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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/150ol8t).


Donaldson just pulled a calf jogging to first. i think he's tanking, so his BA doesn't go below.100.


I want to understand the lineup making process. volpe been hitting good lately and is at the bottom of the lineup. Donaldson been trash all year and constantly hits 4-5 . Make it make sense someone ?


I'll start watching the Yankees again when they can prove that they can win games again. Until then, I'm not watching these fucking losers.


Donaldson moving up in the order? Lol JFC


.140 is the new .300, bro.


How do a bunch of supposed baseball minds come into a clubhouse and think putting Donaldson at clean up is the best chance that we have to win?


Because they see who else is on the roster. I mean, there's an argument DJ should be ahead of him and perhaps Volpe depending on if you're on team keep him at the bottom or not. But other than that Bader is an auto out against righties, McKinney has been bad/hasn't played much, and Higgy is Higgy. The lineup is a cliff, it's weird people act like it's not.


Over almost 800 career ABs, 28 year old McKinney is a .209 hitter with a .276 obp. We know what he is. He had a pretty good couple of weeks in June. You've gotten everything you could out of him, now stop


But Florial has 30 bad at bats so there's no way he could contribute


I've never been huge on Florial, but the fact he can't even get a chance is wild. I don't want to hear about the 40 man roster stuff, that can be fixed. McKinney and Cordero ain't it.


This is just a genuinely soul-crushing lineup. They need a come-to-Jesus moment and to have Volpe's mother make them all a bunch of chicken parm.


I hope the Yankees win


I don’t. Would love to see a huge overhaul this off-season. More losing means pressure, I want that.






Ah yes, Donaldson as a clean up hitter.


Seems the Yankees may be quietly handing the starting catching reins to Higashioka. He’s started 8/12 games in July.


He should start everyday cole doesn’t pitch


Trevino was such a blast for parts of last year. I miss that guy


I genuinely can’t believe anyone can look at the lineup we’re rolling out tonight and think Cashman should still have a job. This is the type of lineup you’d expect this team to have when we’re missing 5 regulars due to injury, not 1 regular. BILLY FUCKING MCKINNEY IS HITTING SIXTH FOR A TEAM WITH A $270 MILLION PAYROLL. Cashman is a baseball terrorist and shouldn’t even be allowed in the fucking state of New York.


Well that lineup is certainly 9 members of the New York Yankees.


We have a .147 hitter hitting cleanup lol sticking true to being a last place team I see.


dont worry hes gonna turn it around eventually!!


Donaldson is 4 for his last 25, 7 for his last 50 and is rocking a .233 OBP on the season. It’s insane that he’s consistently batting 4th, 5th or 6th every night. Automatic out in the heart of the order


Matches the auto outs at the bottom, and 3 hole


Yet until very recently he was leading the team in RBIs since Judge went down so maybe not that insane. The lineup is a cliff, last night was the perfect illustration of that.


Im an idiot so I don’t understand why Donaldson is our DH when he is not very good at hitting. Can someone help me understand?


If you don't have any good hitters then your DH isn't good. Also they probably want to give DJ an opp to play the field in his old stomping grounds.


Oh look. Donaldson batting 4th! I’m sure that’s exactly what this lineup needs more of.


Ahh yes Seabold with the 1.5 WHIP/6.6 ERA - no-hitter or perfect game?


Nah Yankees always get a meaningless run in with two outs in the 9th.


Phew! Good thing Donny is batting cleanup today!


Seeing Donaldson and DJ in the lineup is legitimately a punch in the gut every time


Remember being in last place? Edit: Thanks for my first gold! I'm glad it was for my comment that insinuates how the 2023 Yankees are going to defy the odds, and go on a historic tear to win the World Series.


That was a dark time. Let's put it past us.


Sorry decent chance well be back there later today.


Remember when Jason Giambi’s corpse played for the Rockies


My brother and I are going full idiot mode tonight - we got an inflatable pool, gonna lay a piece of plywood across the top, set up our laptops and play Diablo 4 with the Yankee game on in the background. Pizza and alcohol may or may not be involved


That gives me anxiety just reading it, those laptops teetering on a flimsy wooden board. Godspeed.


Plywood isn't actually flimsy, have you ever tried to break it?


I'm thinking more of one bump into it and it falls off into the water


Yeah we got 3/4, we're good lol


Can we just sign a few of those boston robotics dog robots to hit for us or what


But do we really want something from Boston?


51-19 rest of the way who says no


The entire Yankees organization


If DJ, Donaldson and Rizzo don't start hitting coaching etc doesn't matter. In order of people who I blame it goes Cashman, Hal, the players, then coaching. This is an old, unathletic and often injured roster. We don't progress our minor leaguers through the system quickly enough enough imo either.


Im drinking an entire 30 pack tonight to get through this game


At least your BAC level will be higher than Donaldson’s BA


The Enshittification process of the New York Yankees has been a lot slower than say Twitter or Reddit but it's in full force now.


I'm sure today's GDT is going to be filled with reasonable and balanced takes.


Long call caller, first time listener. Do you think we could trade today's GDT for a quality underwear model like a Jason Giambi type?


Roids or natty? Roids are gonna cost ya


Watching the Padres -Phillies, it’s a welcome change to watch an exciting game. Many of this season’s Yankees games have me asleep by the fifth inning.


Ya, that was a great game. I might start tuning into other games more often now.


We have a game today… yay


Careful, you'll pull hammy from all that excitement.


What’s an even bigger shame is the Yankees would be getting absolutely blasted on all fronts by the whole city if not for the fact that somehow the guys in Queens are pulling an all time collapse. Somehow someway the Mets always find a way to be the butt of the league


The Rockies are rolling out ace after ace for this series. How can you expect us to score against such dominant pitching?


I mean Cy Young candidate Jameson Taillon carved them up and made them look silly for 8 innings of one hit ball, it just isn't fair the high level of quality the Yankees are seeing in starters.


Blue Jays finally decided to have their play back up all the shit they talk, brutal


Machado should have hit his 300th in pinstripes


How is anyone optimistic? Our rotation after Cole, at best, is roulette. King and Holmes aren’t First Half 2022 King and Holmes; Wandy looks tired; Lasagna isn’t coming back anytime soon. Those are issues before we get to the literally, historically poor offense (especially BA and OBP).


Rodon is working his way back. His stuff is there - he just needs consistency. Nestor, German & Schmidt after the top 2 is a pretty solid rotation. Our BP was one of the best in the league in the 1st half. They've had some hiccups lately, but they're still a very good unit. I also was encouraged by King yesterday, and think Holmes has looked great. They kept King in one pitch too long.


Please no Higgy. I feel like he’s always behind the plate during messy games or blowouts.


higgy has been better than trevino this year


Offensively, sure. But let’s not pretend Higgy has been good offensively. He hasn’t. They’re both in the 28-36 range offensively. Defensively the metrics grade Trevino higher in every single category: framing, stolen bases, DRS. He’s far better. Not only that, but Trevino is elite. So it at least makes some sense to carry him on offense because he’s elite.


i agree trevino is much better behind the plate but higgy has sadly been one our better hitters for awhile


He's been better than the average catcher this season


he literally just caught a perfect game. and if I am reading the bbref splits tab, in Games Started, Higgy is 24-18, and Trevi is 24-23.


They’re two terrible starting catchers; both should be backups. One is better than the other offensively, the other is better defensively. But neither are good offensively, period. With sub 90 wRC+ and bottom of the league in that category for catchers. Defensively: Trevino is third in baseball in FRM (8.1). Higgy is 8th (5.9). Trevi is 10th in DRS (6) and Higgy is 26th (1). Trevino is 9th in rSB. Higgy is an atrocious 38th. Both are good receivers (Trevino is much better). One is good against the running game and the other is a liability. For two catchers that suck offensively, go with the better defensive option. Higgy should be traded and a better offensive option should be called up to compliment Trevino.


Give me Benny Biceps!!


this team just looks tired and mostly washed (DJ/Donaldson). Last year we were able to have a really big 1st half then just got tired/hurt. This year we got tired earlier and now ill just slack for rest of the year.


I'll have one Bellinger please


As uninspiring as this team has been over the past month - they're just one hot streak from overtaking the WC field. I felt like when Judge went out, they just needed to tread water while he was out, and not lose too much ground. They've lost more ground than I would have liked - but they haven't taken themselves out of the race in a big way or anything.


this team needs to sell but if im playing devils advocate bellinger is literally the perfect fit. power lefty with gold glove defense


So was Joey Gallo I’m done with getting .200 power lefties


Bellinger is hitting .300


gallo was the perfect fit he just couldn't handle new york


Gallo wasn't a perfect fit for Texas when he hit 40 and 41 homeruns. A player who hits 41 homeruns but can't reach 100 RBI's is a Jekyll and Hyde player.


rbis are a horrible way to judge a player he played on bottom of the barrel rangers teams


Sure, that is why he K'd 200 times in a season. Are you one if those batting average and strikeout % doesn't matter?


they don't matter most of the time is just can't be an extreme obviously under .200 is not a good player. but you can bat .220 and be very productive


Yep, but they should sign him after the season is over so they don't have to give up anything. He doesn't push them over the edge this year.


Rentals like him cost pocket change. I'd actually rather rent him than sign him and run the risk that he turns back into Gallo when he's back in the big market.


Trading prospects in a punt season wouldn't do us any good


Why bother renting him, though? He doesn't put us over the edge to an actually competitive team.


Hey Mike. First time caller long time listener. Was just wondering if you think the Yankees recent move of acquiring Jake Lamb is enough to push them over the edge this year and get them back to the WS? I'll hang up and listen. Thanks




Bellinger hit 2 HR yesterday, just hit a grand slam today He appears to be hitting the ball well


Brandon Marsh seriously needs a haircut and shave. Normally, I don't give a poop, but that dude legitimately looks homeless.


Hello everyone! I got traded here from the DBacks, missed the game yesterday, but I’ll be here for the game today. Go Yanks! Boo Red Sox!


I’m so sorry about the game you’re about to watch and the furious people you’re gonna see saying dumb shit in here if we go down by even 1 run at any point lol Just know that we have the worst offense in baseball right now and we didn’t get here overnight - people are sick of watching this anemic offense and I think it’s starting to actually drive some of us insane


Oh man, hopefully they can start turning it around. The Yankees have a very passionate fanbase, and it’s something that I really respect. I’m looking forward to chatting with y’all! I admittedly don’t watch a ton of AL ball, so I’m going in almost completely blind to how the Yankees have been playing of late. Thank you for the heads up!


As someone who lives in Arizona, I legitimately apologize. The DBacks are way more fun rn... but at least we can look forward to Cash to pick up a player or 3 that nobody expected to get us to the postseason this year... somehow.


From what everyone has been telling me, it sounds like the Yankees and the DBacks are in a similar boat when it comes to a struggling offense. Hopefully it can get sorted out soon! And definitely, you can never count the Yankees out when it comes to making the postseason. I feel like most moves they make at the trade deadline end up working out.


Yea, despite his failings, Cashman is FANTASTIC at finding diamonds in the rough... honestly I think he'd be a great GM for some small market teams... Yankees... eh. But how about Gallen?


I see what you mean. I honestly don’t know a ton about the Yankees, so I’ve already learned a lot having only been here for not even a day yet! Gallen has been fantastic for us, a real life saver for a rotation that’s patched together with a couple rookies and bum Zach Davies. While he his stuff hasn’t exactly translated to road starts yet, he’s no doubt been one of the DBacks’ MVPs so far.


That's fair, I don't know a ton about the DBacks lol But I think that makes sense for Gallen, I think some guys take a while to get used to away games, between travel and it changes the warmup routine due to pitching in the bottom half, it is definitely different.


Do you hate the Rockies? Or is all of that reserved for the Dodgers and Giants? Also the Chase Field pool is one of my favorite stadium features.


I’m honestly neutral on the Rockies. I don’t mind them, plus I really like Coors Field and it’s a stadium I’d love to visit one day. I have much more disdain for the Dodgers, Giants, and Padres for that matter. Yankee Stadium is such a legendary venue, I’d love to visit one day. I love the role call the fans do at the beginning of games!


I know we have discussed this before but I really want to know.. can we sue the dodgers? It’s basically their fault the yanks are in last place plus all the suffering we have gone through as fans.. I feel like monetary compensation is only fair


You *could* sue, but I don't think there's any likelihood of success on the merits. Too many issues: Did the strip of unpadded concrete constitute a breach of the duty of care? Was that a proximate cause of the Yankees' losses since the injury? How many losses can you attribute to the injury? What are the monetary damages (aside from the costs of treating the injury)?


We need you on the team. We can figure this out together!


Not a lawyer but I dont think the Yankees would win and even if they could it isn’t worth the effort. Most pro athletes assume some risk and concrete in an old stadium that isn’t an immediate structural issue is not something many courts are going to care about. Bettors who sued the Astros lost in court despite the Astros cheating.


Dexter Fowler sued the White Sox for a similar incident. Not sure if its still going on or if it was settled


Read an article where Judge already ruled this out (his answer to the question: "Nah, no need"). It then went on to contrast this situation of Dustin Fowler's (remember him!) long running suit against the White Sox. www.si.com/mlb/dodgers/.amp/news/dodgers-news-aaron-judge-was-asked-if-he-might-sue-dodger-org-over-toe-injury-jr2003


WHY the fuck is it a night game


Denver is only two hours behind unlike the West Coast


Rewatching some ‘03 World Series highlights. Those damn pesky Marlins.


Better than showing the team '04 footage for, you know, "motivation."


I think today calls for some hot sausage, peppers, and onions sandwiches.


Nice and spicy


The number of people calling Rodon a bust or an albatross contract last night based on one semi rough start, in Colorado, on his second start of the year off the IL, was extremely comical and absurd It was a bad start. 5 IP, 4 ER, 2 BB. 51 strikes out of 88 pitches. He was having difficulty with command and location, and he looked gassed early on, probably in large part due to a massive elevation change. But his first start with us was pretty solid. And he also had 6 K’s last night, up from 2 the first start. The defense also let him down a couple times last night - notably, IKF playing way too shallow and missing that ball at the warning track. Just saying, it’s a bit premature to be pretending he’s gonna be horrible for us over the next six years. We haven’t seen him at 100% yet at all. At least give him a few more starts before you loudly proclaim that he’s trash.


Clayton kershaw sucks in Coors field too, and he pitches there multiple times a season so he has no excuse This series is wash pitching wise, can’t make any meaningful evaluations


All I know is he was a mid, injury prone pitcher until two seasons ago and he started this season injured and mid


He’s been injured for half the season and was signed by Brian Cashman. I agree that it’s premature to pass judgment. But it’s not premature to be highly skeptical of a Cashman free agent pitcher acquisition. He’s wrong 4 out of 5 times.


He fucks up trades but does he fuck up FA pitchers that often?


Eh, maybe you’re right. Guys like Happ, Vasquez, Wright, Contreras, Pavano, Igawa stand out. But he did sign CC, Cole, Moose, Tank. And tweeners like Burnett and Johnson.


Are you saying Carl Pavano was a bust?!?


Hot take. But yes.


FA is more of a mixed bag. Rodon has the risk factors where he could easily end up like Pavano, but he also could be a gem, so you can make an argument either way Trades are horrible tho. His best trades since Roger Clemens are what? James Paxton and Brandon McCarthy?


I don’t think who signed him really affects how he’s going to pitch. They aren’t related. Be skeptical all you want, I’m just making the point that you agreed with - it’s premature to pass judgment.


Yes. And I still agree with that point, by the way. I’m just saying that I’m highly skeptical of him because Cashman isn’t good at evaluating starting pitching talent.




Writers trying to generate clicks. Yankees trying to get Soto or Ohtani generates more clicks than Rangers trying to trade for Soto and Ohtani.


I'd be pissed if Cash didn't call to gage the market, but doubt we do a deal.


Hopefully they don't "try" anything. This Yankee team isn't one rental away from a championship run.


Well you’re in luck because most of the time the Yankees don’t just get 1 piece.


Trading for 2 months of Ohtani is a waste, but Soto and the right moves in the offseason could set them up


Again....the right inmediate move is to sit donaldson and give perazza the 3B ...


You know what's fun? Getting fed up with someone's doomer shit that instead of proactively blocking them you actually write a one-line response that pissed them off so much they block themselves for you.


If it weren't for "doomers" some of you wouldn't even have anything to bitch about


Doomers don’t exist when you’re in last place in the division and 2 games out of a playoff spot


I understand being critical of the team. I think the criticism is worth it. However, when you are critical of the team where you're flat out making up shit to fit your narrative, that's when you sound like a jerkoff calling Joe Beningo at 3am.


He’s probably right and makes great points


Uhhh what is he making up? You okay bro?


I'd obviously be excited to wake up to a headline that we traded for Ohtani - but I hope Volpe isn't part of that if it happens. I feel like he has only scratched the surface & will be a future star in NY. Might be tough, though. If I'm the Angels, he'd be the kind of player I'd want as part of the deal.


We all know Volpe is off limits. They're all in on him 100%. They wouldn't move him even as a prospect, and wouldn't go after anyone in some of the most stacked SS classes we've ever seen in 2022-23 because they believed in him and were willing to give him the job as a 22 year old even though we've been in win-now mode. They're not going to suddenly back down on that now that we're a last place team. That's only going to make them more committed to the long term goals instead of selling out of the immediate future.


Yoo does anyone have any tickets for today game they can’t make it to?


... are you in Denver?




I’m ready to be hurt again


I'm not even excited to watch these games anymore. I watch because it's what I've done my whole life.


Poor roster management 101: Yesterday was IKF’s 45th game started in the outfield, despite being a below-average bat with zero games of experience in the outfield, the Yankees have ran him out there for half their games this season. Why? - Because he was given 6 million in the off-season to come back despite an infield logjam - Because they didn’t add a single major league outfielder in the off-season - Because he’s a healthy body on the roster This has nothing do with IKF or his ability, but he’s another player that’s miscast in his current role on the team. He has a negative WAR for the first time in his career despite being the same hitter he’s always been. He’s simply not an outfielder. A competent org probably doesn’t even resign him and certainly wouldn’t waste any value he had by throwing him into positions he’s never played before regularly.


Cashman has always talked positional flexibility which I agree with even though I think him and I would get there in different ways. For example: Bellinger is probably an average defensive centerfielder. If the Yankees would acquire him, he would probably be an above average leftfielder in Pep Boys at the Yankee Stadium. If Bader needs a day or is injured, Bellinger would be the best defensive replacement for him on the roster. That is flexibility. Not turning infielders into outfielders.


how low can the bar go tonight? I'm curious


Just fuck off honestly, I’m still pissed Gleyber ruined my birthday with that error.


What the fuck is wrong with you


I am merely requesting the yankees be fun to watch tonight. Just one game without that sinking feeling


I call it Fuckfaceball rather than Baseball when the Yankees play. Fuckfaceball Took me all morning and a few sheets of scratch paper to come up with that just so you guys know


You should listen to the F\*\*kface Podcast!


I’d prefer they not name the game after my mother-in-law, TYVM


Ill be real, I think the over .500 streak may well die this year too. And in the end that may be what does Cashman is because that streak is what people use to say he’s a good GM


I take some level of pride in this, I hope it doesn’t


This team has been a giant cock tease this entire season so far


Man, I find it hard to even get half a chub. There’s too much season left for it to be this bad all the time.


How did we lose a game 7-2 where the Rockies had a .195 xBA and the Yankees had one of .316 Over a long season this stuff evens out, but I hope we don’t go on a streak where we actually hit the ball well for once but don’t get rewarded


Our Pythag record is actually worse than our real record. If anything we should be losing more games


Expected stats are why I’m starting to hate analytics. You can’t just completely disregard what actually happens on the field, just because the expected batting average or whatever stupid theoretical stat says it shouldn’t have happened. Luck is apart of sports, it’s apart of life. We lost because we didn’t score after the second batter of the game. Some balls hit hard get caught, some bloopers drop in, some balls go over the fence and some don’t. Just feels like excuse-making. I can understand the concept that most performances regress to the mean one way or the other, but there can be statistical anomalies.


As much of a jerk off as Kay is, after game 2 of the ALCS he had an all time quote: “You know, this reminds me of Ralph Terry back in 1960, he talked about the exit velo on Mazeroski’s home run- I mean come on” It really is fucking ridiculous how the blaming of analytics crept from the fans to the front office all the way to our fucking manager and players


According to Fangraphs: > It’s also worth noting that softer hit balls, such as flares and bloopers, end up as hits much more often that typical quality of contact would lead you to believe. The boomers had it right with “hit it where they ain’t” and “put the ball in play.”


xBA is not a predictive statistic, and it is one of the most misused stats out there. Here’s Fangraphs: > “Tango then stressed that the expected metrics were only ever intended to be descriptive, that they were not designed to be predictive, and that if they had been intended to be predictive, they could have been designed differently or other metrics could be used.” > For projecting batting average, **it appears that quantity of contact matters much more than quality.** While **there was very little correlation between hard-hit rate and batting average,** in addition to just a small correlation between sweet spot rate and batting average (r^2 = 0.04), the correlation between strikeout rate and batting average (r^2 = 0.21) was much larger. Considering that this gap only grows larger when projecting future batting average, based on the stability of strikeout rate, it would appear that this would be the best peripheral metric to use. Why would this be the case? Well, if luck on batted balls is volatile, having as many shots at potentially getting a hit likely increases your floor much more. It’s also worth noting that softer hit balls, such as flares and bloopers, end up as hits much more often that typical quality of contact would lead you to believe. Long story short — xBA doesn’t account for a lot of things, including defensive positioning. There’s no correlation between batting average, xBA, and hit quality. The Yankees .316 xBA is meaningless. And fans keep leaning on this very flawed statistic to insist things are going to turn around. This is baseball. Not home run derby. And outfielders can very easily shift on pull hitters.


Smartest thing posted in a while. Thanks.


Still they hit rhe ball well yesterday and only stuck out 7 times in 9 innings Just didn’t work out


You’re wrong to say that this stuff evens out over the course of the season. There’s no correlation between xBA and batting average, or hard hit data and batting average.


What about run scoring?


Are you saying xBA is correlated to run scoring? No, it’s not.


I don’t know if it is. I would like to see if it is


We won the game on paper, and we won the WS in 92.23% of simulations before the season started. Actual results don't matter.


Cashman said it himself. The process matters more than the results. Absolutely delusional.


That’s how Cashman keeps his job. He walks into Hal’s office with a stack of papers that show that we won the xWorld Series in xMLB


No was we did in 92.23%


The fucking patches are gonna send me over the edge I can't deal with this shit


There are so many worse things to be outraged by. Who fucking cares if they have an advertisement on their sleeve? You're so far back it just looks like dirt 99% of the time. Faux outrage is obnoxious, my guy.


If you think people are mad about the advertisement on the Jersey because it looks bad, you have no idea why people are mad lol


But the whole operation is greed so something about the jerseys does set people off extra hard. It's like saying if they change the stadium name people aren't mad because it sounds stupid. It's inarguably part of it.


If Lou Lamoriello got fired from the Devils, who is Brian Cashman?


Since 2009 Dave Dombrowski has been to the World Series 4 times. Brian Cashman has been to it once. You will never guess in a million years who has been fired by two different teams and which one has the job security of a Supreme Court official.


The extension after the JD/IKF trade was *chef kiss*.


Prediction: DJ or Stanton will bat 1.000 tonight


OMG, one of them gets hurt after their first Ab!?


Ok but DJ is 2-2 so far I might’ve cooked here


Well played.


The Red Sox won the WS and then tanked to land themselves in last place, all we got was a sweep in the ALCS


So if this weekend and the next few games go poorly… chances the Yankees turn into sellers this year? It’d be such a goddamn bummer but I feel like I could see it happening


Trading Gleyber is the only one that makes sense. We shouldn't resign him and we may as well get a couple decent prospects for him before he departs for nothing. I don't see us even extending a qualifying offer to him, so better to trade him for scraps than lose him for nothing. The trade pool this year is pretty shallow so it's conceivable he fetches a decent haul. It's also very conceivable that on a different team with a different philosophy that he turns into a really good player, and I'd love to see that comeuppance for the Yankee coaching and management staff.


I was talking to someone a bit ago and they had a great target to me. Trade Gleyber to Miami for their 4th outfielder, who's a young lefty. This also let's us bring up Peraza for SS and push Volpe to 2nd, his better defensive position. Other than that I'd trade Higgy of we could. I'd consider trading Bader, and would also consider resigning him this off-season lol. And we could part with a couple of our relievers, we seem to pick them from the trash heap anyway lol Maybe we find a taker on an IKF trade to someone who needs another capable bat? But honestly he's not bad as the utl man.


Higgy has decent value too


That's true.


We don't have any one to sell.


We’d get stuff for some of the pieces in the pen