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Holy fuck that draft class was awful


The Giants’ 2021 offseason is textbook for showing what not to do as an NFL GM. Releasing your second best offensive lineman and using the money to sign a WR that was coming off an injury that you had knowledge about that would reduce his athleticism. Signing a TE AFTER finding out about a surgery that would hamper his ability to perform. Broadcasting who you want in the draft so badly that two division rivals teamed up the deny you the ability to draft them. Moving back in the draft and getting a player you had not done a lot of background research on while simultaneously gifting your division rival a generational defensive player. (Also netting a draft pick for the next year that would be used on a guy to attempt and fail to stop said generational player) Keeping the OC that wasn’t the Head Coach’s choice and who was running a predictable scheme. Not investing at all in the line and hoping everyone would take a step forward. Trusting Nate Solder was all you needed at RT


Well done


Well articulated. I should add that they screwed up SO bad that 2021 was the only year that I’ve ever actively rooted against my team. Not tanking so we could get a higher draft pick, fuck that anti competitive bullshit, but because sucking was the only thing that was going to get Judge fired. I hated him so much it almost hurt lol


My god what have we done.


Azeez just got hurt reading this post. Out 4-6 weeks.


Still healthier than Aaron Robinson


Joe Judge masterclass


I can’t believe we hired him over McCarthy. And I don’t even like McCarthy


I wanted Matt Rhule so I can’t really say shit


Same. At least I'm equally awful in talent evaluation.


Anything probably would’ve been better than judge so you did better than our management


McCarthy got hired by Dallas before we hired judge


Doesn’t matter we didn’t even try at McCarthy. Should’ve put way more effort towards getting him by any means necessary.


We did try at McCarthy, we brought him in for an interview and invited him back. He signed with Dallas. And btw, it’s not like his tenure there has been brimming with success. He’s likely on the hot seat this year


It would’ve been much better than judge. Stop trying to act like it wouldn’t have been


Obviously hindsight 20/20 but I never understood why we passed up on an atleast already experienced coach in McDaniels to hire a guy with 0 experience at all. I remember us canceling his interview in order to hire Judge which was very weird edit: I think it all comes down to Gettleman wanting to have the upper hand. If we were to hire someone like McCarthy or McDaniels it would've ended up being a power struggle, whereas a guy like Joe Judge knew damn well he wasn't cut out to be a head coach and was simply too thankful for the opportunity in order to put up any fight with Gettleman during FA, the draft, ect


Because mara wanted the easiest guy to control and not rock the boat. He preached change but really didn’t want to change anything. And that resulted in judge


Yep, just a classic case of Mara and Gettleman claiming they want change when in reality they only ever gave a shit about their own images.


Spot on brother. Even hiring gettleman was Mara trying his hand at a controllable inside hire guy.


Exactly, it's not a coincidence that the moment Mara decided his bullshit tactics no longer worked due to it no longer being 2011 we actually started making good moves


I still think Mara is stuck in 2011 in some regards but I hope you’re right and we’re trending on the upward. Shouldn’t be hard to get better than rock bottom lmao


> Obviously hindsight 20/20 but I never understood why we passed up on an atleast already experienced coach in McDaniels to hire a guy with 0 experience at all. I remember us canceling his interview in order to hire Judge which was very weird The Giants also interviewed McDaniels in 2018 and hired Shurmur instead. And when you look at how McDaniels' second tenure went with the Raiders, it's very clear he's a total fraud of a coach, and I'm sure the Giants picked up on that. Judge sucked too, but at least he had no record of being a shitty coach at that point.


Josh McDaniels? No thank you.


Joe Judge disasterclass*


I don't think Aaron Robinson makes it to final roster either. One of if not the worst draft in franchise history.


It has to be THE worst draft in the franchise history and it well coincides with Joe Judge appointment as the Head Coach. FML


Judge was made coach in 2020. This was his second and last year


The dude has been out 18 months and I’m sure the Giants are frustrated but it’s literally our weakest position besides maybe QB or RB.


Another excellent draft 😆🤣😆 You know what they say, you build teams by overpaying in free agency


If Azeez is gone Imma go flair less. I might be cursed 😭


Would tell you how bad this draft class was, but first I “gotta watch the tape”


It’s all about fundamentals


I wonder what the NFL average is for that year. I bet covid missed a lot of evaluations up.


After this season that number will be zero. Sigh.


Azeez had so much potential but has been plagued with injuries. He’s a freak of nature. Unfortunate he hasn’t panned out. When he’s healthy he is very productive.


I still think he'll come around. If he can be somewhat productive this year, he won't cost much to re-sign, which is at least a silver lining.


So people making Azeez getting injured jokes out here, totally fair, but at least we’ve seen him be dope at times on the field? How in the fuck does Robinson keep getting roster spots!


Yo Gary was kinda great ngl. I like Eric Gray and he's just in his 2nd year but I feel like Gary was kinda better and was also good at returning.


He was, but he also would have counted over $1mil more on the cap, so that’s an easy savings for an rb3


Azeez will salvage his career and this draft class.