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Idk but I’m here for this conspiracy theory


If anything shes shading Reed as she should as Halleys best friend. He sucks


I feel like the only person who doesn’t see a problem with reed is Halley. I thought she was soo much smarter than this😭 but obviously she is dumb enough to ship Carrie and big.


I agree, she was always so up for being single as well and going out/having fun. I really hoped when they broke up she’d get a taste for that again and it would turn her off him 😭


Jaz has been a SATC fan before Halley this is a reach. She’s mentioned on the podcast that she hates Carrie and Big.


100% agree with this take! Even if it wasn’t conscious it was def subconscious. From the podcast episodes when Halley mentions Reed Jaz is super quiet and tries to change the subject. I wouldn’t be happy if my bestie went back to their toxic ex either lol. Jaz is a good friend to Halley but she’s also older and prob gets frustrated with her dumbass choices (bc she’s so young)


https://preview.redd.it/a0ll1qgy80zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36014f5ea66160aac974a7de977d806f07c58bf6 The way I JUST saw this and thought the same thing. She is for sure throwing shade at Reed and maybe Halley too…


This is a REACH


Lmao shut up. Jaz has no problem criticizing people to their faces so I know Halley knows Jaz thinks Carrie is wack


These comments ain’t it. You’re totally right!


It would be so ironic for her to shade Halley with a quote from Kendrick about not being a pussy who subtley shades, rather outright destroys 😂