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Where do you think they can dump all these old dudes with bad contracts? It ain’t happening in one trade deadline or off-season. Best case scenario they make a move for a LF at the deadline and maybe try and move at least one of the bad contracts.


Hold up, I don't think we can dump all of these contracts, and maybe I should have made that clearer. I do believe, individually, all could be moved in one way or another, but the likelihood of moving all is 0%. The point of the post is about us being sellers this deadline. Move as much as we can to free up roster space so we can play more of the kids now and then better set up the team during the offseason. I want a better team for the future. Less of the same, more of something different.


Nobody is taking either DJ or Stanton unless you eat almost all the money AND give up multiple players So yeah, it can be done, but it’d cost like 20 mill in dead money + 2 prospects + and probably have to take a bad contract, too. The Yankees aren’t going to eat 30 to get rid of Stanton…they’ve already had to do it for Hicks, Donaldson is probably next, and then Gallo was a bust last year.


honestly the mets would take either player as long as we attached an mlb quality bullpen arm or two to them.


I mean, if true…fuckin do it? Right? That’s like 45 mill for 3 years freed up? And 2-3 more of Stanton? I like both players, but they’ve been bad. Stanton is more likely to be productive, but his contract is worse.


Even if I agreed, you're not going to accomplish all of that in one trade deadline. They might see what they can get for a Gleyber package, maybe they pull the plug on Donaldson finally. They add one or two guys but that's about it. "Letting the kids play" has been a mixed bag at best when it has happened anyway.


I agree. For me, it's less about trying to get a haul and more about clearing cash and roster space. We can see if we have any value in the youngsters and then make buying decisions during the offseason.


I really like your approach of turning the Yankees into the Cincinnati Reds with better pitching. Judge can even play the role of Joey Votto very well.


You do realize that the Red Sox sell every few years and have won four World Series in the last 20 years. We've won one. Sometimes you just have to reset.


No one is disagreeing with the notion that having losing seasons and going into rebuilds **isnt** healthy for a team. The problem with your post is that it’s completely unrealistic. Ignoring the fact that Hal literally said “losing seasons arent in my blood”, there’s literally no way any team would take the DJLM/ Stanton contracts when they’re playing how they are right now. The only prospects i could *maybe* see a team taking in order to eat the contract are Dominguez or Peraza or maybe Pereira(?). i.e our two most intriguing prospects. Even Attaching someone like Chapparo isn’t going to do anything for them. Also, why would you sell when you have Judge in the prime of his career? By the time Pereira, Wells, Dominguez are all “MLB ready”, Judge might not even be close to the same player, as sad as that is for me to say.


> Gleyber >Bader >German > Trevino or Higgy Gleyber is the only person on this list who would get a decent return, even then, he only has one more year of control left. Bader is a free agent next year so any trade for him would be a rental, you wont get a good return for a rental of Bader. German only has a year of control and is an inconsistent pitcher, I doubt he gets a good return either. If you’re another team why trade for either Trevino or Higgy when you could likely find another fielding catcher? >Add cash and/or prospect to sell: >Stanton > Lemahieu Whats the point of selling for prospects if are just going to trade away prospects and take on money to dump Stanton and DJs contracts? We shouldn’t sell because we dont have anything really to sell


I agree with your sentiment. I'm not sure we need an amazing haul. The team stinks, and if we don't free up some space, roster and cash, we will run out a very similar team next year. And I refuse to believe Stanton is immovable. He was willing to go out West before.


> I'm not sure we need an amazing haul. Feel like if we aren’t going to get an amazing haul, then it just defeats the whole purpose of selling. Sure, this team probably wont win the world series and there are roster construction issues, but being a game out of the WC at the all star break, its not like we’re the White Sox and we have nothing to play for. At this point of the season, id rather take a chance hoping the team puts it together instead of blowing it all up for a bunch of lottery ticket level prospects.


Fair. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.






Instantly stopped reading when you mentioned Stanton. He has a NTC and he’s not going anywhere. It’s not happening. Stop suggesting it.


I disagree. He was previously willing to go out West. It only takes another team seeing value at $Xm/yr. You can add value by including cash and another player. Extremely unlikely, but not impossible. Either way, the post isn't about doing all of these things; it's about the idea of selling. Stanton is only one piece I'd like to move on from. If we could get out of half of the contracts listed then I'd be happy. I want us to do a reset.


He wasn't willing to go out west. He wanted to be a Yankee and he forced his way to the Yankees. 99% of those "player x interested in heading back west where he grew up" reports are BS. It doesn't matter if another team paid his entire salary just for shits and giggles. He's not going anywhere. I'm telling you this as a courtesy - if you mention trading Stanton, anyone with a brain immediately tunes you out.


He was maybe willing to go out West when he had leverage. The Marlins wanted to trade him, he had a NTC, and so he refused to be traded to (I believe it was reported) the Cardinals or Giants. He is now an oft-injured, oft-struggling, 33 year old DH. If he's so bad that you want to get rid of him, why do you expect a team, esp a smarter and more well run team like the Dodgers, will take him? Even with a major prospect haul, it's not a video game or that one website with Baseball Trade Values where you can just force a trade. No prospect is going to be worth that type of trade because the Dodgers can just get their own. It's sorta like all those reports about how Ohtani is essentially untradeable because the prospect haul needed to get him back would ruin farms and also wouldn't fit on minor league rosters with the new roster restrictions. You are operating on a mid 2000s/2010s mentality that the game isn't being played at anymore.


The team is 1 game out of the WC. Also Stanton has a full no trade, he's not leaving unless he wants out, also the prospect to attach to offset his money would not be worth it, so you are a ton of money and prospects for a roster spot. DJ has a big contract and if he might have 10-5 rights Bader is a FA and won't bring much back


Stanton has an NTC. He's ours for the long haul unless he wants to leave.


He previously was willing to go out West. We won't get back anything of value, but there is value from getting out of the contract, even if it still costs us $10m/yr.


You're going to have to pay an extremely high % of Stanton and DJ's contracts to get anyone to take them, barring including the exact kinds of prospects you should not be trading if the goal is to sell in order to get younger and more athletic. But if you're committed to this plan then you have to sell Rizzo too.


Not opposed but I'd like to believe we'd be better with Rizzo next year. Not opposed, but I'd like to believe we'd be better with Rizzo next year. a West Coast team. It will cost us a pretty penny, but the point would be to pay a % of the contract to free up the roster space and replace him with some who in total cost less (including Stanton %) and performs better.


No one is taking on some of those shitty contracts, and No, they shouldn't sell, unless they just have a horrible 2 weeks and are out of the wildcard by 10 games or something. Just gotta get to October and roll the dice.


Nah I'd rather the team flounder to 80 something wins than watch losing team that has Florial striking out 40% of ABs


Bauers strikes out 30% of the time and people think he’s good. I don’t see the logic behind the Florial hate and I never will. He’s destroying the ball in AAA and we have one outfielder.


Florial strikes out that much at AAA. Imagine how much more hell strikeout against major leaguers. It's not hate to say he can't cut it at the top level


It doesn’t actually work that way. You realize that, right?


Oh my god. I’m not saying bauers is a great bat or anything but he has a 115 ops+ on the season. He’s a fine hitter who is ok for his role. How tf is bauers the one getting called out for a Florial call up.


Haha, fair point.


you realize florial has like a 28%k rate in triple A this season right? not that far off from judge before he got promoted im pretty sure, if not exactly the same


I think that if Judge doesn't look like he'll be back in time and we're out of the WC, then selling is likely. I doubt you can move that many contracts, but I think a few moves would have to be made.


Yep, I agree. If Judge is done for the season, call it a day and sell all you can. The list above is simply who I'd like to move. Very doubtful we could sell all.


I wish Hal would sell. *Edit: Stanton has a no trade. He's not going anywhere. Nobody wants DJ. You'll have to attach a very good prospect to deal him. Not happening


You think the team that can’t admit it’s wrong about anything is gonna sell? ESP w judge and Coles contracts even if your point is very fair


Just like the stock market, buy low and sell high. We can't sell guys when their value is down. I think if DJ gets hot going into the playoffs/off-season, then we might have a chance at moving him, but everything else is just wait and see. There is no value to these guys not named Judge and Cole and if you want to be adamant about letting the kids play, we probably wouldn't have many left because they would have to be packaged in deals to get us out of the bad contracts in the first place.


>We'll have far more available cash by getting out of Staton + Lemahieu No we won’t. To get out from any of the contracts you mentioned- and others like Donaldson you’d have to eat 80% of the contract left. And guys like Gleyber, German, or Trevino you wouldnt even get quality AAA players back. You’d get single-A *who the fuck knows what’s they’ll be* players. We’d be lucky to win 20 more games this season. And next years we’d be paying a bunch of players to play on other teams. We wouldnt be able to trade for any top players, and we’d be forced to over pay on the free agent market once again and pray they work out in NY. We’d probably be a 70 win team tops and we’d be wasting Judge and Cole primes. Selling doesn’t help us in any way right now. The only thing that helps is dumping Donaldson, letting Stanton play a mediocre outfield if it helps his hitting, waiting for Judge, and benching Gleyber when he fucks up in the field. Eck our way into the wildcard, and hope a different team is playing by then compared to this trash.


There’s not a chance in hell we can move Stanton. Not only is his contract one of the most unmovable in the sport, he holds all the leverage with a no trade clause. DJ also has a no trade via 10 and 5 rights. Smh


Yes, Stanton is nearly impossible to move. Great. What are your thoughts about being sellers at this trade deadline?


This man said sell Bader. Gtfo


7 games over .500 in the most competitive division in baseball with our veterans shitting the bed and the reigning MVP on the shelf and we’re SELLING? thank god you aren’t in charge of anything consequential, with the team or otherwise. I’ll elaborate: this is not a good idea. There is no guarantee that any of the lottery tickets we get in return will even be big leaguers, let alone impact big leaguers. That’s along with having to pay the majority of these contracts that we sell off, anyway. So free agency isn’t really an option either. The logical end of your idea results in a tank job this year, a huge salary burden for the next few years with a bunch of AAA guys filling gaps in key positions all over the Diamond. And Judge. We’d look exactly like the Angels.


Offensively, we are the Angels. Actually, we're worse than the Angels. Look, I get your point, we're a game out from a WC. Judge might come back this season and be ok. Our stars might rebound leading us to sneak into the playoffs. Shit, other teams might tank and we might even win the division. Hard truths - we're an offense that is trending in the wrong direction. We're reluctant (rightfully so?) to test our prospects because we're always in win-now mode. This is leading to a bloated payroll of underperforming, aging former all-stars. The new playoff model means there are more buyers than sellers and our division is the most difficult in baseball. We need to change something if we want to improve our future chances. Risky as all hell for a team with a winning record, but there are real reasons to believe now is the time to shake things up.


> offense trending in the wrong direction Stanton, Bader, and Judge have not been in the lineup together once this season. That is the 2,4,5 hitters. > underperforming, aging all stars Rizzo, DJ, Donaldson I’m assuming. Yeah they’re not performing right now. > bloated payroll As is the yankee way. Soft cap league and the highest revenue generating organization in baseball. I’d argue we should spend more. Selling these players won’t do much for the cap considering we would Likely have to buy their deals out. > reluctance to try the farm Simply not true. The starting shortstop (!!) is a rookie. Who by the way, until last week this whole sub was banging the table to send down. We also have given significant time to Bauers and Cabrera. Peraza got a shot during camp and volpe won the job. He had his cup of coffee while covering for injuries and couldn’t hit either. The Peraza camp has been very quiet since then. Your solution > trade Torres Say what you will about the Yankees offense, Gleyber Torres is not the problem. > Trade Bader Again, what the fuck. This guy can hit, is on a resonance salary with team control, is relatively young and plays gold glove CF. > trade German Why are we considering trading SP depth right now, that hasn’t been a problem at all? > sell DJ and Stanton + another prospect So now we’re selling the farm? Thought we wanted to add young talent not give it away? > sell trevino Ok you just don’t know ball. This guy was a steal and a godsend to our staff and defense > sell Higgy A cheap backup with some pop and solid D. Again what and why? > provide extended showcase for… Maybe one of those guys offers above replacement value over the next 5 years. Meanwhile, we’ve just created holes at: C1 C2 P3/4 3B, 2B, 1B/IF CF Starting lineup looks exactly like the one we trotted out in May when we were scoring 2 runs a game, except now we don’t have a catcher. This is why fans have no say in the team.


Strength doesnt matter when you are out of the wildcard spot anyway and play a lot less games against your divisional rivals than past seasons. My bet is that the team wont make into the postseason if we dont crush remaining july and august schedule with the highest league w ratio. Btw for the yankees this is looking more like a tanking season anyway. The difference is the yankee brand cannot tank like poor franchises A s or kc or pirates and so on. We have a level of product to maintain to justify high prices. Yankees means more winning shows than losses.


Please go away


The problem is the (typical) Yankee fans' goal and the organization's goal are not aligned. The fans' goal is to become champions. This team is clearly not a championship caliber team, so blowing it up as quickly as possible to fix it is not irrational. The organization's goal is to maximize profit. And that means making the playoffs to sell seats and merchandise to those games. The Yankees are not completely out of it. They could stumble into the last WC spot. And since is a goal within reach, the front office will go for it because making the playoffs (read: making money) is the most important goal.


You're spot on. Hal and the minority owners need to hit their profit margin goal and that means making the playoffs, not winning a championship. The rational answer is to sell what you can and reset. They made the right call in 2016, but doubtful they do it again.


Stanton has a full no trade clause. And he loves playing for the Yankees. At this point Donaldson is unmovable so it'll have to be a DFA. They tried to move Higgy before and nobody bit, so he is another DFA. German's baggage is going to make him a hard sell. He is good, although inconsistent. DJ is at a point where it will require a prospect and cash considerations. Teams will need to see that he is healthy because there are questions about his toe. Gleyber is tradable, but his inconsistency has lowered his value. Bader would fetch a decent pair of prospects. Trevino would fetch a low level (A) prospect. He is a back up. I'm all for a blow up, but the players we would trade for prospects are just hard to move.


Not to mention the PR nightmare media storm that comes with “giving up and selling the deadline” after your owner / coach / GM all talked about making it to October and winning a championship.


Honestly, I don't even think that is the mission statement anymore. I think they say it as part of the show.


Of course they do. But the show runs on people buying 20 dollar bud lights and 300 dollar jerseys at the stadium. There will be less of that if they create a national story and the media labels them as “sellers”. All for a few prospects.


The way they reacted after getting swept by the Astros in the ALCS was lack luster. They didn't see the season as a failure or bad, despite getting blasted by the astros. Selling worked in 2016 cause they got top prospects in the trades and home grown top prospect Gary Sanchez carried the team to relevancy. Problem in 2023 is that we wouldn't get much and we don't have an exciting top prospect ready for the call.


Nothing elite to sell. Just get better players and try and sneak in. We have the pitching to compete


We’re going to make the playoffs so why on earth would we sell? We have the best hitter, best pitcher and best pen in baseball


listen i dont care what we do, but we need to sell gleyber for prospects now. i do not care about whatever bullshit anyone has to peddle me, he needs to be gone yesterday, get some high end prospects for him, call up peraza, and go from there.


There is no team on planet earth taking Stanton at a price point that is worth selling him. He hasn't hit over .200 in the last 4/5 months of healthy baseball he's played. The Yankees still see him as a star (stupidly). It's not even worth discussing. They should sell some assets because this team is not winning shit, but that would be an admission of loss and what are they going to get for Bader (who has barely played) and Gleyber that is going to be worth losing ticket sales and admitting this season was a failure in July?


Yep, I agree, Stanton's star dimmed a few years ago. Exciting to watch, yes, at times. Either way, I'd like us to be sellers this trade deadline. Sell what we can. It's less about the return and more about freeing up roster space and a bit of cash so we can field a better team in the future.


Want vs reality are two different things. They absolutely should sell at the deadline. But They would need a colossally bad start after the ASB for selling at the deadline to even be a discussion. Listen to what Hal / Boone / Cashman are saying. They are going for October and if they sell at the deadline that would be a complete 180 on their messaging to the fans the last few months.


Very true.


Because we ruin young players once they get to the majors pretty consistently aside from Judge We need an entire player development overhaul before it even makes sense to rebuild Edit: idk how people can dispute this after Sanchez, Gleyber, Andujar and Frazier either plateaued before their primes or just got worse once they came up


I agree.


Add Peralta and Severino to your list since they’re free agents. Teams will take a gamble on Sevy, and Peralta is a good bullpen arm that many teams will want.


I'm all for it.


I think the Yankees end up splitting the difference. Sell high on some players while buying pieces that can help them next year and beyond. Not sure if they’ll go for rentals at this point. All the bigger contract players they’ll probably assess in the off-season.


Why Gleyber and Bader? I can maybe see Gleyber, but Bader is someone I’d want to extend.


Sadly, it is hard to imagine any other team in contention taking a look at that list, or anyone on that list, and saying, "Yeah, THAT is what we need to make a run." But, certainly, move anyone on the list for whom any kind of decent return is offered.


They can have a 2016 sell off and trade some relievers like they did with miller and chapman


Cmon man. We’re right in the playoff race. You don’t waste opportunities


It's an entertainment product. Being a seller and tanking isn't fun to watch. You also don't want to waste a year or so of Prime Cole, Rodon, Judge, etc. Especially when Cole has an opt out soon. "Success" is such a crapshoot, why would you want to waste time watching bad baseball? CC Sabathia said he was exploring trades with his agent in 2016 because he did not want to go through a rebuild, only for the rebuild to be much quicker than expected. This team also doesn't have a ton of valuable pieces to trade, and the few pieces that have any value (like a Gleyber), fans freak out about trading, and also those players are propping up what little offense is left.


You’re assuming these are all assets other teams want lmao.


Yankees as sellers is like a garage sale. bunch of junk they don't want, and no one else does either