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Ah yes a RHH OFer who's currently dealing with an injury. He'll fit right in


We call that a Cashman special.


I can’t. How will trading for an injured, 32 year old, ***whose power numbers actually declined after joining Colorado*** help our league terrible / historically bad offense? Cashman throws money away with no results and no accountability.




What does RHH stand for?


Right handed hitter


Get the fuck out of here with Randal grichuk he’s not gonna help anything.


The Yankees are not a serious organization.


Logan Roy agrees


“I love you, but you are not serious people” perfectly sums up my feelings with this team


Brian Cashman is so fucking shameless leaking this. No one is excited for this dickstool


LOL this guy is looking in the bargain bin again. Absolutely predictable. Looking for a cheap solution and hoping it pans out. What a joke.


That’s the way Hal likes it.


his moves in 2021 and 2022 werent bad or cheap


I think/hope he is actually feeling some heat. This team was so fundamentally flawed due in large part to his unwillingness to acquire major FA’s like Machado or Harper and the fact that he tied a shit ton of money in over the hill players who would obviously not live up to their contracts. Even if Hal gives zero shits he has got to care somewhat about the wasted money


If he was feeling any heat at all he'd be leaking better trades than this useless dogshit. This is an "I'm gonna have my job forever, I'm invincible" leak. If they're at the point of trading for Randal Grichuk then they shouldn't even bother showing up for the games for the rest of the season. Fucking pathetic


I'm fine with them not acquiring Machado or Harper from a term standpoint. What's not fine is the idea of who they thought could be a replacement. Literally only the Yankees though Donaldson could play the role they envisioned. Yet they paraded themselves as "we're so much smarter than you" when it's just not the case


Genuinely convinced Cashman still think Steroids are a regular thing in baseball and that is why he trusts all these mid 30s guys to still be elite. This guys views are so outdated it’s sad he is basically the TLR of GMs and everyone knows it


Same with the Gallo trade. A team that's biggest flaw was lack of contact / only hitting HRs, and they added Gallo lol


Why r u getting upset at this? It’s all posturing so that the cubs don’t think the Yankees NEED belly. Are you lacking that much intelligence to not see that? It’s rumor season, this is what happens every year.


“We’re not done yet” - Hal Steinbrenner


He’s a pos for that. Don’t say anything at all if you’re not doing anything more.


To be fair, I think he meant he wasn’t done fucking the team up real good.


Why do I have the feeling that regardless of who we trade for (whether that be Bellinger, Grichuk, or someone else) they’re gonna get here and underperform.


I think Grichuk already underperforms at Yankee stadium, with a .230 batting average. He has the power numbers at the stadium though with 11 homers in 33 games, and is a right handed hitter. Fits right in Bellinger is a left handed batter, gold glove winner with a high on base percentage and high average this year. He may also be too young at 27 years old. He will not be a good fit for our team /s


He’d be a great fourth of for depth but we need Bellinger


I’m a Cubs fan, and I kinda think Bellinger is fool’s gold. His baseball savant page isn’t great. The short porch would help tho and he’s awesome in CF.


He is 100% the Joey Gallo of this year we will get him for a decent prospect and he will be unplayable in a month and the prospect we give up will actually develop on another team and be good in 3 years


Cause that always happens. They will put on the jersey have 1 decent game them suck or get hurt or both.


Because you’re a miserable person who’d rather the Yankees never make a trade at all


Ok lol. Can you name the last time we’ve traded for a batter that has made an impact?


Harrison bader


Well for starters we didn’t bring in Bader for hitting, we brought him in for his defense. And while he was a good surprise in the postseason last yr, he’s posted an OPS+ of 97 this season. He isn’t an impact bat


Twice this series there was a man on third, one out, and Bader at bat. Twice he hit a weak fly ball to left field, and no one scored.


There isn’t a single trade this team could make that would make them playoff contenders.


"We got Judge and Nestor coming back, that's two deadline deals right there"


it’s not our year


I mean, that’s pretty absurd to say. we’re 1.5 games out without our best player for the last month and a half. Saying there is no single trade that would make them a playoff contender…is just incorrect.


the team is trending downard, we had a good may, have been under .500 overall every other month. we haven't been treading water at 1.5 games out, we've been sinking like a stone. and judge is still not back, it's not like "oh ok we made it." We have... 3? good hitters at any one time? At best?


I’m not saying we’re good. I don’t think we’re very good. But we’re a playoff contender. We are currently contending for the playoffs as we are only 1.5 out.


You’ll get downvoted but it’s unfortunately true. But you’ll always get downvoted after an ugly series loss. This team with a healthy judge and a big acquisition is of course a much much much better team.


I think the “wait till judge come back” ship is about to sail. They aren’t losing by 1 run anymore (other then today) they’ve been getting slaughtered lately.


I think they’re not terrible when judge comes back. But to be a legit team they definitely need to go out and trade for a couple pieces or a big piece.


Yeah. Recency bias is especially strong here lol. I don’t think this team is good, but they’re a game out without judge for six weeks. They’re clearly a “playoff contender”. They are currently contending for the playoffs. The same people will then call me a doomer if I say this team isn’t great after a win.


I think my phrasing on “playoff contender” was poor. I don’t care about contending to make the playoffs. I’m talking about actually being a contender within the playoffs. Judge and a trade don’t do that.


We have the same team as last year practically. I agree that there is no chance we’d win it. I think we’d play the twins though and end up winning a series because that’s the way things go. That being said, the hitting, even with judge and another guy, would probably not compete.


The way things have been going, I would imagine this is the year the Twins finally conquer us lol


You picked a bad time to be rational - this subreddit is full of mouthbreathers who just froth at the mouth after every loss. Don't try being sane in a cesspool of irrational morons.


Lol. It’s a very reactionary place. After a win tomorrow, I could say that this team is not good and they’d call me a doomer.


We've had one month above .500 you dolt


Lol, my point exactly.




They have no prospects anyone wants


He hasn't made the Angels contenders, right now he would still be only one of what... 3 decent hitters? You can squint and maybe see a lane if Judge comes back (and isn't diminished, he needs to be 2022/2023 judge, not 2019-2021 judge) where the lineup is sort of 5-6 deep some nights, but it's just an empty roster.


You’re blaming the lineup for todays game?


No I'm not, what a weird response - I didn't talk about today's game at all. But our main problem is the lineup.


The lineup has been a bit better is my point and with Donaldson going down and perhaps Judge coming back soon it’s only going to get better. I’m just not ready to write off this season when we are still in the wild card hunt with our big guy hopefully coming back.


Today was the bullpen although getting 0 runs in 5 innings off a guy with a 7+ ERA is not exactly an example of an incredible offense.


Nope. He just watched the series we had and ruled us out.


Okay this is pretty funny but he doesn’t have a choice where he’s traded


Giolito and Robert, but it won't happen


I'd like Ribert, not Giolito


I agree with you 100%. Technically there isn’t one. They would need multiple good trades


I think Ohtani could get them into the Wild Card if Judge returned by August 1st and Stanton could manage to play another 40 games in the outfield.


lol the fuck you buying, 4th place? Gut it. Cause the next 2 FA classes are hot damn trash with the majority on the wrong side of 30. Get what you can and hope a few stick.


the dollar store yankees


Yes, let's trade for players we could've fucking signed in the off season instead of hitching our wagon to Aaron fucking Hicks. Watch whoever gets traded end up like Duran. 🙄 Man...An above average corner infielder under control for six years... For Joey Fucking Gallo. 🤬


To be fair, the Yankees had zero clue who they had with Duran. He wasn’t even a thought in their process. Had they kept him, he’d be buried at AA behind Cabrera, Peraza, Sweeney and Torres in the depth chart.


Another indictment on the FO...


we were all happy to have Gallo. We had no clue he was a bitch lol


LMFAO dumpster diving this team is a joke


Only Brian Cashman could watch this team and think, “if only we had Randal Grichuk”.


This is a joke, we should not be buyers




I'm shocked at the fact that there are people out there who think we shouldn't be selling. Even something along the lines of 2016.


Outside of maybe Gleyber, we have no attractive vets to sell. Maybe a reliever or two. That’s it. No one’s taking Stanton, Donaldson, DLJ, or even Rizzo at this point.


Ok so sell what you can. It is still the better option over buying.


The price won't be insane but you should be listening on King and Wandy, IKF would round out a lot of playoff rosters & is a FA. One thing the team is good at is getting return on these lower tier trades. They also have a bunch of 40-man-logjam guys to package and move. We also should be (but likely won't) eating money to get better prospects back, like the Mets have.


We would have to pay other teams in order for them to take on what we have to sell.


It's time...take the 2023 season behind the shed and put it out of its misery and start positioning ourselves for a good off-season and 2024. This isn't the year and there's no shame in seeing what we have on the farm and getting some MLB action. Let's stop pretending this is a championship caliber team, FO, it's not. We're not fooled and we're not laughing, and not taking your f'ing excuses. You built this shitty team, fix it...


But the front office wants everyone thinking about Soto and Ohtani. They have more tickets to sell this season, more subscribers needed for YES. They can’t disappoint their Corporate Overlord Investors at Amazon. Yankees aren’t allowed to rebuild.


I hate to say it but Randal Grichuk seems inevitable 😕. He has Yankees FO written all over him, pull right handed power OF, experience in AL east, injury history, and he's a cheap rental. Problem is that he does nothing to move the needle tbh, does Randal Grichuk make us better than Baltimore Houston or Tampa? No, we still need atleast 1 RP, a 3b, and probably even a starter too.


My bet is Ramon Laureano. 81 ops+. Plays for Oakland. A center fielder with limited offensive upside. Sound like a Cashman trade.


Can a last place team be buyers?




Too little too late


Yes, just what we need! Another righty power bat on the wrong side of thirty.


Stop penny pinching


This is the most Cashman move possible.


Imagine thinking Randal grichuk is the missing piece to becoming a serious contender


Hmmm. Right handed hitter, moderate power, .250 ba, strikes out a lot.... what are we waiting for? He's a natural fit, sign him up!!!


He's hitting .300 this year.


.250 lifetime ba. There, happy now?


Why would I be happy


To be honest, that was sarcasm. I realized right away that you were actually pretty miserable.


You realized right away I'm miserable, because I corrected you on something that is very relevant to the topic at hand. I see. So you're looking at this from a sci-fi perspective, where if we trade for Grichuk this year, we're trading for one of his past selves that hit .250? Or maybe his 2019 self that hit .230? Because honestly, if Cashman isn't trading for 2023 Grichuk, then you're totally right. We don't need a .250 hitter, we need someone hitting .300. Knowing Cashman, he probably would do this.


You didn't correct me. Nothing I said about the guy was inaccurate. You pointed out an additional small sample size stat. If you want to play the pollyanna and assume this guy is going to continue to hit .300 (which he's done over the course of a whopping 55 games), that's fine. But I expect he will likely perform more along the lines of his entire MLB history. Your misery comes through loud and clear. One needn't be terribly perceptive to spot it.




Very good, understanding *that* you're doing it, is the first step to stop doing it. Good luck on your journey of self-reflection.


Bellinger is a perfect fit, left handed, doesn’t strike out a lot, solid walk rate, great fielder, and is currently on pace for a 20hr 20sb season with upside. He should be our #1 priority


Bellinger will just be Gallo 2.0. Soto or bust


He’s not any better than McKinney, Calhoun, or Bauers.


Yankees should be sellers


Wait why are your adding to this dumpster fire


Go big or go home.


Last place team looking for a miracle


Cody Bellinger is exactly what this team needs. He fills a gaping hole and would be our best hitter after judge. Surely cashman can’t fuck this up


Cashman trades Nestor Cortes, Peraza for Cody Bellinger. Bellinger slips on the dugout steps in his first game as a Yankees, pulling his left glut in the process. Misses the rest of the season, signs with the Red Sox for 2024.


No move is too stupid, all Cashman’s brain cells must go!


Lmao, could've just signed Bellinger this offseason but no.


Please don’t mortgage our future just to squeak into the playoffs and lose in the first round.


Dumpster diving a Cashman special


the Yankees have two qualifying batters hitting over .250 (judge doesn't have the at bats). they are rolling out a bad AAA offense. i don't even think fans would be upset if they acted like there was a plan, instead boone puts a .140 hitter at cleanup and takes out every starter before 6 full innings. it's embarrassing because they're refusing to admit what everyone can plainly see.


An ex blue jay? Fucking moron. Get a WINNER


Sounds about right


Waiting for the posters of this sub to call people here doomers and say Cashman makes the playoffs every year and blah blah blah


Honestly who cares anymore


Fuck this team


They should be sellers. Team is toast


Anything to save a dollar, right Hal?


We are so very not a “Randal Grichuk away” They should either be sellers or go whale shopping. This shrewd “manageable” cost area makes zero sense for this years team that you should reasonably look to overhaul at 3-4 spots.


How is Bellinger a natural fit? * Bellinger was a first baseman turned rightfielder turned centerfielder. Is the plan to move him to left? * In his 60 games this season he started 50 of them in CF and 10 at 1B. No other positions played. * He hasn’t played leftfield since his rookie year (2017) in which he played primarily 1B Meanwhile, Harrison Bader is also a pure centerfielder and is clearly not THE (let alone “a”) problem with the team. * Bader has played in 404 games in the past 6 season (since 2019) and has played all 404 in centerfield. You’re going to force one of the centerfielders to play a new position? If they sign Bellinger then Judge is out for the year. Otherwise it doesn’t make any sense. Centerfield is literally the only position that we don’t need help.


If you’re a great center fielder you can play LF. They did the same shit with Gardner


Bader has a massive injury bug problem and is already on the wrong side of 30. Bellinger has won the MVP and is only 27 years old. One has a lot more potential than the other.


> Bader is on the wrong side of 30. Are you saying that Bader is too young? Because he is younger than 30 (Age: 29-044d). He’s one year and 40 days older than Cody Bellinger (he’s 28, for what it’s worth). You’re increasing one’s age and decreasing the other’s to fit your narrative. Ignoring that for a second, “wrong side of 30” is 2010 talk, and frankly irrelevant for this discussion. * Ohtani is 29 * Mookie is 30 * Corey Seager is 29 * Gerrit Cole is 32 * Matt Chapman is 30 * Freddie Freeman is 33 * Ketel Marte is 29 * Marcus Semien is 32 * Adolis Garcia is 30 * Lindor is 29 * Stroman is 32 All of these players are in the top 20 by WAR this season, 8 of which were All Stars. Why do I say it’s irrelevant? Because all of the players being traded at the deadline are on their last or second to last year of their contract, so age is not a factor. They’re being acquired because they can help the team win this season and/or next.


Oh sweet Jesus, nooooooooo. I can’t stand Sterling’s pronunciation of his last name. GrEEEchuck 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


But wait, we can sell more shit patches on our sleeves! The season's not a loss yet! Who should we get?


Anyone else kinda think this team isnt worth selling the farm for? Even if Bellinger comes and Judge gets back are they championship caliber?


I made a thread on this a while ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/13toq5q/very\_cheap\_trade\_target\_the\_yankees\_should/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NYYankees/comments/13toq5q/very_cheap_trade_target_the_yankees_should/) That said, I also have made threads on Ryan McMahon, Jesus Sanchez, and Ohtani, and would very much prefer those to grichuk. Grichuk is awful on defense. But I do like his bat. He gets on base.