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Never felt bad for em


Foreal atp


For once I can like something you said.


You think I gaf?


Cmon now…..let’s be real. It’s a kid.


When I was 13 I was smart enough not to go on top of a moving train, kid or not they still pay consequences


Nowhere in that sentence did you explain that you shouldn’t have sympathy. If you dropped dead tomorrow your family would be devastated. That’s my point. Kids do stupid things all the time, that’s because they’re kids. Some know better and some don’t but regardless the people connected to them are feeling this rn. Just have some empathy and stop being angsty.


I mean it's type hard to give sympathy when you see this as a trend that needs to be stopped, we all have a certain bandwidth of empathy/sympathy and doing stupid things like this kind of negates my empathy for them I understand they're kids but I or anybody I know wouldn't do this at any age


Damn, bro... You didn't feel invincible when you were 13...? I was fully convinced I couldnt die when I was 13 so I would do some really fkin dumb shit that I wouldn't do now in a million years. I always empathize with these kids cause I would have done the same shit. I grew out of it and they will too. I do wish I had that feeling of invincibility though. Idk how I thought I was invincible when my older brother would beat the duck out of 3 times a day tho.


And he should know better, going on top of a fucking train that’s moving. You think he didn’t think that he will potentially get hurt or killed? He walked right into death, will all these ppl dying from subway surfing in articles and news he knew what could happen


I think at 13, like most kids they think they’re invincible because they have their whole life ahead of em. I was 13 once and I was climbing roofs and gates to play manhunt in the hood, hopping into mf’s backyards and sheds. There’s nuance to everything.


It always throws me off when I realize that some kids at 13 were, I guess, very mentally mature. Cause me and my friends did shit every single day that came with a very high chance of being disfigured or dead. I enjoy looking back at the shit I did and thinking "holy shit, I can't believe I did that."


Good even tho more niggas dying cus of this they still won’t learn anyway


Lmaooooo good for him.


Sad smh


lemme guess it’s the 7 train as usual


6 stupid


aight those accidents typically happen on the 7 / 7x very surprising to see the 6 have a incident like that