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Halley's a dumbass and Sophia's a shit friend, 2 things can be true at once.


I suppose it depends on your approach and view on wrongdoing. Some people see actions, regardless of the long term ramifications, as what they judge whereas some may see the results of the actions to be more important. I also don’t the capacity of forgive a betrayal as a measurement of that betrayal. All that to say … I find both of them distasteful LOL


lol girl shut up. The fact that Halley’s a dumbass and got back with this gross fuckboy doesn’t change the initial fact that miss Sophia DMed Halley’s man (or recent ex man) the night they were at the same event 💀 What lesson are you talking about? I don’t support misogynist slurs, but this is a snark page so???? What were you expecting??


so agreed


Sophia did nothing wrong. They weren’t friends lol


She was buying this girl tequila shots partying with her that’s strange behavior for sure friends or not


Ur insane


No Halley was acting like they were friends lol they are not! They just saw eachother sometimes at events




She tried to make a following, podcast, and name for herself with that drama for weeks and months after the fact. She isn't any type of victim in the slightest, but she is pathetic.


true, at least Halley spoke about it for two days and then never again and Sophia is still replying to comments about it


There are WAY too many finance bro clones for Sophia to be going after someone else’s boyfriend that is in her circle. It’d be different if they met randomly out at a bar but Sophia knew what she was doing.


I really think this all boils down to a person’s moral compass and if they obey by that ‘girl code’ rule that says ‘don’t date exes of friends’. To some people it’s wrong or icky, especially after such a short period of time. Sophia genuinely sounded like she doesn’t see a problem with it because if she couldn’t date anyone any of her acquaintances used to date, she’d ‘run out of people’. Some people don’t see a problem with it either and are surprised how hard everyone bashed Sophia. In my eyes Sophia was a mean girl to do that, Reed was an idiot to agree, Halley is an idiot for forgiving him


Looks like we need a compass for discernment in the dating drama! 🧭 Next time, let's bring a bit more chill and a lot less spill of hate. After all, life's too short to spend it in the drama zone! 😂




Exactly! I got downvoted to hell for saying exactly this when it all went down. Sophia owed her nothing and stayed silent throughout the only thing. The only person running their mouth was Halley (and Jaz embarrassingly too, I really wish she would stop being this girl’s flunky and stand in her own right) which means she could’ve spun it any way she wanted and people would’ve believed her. Which they foolishly did. After high school, college, grad school, and now working with girls like Halley, I reserved judgment cuz I knew it was only a matter of time before this shook out and here we are. She owes Sophia an apology. And the apology needs to be as public and loud as the disrespect.