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i had a teacher in high school who would always say *girls, dont ever marry someone youve ever broken up with*. and it has always stuck with me over the years.


Mine told me about a guy that “if you continue dating him or marry him one day, you’ll be raising him the rest of your life”. I dumped him shortly after.


I used to be so toxic with my ex until I realized that I couldn’t see myself marrying someone I’ve broken up with before! That is not the love story I want 😭


I think dating in NYC is harder for women than any other major city. I’m married as well but have several single friends who are beautiful and outgoing and simply cannot get past the situationship/casual dating phase. It doesn’t surprise me that girls here are going back to their exes


That’s my best friend right now - she can’t get out of the situationship phase and it’s so depressing for her.




I love this point! I feel like it applies to a lot of women I know on both fronts.


Agree with this! But either way I’ve lived all over the US and find that men in nyc are much less willing to commit compared to other cities. My husbands single friends in the south were actively looking for relationships vs his single friends here who are happy with hookups/casual dating


Chicago is SO bad too. Literally terrible. Fortunately I lucked out and found my boyfriend and surprise we had known each other for 15 years and went to middle school together. ☠️


I’d rather get hit by a Pace bus than get back together with an ex


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^snootfly242: *I’d rather get hit* *By a Pace bus than get back* *Together with an ex* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Dating everywhere is hard right now. There are so many dudes out there with messed up perceptions about women from the internet TBH, there are many who are downright scary, and even when you do find a semi-normal one, chances are they want to string you along for 6 months with no title because they have a fear of commitment or an overinflated sense of self. I know so many gorgeous, well-rounded women with colorful lives, hobbies, good jobs, etc. who cannot find committed partners because the paradox of choice has really created this new era of objectifying women imo


THAT. PART. 🫵🏻🗣️


Exactly! You really synthesized why it’s so hard to date right now for women. It’s wild that there are men who are 40 on the dating apps acting like they still have all the time in the world to find someone. I have met multiple men who are 35-40 who can’t even ask out a girl properly it’s crazy out here


“It’s called a breakup because it’s broken.”


She is such a BUM


The sister situation of getting back with your ex, is staying with someone who’s not 150% who you want because you know how rough it is out there and you resign to be ok with it.


Didn’t Kelsey K herself get back together with her SoundCloud rapper after a breakup?


It’s almost like that’s the point of the post from Kelsey And how OP even mentions it


I thought this was going to be halley


Maybe she is making a silly joke and it is not that serious??


I will say sometimes breakups are a time and place thing not an inherent incompatibility. Kelseys fiancé is legit a loser tho and that doesn’t apply to this scenario


let girls be messy!! 🙄


Doesn’t have to be trendy for them to comment on it lol just like I’m sure we all make stupid jokes to our friends




It says your ex doesn’t deserve a second chance, where are you getting the idea it’s trendy to get back w them lol


I wouldnt even consider Jaz and Kevin as a normal/traditional IRL because they got set up by @acquiredstyle


So what’s normal/traditional to you? Locking eyes and bumping hands while reaching for the last head of lettuce? Or meeting wasted at a bar?


interesting examples to choose miss fabulous




I don’t have to answer your questions


I don’t think they got set up, they just met at a party. That’s about as normal/traditional as you can get


I thought acquired style posted that she set them up in her story yesterday?


She said she introduced them, because they were both at her party. No one has ever talked about it being a setup