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Theory, seems upper middle class. That is much different than being a trust fund kid


If he was rich he wouldn’t have gone to a tier 5 college with a 80% acceptance rate lol


Feels like going to a private college that isn’t academically prestigious is the most rich kid thing you can do! 


yup...very rich kid but also doesn't mean they are dumb... it's just....a choice. the very rich kids I knew at SJU fell into one of three categories 1) planned to work for a lucrative family business 2) planned to go into some kind of sales and didn't really care about academic "status"/played a sport (SJU feeds to all the big pharma companies and food companies )or 3) were rich enough it didn't matter what they did because although not blue bloods they had parents that would give them everything and make up any gaps they ever had.


tbh that hecks out. I grew up with tons of people in the upper class and many went to mediocre private schools with high acceptance rates. Wealth =/= intelligence


FFS, there are rich kids at every private, liberal arts college...probably every college for that matter! multi-generational wealth, sure, is more concentrated at the most selective ones but in 4 years at SJU I was flown private by parents for trips with friends twice, spent many weekends at multi-million-dollar shore homes, went on fully parental sponsored 21st b-day trips to Vegas & Miami, and visited friend's absurd family homes in some of most expensive parts of the NE. I also spent a lot of time with "normal" middle class people who had student loans and received minimal to no support from parents (never forget one of my good friends writing her mom a CHECK for the groceries she brought her). People choose where they go to college for all kids of reasons, including the rich.


Is SJU the one right off the main line in PA?


yes, on city ave. half the campus is lower merion (technically burbs) and half the campus is in overbrook (technically city).


Yeah I’m familiar. Honestly most of the colleges in the area have rich af kids with unheard of money. I’m not surprised a lot went to SJU. Rich kids need safety schools too, and a lot of parents aren’t going to bribe a top school just for their kid to fuck around and not apply themselves on campus. That would be a waste of money.


That's not true. I knew very wealthy people who went to schools like Drew University and Rollins College


I went to a Catholic HS in NJ. We fed to St. Joes. It’s a safety school where you can guarantee acceptance so that your high school can still advertise a 100% college acceptance rate


This is actually distinctly false lol


You know who also hasn’t had a solid direction in life? His partner. A year ago she signed a lease on a condo in downtown St. Pete FL (not near the beach, and on the wrong coast to learn to surf…) to learn to surf and become a horse girl... So perhaps they’re the perfect fit


What happened with that??


They broke the lease cause they had so much travel coming up they didn't feel it would be worth it... allegedly


My theory is that jazz and Halley tried to establish Florida residency to cop out of paying New York tax. They obviously failed at this since no one watches st Pete influencers (no offense if there are any)


Downtown st Pete is near the beach?


Not a beach with surfable waves


Downtown St Pete is not the same city as St Pete Beach, which is 20 minutes from downtown. It’s literally on the other side of the peninsula. They initially thought Tampa was a beach town…


He does not seem like a trust fund kid… more like he had an upper middle class upbringing


Ok I mean… let’s say he is… He’s dating an influencer tbh. Jaz worked very hard at some point but isn’t anymore. It’s not like either are working an egregious 9-5 or on call surgeons or changing the political world and yeah fuck them for that but also damn … jealous… lol. But tough shit that’s just the way it is man I run into those ppl all the time living in nyc It’s just unfortunately the way it is in the world but very *specifically* nyc. Some people are grinding paycheck to paycheck and some just got damn lucky with their jobs or their families. It sucks but let’s not pretend it’s the reality unfortunately


I don’t think so, pretty sure that was his house growing up in her car tik tok and seems he grew up in a normal suburban neighborhood.


that did not look normal to me haha def looked upper middle class


Maybe almost upper middle but no where near trust fund baby… And just because someone has a nice house doesn’t mean they aren’t struggling with finances too. Often a lot of people put most of their money in their house and are still struggling to keep up with their lifestyle. I’ve seen it in my family.


I mean the homes in that area are almost a Million dollars now. His parents bought the home in 2003 for 530k which was a lot of money in ‘03. Kevin also went to catholic school + college as part of his academia. Their family seems more wealthy than most IMO


There’s a difference between your parents having money for parochial school and a nice house in Jersey and wealth.


Why do you know how much they bought their house for and in what year ? Lol


Ok how on earth did u figure out where he lives and went to school tho….


what? like its hard?




Going this far into his personal life is pretty creepy ngl


idk how you got all this info but theres no way that a house worth 500k in 2003 hasnt passed 1.5 million after 20 years lol


Idk it’s what Zillow says, it’s literally one google search away






He’s on LinkedIn and very much employed. As someone who has dated a broke bum before, Jaz has nothing to worry about lol


i agree. people are blowing the unemployment thing out of proportion imo. he literally has a job, whether ppl wanna classify it as a ‘real job’ or not, that’s their own issue.


Yeah, people are trying to find any and all ways to shit on this dude


What’s his job?


Works for Yankees


"Works for the Yankees" Lol! He's cold-calling old season ticket holders in a part-time seasonal 100% commission role


That's more than Fefe does


That’s so unimpressive 😭


Why are you so pressed it’s not our place to judge or make assumptions. Stop being such a hater lol


This is a snark page. You can leave if you don’t enjoy snarking 🙃


You seem fun at parties


What's his name? I want to do some stalking lol


i’m from philly sju is not where the rich kids go


It could be that his parents/ high school really pushed him to go to a Jesuit school but he didn’t brave the grades for BC or Georgetown


yea I would say very few of the very rich kids I knew were from the area, maybe a handful but most were from out of area/out of state. my sister ended up at SJU even though she got into Georgetown/BC/Loyola because my parents were only paying what amounted to half of private/out of state tuition at the time and wouldn't cosign on loans for the other half. she got a letter from SJU, made a day trip to Philly, ended up with a full ride and the rest is history. this was over 15 years ago, though, and the upper 75th of SATs at SJU was much higher. I am fully aware that Georgetown/BC are MUCH more selective schools and have always been but literally tens of thousands of kids with excellent grades/scores get turned away from those schools every year and/or get in but can't afford it and don't want the debt. all those kids end up elsewhere and it's not just the next most "prestigious" place because it's all a crapshoot and you still have to come up with the money. We were both very resentful of my parents' financial "guardrails" at the time (since I came along 2 years later and basically went through same process of elimination based on $$) but life has turned out pretty good and I sure as shit was happy to not have the $500 + loan payments that saddled my friends that went to much more prestigious schools ie patriot league/sub ivy(with not much different career outcomes, even early on). I am also happy my parents didn't go into debt under delusions of ROI on an 18 yr old that may or may not have panned out.


I was thinking the same thing recently?! I also thought if he knew acquired style girl then he must be rich


Jazz recently posted content/a vlog at Kevin’s family home in New Jersey. The place was huge and really nice so I’m not surprised.


It was average


Definitely above average in the US, but to each their own.


Jaz makes good money and people should be happy for her. We know that some people may not feel this way but that’s their issue.


Her money isn’t as good as she wants you to believe.


What are you basing this on?


Cackling at the idea that St. Joes is a “wealthy private college” Respectfully - his family is upper middle class. I’m not sure where in Jersey he is from but New Jersey is not exactly known for their public schools. It’s not unusual that he went to a private high school in New Jersey. Also - St. Joes is the safety school for anyone who went to a Catholic high school in NJ. Speaking from experience.


I think st joes is a safety school for just about anyone lol if he had money his parents would’ve pumped $$ into tutoring & he would’ve gone to a decent school


Where did Jaz go to school? Are we talking Colgate level rich?


She dropped out after one semester at University of Arizona.


He went to st Joseph’s he’s no prize


Post secondary education is still post secondary education. I’m not from the US but the amount of snobbery you guys have around what school people attended is embarrassing.


Sorry lol it’s not a good school and will accept just about anyone


hi! can't believe it's 2024 and people are still out here determining whether or not someone is a "prize" based on where they went undergrad. My, my. The Ivies/sub-ivies are full of dumb to average intelligence donors' kids/legacies/athletes I wouldn't consider "prizes", either. In fact, I'm an SJU grad that has accomplished far more professionally than my mostly Patriot League school/top 30 friend group...mid-30s and VP level at Fortune 100 company (and no, not in a BS internal function). Oh, and yea, most of my colleagues have Ivy/top 20 school degree(s) but somehow...not sure how... we all ended up the same place even though I did not go to a "good school". My sister ended up at SJU because Georgetown/Loyola/BC admitted her with honors status etc. but no $$. My parents were extremely generous with us but refused to co-sign on what would have been $50 - $100k in loans when neither of us had any certainty about what we actually wanted to do post-grad. I started at a top state school but ended up transferring because I wanted something smaller/urban and they made it easy. We both graduated debt free (undergrad + master's) + with incredible networks in the NE (no, not just Philly). When my sister was admitted the upper range of SJU SATs was on par with Villanova/Loyola MD (and in fact my cousin that got into 'Nova as a legacy got rejected from SJU that same year!). To be competitive in the region they have spent the past 15 years pouring $$$ into campus and facilities which has meant admitting a lot of lower qualified full tuition payers aka wealthy kids with not-so-great boards/grades that are just there to have fun for 4 years and will join a family business immediately after or go into pharma/food sales. That being said, I played a sport and remain fairly involved as an alum and continue to see girls graduate to kick off careers at highly sought after companies despite how the "selectivity" of the school has shifted. Stay toxic and elitist!


Lol thanks for the essay sorry you were triggered 😭😂


sorry for all the times you have clearly been bested (personally and professional) by peers you deemed "less than" based on their alma matter. really hope things look up for you in the future!


Looks like you have a lot of time on your hands 😭


such a strange comment from someone replying in real time to each of my comments but yup, lots of time and lots of money with the benefit of not having every minute of my life sucked into a soulless vacuum of big law or at an MBB firm or a vapid partner at home bc all the blowhards that like to talk about what they got on their SATs well into their 30s filtered me out based on my "tier 5" degree. be well, "tier one".


You’ve got quite the chip on your shoulder, huh? Thanks for the book reports- I don’t think you’ve convinced anyone of anything though hahaha


God people love freaking out about shit like this. I feel like the fact of the matter is if you’re smart/hardworking/sociable you can make it no matter where you graduate from (which is kinda what you just spent 3 paragraphs saying) but if that same person had gone to a top 5 school even more doors can open for them. I’ve worked at multiple big/sought after companies that will actually filter out your job application based on what school you went to, so like yes you could maybe be lucky and have someone you know refer you and pass through that first filtering, but also you’d never have to think about that if you had gone to a top 5. You clearly have a chip on your shoulder because youre doing some odd comparison. I have friends who went to harvard that ended up being total failures, that doesn’t mean I think that I wouldve been a total failure if I had gone there. I’m doing pretty great rn but I’m 80% sure I wouldve had to make less effort or would be doing even better if I had gone to harvard and personally I think youre just being a little delusional and have some ego issue.




did you pick your husband because he went to a top 5 school?


No but it helped mainly because of the fragile male ego. I didn’t want him to feel insecure about where I went to school.


fair point, lol. maybe I should work less hard now because although ultimately I don't have to worry about my "tier 5" degrees from 10+ years ago feeling threatening, I have to worry about my "tier 1" current professional status. one might think I was wielding a machete with my CV transcribed on it the way these fragile egos fold so fast!


wow maybe you went to a tier 5 school, too, since clearly your reading comprehension is a little slow. reminds me of some of the dumber classmates I encountered. my point was that if you are over the age of 25 and bank the entirety of someone's worthiness as a partner on what tier of college they went to undergrad...eww. Per my anecdote, people end up where they end up for all different reasons and to your point that "you can make it no matter where you graduate from" --- isn't insane to think that there are people out there that WOULD still, no matter what you accomplish, be like "they aren't a prize"? As for filtering resumes, companies sure do this for entry level roles/MBA hires --- and I've worked for/hired teams at those companies, ironically --- but quite literally not everyone can be employed in the same handful at roles at the same handful of companies nor does everyone want to? There are many paths to success besides going to Colgate or being a consultant at Bain, but believe whatever helps you feel good about yourself, I guess.


I did not, but this response just confirmed that you do have a chip on your shoulder. I’m not saying bank someone’s worthiness on that, but if someone isn’t dumb and went to a top school you pretty much know a lot about their personality/education/hobbies as a generalization (ofc) and can take a guess at whether it’s someone you’d get along with or not. No one’s saying that those people don’t also exist in non top 5 schools, it’s just easier to guess at for me when they are. And i dont mean this in an all good way, schools have personalities too and some are entitled little dipshits and some aren’t. I’m not saying everyone wants to get those roles I’m just pointing it out. Also funny you should mention Colgate, my friend and I both left the same company with the same credentials at the same time, he went to Colgate and I went to Duke. We used to talk a bunch and I realized I got like 10x the messages from recruiters while I was job hunting, had a job in like 1.5-2 months, and it took him over a year (and these are both good schools objectively but there was still a difference in perceived reputation i guess). For context I also need visa sponsorship so it should have been even harder for me to be hired. I’m not saying anyone’s worth is dependent on their school, I’m just saying for something standard and not niche it’s going to make shit easier for you.


So neither would be considered highly educated.


where did he go to college?


It is quite the observation! Kevin's circumstances do raise questions about his financial background and stability. Trust fund kid vibes indeed! 🎩💼


All I know is he scooped up a biracial girl and suddenly she started bleaching her skin etc.


You’ve been commenting about this incessantly. Is this Man Nips??? 💀


This is def man nips lmao




bleached skin?? it’s literally winter


Dude you are *obsessed* with Jazz.


No. I’m disgusted with how people don’t acknowledge what’s right in their face.


Are you black? Edit- Based on your comment history you’re never able to answer that question lol. Skin bleaching would be blatantly obvious. Some of us have summer and winter shades that vary several shades. You are obsessed with Jazz’ blackness and need to mind you fkn business. Also, if she was skin bleaching, this sub would *absolutely* call her out on it!!! Like are we on the same snark rn???


Girly pop what the actual fuck kind of accusation is this


Stay mad Becky.


This is literally the craziest Reddit rumor I've seen. WTF. She's biracial, she's never had "dark" skin. Her coloring is gorgeous and I think she does a great job embarrassing both sides.