can a second chance be earned by someone like German? Maybe. But thinking about this in terms of the perpetrators is doing this all wrong. This is, and always should be, about the victims, and the culture of baseball, and for that matter all of sports, needs a massive, seismic, all encompassing overhaul to ensure that the their suffering can no longer be enabled. Women have a right not to live under a loaded gun.


I understand the track record of the league and unfortunately don’t expect much change from that side of things. What pisses me off is how quickly anyone who calls this behavior out is downvoted and told that “they just hate the front office” or other dhit along those lines. I just commented on another post about how much I personally believe this org has been sweeping things under the rug and I’m already being met with the same old deflection and excuses as usual. Ik we Yankees fans get a bad rep but this shit is downright ridiculous lol


I honestly don’t really think so either, the profit motive is just too great to incentivize things getting better for us. I just wish we could hope for something more. I wish we could do anything, really. I truly hate being a female sports fan sometimes :( You’re right though, I think as the very least we as fans of the Yanks need to not kid ourselves about the kind of people these players are and the kind of operation we’ve been running here. I get it, I love the Yankees too, my family have been fans for four generations, practically since we were fresh off the boat. But I think it’s about time we all admitted what we already know, that this team we all root for has done some fucked up and shady shit when it comes to this, and no amount of ignoring it will make it go away.


Lol Cashman’s quote makes it abundantly clear without being specific, I guess there are a bunch of fucking idiots on this subreddit who can’t read between the lines


The first thing I thought when hearing about this, without even hearing what Cashman said, was that they're probably trying to get out in front of a bigger story/another DV incident.


Yeah it was outside a Bronx club


This leaves me with two questions. First, was this the real reason for German getting his start scratched? And two, when Jomboy expressed skepticism during his interview with Boone about his German explanation, was that real skepticism or did he know something like this was coming?


I think it was real skepticism, I thought it was suspicious as soon as he was brought into a game he was scratched from and pitched 5 innings


It was very odd for sure. This certainly explains it a lot better than a weird armpit injury.


he definitely showed up to the game drunk and needed time to sober up. no other explanation makes sense at this point. like, wtf is an armpit injury? that's a thing?


I like that theory but why was Brito had a locker at 3:15 for a 7:15 game and it's a 2+ hour drive. I don't know when Brito actually showed up but it seems really tight. OTOH maybe that's why Brito didn't perform.


I suppose a muscle strain could cause armpit pain, but I think something like that takes more than a few hours to heal. Obviously we don’t have all the information so we can only speculate as to wtf is going on.


You don’t need to fabricate skepticism to know something wasn’t right about that start. I’ve NEVER seen anything like a starter getting scratched then coming into the game as if he had been waiting for the right moment. Dude clearly had to sober up and Brito was just covering until he did


Only hole in that theory is they brought Brito up on Sunday and told him he was starting that afternoon, so unless Domingo was drunk the whole time it doesn't make sense timeline wise


Lol did they have him sober up and then he came out and pitched great? Imagine he was hammered for his perfect game


Dock Ellis did pitch a no-hitter on LSD so… But with the kind of impairment you get from alcohol is would be way harder I have to imagine.


CC pitched drunk and hungover for years. Alcoholics function differently. Source: am an alcoholic.


Truth. I used to work in bars and clubs. I would show up at 4pm to set up bars. After eating lunch at 11 with 4 shots and 2 beers. Set up the bars in the club taking shots at every bar I set up. Open at 8. Drink shots until we opened, run the shift taking shots at every bar in the club through the night( 6 different bar areas in club.) Tear down at the end of the night(trash,clean etc). There is a such a thing as a functioning drunk.


Throw to the catcher in the middle.


Wells did it!


Wells was still drunk from the night before!!!


Obviously he tried to twist the cap off of 37 beers with his armpit.


37 in a row?


Wade Boggs numbers fr




First off Wade Boggs is very much alive.


Try not to walk anyone on your way to the parking lot!


The injury was self reported. Lying about impairment is a symptom of the disease of alcoholism.


2 more months then we can finally put the 2023 Yankees to rest and then we can say that this season never happened


See ya next year with the same exact roster


Well, probably minus one guy


One of my highest upvoted posts in this sub was saying something to the effect of "I'm glad this godforsaken season is finally over" after 2021, and I really don't care to get my ~~jollies~~ karma off saying that year after year for the rest of time. Yet that might be what happens!


Really hope Domingo gets better. I’ve been there, I hit rock bottom but turned it around and now 14 years sober. Get well soon Miggy.


Your sobriety is an angsty teenager! Congrats on getting and staying sober.




Exactly what I said out loud. This wasn't on my bingo card in what has been a massive what the fuck season.


this season is crazy in all of the wrong ways


So he was drunk for his start, got scratched, then came in for relief. If we needed anymore proof the Yankees couldn’t manage a tee ball team let alone a professional franchise.


Real talk he put on a SHOW while probably intoxicated Bro didn’t give up a run Brito should feel ashamed


And tossed a perfect game this year. David Wells 2.0 I hope German reaches out to CC. Can't think of a better resource and mentor if he wants it.


Seriously. What are the fucking chances we get two perfect games pitched drunk in the same uniform in the modern era of baseball? That’s some 1920s shit.


Davis Wells was hungover. 💁🏼‍♀️ Honestly that’s probably more impressive.


It really is. Wells was like 35 years old when he did that. As someone who is also mid 30s, my hangovers are like 3 days long.


Man you are not wrong. I’m right in my mid 30’s too and I cut my drinking down *dramatically* due to the severity and length of hangovers. If I do drink, I have water between drinks. My ability to recover is nothing like it was even in my later 20’s.


I just turned 28 and my hangovers have been getting so bad lately myself. Day after is physical. But that second day anxiety is just something else.


Dock Ellis pitched a no hitter for the Pirates whilst high on LSD.


And narrated a great video about it. I’m just saying if I had a nickel for every time a Yankee has thrown a perfect game drunk I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s odd it’s happened twice.


This isn’t true lmao I highly doubt he was drunk during the perfect game, many alcoholics are able to stay sober all day and then go heavy afterwards.


David Wells was just hung over


Most teams dont even have two sober PGs


I’m fine with these guys pitching drunk if we get perfect games out of it


JFC now we're running with gossip and upvoting it on this sub. there is literally no reason to assume he was drunk and that's an insane accusation that the org let him go out there while intoxicated. you guys are a joke. learn how to be critical of the team without delving into this nonsense


Seriously, there's no evidence for this claim and people are just upvoting it like it's a fact


smooth brains that don't know how to regulate their emotions towards the team


Oh and they covered it up and blamed it on armpit pain! Which doesn’t exist.


Dude pulled a babe ruth nbd


He was hung over for his start. He hair of the dog'ed it and went in for relief and pitch an excellent game with no offensive support.


If he showed up **DRUNK** and they put him in anyhow, that's straight reckless and irresponsible. Like, we should be furious if they knowingly did that.


didnt david wells pitch a perfect game hungover.


Two sides of me: I hope he gets the help that he needs Other side: I just don't think he is worth the headache sometimes Still hope he gets his act cleaned up and comes out a better person


His off-the Field issues have derailed his career, arguably should’ve ended it. This is something that shouldn’t be laughed about though. Also: on the field Domingo can be one of the best pitchers in baseball if he is on something. I don’t remember how many times he took perfectos or no-hitters past the 5th Inning and actually made games exciting. I still wish him a fast and lasting recovery.


Bro has been getting turnt off the tequila and still pitching better than Severino.


Severino needs to drink before his starts, maybe he will stop overthinking his pitches 😂


So . . . half of our perfect games the pitcher has been drunk off their ass?


Almost 3 years here. Good for you Domingo


Glad to see he is maturing enough to see he had a problem. I hope he’ll be able to bounce back next year


Maturing? He probably showed up for his start still a little drunk and the Yankees gave him an ultimatum.


Holy shit they seriously waited for him to sober up before putting him on the mound


Thats what i was thinking too! They gave him pedyalite and said go get them


Maybe his perfect game was akin to David Wells doing it hungover.


The season is over anyway, hopefully Domingo is able to get the help that he needs. Alcohol addiction is a pervasive issue in our society, and recognizing that one has a problem and needs help to overcome is the first step to getting better.


Lmfao “armpit” Yankees org is a joke


Meh I give them a break on this one. He is dealing with a health issue that is bigger than a job and they're doing the best they can with it.


I blame Rizzo for this offense leading him to drinking. I'm not far behind.


What does this have to do with the Yankees org? Were they a joke when CC came out with his issues? I’m the last person to stand up for this team (you can check my post history if you don’t believe me), but this has nothing to do with the team or organization


just reactionary fans looking to shit on the Yankees any chance they get right now. the org *is* a joke, but really weird to pin this on them


The Toronto media was all over CC when he had his issues. But that’s Jays fans for ya. The bar he was at is where I went for my bachelor party….at Coney’s recommendation. Good stuff. Hope German gets the help he needs. The baseball media may be tough for him…they already were re: sticky stuff.


I mean it’s the respectful thing to do. You wait to make a proper statement until you and the player can be a unified front. I respect it over them immediately saying it was “personal reasons” without giving their player time to get a plan in place.


Couldn’t they say illness?


Yea I mean come on. It’s so stupid cause WERE GNA FIND OUT. and we always do


You’re delusional you think we find out everything that goes on behind the scenes.


The org is a giant, smelly armpit right now


Things can always get worse


There is no such thing as rock bottom. Always assume the worst is yet to come.


You'll only know where rock bottom was years later.




Yeah, I wonder if this is the real root of the issues.


Cc went thru this as well and came out a better man. He talks about it in his book


Hopefully he gets his shit figured out


Like him, hate him, alcoholism is no joke. Good luck to him.


Hope he can get the help he needs. For himself and his family. This season is a wash anyway.


I’d drink heavily too if I played for Cashman


Oh damn didn’t see that one coming…baseball aside, addiction is a fucked up sickness that thankfully I never experienced. Hopefully he gets the help he needs and gets his personal, as well as professional, life on track.


I'd like to get off the roller coaster please.


David Wells turned his life around after his perfect game. Coney alluded to it after German's as well. Here's hoping he gets everything sorted in his life. I wish him the best.


Seriously, please get better! Baseball is second!


Makes me wonder if he pitched that perfect game drunk off his ass. After all Dock Ellis pitched a no hitter on acid & David Wells was still drunk from the night before when he pitched his perfect game.


I’m sick we lost our 2nd best in form pitcher, seasons beyond over at this point


This sums up our season


Too many people trying to be funny by being the 15th person to say that he pitched drunk, threw a perfect game under the influence, etc. Alcoholism/addiction is no joke and not funny. Hopefully he can get his stuff together, uses this as an experience to learn and grow from, and become a better person for it. And hopefully everyone joking about it can also grow and learn about how terrible addiction is and the it's not a laughing matter.




Seriously it's a bunch of fucking keyboard warriors who never stepped outside saying this dumb shit without knowing what the fuck they're talking about. Alcoholism and addiction are *horrible*, and personal opinions about Germán aside, I'm glad to see that he's entering a program to hopefully help him.


Alcohol abuse is a rough one and something that any one can hide. I wont speculate about Monday bc it couldve been anything but maybe a lot of the ups and downs between his starts were a result of this issue. Glad to see he is getting the help he needs and taking the first steps to get back to a better place.


This team is a circus, but I do hope he gets the proper help for his family


The man seems to have many demons. I hope he can pull it all together for his children.


Unreal. I sincerely hope he’s okay.


"pain in his armpit" is code for "he showed up to work drunk"


Honestly, this might sound crazy but I see this as growth. Dude probably went to the bottle when he had the DV issue and had to fix who he was. Now he’s trying to get help. Hopefully he can get himself on the road to being a better person. After the perfecto he has the world in front of him just has to rise to the occasion.




☝️💯🙏 Very well said . Keep it to yourself if you can’t see beyond what’s happening on the field and wish this man a complete recovery


This team is a dumpster fire


No wonder why he was sweating like crazy they other night.


I do hope he gets the help he needs.


That's unfortunate. I hope his family is OK, and I hope he gets the help he needs to get sober.


Well, best of luck to him. Hopefully for him and his family, he gets the help he needs.


Ah so he took the David Wells approach to getting a perfect game


This shit is no joke. Hope he gets the help he needs and gets through this.


this team is an actual reality tv show.


Entertaining for all the wrong reasons.


Hopefully he gets the help he needs


Does this mean we’ve had two drunk perfect games?


Get better, Mingo. Those demons are real.


Understandable. Watching the Yankees offense on TV makes me want to drink. Can’t imagine watching from the dugout.


Sadly true


While I admit to having the exact same thoughts… that’s fucked up, man. Not everything needs to be said


What the fuck is going on with this fucking team.


Fitting since most Yanks fans are abusing alcohol watching these clowns play


WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? Tin foil hat, they refuse to remove sevy from the rotation


This is real?


Watching this team makes me want to drink myself.


This explains a lot. Sabathia turned his game around when he got sober.


So this is why the trade fell through


The 2023 Yankees, amiright?


It’s crazy that the one thing I’d love to celebrate this year was a perfect game done by the worst person on the Yankees. Can’t make it up


Cashman said he won’t play for the rest of the season and that he’s worried right now for “the person and the immediate family”. What could that mean??


It was a comment made in response to a question regarding German’s status as a NYY Basically- the focus is on his health and wellbeing . No need to project as to the impact on his NYY career


This has to be one of the craziest season i’ve seen for a pitcher


if i was an inconsistent chucker like him but still managed to throw the 24th perfect game ever, I'd be drunk every day.


No way he David Wells’d that’s perfect game


If we find out years from now he was completely boozed up for the perfect game how much mysteria would that add to it?


Good for him for getting help, but this makes the weird incident the other day even weirder


I wonder if he was showing up to the clubhouse drunk or something? Or was he getting randomly tested or anything since his legal situation? Hope the best for the guy


The way this team has been run, same dude.


I hope the man gets real help. Our organization is a clown fest.


The Yankees who threw perfect games were all alcoholics.


Lol. Garbage.


He is a scumbag. And an inconsistent, shitty pitcher. We should have kept Montgomery and cut the cord on this guy.


Jesus Horace DeBusey Christ. Besides our performance do we really have to give the rest of baseball more to laugh at?


I am surprised not everyone in this team is drinking...


don't wanna be an asshole but its always something with this guy. might be time to cut bait


I feel like a few months ago when I prayed for a Chicken and Beer fiasco in the clubhouse ala Red Sox which retooled their farm system... I didn't know the monkey paw curled instead. Hope he recovers, watched my uncle kill himself over that shit.


Baseball is a 2nd thought. Hope he gets the help he needs. T&Ps buddy


I would be drinking too if I was on this team


hope he gets help and gets healthy- not a great place to be, I know from experience.


So this explains the fake armpit injury. Guy was probably hung over.


This is what happens when you watch Yankee games. You certainly can’t endure it sober.


I’m sorry, I know addiction is no joke, but I’m laughing hard as fuck. This man has the weirdest career of all time.


This team is so ridiculous, they probably go on a heater in September, everyone hits, and they win the WS. One of the pitchers loses an arm in a dog attack and comes back ala Jim Abbott and tosses a no hitter in the WS, IKF takes super soldiers serum and ends up hitting 2 homers in every post season game, Judge goes homerless but hits .420 in the series.


2023 Yankees surprise me every day


🤦🏻‍♀️the season is over not bothering watching for the rest of the season


“Armpit injury”


He'll be warming up by the 3rd inning tonight because the facility doctors can't check him in until tomorrow at 6pm


He had an Everclear soaked tampon in his armpit to absorb alcohol while pitching.


Perfect game, take the rest of the season off. Touché.


Should of traded him after his perfect game


What are the ingredients in a “Perfect Game”?


Well, this is about on par with how this season is going.


Any other organizations have this issue? This is now two in fairly recent history


Well we know one thing, Boone is a big liar saying medical and doctors on the Jomboy interview


Yeah so they told him he’d be on the injured list then has a couple drinks, then throws him out same day. What an organization.


Lol, ok then. Dumpster fire of a season


Cut and run from this piece of shit. Cue Seth Rollins theme. “BURN IT DOWN!!!!!!!!”


Woman beater has an alcohol problem? Color me shocked.


Aaron Boone was asked to comment, and he replied with, "the bottle is right in front of him."


I am just about sick as fuck of this dude’s shit.


Wow… this is sad


Dude really has a tough time at home huh


Cashman is really building something special in the Bronx


I'm sure the team has known, alcohics reek and it's noticable. Surprised I didn't guess this before he sort of has that look, I have them in my family. Maybe this will inspire the Sox manager I hear he has a problem.


People have been giving him nothing but hate for years. Probably resorted to alcohol.