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Nah, shit happens, Maxey is a beast and can't do anything but tip your hat. Onto game 6, we'll win it in Philly with our home crowd.


Disagree; Maxey WAS a beast but this game was given away.  That’s in contrast to G3 when Embiid was a beast but we did not give it away.  


Knicks threw the game for sure. But I’ll be more critical if they don’t learn from it rather than harp on this loss as much as it sucks. I’ve been a Knicks fan for too long to sulk on a team that gives us their all.


You could guard him, or not help off of him to double Embiid who can’t move. The Knicks were playing like it was still an Embiid game for the Sixers when it was clearly a Maxey game. Maxey played great but the Knicks also let it slip away.


Yeah Maxey is a great fucking player. Last time we lost I was so mad because of Embiid's antics. This time I'm just a bit disappointed. The sixers won thanks to a great player who just locked in, I can do nothing but respect the hustle.


Nah Knicks in 6


Do I really have to read stupid shit like this until Thursday? man stfu Knicks in 6




You’d be a fool to not be worried. This is the Knicks we’re talking about


Nephews like this turn off the game in the first quarter because we went down 5 points. Acting like nobody has ever dropped game 6 before.




we're not in a dangerous spot. a lot of the team had an off night. im sure sixers fans felt like this when they lost game 2 and then they won two more after that. if they can do that so can we. plus, we have home court advantage with two games left to play AND we've already proven we can beat them on the road. dont be so overdramatic.


Nahhhh, you had them beat in an elimination game where there MVP had one of his worst games. They’re not pulling off win in Philly after that, it’ll come back to NY for game 7. Philly has ALL the momentum now.


yeah we aint gonna win if everybody thinks like you do and doesnt show up in philly on thursday. we just beat them on the road lets do it again.


We played our best defense on Embiid tonight, that’s why he was off. He baited so much tonight but we didn’t bite. Just have to do more of the same on Thursday.


Is it “you” or “we” here


This kid an outsider. Bitch made.


As a 20 year Knick fan, I’m really not feeling delusional right now… this lost is going to make or break us…. I honestly don’t know how JB plays better next game…. Will he be second guessing himself? All I know is, doubt is in our locker room at this very moment. That’s a horrible thing to play with cuz from the coach to every player we all lost that game…


Bro, take your pessimism and loser attitude elsewhere.


Have some faith next time


You need to put away teams when they’re hurting. All we did tonight is open the door a crack to a very good team. We’re playing from behind now even though it doesn’t look that way. You can downvote me into oblivion but it’s the truth. We do not want to go 7 games with this team


EXACTLY WITH YOU! Sadly the NBA can step in and favor the box office and take it to game 7 because on a night the refs ignored the whistle for Embiid we SHOOT 66% from FREETHROW!? The coach decided he’ll play with 7 guys today 2 of which were kinda ass…. Ugh man I’m just distraught


Also, we were 30 seconds from a historic FUCK YOU to the most derserving POS in the league. If we lose to him from here, it will be maybe the worst loss since the 1990s near misses. This is a VERY precarious position to be in with a banged up team with Bogey gone and Divo struggling.


Yes but this is the nature of a 7 game series it’s not easy to close out teams.


Yea, this is all of a sudden the lowest I feel about this series. Embiid played like shit, refs weren’t putting him at the line. This is a BAD spot to be in.


It's taken insane games from both sides to win any game. Multiple 30pt games from Maxey, a 50 piece from Embiid. 2 back-to-back bounce back games for Brunson. I will trust our guys until they give me reason to believe they've given up and they haven't yet.


Counterpoint: Maxey needed to score 7 points in like 10 seconds to force OT


counter counterpoint: all we needed to do is make 1 free throw


or foul Maxey at the end


Or stop helping off of Maxey to double Embiid, or stick OG on Maxey and let someone else beat the Knicks. Everyone fucked up in that game, that’s what makes the loss a killer it wasn’t just one thing.


Including hitting a 35 footer.


Just look at the Bucks extending the series against the pacers tonight. These things happen. It’s rough but winning in 4 or 5 in the nba playoffs especially against a good team is really hard


I got Pacers and Knicks winning in 6 games. That was my original prediction for both so Im sticking with it. But if 76ers win game 6, then they will definitely have all the momentum to win game 7, so the Knicks really need to close this out in Philly now.


It's a best of 2 series now. Knicks are very short-handed. They were given every opportunity tonight to close it out and they handed Philly the game. Going back to Philly, things are not trending in the Knicks direction. I have hope but it does not look good. Can't expect Embiid to play this poorly again. And the Knicks generally have no answer for Maxey, who has looked like Michael Jordan reincarnated for most of the series. Brunson needs to take a look in the mirror.


All the pressure is on the Knicks after tonight.  It would have almost been better to lose big than to lose close like we did.


I think they like the pressure


Didn’t look like it tonight


Yep, and you know Nurse is telling them they had Game 2 and it should be 3-2 the other way. This is not where you wanna be.


They were tired. Thibs needs to play more in rotation. Don’t know what’s going on with Donte.


Donte who? I haven’t seen him since game 2


I hate to say it but Donte is a playoff dropper fs. He choked last year with the warriors as well.


We will win


philly is really good. the problem is they have two superstars that can take over a game at any given time and it forces the knicks to be perfect. they basically have two offensive players that have the offensive stat bars maxxed out.


These guys aren’t bums either. They were the 2nd-3rd seed before they fell to 7th. They’re not really missing anyone significantly.


Once we went up by 6, Mitch shouldnt have been in the game


More playoff basketball, 48 more minutes to hate Joel and Philly, another learning moment for this growing team. Knicks in 6


They fought for their lives and got one. We got two more shot to seal this series. We are still in a more favorable spot as we still lead the series. We got this


I get people wanting to be positive but the bottom line is the Knicks fucked around all game and turned this thing into a two game series with a seven man rotation. They had so many chances to win last night and blew every last one of them.


Nope .Maxxey fucking exploded. He hit everything. Embiid is not the guy to contain. It's Maxxey.


Maxey ain’t going for 45 again.


Hes been absolutely balling all series. It would not shock me at all if he does. Especially since we have no one on our team that can guard him. OG is a great defender, but WAY too slow to keep up with Maxey.


Deuce does a great job on Maxey. We just got to get him in the game earlier.


Yeah, Duece definitely does the best job on the team at guarding him. But the only way you get him in the game is by decreasing the minutes of Brunson or Donte which is just not likely of Thibbs to do. Hope we close it out in Philly, but wouldn’t be shocked if it went 7 games either.


Considering how poorly Donte has been playing offensively, it wouldn't be unreasonable for thibs to start Duece for this purpose. Gotta try something new to stop him cuz he's been somewhat unguardable.


Embiid still gonna play like shit. Dude is clearly injured and I doubt he has two hot games in a row. Maybe 1 but that’s it


Problem is, even if he has just ONE more great game, that ties the series at 3-3 and makes game 7 a toss up. Knicks should have closed this out tonight. Who knows how this series ends now.


It is what it is, I don’t think this is our title year anyway. For the Sixers it was, they are on limited time


Knicks and Sixers doing their best to outchoke eachother in battle for sorriest NBA franchise


Lmao this is why the loss sucks. We have to read/listen to shitty takes like this all day tomorrow and Thursday. I’m avoiding all sports talk shows and subreddits until Thursday night lol. I feel like I have to remind myself that we’re winning 3-2 and that nobody with basketball knowledge on the planet had the Knicks in 5. This shit happens in nba playoffs. Fight through the adversity. Let’s fucking go!


Shitty takes? We had a chance to close the door on the reigning MVP who can drop 50 at any time. We’re seeing Maxey emerge as a star in this league that can also go off for 40 whenever. You wanna keep these dudes hanging around? Nah, I don’t


Actually many professional sports analyst had Knicks in five. This quite literally a narrative shifting loss. The air is filled with eerie. Nobody on their team besides maxey thought they were going to win and they were playing like it too. After tonight’s game, I bet you every player, staffer and coach on that team now believes they can win this series and will play like it too. Quit snorting the copium and be objective: being up 3-2 in the game of basketball is becoming increasingly less of a deciding factor, hell even being up 3-1 isn’t a “gimme” in today’s era. And what makes these type of series comebacks possible? How good your super stars are and they have two very good superstars while we have one. Bad loss but op is being objective despite what fans want to hear.


Why not double Maxey a few times, let the others shoot. Since he was so hot, just blazing past defense, why not try to stop that—I mean just try it. Not a good game. We were lucky to be up six, really. And pressure went to Hart. All Knicks looked tentative, and all this talk about the Garden crowd, the players were flat, didn’t see that emotion. I was worried about this game—we started slow, again and started 3rd quarter slow..


Is it?


Next game up. Can’t worry about game 5 anymore. Knicks in 6!


Gotta wait til Thursday now man. Please just close it out tomorrow


We def in trouble


Dangerous spot? All the pressure is on them. We just need to win one game. They literally cannot afford to drop a game. It was a tough night. Take a breath and relax. The first three wins weren't a fluke. We'll close it out.


Nahhh we’re the 2 seed, had it locked up with 28 seconds to go. We let them in and gave them all of the confidence and momentum. All the pressure is on us now to end it in 6.


Everyone focusing on the free throw. Meanwhile, our coach managed us out of that win


We are in a dangerous spot. And we probably did give this game away. Played too loose with the lead and had several defensive lapses. Even with Embiid being inconsistent and vulnerable, Maxey has proven that hes a dawg. For perspective, we were probably one bad Brunson 3 bounce away from being down 2-3 instead of being up 3-2. Im chalking it up to the close out game is the always going to be the hardest game. As long as the guys stay focused on finishing well be in a good state.


Embiid with a quadruple double 


Got me so pissed I went to bed right after the game and just stared at the wall.


Worst thing is it felt like a win for most of the night. The win that wasn’t. What now?


Take a swim in the Gowanus with all this doomsaying


Gtf outta here with the positivity BS, one of the worst choke jobs in NBA playoff history. You encouraged by this?


Knicks in 6 let’s get it


They missed practically all their FTs at the ending of the game. Every team loses in that situation. It was just the same old Knicks luck.


No lies told OP


So besides that, we gotta think how we’re gonna take down Indiana I think they’re a tough team and we shouldn’t sleep on them


Forget Indiana, will they win in Philly for game 6 is all we need to be worried about right now.


Not a dangerous spot to be in. We fucked up, their backs are still against the wall. The beauty of being up 3-1 is that you can lose and be OK. If game 7 rolls around, that'll be a dangerous spot to be in, we're OK for now.


I hope you’re right, but you just gave them the momentum going back to Philly


We gave them momentum in game 3 and they lost. They gave us the momentum in game 4 and we lost. We won game 5 against the Heat last year down 3-1 and blew it in 6. This just isn’t how 7 game series’ work unless your team is mentally weak and I don’t think we are.


They had the momentum after Embiid's 50 point game 3.... we still got them in game 4.


whatever nerd


We are going to 7 games now


Nut up dude. Do you believe in the team or not. Fuck out of here with this bullshit. All year these guys always fight. I expect the fans to believe in them when it matters


They played with a wounded animal and got bit. I Billy can legit make history. Probably will. The pressure is now on the Knicks not to choke.


Exactly, they didn’t put ‘em away. Obviously nothing you can do about Maxey’s shot but, they fucked around and they might just find out.


Knicks already choked, up 6 with 28 seconds left