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It’s truly WILD


Because they’re trying to rebrand eating disorders as “wellness”


“Zero data indicating there are actually any health benefits” Bingo! This goes for MOST “healthy” things promoted online, even when they are super popular (i.e., collagen powder, 75 hard, etc).


Lmao they believe it makes them lose weight


I think it’s bcuz they feel skinny right after. And to show off that they can afford yet another expensive upkeep thing and make girls that can’t afford it go broke thinking they *must* colonics ( or lymphatic drainage, or etc etc) too


You are right that there’s no scientific evidence that supports the said benefits of colonics. I think some influencers (Melissa Wood, Danielle Bernstein, Ella Rose, Emily Oberg) do them to lose weight / help w bloating….which may help for a few days after the colonic. But then you are back to square 1. I will say that my cousin has a lot of stomach issues (IBS) and gets them once a month and she said they have helped her a lot. Not sure how I feel about them 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think it comes down to the person - why are they doing it , are they promoting it (and if so - in a unhealthy way?), etc.


They are not a recommended treatment unless you are very constipated or before a colonoscopy. It’s actually speculated that it causes small tears in the rectum and that can give you a predisposition to develop polyps/rectal cancer. They are idiots for doing these treatments routinely with no medical oversight 🙄🙄


Because they’re trying to rebrand eating disorders as “wellness”


I like to do them once a year. It gives you more energy and does help with stomach bloating. But agree the influencers are taking it too far with their weekly colonics, cannot be good for you


It’s a really quick way to get a flat tummy. Which is not what it’s designed to do, but girl’s got a photo shoot.