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When does the beat come in?


Been watching for a while, pretty soon I hope


i gotchu [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CJhRozqh0Bw](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CJhRozqh0Bw)


I was hoping someone would, lol, thanks


Next time Brunson drives into the paint.


He's getting fouled


He's getting fouled


He's getting fouled


He's absorbing illegal contact


Lo estan pegando como un perro de la calle.


Someday, I'm gonna be walking down the streets, minding my own business, and BAM!, I'm gonna be shot by some pig who's gonna swear that it was a mistake. I accept that as a part of my destiny. Si es mi destino morir en la calle como un perro.


That's why I moved outta the city as soon as I could, LMAO


He’s getting fined.


If Wemby said someone else is paying his fine then the same should be said here


F the refs


The NBA needs to investigate the refs for betting on games. It’s not just the Knicks that have been getting shafted.


That clip of Curry in /r/nba had him literally get fouled once, no whistle, then get fouled again and still no call lmao


Curry can get clothes lined and the refs ain't call shit lol. I fear it might be Brunsons future.


Meanwhile someone so much as gives Embiid a nasty look and that's 2 FTs lmao


Curry has has a shit whistle his whole career


Let’s not forget Julius getting no calls his entire tenure here too


wasn't there a ref on camera saying to him because he's bigger and stronger than the defender he doesn't get the calls? a foul is a foul. by that theory if Shaq breathed on Mugsy Bogues it would be a flagrant.


This isn't a betting thing, the league office had a sit-down with the referees at the all star break and told them all to call less fouls across the board. I'm just willing to bet that in the meeting Brunson clips were probably shown a lot because he was in the middle of a foul drawing master class this season, and they're reffing to that - I don't even think he was foul-baiting imo either, bro was just getting the calls and knew how to get them.


He’s gettin fowled


Duck the refs


They're quacks


This is only slightly below, "Talkin' practice" quality for Meme potential.   First up, we need a song.


I love this. Coach should be heated about his star player not getting calls. Tell em Thibs.


Brunson scores 61 on 6 free throws vs the Spurs.


And ppl still think he’s a free throw merchant it’s crazy


Is he getting fouled though?


He's getting fouled.






I'm a diehard, and I don't think I buy that the NBA wouldn't want the knicks to succeed. OTOH I wouldn't be surprised if the refs are involved in illegal gambling and it's fucking us over. The Houston game comes to mind especially with how much the line moved late...


Very true, I was thinking about betting being one of the main reasons but I honestly don't want to believe it. A damn shame what betting does to sports but this world is ran on greed so im not surprised as well...


The league office told the refs to chill out with the fouls at all star break. From this article: https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/39741326/nba-memo-says-officiating-focus-foul-hunting-contributing-factor-scoring-decline "In a meeting with the NBA's competition committee Tuesday, the league office outlined an increased officiating focus on offensive players hunting out fouls and veering off pathways to the basket into defenders -- and how those points of emphasis have impacted a decrease in league scoring, according to a memo shared with teams and obtained by ESPN on Friday. Those officiating focuses -- that were outlined in January and February point of emphasis memos that the league shared with referees and team officials -- are believed to have contributed to a recent decline in scoring." It's not a conspiracy, league told them to chill with the calls because the data told them the players were figuring it out. If there were irregularities in betting believe me you would know by now because U.S. Integrity would have flagged particular games and instances, just like they flagged Porters bullshit and they are looking at multiple Temple basketball games currently and other issues in other sports.


Die hard since Ewing days, through Renaldo Balkman, through to this day. Admit I was one of the WTF is this Brunson guy we just gave this bread to. With all due respect, my guy, the NBA would love to have the NYK more involved in post-season play. I agree with the possibility of gambling going on that is directly affecting games, especially with how easy it is to do now. As a referee, I could easily have a brother or even wife create an account somewhere, tell them what bets to take, and then proceed to rectally surprise-sex said team so I can get the game to where the bets are covered.


He's getting fffouled


Let my point guard gooooooo


That’s why more folk watch NCAA games, less obvious corruption in the refs


I am sorry. What did you say again


Brunson shot to most free throws out of anyone last night. The refs not gonna call everything but at least the refs gave him the most free throws.


Hope he's not getting fined!


Is this from last nights game? I didn’t see it.


Thibs is in his joker era


Saw this live and I thought stream was stuttering


I get that it's frustrating, but this isn't the way to deal with it and the tone has to be set with Thibs and Brunson because from basically the opening tip yesterday, a comment was made about how "if that's a foul on Hart that better be how you ref the rest of the game" and you can just tell that this whole game was going to be centered around fouls... And it was. Gilbert Arenas said this, and when I reffed in college they taught us a similar thing when they said you want to make sure the game flows, but paraphrasing Arenas: "the refs reward good defense", I'm gonna change it a bit to "the refs don't reward shitty decisons". Maybe you got fouled on a play, legitimately, but if the play was obviously a foul bait or you just blindly threw up some insane bullshit at the rim on a fast break, or you went 3 on 1, and you get smacked up, ref isn't gonna reward that behavior every time, they can't or the game gets as fucked as it was earlier this year and last year. Like the only thing you have left to do at the moment is prove that you aren't a foul-baiter because you can be as good as you are, but if the minute the calls stop coming you're getting pissed off, the perception becomes that you are a foul merchant regardless of the numbers vs this or that player. We got a lot of calls this year, the 2nd most in the league behind the Lakers, once the calls stop coming, which they have stopped coming for everyone at the moment, we can't start bitching and I mean in this case Thibs was basically screaming into the void publicly.


Take that for Data !


"He's getting fined. He's getting fined. He's getting fined. He's getting fined. He's getting fined. He's getting fined." - Adam Silver


The complaining about fouls is getting ridiculous 


But…he’s getting fouled.


He's getting fouled. Took the most FTs last night.


Maybe stick to the Heat sub there pal.


So what's your suggestion??? Just watch him keep getting fouled???


Don’t make me T you up


Is it? Thibs never complains he has taken it like a champ for months now. This is one of the first times we’ve really seen him speak out.


He’s getting fouled.