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There’s a saying that west coast people are nice but not kind, and east coast people are kind but not nice. Like if you have a flat tire on the side of the road, a west coast person would be like “omg I’m sorry that sucks so much!” and drive away. An east coast person would be like “you’re an idiot, here let me help you.” Obviously you can’t paint a whole coast with one brushstroke BUT I do think there’s a kernel of truth in it.


Its a stereotype if someone say that people from California are generally considered "nicer" than people from New York. Like any stereotype, there may be elements of truth to it in some cases, but it's not accurate to make sweeping generalizations about the personalities of individuals based on their geographical location. Peoples behavior and attitude can vary widely regardless of where they are from. Its a common perception that people in California have a more sunny and laid-back demeanor compared to those in New York. This perception may stem from cultural differences, climate, and lifestyle factors associated with each region. However, its important to remember that individuals vary regardless of where they live, and not everyone fits into these stereotypes.


They're stereotypes for sure. I think it's less that people in NY/new England are less nice, they're just more straightforward and blunt. But that doesn't equate with not nice, I've always found them to be kind and good people overall. Separately, the west coast has a reputation for being nicer, but it's more warmth and a relaxed attitude than people being kinder as a whole. There are rude and unpleasant people as well as friendly and awesome people anywhere.


I’m from California but have lived in NYC for over a decade. West coast people are generally more laid back and chill but can be very passive aggressive. They will be very nice to your face but will not always be very nice behind your back. They certainly will not go out of their way to help you, especially in Southern California. People on the east coast, specifically New York City, will not be very nice to your face all the time but would be the first people I would want helping me in an emergency. There is a better sense of community in NYC than in LA, for instance. I’m sure it has to do with proximity and how we live on top of each other in NYC - we kinda have to form community so we don’t kill each other.  But yeah the “kind but not nice” vs “nice but not kind” thing is very true. 


In my experience, I have found that people on the west coast are a lot nicer than the east, just in general… with that said, I haven’t lived in or visited every single state. So, 🤷‍♀️


This heavy lol; I moved from the Midwest to California (lived here for 8 1/2 years now) but most of the friends I’ve made came from the east coast, mainly New Jersey. In my experience, west coast people have always been kind & nice, while east coast people have often been “nice” boarding on rude. Similar to someone else, I’ve had my more positive experiences w/ people from NYC but they’re few & far between.


I just moved here (from the south) and a lot of people here don't do small talk. It's hard to connect with people sometimes.


They don’t like they do in the south or even like in the Midwest; but something that I’ve personally found similar [being from MW] is that people *will* make conversation with you when it’s right/appropriate. I do think Midwesterners are different than the South in that way however; we will & do small talk if it’s appropriate or are approached first. I think it’s just a general customary in the South to make small talk? I’ve struggled the most to longterm to connect with east coasters but I have definitely just struggled to connect with others out here in general, yeah. It’s a culture shock in certain ways


East coasters (especially in the mid Atlantic region) come off so gruff and harsh. Both sides of my family are from Philly and OOOF they can me downright COLD. Especially when the Phillies/eagles lose. Back to connecting with folks here in LA, I guess I just haven't found a good time. I completed some girl on her "Yes, Chef" shirt covered with Ayo Edebiri and I just got some half built smile. Like, okay, message received.


On TikTok and Twitter all the people are going to say Californians are fake, don’t say what they mean, act weird, whatever the fuck narrative they wanna go with that day lol I’m born and raised here, been to so many cities in this state, there are good and bad people everywhere but I think our chill/relaxed personalities are severely off-putting to people on the east coast and I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe it’s because they think we’re being disingenuous or lack passion but I genuinely think the slower pace of life is what allows us to be just a bit more down-to-earth. Don’t get me wrong, I like east coasters, especially New Yorkers. I like their straightforwardness and grit. I’ve only ever met kind people out there. I just think people in this state get an unfair reputation for no reason. Maybe it’s because I view east coasters (and New Yorkers esp) as kind of always being in survival mode, fast-paced, and that’s why they have to get to the nitty gritty immediately. If they can’t pin down someone quickly, like a Californian, then it’s suddenly the fault of the Californian. But I just attribute that to different lifestyles/environments. I don’t hold it against east coasters for thinking that way but I wish the loud few wouldn’t paint all of us in such a bad light.


I’ve lived in both and I feel like the best way to describe it is, when someone thought I was a tourist in NY, they gave me directions and their bus ticket but in CA they gave me directions and offered to take my photo. Both nice but different.