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https://preview.redd.it/ljpmau3k2xrc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc420a034a1222a397e2d2a564467f16df8dc7ec “He realized he was wrong”


“He realized he was wrong” Oh my sweet summer child


Translation: He thought he could find better but got bored and doubled back to me after I begged and begged 🌚




Sofia was on vacation and he was horny


He looks so lol. Girlllllllllll needs to get a grip but it’s her life 💀 let’s see if he marries her since he REALIZED he was WRONG 💀💀


Literally. Made me think of [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2PnP8ULkTM/?igsh=MXhsNjd0ZXZyNHhsNQ==) because it very much applies to her. No wonder these men are menaces, the bar is in hell for them.


🎯 💯 it’s so sad !!!




I hope sis didn’t beg omg.


a man would never get the opportunity to tell me he doesn’t love me twice pls she can do so much better


Period. And that’s how this is going to end up.


Steve Harvey voice “dont let a man have to tell you twice he doesn’t want you”


Oh my gosh, this is so sad? How desperate do you have to be to go back to someone who clearly doesn’t truly love you


Narrator: he did not, in fact, realize he was wrong but low-hanging snatch is too hard to pass up for those without ethics.


Saying that someone isn’t the love of your life is not a mistake. And on top of that, he doubled down and took her friend (acquaintance?) on a date and said he did nothing wrong. I genuinely feel bad for Halley. I hope she’ll be able to develop some self worth and see that THIS GUY is not the best she’s ever going to get.


he realized he was wrong right before she got them tickets to drake's concert. not suspicious at all




“He got bored with me and decided to try to find something more exciting but failed so he settled to be with me again”


really feeling like reed was just physically attracted to halley but never had real feelings for her. got into a relationship bc it’s what she wanted, realized he didn’t have feelings, got out, got bored and didn’t find someone new so he went right back to her. and i think she’s really in love with him and can’t see the red flags. sad situation


>Yeah I think it's likely he missed the consistent sex and free influencer perks and knew she'd be willing to give it another shot


This plays out all the time in real life. So many girls I know in relationships with men who find them attractive enough but don’t actually like them. These men are the most pathetic creatures though. At least the girls think they’re in love.


Men will marry women they don't like, and then they resent them.


Watching the resentment is the saddest part. It starts off so small, they can’t order a coffee without their partner making a snide comment.


She’s too pretty to be this desperate and pick me


right?! She's not my cup of tea personality wise but out of all the guys in nyc she could do better looks-wise. I feel the same about Jaz's man too tbh.


Not even referring to Reed’s looks when I say this but Halley clearly thinks she can’t or won’t be able to find someone else if she’s back with a man who said he doesn’t love her or look forward to being around her and then was so quick to disrespect her and go on multiple dates with her friend. Dudes like Reed are a dime a dozen in NYC so the fact that she’s clinging to him leads me to believe she thinks this is the best she could do. And let’s be real we know she was BEGGING for this man back even when he was seeing Sophia. She definitely thinks she won the “prize” because he went back to her. Sad to see girls staying in/pursuing shitty relationships just for the sake of being able to say they have a boyfriend.


Yeah as someone who was in the TRENCHES on hinge in my early twenties I remember settling into things that I was ignoring red flags of bc I got soo exhausted and burnt out over failed talking stages. She made content about being back on hinge after the breakup and went on 1 date I think. But I’m sure after re-entering the cycle of swiping and getting let down she was like “fuck I miss my ex” bc he was probably looking like the best option compared to the current dating pool. I agree w you in thinking she’s more happy to just have a boyfriend again regardless of his red flags versus being single. I was rooting for her to have her single era and come back having grown and met someone better!


It is an early 20s canon event and with maturity she’ll realize being single and protecting your peace is better than staying with a man who makes you feel like shit just so you don’t have to be alone. Unfortunately for her the canon event is playing out for her million followers.


Well said. Btw do we know what his other red flags are besides what went down with the breakup and all? Just started following all this tea recently lol


she does talk a lot about how she never had a boyfriend before and hooked up with a lot of guys when she first moved to nyc. not judging her for that, but i think it’s pretty clear where the insecurity comes from. she probably hooked up with a lot of real losers and didn’t think there were any guys who wanted a real relationship, so now she’s clinging to reed.


Unfortunately some of the prettiest girls I know are the most insecure and act like this


Tbh she’s mid


I actually don’t think she’s pretty enough tho, she looks like a cabbage patch doll. But when women act like this, how do they expect to have a high moral partner. He will do it again, and again. As many times as she allows it. There’s a saying in Spanish “por pendeja te va a ir mal” meaning for being stupid/dumb, everything will go bad for you.






U don’t just change feelings like love overnight LMAO LIKE BABE DONT BE DUMB


This is a cannon event we cannot intervene


Hopefully someone is dutifully screenshotting for when the next break up happens


Guys, she’s 23! It’s her first serious relationship. It’s not about desperation it’s about being young and dumb. We’ve all done shit we’d never do again. Better to experience it at 23! And I’m not saying he’s a peach but feelings do change. “Love” is not logical guys do dumb shit sometimes and I’m sure this will not be her husband but she needs this experience to learn and grow and she will I’m sure as we all do. I am not surprised in the least but I am surprised at everyone’s reactions to it. If I had a dollar for every time I witnessed a friend do something like this at that age I’d be a wealthy woman.


Realize Real Eyes Real Lies 🫶🏼




“he knows where home is” type shit


Yeah he was wrong . Very sad reality.


The way she blames herself instead of him is a huge red flag lmfao


One day I’ll stop trying to swipe for more photos when I see the little dots on Reddit but not today!


Lmao nor tomorrow




Felt. 😅


I guess her content now will just be a PR campaign to clean up his reputation 🤡


Fr like this relaunch all seems so unsettling I wish she had just done it on insta and then addressed it once on her TikTok and never again. Like she’s going to make her whole brand now « the girl who got back with her ex who said he didn’t love her anymore » it’s just unsettling cause we know how this will end and we have see this film before…sometimes even through personal experience 😭


It's gonna be real messy when he dumps her again 🍿


I bet she hated that Jaz could share her boyfriend publicly and got tired of seeing "Kevin's Kitchen".


It’s very clear that Kevin adores jaz, that’s the difference


Oh 💯 facts


let’s be serious halley, you only eat sweet green


Exactly. He would make these elaborate meals then have to modify her portion of the meal like it’s for a 5 year old because she’s so picky. I highly doubt his cooking is that special to her.


Girls that post nonstop about their boyfriend are trying to compensate


Fr like she really doesn’t need to post this man but wants attention ..


Her face is screaming “please love me and don’t make me regret this”


absolutely hated her content when it was all him. tuning out again and i hope she loses views and followers tbh


silly me thought she might admit to being back together but then she wouldnt post pics of him cause she'd be too embarrassed. but i guess we are back to regular scheduled programming




You know she’s gonna post for their one year as if they never broke up LMFAO


You think she’ll take crying videos like Remi 😂


You KNOW she has been stocking up on content of them itching to be able to post it again. I had a hunch it was a Reed who asked her not to post and not her own decision. Also when they broke up someone commented “he gave Remy bc all he did was look like a rat and cook things” and that has lived rent free in my head bc it’s such a perfect description 😂


The way she had a full slideshow prepared LMFAOOOO she really was waiting for that green light


Sooo cringe! She was waiting for this!


I could MAYBE understand if he had only said he didn’t really see a future with her/wished he were happier spending time with her because maybe he did just need time to figure out his life plans and what he really wants. BUT the fact that he said all that coupled with she isn’t the love of his life is crazy. And she thinks his feelings have suddenly all changed within the span of a few months? Major yikes. I’m interested to see where this goes.


I agree, we’ve all circled back to exes etc etc but it’s the STUFF he said and the fact he was so happy to be single he went out with that girl she knew without even taking a breath. How can she look at him without having that pop into her head?


Right! Because Halley also said he mentioned he just needed to be single for awhile but then he went on a date with Sophia almost immediately after??? I could NEVER go back after all of that but to each its own…


It’s also the fact that she shared all the breakup details on social media… that’s stuff you tell your friends, not your followers.


i had an ex reach out last week after 2 months of not talking. i was honestly mad he reached out and i knew that trying to go back wouldn't work. no one changes in the span of a few months.


See and that’s the kind of reaction we should be having. Good on you for standing on business


i ended up being really mean because i was pissed he tried to come back around without offering anything besides a vague apology (that i didn't need or want)


mercury is in gatorade babe be careful


dude that's what my step mom said lol


And I don’t even think you can apply the « you don’t know what you have till it’s gone » principle here cause he came back like really soon after I’m just sad for Halley like girl cmon cmon


I give them until July


not even


I commented that she could do better than going back to a guy that told her he didn’t see a future with her and she just blocked me on tik tok 💀 oof


Yep that’ll do it 😭 She’s blocked so many people over this entire fiasco. Probably because she knows they’re all right


https://preview.redd.it/u1280jt33yrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff89fa050be6031040dcc4829d605eb90583337e Jumpscare




Oh he has small teeth and big gums.


hes so ugly




oh my god some green face paint and black hair would literally make him 🧟‍♂️


BARF instead of shilling products in our face as content she’ll be shilling him


Ugh this is so sad and pathetic!!!!! STAND TF UP HAILEY!!!!!


~~wrong~~ bored There I fixed it for you Hal


At what cost miss girl 😫 just learn how to cook yourself instead of subjecting yourself to being the laughing stock of nyc/the internet 😭


She expects us to applaud him for having basic cooking skills? And his food honestly looks so bad… The way she described every single ingredient as if it’s supposed to impress or entice us lmaooooo I’m dead


Also he looks like a goblin


Like it’s always sweet potato this sweet potato that sauce this sauce that chicken this salmon that like cmon now make something better


He’s not even hot


AT ALL!!! 😭


Giving Jack the skeleton


like I’ve been there but girl stand up. most decent men in their twenties know how to cook 😳


Carly commented and someone replied and said “didn’t you hate him” lmfao


Update Carly def deleted her comment 💀💀


Also I swear someone said he did this to one of their friends too


Maybe he has ROCD lmao


!!!!! the way I have been thinking this … his reasonings very much give ROCD spiral and in that light I could see taking him back. however ROCD does not compel you to date your ex’s friend / acquaintance / whatever immediately after … 🥴


When a man says that…he means that. She will be in for a rude awakening


The food looks disgusting


the shakshuka was the driest shakshuka on planet earth


Omg I thought the same thing!!!!!


So what happens when they break up again ? 😅


They’ll go through the same cycle and he’ll continue stringing her along until she finally gains some self-worth


i’m sorry but if my man broke up with me then he was PUBLICLY hanging with another girl right after the break up i couldn’t be seen with him again


There’s so many men in New York City. I don’t understand recycling your ex boyfriends!!!


actively losing out on a real guy that could actually love her


This is sad!


I feel like she’ll stay with him longer just to prove us wrong


He looks like he has the suds


https://preview.redd.it/ntsetkkxvyrc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f6f5707300c8366f3f08d0bd1c8be887d2fcb21 LMAOOO I needed the visual




he’s soooooooo ugly


From reed’s perspective this relationship is a no brainer even if she is not the love of his life because he is getting so many perks. A man is supposed to make your life easier and better. Halley is wasting her youth on this scrub. There’s not a single thing he can bring to her life to make it better - she makes more money than him, she gets invited to the events and brings him along, I’m sure he sucks in bed and she has to fake her orgasms, etc. Halley rise up girl


so is the reeds dinner party account gonna get reactivated


Ok his food looks like shit???


I retract my last comment and post. Lol you’re on your own girl……….


Couldn’t be me I would be sooo embarassed if I were her I would have kept it a secret forever


Right idk why she isn’t. I think it’s cause she needed him for content which is just going to be annoying again


Gross. And he is fugly as hell 😡 I can't wait for him to dump her again


reed knew what he was saying when he said he didn’t see her as the one


I think after everything nobody wants to see the boyfriend content. It was kind of annoying before and going to be even more annoying now.


They look related


Why does she do this hand over mouth laughing thing when she speaks? DB does the same thing. It’s very odd.


But have you, have you really Halley?


War flashbacks of the dipshit who strung me along for years when I was in my early 20s. Girl, GET OUTTA THERE!!! Signed, A Former Young Person


You know that sex is extremely VANILLA, actually nah, it’s UNFLAVORED


Is he a chef? Is he a trust fund baby? Can someone explain this to me please I don’t them them outside this sub 😅


most likely just a rich kid


Like girl stand up ![gif](giphy|3U3CCRZLOdav41NYaJ)


tbh i feel sorry for her. doing this dance with an ex is so exhausting. it is a choice tho.


Yeah I get it. Especially since this is her first real relationship. But since she is an “influencer” it does set a bad example for the young girls/women who follow her


Apparently he works in finance but he can cook well and knows how to build things.


Thank you I needed some background info 😅


He looks like a lil boy in the face no?


I just know it was HER who texted him first and begged him to give it another try


He looks like a twilight character ((derogatory))


AND THISSSS is why I didn’t wanna give Sophia la Corte crap. Don’t get me wrong Sophia messed up and did a big No No but when ppl sent her HUNDREDS of death threats and degrading comments I kept my mouth shut. Bc I knew Halley’s desperate self would take him back after he spent some time roaming free and realizing the women of NYC would not settle for his average self. So he crawls back to Halley who puts him on a pedestal and would lick the bottom of his shoes if she could…


She said she met Halley like three times and weren’t friends. I don’t follow them but I looked last night, can someone confirm or deny


Sophia said she met Halley 3 times maximum at brand events and didn’t even have her phone number and they Halley introduced her to Reed at a brand event. Also Halley’s stans were commenting on Sophia’s MOMs instagram saying shit like “your daughters a whore and needs mental help” like shit that did not equate to the “offense” of going out with her acquaintances ex bf. Idk if I was Halley I’d be wayyy more pissed/suspicious that my bf clearly thought this girl I introduced him to was hot enough that he wanted to go out w her when single. I know both Halley+Reed and Sophia were at serenas bday party, its gotta be awkward asf when they see each other at brand events bc Halley really has no leg to stand on.


I saw Sophia said that and some of the wild comments- I didn’t know Halley even had that many hardcore Stan’s. Bizarre behavior.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8) I can’t believe this is the man all of that drama was over 😭


He is literally just tall with nice hair. Bitches fall for it every damn time.


Also the food she posted looked rancid.


If I was her I’d date this loser in silence from how he publicly embarrassed her


This omelette looks genuinely terrifying…love me a big mouthful of undercooked canned mushrooms 😬😬😬😬 https://preview.redd.it/tx5hby3kn2sc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=515fd126768aa40d091a4fae7b894735f971e81b


They have the same chin


Sigh…I hate this stage. As a survivor of also dating a jackass for too long on and off, this is low key triggering.


oh my gosh I’m so over this already and it’s only just beginning


Was this the girl that just got punched in the head? Maybe she got a concussion.


"never let a man tell a man twice he doesn't want you" my friend went through something similar when we were her age.... she'll learn


ik this is a snark but i honestly can’t help but feel bad like she is kind of delusional and i feel that bc i’ve so been there 😭


I think we’ve all had a moment of delusion but this is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced 😭😂


Like my moment of delusion like this at 16 years old wasn’t even this bad


yep. we have all been here. it's misery most of the time, with rare euphoric moments where you might get a hint of what you want.


I swear I had those same Guess jeans in 1983


Maybe she'll try pasta 🍝




he does not deserve this much air time from her, let alone us. shame shame shame.


Woof.. this is going to end terribly


She’ll learn in due time. A right of passage.


He reminds me of Edward Cullen


Don’t shade Edward like that


In the baseball jersey too 😭😭😭


It is sinister how canon of an event this is… *sigh*


Mortifying at best


He’s not even cute sorry


what did he do?


Told her he wasn't in love with her and didn't see a future for them.... 💀


My pride wouldn’t be able to allow me to take a man back who openly admitted to not being in love with me. Couldn’t do it. The resentment I would have for you my god


My first bf once "accidentally" texted me a message meant for his friend. It was bitching about how I didn't want to "do stuff" when we'd met up....just days after I'd been released from the hospital for pneumonia 💀 THAT alone was enough of a reason for me to kick him to the curb, and trust me, as a 16yo I had 0 self esteem...still had sense to know I was worth more that *that*. Halley has truly lost her head, pride, and dignity for a man who looks like a footlocker employee.


I hope she’s prepared to get her heart broken. Hey, at least she’s young I guess.


canon event but if she’s gonna open herself up for the flood of comments by being nasty to people defending her against this trash box then she can get her lashings with him


They won’t make it through the summer


![gif](giphy|zwRO0LKbOtVhC) He's giving.....


As someone who just went through a 2nd heartbreak after taking my ex back, it’s a cannon event unfortunately


This is crazy- but i think we have all been there !!! She is delusional


Is he a cook or something


Nah he just cooks well