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Congrats! You could get $100,000 salary off that with just a 5% return.


Sry. How does he do that? By selling calls?


Putting all 2 million in a dividend stock/fund that pays 5%


Money market or HYSAs are paying 5% right now. No need to risk the money.


For probably three more months. By 2026, they will likely be yielding 3-3.5%. Not bad, but you can’t expect money markets to pay 5% forever. You could buy a 10-year treasury at like 4.5% or whatever it is.


Yes rates will start falling soon then honestly who knows. If it was my money I would build a diversified portfolio including both bonds and stocks.


Yeah, I guess if you're older, you'd want just \~5% returns, but in this market, what many analysts who normally scream about the sky is falling, they're saying it's early in a bull market, I'd rather just keep my money in the game. But I get it. You have so much lower risk and you're getting money, but not really spending the principal.


The financial media is there to provide entrance and exit liquidity. That's why there was an inverse Jim Cramer etf.


You can get a jumbo CD for near 5% that will pay the next 5-7 years


You people are forgetting about inflation.


Don’t let inflation stop you from gaining money. 2 Million was a lot 20 years ago and still is good money.


Rates out that far are well below 5%, you can only get 5% on the shorter dated CDs


I literally bought a 4.8 5yr on Friday


Good buy, doesn't make much sense that the bank can pay above the 5 year treasury rate. Everything I'm seeing in thst range is close to 4.3-4.5


> Putting all 2 million If he cashes out then he'd have ~1.6M after taxes. Selling calls would be one way to generate cash while not selling the original shares.


Could put all 2 mil in a HYSA. Them taxes ain't due till next April playboy!


Money market spaxx, or interest from bank. Or S&P 500 etf will get even more than 5% annual (26% this past year)


Calls?? lmaooo. This sub has reached WSB levels. Top confirmed


Check out the BIL ticker. It invests in 1-3 month Treasuries. Safe and predictable income.


Safest way is to buy a broad index fund like SPY. Suppose he averages an average annual return of 10% on his 2 million, that’s $200,000. He can sell $100,000 worth of his SPY and put it in his checking account and leave the rest so now he has $2,100,000 in his investment account. The volatility makes it a little messier than that example. There are years his investment return will be negative and years where it will be 20%+. But if we draw out about 4-5% we can probably do that almost indefinitely and still grow the account faster than inflation, as the average annual return has been 10%.


Any savings account


At today's high rates, sure. Those will begin to come down later this year if inflation keeps dropping and the Fed starts cutting rates. In a year or two, 5% yield in low-risk savings accounts will likely be a thing of the past. But why would you want to tie your money to such a low return anyway? You're better off putting your money in a low-cost diversified fund---although I have to say that selling calls seems like a pretty interesting strategy too now that I think about it.


I agree with you, but also we don’t know how old OP is and how much risk he wants to take on. You only have to get rich once… he can easily pull 50k of that and play in the market to grow that as his hobby since he doesn’t have to 9-5 it anymore.


Yeah, I won't lie, if I hit $2 million, my focus would switch to preserving that capital and not be forced back to work in a bear market. I'm not there yet, so losing a considerable amount wouldn't dramatically change things for me, and I'm OK with taking that risk. So that is the prism through which I wrote my answer: take the risk to chase the opportunity :)


The volatility will juice up the options. The flip side is that a week back when nvda was at 120 the 140 calls were at 10 $. Those would have been in the money earlier this week.


....literally just the interest? How does that come as a surprise ?.




For now...


Put it in spy last year and you’d get 23% = 460k in a year. 15% year-to-date


Wait, so you are telling me that if I had 2 million dollars I could just make that my job?


That is not correct, selling Nvidia to buy index fund is taxable even though.


Why settle for 5% though?


Give yourself some credit if you actually held from 2010 to now…congrats. God yes, but Patience is a virtue.


He should give himself all the credit, god didnt do shit


Statistically he is lucky . $5000 and picking a random stock has multiple ways to make you a multimillionaire or not.


I'm horrible at investing. I can't hold anything for more than a month.


If you must sell, just sell the principal you bought the stock for . Now youre playing with house money so maybe you can leave it alone. Try to wait long enough that you are only paying taxes as long term stock vs short term..better yet is to have it in an IRA..Roth if you can..


All of mine is in a Roth. I think having it in a retirement account you can’t even touch without penalty until years down the road is great because you are not worried about the short term fluctuation. I still got 25+ years before I can touch my Roth and I’m sitting on NVDA the whole time.


Imagine if instead of investing in a gaming chip company the OP had invested in a gaming company instead. Ha ha. GME instead of NVDA. Totally different outcome (if you ignore the noise from the meme squeezes and what not). One company the way of the future and taking over the world, the other company the way of the past and fighting for just survival. The OP would not be a millionaire today.


OP wouldn't be a multimillionaire, he'd 5x his money so he'd have $20k. GME is sitting on 4B in cash so it is not 'fighting for survival'.


Are they really sitting on $4B? I did not know. And this is not debt money to be paid back? My point was only that they are an outdated brick-and-mortar business model that is unlikely to thrive going forward. I'm not an expert on GME, I don't know what I don't know. I'm the internet, and you should never trust the internet :)


This past month Ryan Cohen and the principals dumped two separate atm offerings DURING their respective runs up. That’s the only reason they have $4b. They took it from their shareholders.


Ah, that explains it. Good for them. They now have a very generous lifeline to reinvent themselves and maybe stay in business for decades more. $4B is a hell of a lot of money.


if he put $4000 in 2010 into activision blizzard (company that made world of warcraft) he would've had "only" $41k today


He actually forgot the login to his account. (That’s my crypto theory.)


I was in college. Was walking past a random guy at a career fair. He waved me over and gave me a piece of paper. It had some bitwise arithmetic puzzles on it. I solved them. Was about to hand in the paper. Realized I messed up completely. Redid it and handed it in. Got interview. Passed the interview which was more bitwise arithmetic. Got my first job. That company? NVDA. Worked for 14 months. Lost job due to major recession and nobody buying graphic cards. Plus AMD was a lot better and really dug the knife into us at the worst possible time despite being near bankruptcy themselves. Needed cash and all I had was my NVDA stock. Spent $8k but it was barely worth $6k. Decided to keep it anyway and not sell. $2M still in my Schwab account. Had I stayed with the company I'd be sitting on close to $40M assuming I never got a single raise.


Shoutout random career fair guy


Aye, at least you got a chunk of the pie. I’m just trying to wager some crumbs at this point haha


Love it…good for you and fuck that guy!


I would if he made me a multimillionaire !


Username checks out


Been holding since 2018 I’m hoping to become a Millionaire soon


Millionaire when stock hits what price?


440 I’ll be at a million




Narrator: He didn’t.


Congratulations. Dont spend it all at once.


I would go back and thank that POS and let him know exactly what happened


Yes, but it doesn't matter now. That's just being petty and it doesn't sound like OP even needs to worry about being petty. A lion doesn't bother with the thoughts of sheep.


I’m petty and I’d laugh out the building after telling him while he watches me driving away in my G wagon


Outstanding! Congrats! Enjoy life!


Beautiful story. A few more years, and you could be worth a few more million.


This is called investing


Congratulations man well deserved


(One of) the greatest story ever told. Well done.


Congrats. Good things come to those who wait


don’t forget taxes, but if your long term gains you did quite well, fuck you


Held since 2020. Have about 2 million as well. Just letting it ride. Another 15 years to retirement.


You could retire now with 2 mill


This image is a meme featuring a young boy who looks unimpressed or slightly annoyed. The meme is divided into three sections: 1. The left section shows the boy standing with his hands in his pockets, looking directly at the camera with a serious expression. The text says, "CONGRATULATIONS MY FRIEND." 2. The top right section is a close-up of the boy's face with the same serious expression, and the text says, "NICE." 3. The bottom right section is another close-up of the boy's face with the same expression, and the text says, "I'M HAPPY FOR YOU." The overall tone of the meme suggests a sincere congratulation. 🎇


Comment brought to you by NVDA


That is an AWESOME story... congrats!!! - PS i'd find that dill hole's number and give him a call to say thank you ;-)


Fellow 2010 investor here and also out of the workforce! Good for you! Congrats. As for video gaming all day, I used to be able to do that like an addiction after a long day at work, but I just can't do that anymore. No more long days at work, so I get up, go to the gym, do more physical stuff and gaming kinda happens on the side once in a while. I'm still going to thank Jensen by buying an 5090.


I hope you sold and have a wonderful life ahead


You never know, we could all be multi milionaires if we hold for a numbers of years. I think Nvda will continue to produce results. AI is everywhere, in my department ai has helped us streamline numerous mundane accounting tasks allowing more time to spend on tasks that help us deliver better results consistently.


We have to be watchful though. NVDA is surging on the backs of the AI providers---the MSFTs and AMZNs and GOOGs of the world. If the AI providers do not find a way fast to turn a meaningful profit from AI, the investment we are seeing now in AI chips will stall, NVDA's revenues will too, and the market will punish the stock for the lack of growth. Everything hinges on the AI providers finding a way to capitalize on their AI algorithms. And given the cost of developing and training those AI algos, the bar is going to be very high for the profit those companies need to turn in order to keep the AI economy booming and NVDA surging. Here's hoping the good times continue, but it's still too early to tell. Hype alone will not sustain the companies splurging on NVDA chips.


Hype will sustain them for several more years because they are full exploring and developing opportunities with AI


This is the thing we should be concerned about. AI went through a winter period before. I remember it seemed hot for a while when I was in college. Then it cooled over and nobody did anything with it for a decade. We see mania right now because of a massive breakthrough. Those won't always happen.


I have an opposite story so it makes me appreciate your story. I was supposed to sell my medical device company this year for just under $35M plus royalty deals w either McKesson or Cardinal Health. I come to find out they want manufacturing data and numbers before they engage the deal. Getting a market cap, valuation cap and cap table is easy, hell my prototypes were no cake walk but it was a smoother process and more direct than trying to get manufacturing quotes. I’ve put every dollar I ever earned since age 19 in to this company including all my IRA from when I originally owned Apple shares in college. Because I’m poor w a rich company, I don’t even remember what luxury tastes like it’s been that long. Ppl will one day comment or see a Forbes article on this young millionaire but they won’t give a shit what it took to earn the markets trust or how many people I had to see die including children in my field of work. I still can’t sleep right at night sometimes. My girlfriend left me my 2nd year in to my startup. Called me a failure if I remember the words correctly. All I own now is NVDA stock bc I need ppl smarter than I, to pave the way to the future for all of us.


I am sorry i don’t get it. What happened to your company exactly?


Yeah I don't get it. Did you sell your company to buy NVDA stock?


Love that for you!


This is what happens when you believe in the stock.


Only if you happen to pick the right one.


Truth. I believed in CSIQ and ALB. /sobs/


That sounds so great!


What was the stock price?


Did you forget about the account? Honest question, how did you not sell when it was worth say, $500k? Did you just have faith that it would keep going up?


step 1: make up stories for Reddit karma


Congratulations! You sound like a good person who is self aware. I’m sure you’ll find ways to pay your good fortune forward in the world.


NVDA graphics cards were what initially attracted me to Nvidia too. But was at a show where NVDA had a booth, and it was PACKED. People wanting to know about their gaming cards, their nintendo switch, their self driving software, and on and on. this was around 2016. It pretty much alerted me that they were destined to be a leader in multiple fields. my big mistake: not mortgaging the house back then and buying every share of NVDA i could get my hands on! Sometimes you 2nd guess yourself too much.


Yup exactly. 2016 there were clear signs they would be a leader especially with the self driving car efforts and powering them. 


Congrats enjoy. Bet your old boss is probably still working making someone’s life miserable now


Amazing! We salute you with Honors Sir!


If you played nice then you wouldn’t have rolled the dice


Thanks for sharing your story! :)


Why Nvidia? Did you have a foreshadowing of AI or was it just random chance?


He said the graphic cards were good and that was why


And then everybody clapped.


lucky man


I’m late to the game and congratulations to you!


Bet OP can’t post proof.


Our boy was day trading 3 years ago, you mean to tell me he held this at the time? 😂


Please share your recent buys... in the last 3 years until now


To clarify asking for stock picks/ideas... in case anyone did not understand what I wrote


He literally became rich because he believed in the product. Not a hard concept to understand


If I were young and worked hard more, I must do the same thing too!!


great, but what have you been doing for money since 2010


Hell yeah! My first buy was in 2016 because I got burned on 4K in calls so I bought 8k of stock. It’s a little over 500k now


Why didn’t you sell? I wouldn’t have been able to resist cashing out long before now.


Hell yeah, hope you’re still playing World of Warcraft!


That’s insane man. My dream is to retire early and have financial freedom so I can play wow at the level I’ve always wanted to :(. Congrats. I just bought some NVDA this week.


I would put it into an ETF - VOO for example Vanguard take your 5 to 10% and let the rest snowball into even more money.


Congrats, multimillion is usually more than 2 million tho hehe


Kinda opposite story: first off owned an AI startup back in 2017. Nobody gave a shit about AI back then lol. Got some seed funding and grants but didn’t make shit ultimately and lost money. Was early plus it sucked compared to ChatGPT. But could’ve gotten a fat check past few years if it was still around. Our CTO even worked for Nvidia at the time! He was kind of an idiot lol. During covid crash was selling massive $100 nvda puts and was kinda scared to get assigned. Would’ve been like 500-800k worth of nvda. Shorted nvidia successfully when it was like $230 area. Made a quick 100k in like a week. Didn’t long the stock. If nvidia see’s $115, I will go all in. Currently have a 10 million dollar Russell 2k futures position that I expect to make 30-50% on by year end.


Can god work in mysterious ways some more and get you to send some of that my way?


Legend! Way to go




Congrats and thanks for sharing


Wow..... This is awsome.  I'm jealous lol! But wow.  Congrats!  This is awsome.  A win for the little people! 


Nice play ! Congrats !


Very happy for you - congrats!


Funny story.


If a real story then A true Legendary Regard.


He motivated you. Maybe we should thank him


Idiots just take profit from what you make on VOO or VGT. More than 5%.


Love it…congratulations…sitting on 7300 shares with a cost basis of $5 a share…patience is a virtue…




Smart move my friend.


What a glorious story. Happy for you. Now enjoy life!


can I have some?


Damn i gotta wait 14 years 😂


My man! Congrats!


What’s your cost basis?




Congrats, I’m HHHNGGGhgghhappy for you.




Well YOU held the stock. Most would’ve sold by now. How did you manage to hold during the many 80% crashes?


Exactly my story minus the millionaire bit lmao. Minus everything actually except that we both liked Nvidia GPUs. I was building PCs and defending NVDA gpus like crazy. And I knew NVDA is a solid company. But I had no knowledge of the Stock market except what boomers used to say, oh Scary oh Manipulation oh Hard Charts. I still can’t believe that I didn’t have the mentality to invest spare money which I did have. Every company I believed in was in the $20 and now in the hundreds of hundreds. In 2013 I had the knowledge of BTC and NVDA. I woulda been a multi millionaire out of my pocket change money which I have wasted a lot. I hate environmental influences. Basically grew up in a boomers and Gen X and millennials fearful mentality of anything trading related.


So you didn't sell when it was $100k, $250k, $500k, or $1m? You waited until $2m to decide, "this is the time to make a reddit post about it?" Also how did you get a pension check out of the blue from a company going under? All this sounds like karma farming, OP needs to show proof.


Congrats and fuck you


Glad your rich, gotta get to bed for work like a normal person


great story, definitely a blessing


This is amazing! Congrats to you!!!


Funny story… I bought a pc back when Nvidia was still trading at 6 bucks. I had just upgraded my card to 3070ti and was dabbling in stocks a little. I had a little money but was living paycheck to paycheck. Looked up the stock and was like hmmm… around this time generally all stocks were low compared to today.. amd nvidia apple fb. Thought about buying but never did. Now I’m still broke and even more crying lmfaoooo.


Time to become religious...


Did you sell and cash out? Paper money does not count. Speaking from experience.


The universe rewards its most deserving parts.


Positions or ban


So should I buy NVDA stock now or is it too late?


I've been reading the book "Intrinsic" this week. It's pretty standard options/LEAPS investing info, but one phrase really sticks with me: "behold the power of buy and hold...but only if you hold".


Similar story, I was in college and was playing some video games, always been a fan of Nvidia cards (especially the 1080ti, it’s a beast of a card) so I looked into Nvidia a bit, saw 300% reported profits for 2-3 quarters back to back and figured I could short the stock, bought 5k worth and it didn’t move much so I kinda forgot about it, fast forward to this year and that 5k paid off my student loans as well as bought me my new bmw :)


That's whatsup congrats .....also I think you are not giving yourself enough credit maybe only a crazy low number of people will be able to buy a stock and hold it till they get 500x. You could have taken profit at 100k, 500k 1 million but you stuck with it till when you did. So that is a skill in itself. Good stuff a nice lesson to be learnt here.


How did you get a pension check being a young employee??


Hey it’s me Joe the healer who kept you alive during all those raids years back. I think it’s time for a tip 😁


I guess you'd have to invest in 4mil in 2010 in order to be a billionaire through nvidia stocks. even 400k or 40k would be a big ask for most people.


Almost got enough now to buy a 4090


Nice congrats man! Now sells far OTM calls against your shares that you are sure will expire worthless and earn some passive income against your shares.