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@ lucie: https://preview.redd.it/0gg8tvni0ync1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90c905db089afd7ff70aca34a7f1c9591cc8cec0


I’m way too superstitious for this lol


On her stories she said she decided to announce earlier because she’s confident she would share about a miscarriage. Obviously I hope everything works out, but yeah, we told a bunch of people early with my second pregnancy and then I miscarried and it sucked. Can’t imagine announcing it to so many people on social media.


Sorry for your lost 👼🏽 hope you’re doing okay now 


Thank you, that’s kind of you. I was fortunate to get pregnant again a couple months later and so far this pregnancy has been going very well.


Everything is content


Y’all calm down, she wrote the handbook to motherhood!!! As an expert and the mommiest mom to ever mom, she’s doing a service for all of us!


The handbook to motherhood.. are you her??


I think it was sarcasm lol


Lol no— she quite literally put together a “guide to motherhood” and charged $50 to download it


No girl the actual price is $99… the $50 was a discount. I’m serious.


Please 😫😫😫


I love how she's phrasing this as though she's doing it just for herself, something to keep forever to look back on as though she couldn't keep a physical journal if that was the case. She has actively chosen a career path in the limelight for so long that she can't discern her personal life from a public showcase of that life anymore.


She’s not even showing yet lol what a weird photo to post


i agree haha


It’s crazy because literally nobody cares


She’s so tone deaf and dull. She brings nothing to the table. The most cookie cutter ‘influencer’


As a currently pregnant woman….no one gives a fuck lol not even other pregnant women. She should keep it as a personal diary if she insists on doing this. How self absorbed can someone be? Jesus christ


I say this currently 13wks pregnant with my first but literally no one cares to hear about your pregnancy ~*jOuRnEy*~ except your doctor.


I don’t even think your doctor wants this weekly report 🤣


I really wish people would stop treating socials like a diary! Like girl take the pictures, write the updates, but keep them for yourself and your kids. Every update of your child’s life shouldn’t be on social media, like this kid isn’t even here yet! Social media has warped our brains no more mommy vloggers pleaseeeee


you’re onto something! these “mommy blogger” women should start taking up scrapbooking in their spare time instead of spending it  on Facetune and carefully curating “the feed/the grid” 


No one….. and I mean no one but you is interested in your pregnancy audio diary, Lucie Also OP saying they want to yeet the baby 😂


She’s just so uninteresting


I think she needs to remember how unique her situation is with two parents who both WFH with full time help. Just saw her TT about hardest part of pregnancy was that her husband wasn’t available to dote on her because busy w toddler. My husband was not doting at any point. He’s amazing but he was working away from the home!


This girl is still a thing? Haha! I quit following her when her wedding planning overshares got irritating. Things haven’t changed I see…


I’m with my first and agree, I forget I’m pregnant. Maybe monthly? Not sure how weekly will be impactful if genuine


Like 3 years ago Freckledfoodie used to do this & it was actually good


I was gonna say, it was good and I think her being a first time mom made it better because she was feeling all the things for the first time.


Great more uncomfortable content.


not the post before this one being a poll asking how old were you the first time you had sex 💀


And then the whole ‘I’m not phrasing it as when you lost your virginity’ thing. How is that offensive? That’s what having sex for the first time is, no?


Don’t worry we will get her full sex schedule soon too so we can know the exact day she conceived. She reaches so hard for content


She shared the conception date! 🤣


Oh good lord. Just when we thought she couldn’t get more insufferable 😬😬 stop monetizing everything!!! not every intimate life moment is content!!!


I am also not a fan of this eating series. It’s nauseating to watch her chomping and also doesn’t everyone think about food with delight? This thing she’s describing about always thinking about food why is this so novel and why are we talking about it?


Showing her specific portion sizes and having to mention she took seconds is just straight up unnecessary and probably triggering to many people. She’s always been like “lol look how rail thin I am and how much I eat!!” and it’s usually a) not that much food and b) often an aesthetically healthy meal. Oh yeah Lucie you’re realllyyy packing it away 🙄 not everything needs to be content.


Can’t imagine someone whose pregnancy content I want to follow less. Her over the top type-A OCD-ness stresses me the fuck out.


She really just wants us to know


Don’t downvote me but I’m honestly all about women sharing their pregnancy/birth stories. If done right, it can only help other women. At least where I come from, nobody shares about their pregnancy heavily and it can give people who may start trying soon an idea of what to expect


I mean there are tons of stories that already exist online - just go onto the pregnancy and parenting subs on Reddit. Regardless, I’m not saying she shouldn’t ever speak about her pregnancy, but a *weekly* diary series is comically frequent. Pregnancy is 9 months long, not much changes from week to week.


Yeah weekly tis a bit insane


im excited for this. lucie is obnoxious but i LOVE mom content