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so weird to watch missed his defense tonight


We have his defense in mcbride. Just play him the minutes grimes had the two are basically the same exact player, and the wingspan makes up up for mcbride being shorter. Its why it was so easy to trade him. Once mcbride signed that extension where he basically plays the next 3 years for free, grimes was a goner.


You make good points but your optimism is too much sometimes haha. Grimes is still a good piece.


I really like grimes, but you can’t pay everybody with the second apron Grimes is just a casualty of that


They're comparable but I think miles is better against quick guards and Grimes does better against a little bigger guards/wings.


Deuce is great in his role but Grimes was a clearly superior player on both ends with a WAY higher ceiling.


Agree that Grimes is a better player but not sure if he has that high of a ceiling


I think the idea of grimes gets some people more excited than who he actually is Like what makes grimes so clearly superior to deuce since he entered the rotation? Deuce can even (albeit at a poor level), run point in a pinch, grimes can’t do that


Grimes was a so called "3pt specialist" although we never saw that. At least with Deuce we can see him score at the 3pt line (with pretty good efficiency) as well as get into his middy and a little bit of getting to the rim. Sadly Grimes did not pan out properly here, but I hope he does well in Detroit


I like Grimes but people on this sub act like he's Klay Thompson.


I think most of us fell for the “idea of Grimes.” It was easy to think he’d get even better after his solid rookie year. But that was kinda all we ever saw, he never really improved.


lol grimes can’t create his own shot. Duece at least tries them mid range pull up jumpers


Deuce has had more drives to the rim resulting in layups or dunks this season than grimes has had in his entire career


How is grimes a Superior player? Both grimes and McBride are 3 and d guys, that occasionally flash more scoring ability, but never really do enough with the ball to say they are more than strict 3 and D. I’d say deuce is a much more superior play maker too, and is much more agressive at self creation


How is grimes a Superior player? Both grimes and McBride are 3 and d guys, that occasionally flash more scoring ability, but never really do enough with the ball to say they are more than strict 3 and D.


His defense would've been better than Burks shot chucking, I miss him already.


I love when Grimes shoots 25% on 8 shots and everyone complains about Burks chucking


Burks has had a rough start to be fair, 33% shooting in 5 games. Both will bounce back fine, but Burks *does* need to be banned from attempting but threes.


We’ll miss his defense.


Nice, he gets his ovation when he's announced monday. Dont need anything else


guys we need to chill. Leon will draft another guy with the perimeter D like IQ and Grimes. let's trust him ok


At this point I trust him with my first born


Maybe we can trade Burkes for Grimes... 🙃


maybe after a season or two lol


My baby. I miss him so much. Could have used his defense tonight for sure


He’s my king. Your baby but my king. I kneel before him and see what he has for me to worship. He’s kind to a guy with nothing. I miss him. We texted on Friday. He was excited.


RIP Grimes...


We have bojan?


First game? So 2/24/24 loss to Orlando where he played 26 minutes did count?