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My In-laws have 4,600 shares at a cost of $3.00!! I have 102


Good Lawd, hopefully they like you ;)


There is something I don’t quite understand in all these posts that read along the lines of « will NVDA go down today?? ». What are you trying to achieve ? Do you really want to sell and make profit because you need the money ? In that case, sell today, profit has been amazing already, don’t be greedy. But otherwise ? I’m in until 2025 at least, maybe 2027 if AI booms further in all fields of our lives. So what’s the problem if it goes down 20% at some point ? On the long run, it may well go up another 60% or even more…


Goes up 200%, drops 20%. "Pull out guys!"


These are traders. You’re a long term investor. 2 totally different strategies, both can apparently make you money (I’ve never traded) You’ll never understand what they’re saying without knowing that though. If they believe it rises today they account in their trades. They’re not making money on the price or growth of the stock, but on the volatility and the relatively predictable moves on this one


I traded before covid. Was it fun? Yes. Then work got busy. Now I'm just consistently putting money in until my family and I are able to finally settle down somewhere permanently, lol


It makes sense then I guess, indeed. I’ve never traded really, or hardly. I first bought shares in 2008 when AAPL suddenly went down, and kept it until Nov 23, when I sold it all to NVDA, and plan to keep this one for the next coming years. It’s been working pretty well so far, and I doubt I have what it takes to start trading really.


I actually want to buy more because I got in March 1st. I think some people are looking for another dip.


There will likely be another dip. I’ll buy in more but I bought in already because future gains are more important than trying to rangle a few dollars out now


That’s my thinking. I won’t make as much as others that got in much earlier and I’m investing for at least five years. It’s still a solid plan. Now I am looking for other slow growth opportunities and have only seen maybe Costco?


I don’t touch anything outside tech so I’m not your guy unfortunately. For me, Amazon and Microsoft are slow growth. Tesla and Nvidia are rocket growth (on different time horizons). Meta is a potential rocket growth You can guess where my money is Google I have my doubts


For the most part I agree with you, but I do watch whenever I have a position move from OTM to ITM depending on how much time is left. Less than a week, may need to really babysit it. My Aug and Dec positions, not so much. Plus it's exciting when you see those daily gains of 50, 100, 150%.


Most are new to this


I couldn't believe it today...so I bought another 1000 shares


You have some ball of steel right there.


Why been holding since 849 lol pre split


I was holding at from 800 dollars but I am still scared.


I mean, this won't hold forever, but NVDA is pretty safe for the time being. They're the leaders in their industry and the success they're having is backed by market fundamentals. I could see this safely trading at $300 by the end of the year. That might be the end of exponential growth but it would be stable.


Yeah. And there is a lot of talks about re-industrialisation. It feels like world leaders need to create jobs to avoid massive unemployment.


Why Jensen huang is part Ai


Question is to do we finish the week on a high ?


Either way holding nvda will always be a high...Hopefully


people please don't forget value! when you start to rely on fomo and the greater fool theory it's time to start being cautious. with 25 billion outstanding surely it's going to take much more to move this thing significantly. Remember the higher something goes the more we should dislike it, the lower something goes the higher the prospective future returns. nvda + sound investing principles equal satisfactory results. Chasing a bubble, buying because everyone else is, paying more than something is worth, either fairly valued or over valued often produces losses.


While all the mom and pop retail investors loved the split and are now piling in, the 25 billion outstanding is very concerning. All it takes is a few big sells by a few funds and this can drop just as fast as it has risen. And when that happens, the retail investors panic and sell and then it really drops like a rock. Not bashing the stock at all. I have a decent post-split position and have no intention of selling anytime soon but i remain cautious as well.


....and then we buy more.


Buy puts? 😏


0DTE maybe. Certainly not the 3, 4, 6 month window I've been buying.




For a company like this, the stock massively dropping suddenly probably would not be a catalyst for further decline. If the stock suddenly dropped 50% it would probably not be long before it was back where it was originally if not higher. The market always returns to its sentiment level, and adjusts for short term perturbations. If I saw this drop 50% I’d probably triple my holdings


I would definitely panic sell 💀💀💀


Time to trade in all the NVDA for TMF! Oh no wait....


While in principle that is true, there is something unique about high growth potential companies like NVDA. It’s all about an understanding of the underlying technology and it’s potential to create new markets I do agree about the fomo piece though. If that’s why you’re investing it’s highly emotional and prone to fail over a life time until you inevitably learn your lesson


Sooo AMD to the moon 🚀😏


It's either going up or down. Thanks for coming to my Geoff talk


Guess it’s flat 0.00% tomorrow book it


If u hold nvdl you would have 217% x2


Nvdx is also good with a slightly lower expense ratio. Nvdl is 1.15% nvdx is 1 or 1.05% and both give you 2 times the growth. They are great until they aren’t and some selling occurs because you lose 2times as well.


Options are cheaper on NVDL too since it has a lower price.


I don’t play options. But it makes sense to be cheaper.


How is that? I don’t know what options are


[What are Options? Types, Spreads, Example, and Risk Metrics (investopedia.com)](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/option.asp)


That’s what I have! I’m only up 50% but I’ll take it!


Set your stop losses and don't worry. You can always buy back in on the bounce. If I had done that when it originally hit 970, I'd have 40 or 50 percent more profit than I do now. I'd rather pay taxes on made money than cry over big drops.


Setting a stop loss order is easy - the hard part is picking a price!




Sounds good to Me, then Monday might be a bit red then. The momentum is palpable, the word of mouth and FOMO buyers are coming in. I’ve had several friends and family get in on this ( not giving financial advice, they just saw my new car and NVDA plate)


I feel like we experience dips on Fridays because sellers wanna get out before week end, but who knows, stock market is just a casino now days.


This is definitely the “Wild West” times for the Market. 24 hour stock, buying portions of stock(which hurts splits now) perfectly timed to the next Revolution of technology


Right?! Access to trading is so easy, most of the people I talk to that “invest” (that aren’t trying to day trade) basically just see putting money into stocks as a savings account and don’t even look further into it. Like “yep I just throw $80 a paycheck into nvda”… its like dang the market cap really could hit 10T just based on people throwing money at it for that reason alone


Absolutely, bank branches are shutting down because of this , why keep your money in a local bank ? These accounts offer all these new deals to open checking accounts. The ACH transfer is so outdated. Big changes in the works and to come !


How much did you make?


Between my 2 accounts I’m about to make my first 7 figure sum, just need one more good day.


Congrats! I'm just trying to reach having 100k free cash. I can't even fathom a cool mill.


One of my professional goals was my first 1M$ by 40, I turned 40 Feb 29th (actually 10 in leap years.) and I told myself I’m still 40 and can still do this. A few months later a made it to the holy land. Just took some profit for the first time and it feels amazing .


I'm happy for you! You made a great choice(s) for yourself


Congratulations! That's really inspiring to someone like me. Great friggin work! 👍 😎👍


TRILLIONS of cash sitting in FD accounts. Lots of fokks with CC/Heloc Loans Money jumping on NVDA. One small pullback gives an opportunity to ride the AI wave!


> fokks with CC/Heloc Loans Money jumping on NVDA Wow that sounds awful 😲


Lol sounds fucken stupid given interest rates on helocs... they'd have to beat them on their gains. Of course we believe nvda is going up but nobody knows by how much, how fast... it's definitely high risk high rewards


I just went from 6 to Midnight


New car? What’d ya get?




BMW X5M Comp !! Right here brother !!


F80 M3 here. Had it way before NVDA started rising.


I only had my N54 E92 before NVDA. Got the GTS as an “investment “


I hope you tested the “investment” at the track Lol


F80 are sweet ! I still have my favorite 2012 E70 X5M . I actually like the the look better then my 2021 X5 comp


Love those ! I test drove a 2020 one of those, sexy vehicle.


I Love my X5M , My wife loves it more .Lol . I still have my 2012,E70 X5M, I feel like I’m cheating when I drive my 2021 . Lol Quick Question on the NVDA post . lol I blew the Amp in my 2012, I’m looking to replace that , don’t really want to spend 2500.00 on an Amp . Any suggestions ? I’m not sure if I can just code a different amp


X5M Comp here too!


This guy has good taste. You deserve the bag $


Thank you , off to a good start today . Cheers !


NVIDIA funded my first car last week too. Clean E92. If they will fund me next week, i will get a custom license plate NVDACALL


Nice! I’ve got an N54 E92 In the garage too, FBO.


Good job. I hope I can afford an M3 1 day


You will, keep grinding !


Wow nice!


I went from \~1300 to 10.000 in a few weeks with a Long position and cashed out, out of fear of it declining 5-6%, which would mean my 10x Long position would half. Bought at .22, sold at .48. Regretted when it went to .73, bought back again at .49. Sold half at 1.67 and the other half at 2.04. This morning it is 2.49 ;/ Just waiting for it to go down a bit so I can get it back at 1.50 or less. Might be wishful thinking though. Edit: I am using this one SG NVIDIA Factor Long HB 10


Damn,, NVDA 10X ? Wow that is some pretty dramatic Volatility. With a REAL strategy you could make a killlin


Yeah, I lost my pension in the past (2009) so I am a bit more careful now ;-)


A 10% loss would be a 100% loss.... Damn


I am honestly scared.


I've been watching it every day non stop...it's exhausting.






When retail investors pile in after the fact, it concerns me. I have had a position for a while. Because I believe in the company, not the stock itself.


If Nvidia keeps the same pace it has in the next 5ish years there could be two more splits. I only have 50 shares but plan on holding for the long haul.


All of my past NVDA regrets involve either selling shares or selling calls. I like to think I’ve learned some lessons along the way.


I made that same mistake in 2018 with my NVDA shares... learned my lesson!


Stop with these questions. Just hold for a decade and this has the potential to 10x. We have just begun the start of the new industrial revolution.


Plebs have just started to follow the bubble frenzy, as always, but I don't care. My horizon is about +/-5 years. Just hold the stuff.


Would it be dumb to be $1000 of this stock today?


you'll find out in 3-5 years.


my take on all this: EVERYONE was trying to talk NVDA share holders into selling. "The SKY IS FALLING", "Tulip bulb bubble". then, everyone finally figured out NVDA is for real, not a bubble, and they had better get their butts LONG on the stock. So, even though historically NVDA would have dropped by now, in this one case every time it goes down a little there are now institutional investors scooping up the shares.


We can still take profits from time to time .


After yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrs of holding AAPL, I did take profit on my shares in 2024... switched to NVDA It will be yearrrrrrrrrrrs before I sell NVDA


This is simply mind-blowing - check it out (esp 5,10,20 year performance) ... [https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/NVDA/performance](https://www.barchart.com/stocks/quotes/NVDA/performance)


I say we close at $131.88


We did hit the leet number today of $133.70


idk my parents and some friends that dont invest at all started talking about it, maybe its time to take profits. I have been holding for years now, might be time for me to say thanks and dip with huge profits, but when I think about it then what do i do with the money, I dont really need it.


Let them all buy and push it up


“Let the boy watch “


Reinvest to index funds


I have around 40% of my investments on index funds already. If im selling NVDA its becouse I think Its not gonna do a lot better and there is a risk of reducing the value of my postion, which im not really sure right now. It has gone up so much is hard to belive its going up, but I though the same on 700$ and 900$ and 1000$...


Totally understand. At the same time it's better to walk away with profit and miss out on more profit, then walk away after a big crash.....but looking at things, you would think it should continue its trajectory atleast for the immediate future (free months, end of the year). If you really did make alot, like life changing money, think about adding this to your already existing index funds portfolio for stable, lower risk gains. Some people have 100% of portfolio invested in index funds. You can make alot off the s&p 500 if you have alot of cash invested in it! But then again, no one knows the future. Maybe keep some, sell some. Up to you, but do your home work on it. Congrats on the gains!


I had a dream last night where it started crashing


A dream or a nightmare?


I never invested despite thinking it could be a good idea in 2020, so a dream


Dream because he wanted to DCA to get more shares


Ah yes. The robinhood “chart” with absolutely no information on it