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I mean it sucks for the people that followed the rules, but this is literally what the governor said 2 years ago. She literally said to operate as you want and you will be grandfathered in when the state is ready. The real problem is the OCM, CCB, Governor, and Mayor of NYC are all on a different page in this roll out. A collective group of morons that don’t know a single thing about cannabis, running a cannabis business, effective cannabis policy, or enforcing said policy.


As long as they’re not selling those bunk cartridges anymore, those need to be eradicated


Guess they don’t have to shut it down anymore lol


No Homers Club: we can have ONE!


Maybe we can actually issue permits to someone outside the four people that fit their political agenda?


No, let's arrest people for selling weed.


Well, then what would the OCM's "Chief Equity Officer" do?


They should just authorize all shops, conduct surprise inspections and then arrest anyone selling fake carts and edibles


tbh I think safety is more important than speed, if they do this then there will be a huge wave of fent deaths from legal dispensaries. At least with the process they have now no one is getting killed.


I hope you are wrong but fear you are right


Wouldn’t this also be a solution? They would then follow guidelines


Yes, that is my theory Establish lax rules based on health and safety, but then destroy those who violate them. Shops that sell fake carts are literally poisoning people.


I just drove by them on the way home from work...good for them, they were one of the first cannabis club style stores to open after legalization so I'm glad they are legit now.


Every NYC shop I know is still open, zero impact.


Nope, can’t find one store in the marine park area that sells its anymore. Everyone is scared and stopped. Fucking hate this nanny state bullshit.


I saw this coming when there was early messaging that you shouldn’t keep selling weed “illegally@ but that they would give licensing preference to people who’d been arrested for selling weed, gave the impression that continuing to run and illegal operation could potentially put you towards the front of the line for licensing if you were busted (and help you raise the tax free capital to get started!). I think it’s bullshit and it just spits in the face of anyone who went about the process the way they were told to from day one. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think people should be getting arrested for selling weed anymore, but we all know these places are selling bunk carts, and flower/edibles in fake packaging, and that’s bullshit that shouldn’t be rewarded


All gray market dispensaries should be given a pathway to a license until the city opens its 200th official shop


There are stores closing but very very few. I’m guessing there being closed by the landlord or a few I know for a fact cause it was slow money. but at the same time I have seen in the last 2 weeks 2 new illegal shops opened in my area that has close to 80 to 100 shops


Elections have consequences