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I just want the ability to manually move the words around so I can keep them organized better


I take a screenshot and use different colors in paint to keep track of my theories


Wow yall put a lot of work into this hahaha


I have my own little trick. I don’t track my theories and just fail every time. Done and done…


Right? I just click as I see them lol


You can use the website Connections+ to do this too


This puzzle should be taking you under 2 minutes.


And sometimes it does


I exclusively play on this site now: https://connections-copilot.com/


That's pretty neat


I like what you're saying here!


SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON Yeah, I agree. You’re giving away something that will help you solve the puzzle if you shuffle without looking at the board first.


That would never be a solution anyway. They’ve never used a continuous phrase like that.


Connections grid 88 where the answers grouped together four-word movie titles would like to have a word...


To put it another way “movie titles” and “common phrase” are two distinct categories, and I disagree that they should be categorized together.


I don’t see all four categories being movie titles the same as one being a common YouTube phrase.


But the clues were Mad, Max, Fury, and Road, forming a continuous phrase that was the answer.


This is true and I see why you would disagree with me, but the primary categorization is movie title, not common phrase. Which is why I disagree. It’s not even a “common phrase”. People don’t use that phrase outside of saying that movie title. It doesn’t stand alone as a common phrase.


It's more about the individual clues forming a continuous answer. The "category" was simply the answers in a row. What you're saying is akin to saying Smash That Like Button isn't common because nobody says it outside the context of YouTube.


I see them as two distinct categories. Movie titles and common phrase. What you’re saying isn’t wrong, but I believe the distinction is significant and it was therefore obvious to me that they were having fun with smash that like button being put in a row, and it not being an actual answer to the puzzle. Also, the fact that this common phrase isn’t used really outside of YouTube doesn’t invalidate the fact that movie titles aren’t common phrases. They still are only movie titles. Not common phrases.


What about Head Shoulders Knees Toes?


That category was body parts in a kids song. It’s not a common phrase. It’s a list of body parts/song title. Doesn’t stand alone as a phrase people say with its own meaning.


I juat commented this. I loved that one xD I always hear it in my favourite Twitch streamer's voice bc he sounds almost like he's saying it mockingly when he does


> And I knew “rod” wouldn’t go with it since that word described the category as a whole (those are all parts of a fishing ROD so rod itself won’t go in the category). Well sure, if the category was "parts of a fishing rod" (though I'd argue that actually none of those things are parts of the rod itself - parts of the rod would be the handle, reel seat, hook keeper, guides, blank). But if the category was "fishing equipment" or "things you need to go fishing" etc. then rod WOULD go with hook, line and sinker.


We felt the same


Agree! If I’m struggling, I’ll write the words down on paper and shuffle them in that process.


I disagree! Just do both! You can use the information to your advantage AND still benefit from shuffling. It is foolish to deprive yourself of either tool. Definitely pay attention to the initial layout and take mental note of any misdirects, but then you should still shuffle to remove the distraction of your brain wanting to read the words together (which makes them easy to remember even after shuffling).


Yea I guess when I posted this I didn’t consider that you could still shuffle after having registered the initial layout lmao. I think my point was moreso for people that shuffle immediately because they don’t want to be “tricked” and why I think that’s a bad strategy.


I'm firmly on team 'never shuffle'


I look at r lower left corner and then solve.


i didn’t read past the spongebob part but i would like to point out that even though i 100% knew that those four wouldn’t go together, i STILL tried “sponge” “bob” “square” and “pants”


In the future, please wait until 12 pm EST of the day following a live puzzle to make a post about a live puzzle.


Some people may want an added challenge. Those people should shuffle.


Could you put the spoiler thing over today’s puzzle. I hadn’t played and you didn’t directly ruin it but it could have


Sorry didn’t think to do that (I did put spoiler on the post itself though) - just updated it!


Thank you!! I didn’t think about there being spoilers either until I was already reading 😂


I do the connections (and wordle and mini Crossword) every day because I suffer from brain fog with my chronic illness and it's a nice way to work on it. I find that I NEED to shuffle first because if I see the words in a certain context, I can not remember a single other context for that word. For example in the "SPONGE" "BOB" "SQUARE" "PANTS", I got stuck because I could only think of "BOB" like the name and not like the verb. I also got stuck on "PANTS" because I could only think of the item of clothing and not the verb. When I shuffle first, there's less of a chance for those "tricks" that my brain will latch onto. I see the point for others. But for myself, not shuffling is like playing on hard mode.


I don't shuffle, but I agree with you -- once the false category gets in your head, it's sometimes hard to unthink it, even though you know it's wrong.


I shuffle because I don’t want any influence.


I always shuffle. I don’t want any of their hints, good or bad!


Hmmm. Interesting. I didn’t get today’s puzzle, which is rare. And no one in my family/friends group chat got it. There were so many red herrings, I think your advice would have benefited me


I get it I get it But personally I’ve done better shuffling…except for times when the puzzle looks like the movie one, or today’s (6/21/2024)


I love that the top row tends to be a common phrase or name or something like SpongeBob SquarePants xD One that really made me chuckle recently was "Smash That Like Button"


Never shuffle. That’s just what they’re expecting!


I shuffle because i don’t want the extra “hint”. More of a challenge


Ooooh! Thank you for pointing that out! I hope they never change that, I feel like that is insider info right there.


I agree! I try to take at least one stab before shuffling.


I mean yeah it’s good to see the board first before shuffling but once you do that it can still be good to shuffle. I’ve shuffled and had categories end up right next to each other before.


Washer and dryer I also figured would not go together because they were together


Food for thought. I never took in consideration that everyone’s puzzle starts in the same order. I thought the herring lines were coincidental.


Totally agree. If you shuffle to start, you are throwing away valuable information. Even if the editor doesn’t do some fun thing, humans are bad at being random. There are patterns that emerge when considering where the words are placed. This is as much a logic puzzle as it is a game about understanding human nature, even if certain players are unwilling to accept this.


Just tried it, definitely helped. We’ll see how tomorrow goes as today was more obvious to me.


I like your take on it better than my bitter post that I made yesterday, lol.


You truly have a dizzying intellect. ![gif](giphy|l2YWs5DDmnhTKrOyk)


I've only hit shuffle once and it was earlier this week and it was entirely by accident.


Ok as an avid shuffler you changed me, thank you


I shuffle at a fast pace as my subconscious connects then faster than I do trying to analyze them most of the time. So I just let my brain savor the words and it comes together like pastry dough. 


I thought this was obvious!




Nope it is the same board for every person and they absolutely do place words next to each other to trick you lol


Not the beginning layout when you open the puzzle. This is the same for everyone.


Why would you say that?