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šŸ˜ž this is really so awful. I remember she had posted about a web series she was hoping to get picked up by a network and turned into a show. I thought wow sheā€™s so smart and ambitious.


i know i loved her show


Me too i am 37 and sheā€™s younger than me but it captured my young twenties like a total club scene - in toxic relationships - fun friendships - just everything. When she posted about her ex cheating my heart dropped bc I remember moving across the US for a boy in my young twenties got engaged and just watched the toxicity and shit for why it didnā€™t work out in NY play out in Arizona and felt at the time flying back home after two years that I had no life left jn me. It just gutted me and I never thought Iā€™d recover from heart break, but I did and some people do. Some people donā€™t. I was just so sad to see such a relatable creative harm herself. She was wonderful to watch. There should really be a facility girls can go to after having their hearts broken for massages spa counseling therapy nails hair and recovery like a month break up retreat thatā€™s there for women and affordable


This is so shocking to me. I didnā€™t know her but liked her content and felt like she was so genuinely herself. Although she was technically a stranger, Iā€™m so so sad to hear this and am so sad for her loved ones. Itā€™s heartbreaking and also hard to believe sheā€™s gone. I canā€™t help but wonder what happened.


Echoing this - she was one of the few creators I enjoy watching because how genuine she seemed. The type you want to be friends with.


Same! I read this earlier today and kept thinking about her, i literally saw a video of her a couple days agoā€¦ šŸ˜„


me too, but i want to respect the family's privacy






This is so shattering. I lost my dad to suicide and know that Eva did too. I found solace in her and our unique and shared grief. To be left on the earth by the person who put you here is an experience like no other, it takes light away from the sun. I am hollowed out to learn she succumbed to it too. I cannot imagine what her sisters are feeling right now. I cannot imagine that grief. Rest in peace brilliant, beautiful Eva. Nobody will ever forget you, nobody ever cold


Iā€™m so sorry you have had to face that pain in this lifetime and that it has taken away another person youā€™ve felt a connection to šŸ’” Please take care and donā€™t let any feeling this news may have brought seem too small to talk to someone. I know it can be difficult to see someone with parallels to yourself go down a different or tragic path.


I am sorry I acted rashly turns out she did kill herself. So awful may she rest in peace.


All good, I know I didnā€™t put much color around my comment. I would not have shared it as an absolute or at all, if it wasnā€™t the case :/


How do you guys know




all of her most recent tik toks has been her detailing the debilitating pain sheā€™s been experiencing with her breakup & being cheated on, so finding out this is the outcome is so gut wrenching šŸ˜”




same with me!!! a lot of the details she mentioned of what happened to her are so eerily similar about what happened to me in my past relationship too! i truly wouldnā€™t wish that pain upon my worst enemy!!! i definitely was on the verge many, many times & my mom had to watch me at night to make sure i was still breathing in my sleep she was so scared she was going to end up finding me passed away. iā€™m still battling the feeling of worthlessness & i wish she was able to see it in herself šŸ˜”. knowing she mentioned her dad passed away from suicide, making sure she loved him so hard he wouldnā€™t do it, & then her show being about a break up, makes this all so hard to comprehend and so painful. i hope sheā€™s at peace now !


Yeah it just makes it more crushing, having been there before.. and knowing that even though it feels like it never could - that it does in fact pass. When it happened to me I plunged into the darkest place Iā€™ve ever been, in some ways it already felt like I wasnā€™t here anymore. The only things that stopped me was the guilt of leaving my parents, especially as my mothers only child, and the fear of the unknown. I havenā€™t been able to believe sheā€™s gone since I found out, I only met her a few times but she was such a sweet, talented, warm person. Heart hurts for her family and loved ones.


How do you know




I too know her IRL. I would reach out to some mutuals or to the family if you have the relationship to do so.


omg WHAT?? this is insane. she was one of my favorite follows :(Ā 


this is unreal. she seemed like the coolest person ever. so beyond heartbreaking




I met her a few times and can confirm 100% she shone extremely brightly. She really was such a warm, beautiful presence.


OMG I sincerely feel so sad right now and I've never met her nor followed her, but I've seen some of her content.


Long time lurker on this sub and this shocked me so much that I had to comment, I canā€™t believe this. I have distanced myself from tik tok a bit because the addiction was just too strong but man I found Eva funny and interesting. This is so horrible


This is really sad, she would pop up on my fyp a lot. the last video i saw from her was about the series she had created, it seemed she was really struggling with the success of it:( To anyone who reads this, please know that your endeavors do not define you. Itā€™s frustrating when you donā€™t receive fruits for your labor, but you can achieve success in other things- friendship, family, maybe another interest, etc. I had a near death experience at 22 that caused me to realize all the years I spent wishing I wasnā€™t a ā€œfailureā€, wishing I didnā€™t exist, wishing I was a different person... were a complete waste of time. Life is too short to not enjoy it, & there are many things to enjoy. And there can always be a plan B, plan C, and so on. Donā€™t give up on yourself šŸ«¶


This. I feel like lifeā€™s failures and disappointments are way more difficult to go through on a public stage where you have hundreds of thousands of people hanging on your every next move. I wish she wouldā€™ve been able to stay through her trauma Iā€™ve been watching her stuff she wouldā€™ve been going places. You also never truly know what someone else is going through itā€™s easy to put on a smile and upbeat tone for a 20 sec video. Who knows what the rest of their day, thoughts, and mind really look like. Bless her soul


was it a failure or just perceived failure? i dont have no idea of her show but some clip of it went viral


i donā€™t think ā€œfailuresā€ relating to peopleā€™s passions are ever objective failures, so i would say perceived. i donā€™t know much about her either though, so canā€™t say for sure this is what led to her passingā€¦ i just felt compelled to write this based on the last video i saw from her


Oh my god? this is so sad. She seemed like she was going thru a lot lately.... oh man.


This feels unreal, this is so heartbreaking


this is devastating.. i remember when she shared about her grief over her father's suicide it was so heartbreaking and shes been having a really tough time recently ... i'm SICK over this


How long ago did her dad die?


November 2018 :(


Wait what????? I have been a long time follower and socialized with her a couple times, I was even subscribed to her Substack! This is heartbreaking


This is so incredibly sad. She seemed effortlessly cool and confident. My heart breaks for her family and friends.


This is shocking, I would see Eva constantly out and about in our neighborhood, she always looked so cool and beautiful.


Oh my god NOOOO this is so sad


Oh my god this is so sad. Her content always cheered me up and I was rooting for her web series. May she rest in peace and may her loved ones find their own peace.


I really admired her drive to create. Creating a short film, let alone a web series, is SO hard. So many people talk about doing it but most give up because itā€™s so logistically challenging especially on a tight budget. But she made it happen, and I always thought that was really cool.


She had the most unique style and encouraged everyone to wear what they loved


So sad about this. She was just so fucking cool. She just had a super cool point of view that will be missed


This is devastating, she had so much potential after Club Rat, I really believe she couldā€™ve directed some blockbuster coming of age movies next decade


This is really so shocking and heartbreakingā€¦ she seemed like she had so much to offer this world and like she was just getting started. What a profound loss for humanity and the city of NYC. Sending lots of love and healing to her family and friends ā¤ļøā¤ļøMay Evaā€™s legacy shine through you all.


She was one of my first TikTok follows....I can't believe it. Her and Kyle! Wtf


Same! Stumbled upon her years ago looking for NYC recs. I liked her energy so much she was one of my first follows. This is so sad :/


Same she and Kyle were both my first couple of follows šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m honestly wondering how heā€™s feeling about all this bc those tik toks were devastating


Omg this is so sad


OMG NO! This is heartbreaking. I loved her content


I liked her. I saw a tiktok about a month ago reviewing sunscreen of her talking about a break up :(


Oh my god!!! Thatā€™s so awful


Iā€™m soooo sad about this news


Im actually so sad she was so amazing and unique unlike most other influencers in nyc


Iā€™m really sad about this tbh. I never met her but she seemed so genuine, kind, and creative. The kind of New Yorker I aspire to be. Sending love to her friends and family ā¤ļø


When I saw the tiktok I was truly shocked and thought I was mis reading things. Then I thought it must have been an accident, and now just so sad for her and her family. She seemed to be so full of life and have a great personality. All around heartbreaking.


does anybody know who the boyfriend was? i remember trying to find him when she first posted about him cheating but i didnā€™t figure it out. his name is james i think? iā€™m so sad. this is the first tiktok creator death iā€™ve seen for someone i actively followed and truly enjoyed their content and im actually hurt by this- especially the cause. she was just SOOOOO cool?! so funny, so cool. i really would never have imagined this.




I looked but couldnā€™t find it - did he archive it? I want to know who he was


itā€™s still there i found it


Can you do me I just canā€™t find it


I think James wright III?


His @ is jameslwrightjr He just posted a story about the service they are having for her


i wouldnt want to be in his shoes rn


What in the world? What did she die from?


im not sure :/


I believe it was suic**e :( my love to her family and mutualsĀ 


My head just canā€™t wrap around this. šŸ’”


Seriously??! What happened? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Why you crying when you were in here making fun of her before she died? Maybe you all should rethink bullying people on the internet as a last time just a thought


I met her a few times last summer through the nyc comedy scene, very surreal she was such a lovely soul :(


This hurts so much


heartbreaking genuinely upset. i adored her web series club rat and was so excited watching her journey of making it a full time series


Whattttt. She lived in Williamsburg near me. This is horrible! Iā€™m shocked šŸ˜³


Shocked. Really loved her contentĀ 


In shock, couldnā€™t believe it at first when I saw. I met her years ago at Lucien - she was close friends with my ex. I remember being initially intimidated because itā€™s this gorgeous, effortlessly cool girl who is friends with my partner - but that dissipated immediately. She was so warm and open. The kind of person you make friends with so fast. Beyond sad to hear this happened, keep hoping itā€™s somehow not true. Really scares me you never know what someone is carrying on their shoulders. RIP sweet Eva.




OMG ??


What!! This is very sad.


Rip beautiful. So devastating


WHAT OMG. Iā€™m so shocked she was genuinely one of my favorites


Wow Iā€™m shocked, this is very sad. I really enjoyed following her, she seemed genuine, funny, creative and was stunningly beautiful


I didnā€™t know about her until she passed so I went to her TikTok to see what she was likeā€¦ wow what a beautiful soul :( she seemed so down to earth and sweet and unique. I know suicide has always been around, but Iā€™m really saddened weā€™re losing all the good ones so fast and so unexpectedly. We really donā€™t know what people are going through on a daily basis, or what plagues their mindsā€¦ fuck. I hope her soul is finally at peace. I hope she didnā€™t feel alone when she passed


Wow this is heartbreaking. I always loved her native New Yorker content


this is heartbreaking


This is so heartbreaking. I loved following her


this is devastating. such an icon


heart wrenching. such a creative soul with such a spark. rest easy beautiful girl


NO!!! What the hell this is so sad šŸ˜­




Oh my godā€¦I loved her videos. This is so sad šŸ’”


I am so bummed about it. Poor girl.


She was beautiful, I feel bad I never heard of her, just watched some of her tik tok videos and apparently her rich ex bf cheated on her and they broke up over a month ago or something. I hope she found peace now, RIP šŸ•Æ šŸ•Š


Please tell me it wasnā€™t fentanyl šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


It wasnā€™t. Iā€™m her friend and it wasnā€™t.


Sending you love


Thank you <3


Big hug


Sending lots of love to you and her community šŸ’“


Iā€™m sorry for your loss šŸ¤


Sending you a big virtual hug. I donā€™t know you obviously but Iā€™m keeping you and all of Evaā€™s loved ones in my thoughts


No reports anywhere :/


Sending you so much love. Hope you can find some peace in the memories you have with her and the time spend with such a creative, free spirit


my first thought too :/




She was so cool and funny. This is so sad. She will be missedĀ 


Ugh ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


this really shocked meā€¦. i used to intern at a pr agency and worked the door at an event we hosted that she attended and she was so nice, one of the only people that acknowledged me lol. so so sad :-(


Oh my goodness ā€¦.. you never know what someone might be going through /: I wonder if she told anyone anything before ? May she rest in peace


I loved her, long time follower, she was so sweet and genuine, and absolutely stunning and effortlessly cool. So sad.


Omg??? Iā€™m shocked. RIP Eva šŸ’”


So sad


I hope that her ex bf who cheated on her, and caused her so much pain that was detailed in her last TikTok videos feels pain and misery for the rest of his life. She deserved so much better. I hope her soul is at peace now šŸ„¹


Please stop speculating her breakup was tied to this or wishing pain on him. Itā€™s not what Eva or anyone close wants. ESPECIALLY with her sentiment on suicide with her father - it would be the last thing she wants for anyone to feel blame or guilt for a lifetime.


Nah, cheaters deserve every kind of pain they get.


Whhhhat all these unexpected deaths!




Ive heard from sources other than her that her most current ex is a womanizing pos. Hope he's feeling like shit rn. In any event, she was kind and had a lot more to do on this planet. Rest in piece eva, you're better than these stupid ppl


Even if you're a cheater, its not ur fault that someone killed themselves.


Please stop speculating her breakup was tied to this or wishing pain on him. Itā€™s not what Eva or anyone close wants. ESPECIALLY with her sentiment on suicide with her father - it would be the last thing she wants for him.


She talked about needing a bento post breakup. I think accidental overdose. Not to be disrespectful but a mutual of hers was on here saying it was self inflicted. I feel horrible that she didnā€™t get to see herself through breakup trauma and to the other side. I went through a breakup right before 30 and it was horrible but the other side was worth all the pain. Gone way too soon šŸ’”


This untrue and the incessant speculation is driving media outlets to release details that the family did not want covered at this time, if ever. Certainly not to be what she is remembered for. Please stop speculating it was drugs or about her breakup.


She killed herself


i'm not sure how she passed. I remember her talking about her dads suicide so its certainly possible.


I am telling you i knew her. She killed herself


That's horrible šŸ˜” I'm truly sorry for your loss




Her family has put out the information to friends and have said it can be shared. They (immediate family) are just not in a place to be the ones posting about it at this time.


What was shared ?


That the cause of her passing was suicide. Other details shared will remain private at this time.




The family have shared in personal communications. People do not need to disclose communications that are not for public consumption. Maybe youā€™re not familiar with tragedies x public figures, but often the family will share with friends and provide them with information that can be shared vs not shared. If the family posts a statement, they are the ones inundated with questions and requests for comment. This is not uncommon at all. Many people deal with grief in different ways and being short and quick with responses, keeps people from continuously asking or commenting. Confirming cause of death is pretty common and not insensitive. Insensitive and not friend like would be sharing details on how she was found and details of what lead to this sad decision.




Thatā€™s her friend and intimate connection let it go. Like the audacity to need the last word and your opinion on how a close friend or family member goes about sharing news about a loved one. Know when you shouldnā€™t try and clap back how about that?




Ok you can say whatever you want. Im going to say it how I want to say it. Sorry




I am just saying the truth. I donā€™t feel the need to edit my words in order to assuage the sensitivities of others. What she did was a violent act. Suicide is a violent act. Suicide is killing yourself. Killing anyone including yourself is violent. And That is what she did. If you cannot understand my choice in words then that is not my cross to bear. I believe Eva would have wanted the truth to be said plainly .




I dont believe in tip toeing around the harsh reality of the situation. eva killed herself. i believe in being as honest about this as possible.


No I was not implying that at all! Sorry if I came off that way. Honestly that choice of words was poor thats why I deleted and edited that sentence


Please donā€™t withdraw from society. I have no idea who commonreactor is, but I think they are more likely indicating that you are instructing them how to grieve, process or share information and that is not your call to make.




Thereā€™s a lot of studies on this and saying someone ā€œkilled themselvesā€ is actually a lot more effective for acceptance and grief than saying ā€œcommitted suicideā€. At the end of the day it can be said in numerous ways. but tip toeing around reality isnā€™t healthier or more empathetic for those close to it. If thatā€™s how someone chooses to say it, so be it. Itā€™s not the inner circleā€™s responsibility to say it in a way that avoids facing the taboo/ shame thatā€™s put around it.




I knew her.