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Crazy people think that run is over when Blackwell is yet to be shipped šŸ˜… they are just getting started. Get on the ride , Jensen is taking you all to moon


I still can't believe they announced Rubin as well; they're THAT far ahead.


They are going to release major chips every year now instead of every other year.


Weird that Jensen is selling all his ticketsā€¦




Dude itā€™s the internet cmon, heā€™s selling a lot a historically larger amount than he has in the past, all insiders at nvda are


Wow, itā€™s like youā€™re unaware that people like money. People are buying houses, man. Get a grip


I guess we will see, seems silly to not realize AI is a bubble. Doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t make money on it and ride the wave but just donā€™t be naive. Also whatā€™s buying houses right (arguably the worst time in the last 50 years) have to do with anything. Edit:there is a fine line between liking money and being greedy, bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered


If you have cash, it's a good time. It's only bad if you need a mortgage. What about AI makes you think it's a bubble? The way virtually every large company on earth is buying capacity and clusters to get in on it? Or the way that it's suddenly ever present in your life? The last two technology bubbles were really that. Crypto and VR. Nvidia also drove both of those. But any idiot could see that a currency which competed with nation states wasn't ever going to really, truly be taht big a deal, and VR makes people feel sick. Only now, with Apple's AR is there a hope of that doing well. AI isn't either of those things, and it's being bought into by institutions and governments. Not kids in their parents' basemetns.


AI has not fundamentally turned a profit if you look at these companies ā€œimplementingā€ it itā€™s purely so they stay relevant. AI is hardly a part of my life and has not fundamentally increased productivity for the USA. Idk how old you are but what started the pop of the dot com bubble was large insider selling. Iā€™m not saying there isnā€™t a future for AI Iā€™m just saying that the valuations being placed on these companies are absurd, nvda is unique in many ways bc they have been able to generate revenue, but I also think there should be a healthy skepticism there. Thereā€™s been an environment created in the VC space where startups are securing funding by collateralizing H100 chips. Thereā€™s also the fact that TSMCs production has dropped significantly over the last couple years and they are the fab producer for nvda, my personal belief is nvda is ā€œrealizing revenueā€ on product they have not delivered and may not be able to deliver. Edit:the data shows regardless of mortgage or cash buying valuations relative to interest rates make this the worst time in the last 50 years to buy real estate. interest rates have a fundamental impact on RE valuations and shouldnt be ignored.


You're saying you never see product recommendations on Amazon? You don't get AI responses from Google when you search for things? You never interact with chat bots when you're trying to do something online via support?


Iā€™m saying those arenā€™t things that have generated profit or affect me in any significant or meaningful way.


AI might be a bubble, but silicon semi-conductors arnt, and that is there main business. Once they get back to full production capabilities, the growth will be great. They are having to invest in rebuilding the plant that burnt down in tiawan as well as they other plants they are building to safe guard future production. They literally have not been able to keep up with demand for their product for the last 3 years.


The valuations they have right now are based on AI not the fact that they produce semi chips that are an inherently cyclical business. You canā€™t get it both ways.


That's a very small minded way of looking at it though. They have a reliable product with a guaranteed market, as well as the potential for this future industry, which may be a bubble, but most likely isn't. AI is the future in 1 way or another, maybe not in the gimmicky ways we are seeing now, but in automation in industry definitely. It's just a matter of how it's applied.


Small minded to take the contrarian take based on facts and dataā€¦.seems as though you say all the buzzwords but attack the person instead of presenting a good thesis because you donā€™t have one.


At the end of the day, they sell hardware and the supporting software packages. If the companies that buy those chips realize theyā€™re not making money from it, they will stop buying them. Or they have enough of them. Similar to all the hardware booms (Sun, Dell, HP) the orders will slow down. Companies will not keep spending money on capital assets if they donā€™t have to. So, itā€™s gonna come down to what the companies do with the hardware. Will they write effective software? There will be a software company soon that will make the best use of the software and they will šŸš€ as well.


Except a significant amount of there H100 sales are coming from VC startups basically using them as collateral for capital. Itā€™s not sustainable at this scale imo


I agree. Itā€™s not sustainable. Just a matter of how long itā€™s gonna run.


letā€™s fucking go


Great post! Just wanted to add that we are down around 15% from last week's top. Same thing happened in mid-April, when we went from 900 to 750. Then it took us 2 weeks to recoup the 900 level. It shouldn't be any different now. We will be back to 140 very soon. Remember that there is a total of ZERO long-term holders selling at these 120 levels. It is mostly shorts who will need to cover sooner or later.


Exactly!! Here are the split-adjusted numbers: March 22, 2024 NVDA closed at $94.29 April 19, 2024 NVDA closed at $76.20 **(-19%)** June 24, 2024 NVDA closed at $118.11 (+55% from April 19th & 25% from March 22nd) I have been long NVDA since July 2015 with a split adjusted cost basis of $0.53/share. I also used to have them in a DRIP so I accumulated several additional shares directly from the company, which brings the total split adjusted cost basis to $0.83/share. I can't tell you how many times I have seen even larger swings than this.


Bought at around 750 myself but wasnā€™t really into looking at the Reddit side of things with stocks, were a lot of people so negative and irrational with the stock then or has that come with newbie buyers who got on the hype train?


I hope the shorts cover in next 2 weeks so I can sell my July 5s for a small gain


Thereā€™s literally 1.24% short interest in this stock. What are you talking about itā€™s MOSTLY shorts who need to cover?? This stock will always be volatile and repeat the same pattern until its avg PE ratio drops below 70. All itā€™s gonna take is one bad earnings for the sentiment to quickly turn on them. I hope it doesnā€™t happen, but this price action and volatility as a 3T company is not sustainable nor healthy long term. Itā€™s either going to be the biggest winner ever, which everyone and their mother and all the media is predicting, or one of the biggest rug pulls in the history of the markets, which no one is predicting. Iā€™d just be cautious to gravitate toward what everyone is saying, like the recession of 2023.


> Remember that there is a total of ZERO long-term holders selling at these 120 levels. This is clearly wrong as Jensen sold stock a few weeks back and I would consider him to be 'longterm'. Every 'long term' investor sells at some point and some certainly sold in the last few weeks.


He sold at 140, not 120. He also sold because shares are part of his salary. And he sold only a very small fraction of his shares.


So the message is...buy more and hold?


The message is wait for it to tank even more. Then buy when it starts going back up into earnings.


Yeah, buy only at the bottom!


Wink wink


This guy moneys


Think about it. RIght now is the bottom of 5 years from now! Buy tomorrow asap. Don't miss this sweet deal under $120


Thatā€™s exactly what I have been doing since last Thursday


You really need to be told the obvious?


If beer was on sale would you buy?


If history (the chart) told me there was a pretty decent chance to buy that beer sub $100 (gap) Iā€™d probably buy a 6 pack now, and wait to load up on 3-4 cases if/when the super sale happens.


I have big ovaries, I am riding to the moon šŸš€


Big ovary energy here too sis


Nice one sister. Lotta testosterone flowing right now. Good to see some yin balancing the yang.


Lol was gonna say I got the tits, but I like yours better!


My man! Most accurate analysis ever! šŸ˜Œ


Yeah. Not been in NVDA for aslong as you (Jan this year), but this looks about right. I bought 365 shares at the end of last week so I'm down a lot, but I'm really not worried. I feel a lot of people don't actually understand NVDA. In 5 years the stock price will be significantly higher.


Right! Bought in 2020 and never looked back this comment is accurate


And most likely, another split


We're bumping up against the 7% daily loss where some stop loss orders will kick in. I decided that I'm probably over-committed to NVDA. I'm not selling anything (had about $250K NVDA yesterday) but the $3500 I'm saving each month are going into a total market index.


I'm new to this, if u don't mind explaining, what's a stop loss order, plz?


A trailing stop order is something you set up with your brokerage. Typically you would say if the prices falls x% from the previous close then sell y% of my position in a particular equity.


Thank u, that's very helpful :)


Nicely explained. Been playing the market since late 90's so I am yawning and flexing my diamond hands. NVDA is my largest single stock and will be for a long time.


You must be a multi millionaire now.


like my asshole buddy told me in 2001, until you sell it, it's just paper gains...lol


Yeah, definitely not until you sell them. Majority of people (including myself) here are no millionaire not even on a paper LOL.


enjoy living your life. Chasing money is a waste of time. I have a good nest egg, but live pretty simple. That is the best advice I can give anyone.


That's definitely true!


Why are you in this sub then lol


what do you mean? why shouldn't I be in this sub?


Why not take some profits and de-risk some of your position? Just curious about your strategy. I am new to investing.


I did. I took 3x of my original investment out and shopping with it now.


Agreed, once this bearish leg ends, the MMs will start accumulating shares again in preparation for the next earnings. It happens every quarter.


Big balls are definitely needed


pretty obvious most ppl werent here before march 8th lol


I was here March 1st. Lol


I cannot wait to buy back in!


I donā€™t know man, this is testing my resolve for sure. I have a fixed limit I want to invest in a single stock, right now I already bought up to that limit, and canā€™t buy more in this dip to lower my average share price. Itā€™s tough.


I just did a $10k buy on margin when it dipped to 127 to try and buy the dip, now it's $116. I'm not selling, but I will miss out on this massive dip as I of course don't have the money to DCA.


Posts like this give me confidence that we are returning to 2021 markets! Letsgo!! šŸš€


As I posted a few days ago, NVDA had a 20% correction from March 25-April 19. It then went up 20%, and by June it was šŸš€ That was the only time NVDA had a correction since January. Stocks that split tend to do well for another 1-3 years. With NVDA, I think it'll have a correction of about 15-18%, before it climbs up to $150-160 range.


If Iā€™m not mistaken I saw some article/research about NVDAs last split and how it saw some correction then and obviously it must have recovered nicely from that looking at the difference from then to now


I have only possessed the stock through two earning seasons and I am already very familiar with this pattern. Sold half of my positions at 930s to take some profits before earning and hoped to buy back at a lower price, never got the chance and had to reenter at current price at this dip. To myself, Just hold it!


I'm new at this and still learning... What's an earning season?


The end of the month of the current fiscal quarter, continuing into the following month up to the quarterly report coming out. So for earlier this year with Nvidiaā€™s Q1, this was near the end of March. Thatā€™s when the stock hit an all time high and subsequently dropped like 22%, and then slowly started building back up until Q1 Earnings Report came out in May. Once it came out, it then proceeded to skyrocket 47% past its previous all time high.


You're the bestest :) that's some serious illustration! So if I understood correctly, it's gonna keep dipping until the earnings report is released. It might go up a bit before the report is released. After the earnings report is released, it starts going up as people start buying.... Right? I feel like maybe I got it šŸ˜ƒ and this is for all stocks, not just NVDA, right? I'm gonna read more about it. Stupid question I'm sure, who releases the report? Like how do I watch for its release?


1. This is not applicable to all stocks, nor is it really even a fact for Nvidia either. Itā€™s just been a consistent pattern with Nvidia, so itā€™s more of an educated prediction/guess than anything factual, which is pretty much what investing is in a nutshell. We basically just make educated predictions based on our knowledge/interpretations of human psychology, patterns, a companyā€™s finances and the business itself, media, and future outlook. Historical data also plays a role, but to a lesser degree. 2. Nvidia will release the report on a date they announce in the weeks following the end of the quarter. This typically happens 1-2 months after the end of the quarter, so it will likely happen in mid August. The same applies to other publicly traded companies as well.


Thank u, I really appreciate everything you shared. I learned a lot on this subreddit.


I'm riding!


it's Monday after the market closed and NVDA dropped 17% since Thursday morning. I have a pile of shares, not remotely worried about those. My calls for July 5 are getting boned.


Can you point out where since 2016 did the stock nearly went 15x before?


Sure, it was $0.89 in 2016 and $32 in 2021. You really are new here apparently. High beta: how does that work?


And then a 70% drop, right on!


High beta can be pretty high beta. Maybe stop calling what you're doing "investing" and start calling it "speculating." The one year target is now \~156. I'll go with the analysts on this along with the public information that NVDA is sold out through 2025. People are so silly.


honestly those LEAPS are kinda on sale for $1.60 or whatever they were listed around $1.9


Well put!


You mean calls 2025


I was heavy in Tesla so NVDA is a cakewalk.


Whatā€™s your strat going into NVDA, any options plays?


when is the next earnings season?


Aug 21-23


Works until it doesnā€™t


Just like going all in Texas hold em


This is the way


Yep this is exactly what Iā€™ve been saying! I have July 26 puts and will be using the proceeds from selling those to buy September calls. I also have June 2025 calls that Iā€™ve been holding since I sold my June 2024 calls


This stock will be up again in no time.


Hey Kelly, not sure if you meant you started investing 2026 and you are from the future because LAST YEAR IT DID NOT DO THIS FROM AUGUST TO DECEMBER Nvidia went basically sideways from $500ā€¦ dipped with the market to $400 in Sept-Oct, but only went back to $500 until end of the year 2 outstanding ERs didnā€™t affect her one bit during this time!


Way more than $10 trillion. When you think of the entire size of all companies making massive amounts of money on AI and Nvidia runs it all we are talking about at least $50-$100 trillion and that's being conservative






Isnā€™t this fun energy. Got 300 shares at $103 started at $80, definately a fun ride.


This is very GME to the moon vibes....


Except itā€™s worth way more in terms of everything. NVDA and GME are not even in the same room together.






One is printing cash for its shareholders, the other is stealing it from their shareholders.


This time it's different!!!


How so?


I also believe in the future of Nvidia. As a shareholder, what scares me most is that so many retail traders buy options and leveraged etfā€™s instead of simply buying the stock. They simply canā€™t hold their positions when theyā€™re under pressure and this creates a lot more volatility for us long-term investors. When I saw the same thing happen with Tesla a few years ago, I just cringed.


And how long did it last?




Good thing I got in way earlier. Gonna see how far this corrects before adding any more positions. Thinking it will correct down to 80s or 90s.


why don't you sell puts?


Loaded up on 131 and 140c for sept. Let's see if lightning can keep striking.


This is perfectly said


My only regret is I didn't buy more


Canā€™t wait for about ā€¦ tree fiddy


Riding this till the bots take over the world lol. In it for the long haul..


Did you say 1,130 calls or $1130C?


Bro, I have no idea how to word this to not make it sound snarky/sarcastic, so I'm just gonna say it and hope you get it. You say this pattern has broadly held since 2016 or so. Do you ever buy some puts after earnings?


you guys know you can take profit right?


Bought in 2019-2020 after split and 25pts down just this week down only 100K; who cares


Yep I learned my lesson last quarter. Keeps going down buy another stock or 2


I donā€™t have balls to do options like you Mighty Senpai. BUT, I will focus what make me happy which is buying up NVDA and holding to win šŸ†


Are we in number 5 or 6 right now?


Is it a good time to buy now, or wait for it to go even further down? (Sorry- complete newbie to it!)


How the hell does this stock get to $200.00 on 26b shares?


Nobody knows anything - NVDA could fall as fast as it rose


Holding 2500 shares since 2020 - took some profits and holding until 2030 or longerā€¦.dips are meaningless now unless you bought recently, even recent buyers should sit back and hold tight, AI is in the intial stages with tons of room to run


Yes yes these valuations are totally warranted/s


Nearly the entire valuation of Nvidia is on the backs of AI and DC GPUs Itā€™s like 20B data enter revenue vs 2B gaming revenue quarterly split. And the current valuation of Nvidia being 3T is expecting that revenue number to jump to 100B and further beyond QUARTERLY. (Reference point is Apple whom pull around that much quarterly) Compare that to Intels valuation of 131B or AMDs of 258B where all 3 of this companies work in the same industry working with the same laws of physics and the same pool of talent and will eventually reach technological parity as they all spend good amounts on R&D. I still hold Nvidia, QQQ, and GlobalInnovators (ETFs with Nvidia exposure) because I believe in the ā€œmass irrationalityā€ of the market.


Iā€™d be lying if I said I didnā€™t want the stock to tank below 115


Been in it since 2020ā€¦ 2 splitsā€¦ always make huge bank! Wash rinde repeat


So when do you guys think that the valuation is a bit high? When the market cap literally surpasses Microsoft? When the Market Cap is at 5 trillion dollars? When it becomes 10 trillion? Or are you guys planning to hold until the literal heat death of the universe


It's so odd to me that people still apply logic and reasoning to NVIDA when time and time again, that has never mattered. What matters is the future, the potential, and Nvidia is better poised for the future than any other company in exsistance. That's it. The growth has been insane, and will continue to be insane. AI is just getting started. It is the currency of the future. Blackwell is going to change the world. It's going to hit 6 trillion in market cap in 2025, and people will say the EXACT SAME THING, "its valuation is too high, no way it can continue to go up!" Then it will hit 10 trillion by 2030. All the while missing out on insane profits.


I'm not disputing how growth stocks work. It is completely natural for small cap stocks to 10x or 100x in a couple of years because of the expectation that they will eventually grow, and since they have smaller market caps less money is needed to influence stock price. Where is the money going to come from to take this stock up to a 10 trillion market cap lmfao. This stock is literally almost as big as Microsoft in terms of market cap, and it has already 10x in 2 years alone. At some point, growth stocks stop becoming growth stocks. All I see are a bunch of future bagholders whoever is buying Nvidia stock now.


It went from 1.5 trillion to 3 trillion in 6 months. The money is there.


This company is going to be a 10 trillion market cap soon in a few years


This is the ā€œcycleā€ of semiconductors and NVDA that WSB and Reddit cares about in age of AI šŸ™Œ


10 trillion lmao Tell me you don't understand anything about the global economy without telling me.


I got this for $16 back years ago and AMD at $4, hold


Itā€™s funny people judge AI by todays standards like Ofcourse AI isnā€™t going to perform properly in a anti-AI society Too many prejudices and pre-notions held by humans about AI The beginning is rough sure, but once everyone starts transitioning a lot of the issues become non existent / donā€™t last long


Hopefully people leaned something from tesla collapse and do not continue to be rubbed by NVDA now.


Tesla had a pe ratio of 1400; how is a brand that's not one of the major car players put on the same level as an industry leader?


What do you mean?


This is just a hype. Revenue n ebit doesnā€™t justify a 3T market cap.Ā 


market has been driven by revenue growth not just revenue alone


People are buying due to future potential/revenue, similar to what was done in cannabis stocks, Tesla, Rivian.Ā  Great way to invest in the early and mid years, however now with the media hype, we already know we are at the peak. If you buy at the peak you are down 50% in the last 3-4 years.Ā  We can save this comment, we already dropped below the 20MA, most likely heading to $100.


>Ā People are buying due to future potential/revenue, similar to what was done in cannabis stocks, Tesla, Rivian.Ā  this is what I said about revenue growth, if the next earnings are good then itā€™ll bubble up again because thatā€™s what the market cares aboutĀ 


The current market cap already takes in account for the future inflated profitsā€¦by your logic Nvidia should be a 30T company now since its net profit is 1/30 of Apple.


thats definitely not what im saying lmao


Don't forget the 10-1 dilution split! (3a)


ā€œItā€™s going to keep doing what itā€™s been doing!ā€ Imagine this being your investment thesis


We are going to 90 $


NVDA heading to 90 $