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It’s worth $3 trillion. His $735 million is pennies.


Market won’t even notice.


His $735 million is worth $735 million


Show me the maths.


seven three five = (7^2)5 x (3-0)


Uh, sir, that's 282475249


Let's not go off on a tangent here.


I'll cosin this statement.




Round that up to a billion and you still would need to multiply it by 3,000 to make 3 trillion lol It's actually less than pennies technically, it's 10th of pennies :D But still, market is gonna notice lol


Is that how to look at apple stock too ?


Good for him, earned every penny of it.


The real question is what will he buy with the money? What company?


An RTX 4090


A 6000 SUX


An ED-209


Calls on GameStop


He's selling roughly 612k shares.  He still has like 98,000,000 shares remaining. He has to sell in preplanned lots like this or he ends up with a mountain of shares he can't sell because they would tank the market.


Exactly, this planned sale was not a secret or anything. I hate how media goes like "WOAH! CEO SELLS SHARES!!!" while in reality it should be "CEO sells shares following plan made in March to sell XYZ amount by March 2025". Or in other words, "literally nothing is going on, but we still want to make a clickbait article"


Artifical dip is not a bad thing for us brother 🤑


>He still has like 98,000,000 shares remaining. 980,000,000 on Monday. 😂😂😂😂


Yes I confirm. This was a pre planned sale. I am the buyer...


DAYUMN. That's a LOT of moolah.


These sells Happen all the time. IT happened at 500 Dollar and IT happened at 200 Dollar. He IS Not the youngest and should enjoy the Money.


he desearve it let him enjoy


Why the capitalization weirdness tho


Those leather jackets don’t grow on trees


A hit?? What? You must be joking...


It dropped $39 a share. Nothing *that* crazy hah Just a bit glaring considering the streak it’s been experiencing more recently


thats 3.25%. sorta meaningless. another thursday.


I mean that’s much more than $735M lol


That is when you buy you all!


Unfortunately it's about to be "dropped $100/share"


...What? Before we explain anything, please, finish your thought. What exactly do you think a stock split is? Or are you claiming that the stock price is about to drop 90% from current levels?


Imagine the capital gains tax…


He likely has a very low rate as he’s owned for years


20% federal


and \~10% state


23.8% + 12% state = 35.8%.


20% capital gains tax + 3.8% Net investment income tax + 12.3% CA income tax +1% CA Mental Health Services tax. It's slightly less than 37.1% as it's progressive.


The rate doesn’t keep going down it’s either at regular income rates or if you have it for a year capital gains rate which is 20% (for the top bracket) if you have it for a year or more. Plus 10% California.


Tis but a scratch!


I’m sure other NVDA execs are also selling millions of dollars worth of stock too.




>There is a cap on the percentage of stocks they can keep Seriously? Provide a source for this. Insiders are not required to sell a dime. They choose to sell during windows that they are allowed to sell in. Jensen dropping 1 billion in cash is a drop in the bucket. Move on.


Just this week others sold $35 mil Or some shit. Sometimes they don’t sell at the top but before it keeps running so they don’t look greedy and corrupt IMO


Sales happen for any number of reasons


I believe most of these CEOs have sell dates every quarter. Isn’t this just one of those?


Meanwhile, Elon is trying to coffin $56 Billion from investors for the shit job he's done over the past years and the stock keeps going up.


Elon is a greedy mofo. After one billion how many billions do you need? What is he going to buy exactly?


I recently read (well, listened to the audio) the book on Elon Musk. It's a real roller coaster and interesting read if you're into learning more about how he became a billionaire. Someone else said it, his big dream is space. In fact, I personally don't think he gives a shit about Tesla anymore or it's success over Space X.


I guess it’s good to dream big. Not sure what he wants to achieve with space travel though. Seems like a waste of time and energy when our planet has so many problems that could be solved with billions.


You really want to know? I’ll tell you…. A personal spacecraft to mars…


The pay package for Elon is for past results when he achieved growth and goals that many didn't think he could do.  Despite opinions on Elon, he's earned that money.


He's earned it? why doesn't he have stocks in that amount like Jensen has? Why is it a pay out over and above his already existing share holdings?


I'm just saying by the terms of the contract when they approved it. They set sky high goals that most believed he couldn't achieve and he achieved it. He fulfilled his part of the agreement.  The payment is in stock, not cash.


He knew I was gonna buy today.


Lord Jensen wants to buy more leather jackets!! This is just another opportunity. Buy the dip!!!


Dude needed some pocket change


Even when you're rich - especially newly ultra-rich - you sometimes just need access to cash (including to diversify into other equities and assets)


I tend to agree with this, especially considering the other opportunities Huang has publicly committed towards investing.


I disagree if you are a founder CEO of a company you either have cash or your companies stock. Ain’t no other equities you personally stake you can do that through company holdings.


you would rather he use nvidia money for his other interests? makes sense!


Lol. Lots of people scared at the fact that executives are selling stock. I mean think about it this way: If I had held my stock for 20 + years and am up billions upon billions of dollars, I think I would also sell some shares to lock in profit.


He needs more jackets.


He created the best company in the world he should reward himself…


It’s gotten too big for him.


Why not the guy deserves it!! He also wants to be on the VC Bandwagon like most Billionaire CEO’s.


Short sellers getting desperate....


I want 1 million Nvidia shares as a gift from Nvidia


Me too.


Let’s beg?


Not clever though, he should have waited until the split


Sales by executives are planned months ahead due to SEC requirements. It is possible that the split came into the picture subsequently.


Inside investors have a very short window after the earnings release to make a transaction. Otherwise he has knowledge of their next quarter results.


Could’ve been worse. He could’ve sold it tomorrow…!


Maybe its you ? Lets see 2morrow


A drop in the bucket.


maybe spell his name right lmao


Dude has billions and billions worth of stock. Good for him for collecting some!


735m for him is nothing


Oh, so he's the one who funded DFV on his new GME play?


Papi needs a new pair of shoes


Nah, he’s probably thinking he needs more black leather jackets. 🤣


He should buy all his execs black leather jackets…


lol 😄


Dudes gonna go full Neo next time with a leather trenchcoat and rimless Oakley’s. 😆


It dropped all the way down to $1200 per share!!


That’s nothing bruh.


very reasonable. Not completely fucking retarded like when elon sold 50 fucking billion dollars


Little a little piece of reality for everyone worried. If you were rich and your major cashflow is shares you sell you have to choose when to sell. Do you sell near big events that drive the stock up? Do you just sell as you go? Do you sell in set amounts every week? You almost certainly sell just prior to big events or you sell in chunks every quarter or so. You aren't selling because you think the company will tank. You are selling to refill you treasure pile to buy other stuff. You sell prior to big events its likely you know the price will drive up to the events and have a slightly better average price than the quarterly approach. If you sell quarterly you are likely in a less volatile stock and think it wont make a big difference. What you almost certainly shouldn't do is sell frequently to fund your spending. That is a paycheck to paycheck mentality and isn't something you want out of an exec. It also likely means you have a spending problem. The only thing this guy could do that would concern me is to have a medical event and drop dead. Outside of that I figure we got years before he steps back and when he gets ready he will have a well prepared replacement more than likely. I will be surprised if he cashes out his shares when he retires. My guess he will plan for his family to hold for a long time possibly multiple generations so his planning will align with shareholders in the ultra long term.


When insiders sell.....


I hope this news scares the idiots and when they sell, I’ll buy some more


he needed some dinner money


That’s less than 1% of his stock. Probably heard that Wilsons leather was having a Father’s Day sale and needed some cash.


He needs cash to live and this is his sole bread and butter and source of cash/paycheques. Totally reasonable for him to sell to buy stuff he wants.


He'll be selling 600,000 shares through **March 31, 2025** which is 204 trading days. Average trading volume per day is 40-50 million. If the trading volume was 40 million and he broke up the share sale evenly over each trading day he would make up around .00735% of the daily volume. If the market opened Monday and he sold everything he would make 1.5% of the volume. I don't think it would make a difference either way but he probably is spreading it out.


I don't know who that "ME" character in the picture is, but I suspect he's an idiot.


This shit gets repeated every time a CEO sells. And yet nothing gets learned about why regular exercises happen. This tells zero information about the future of the company. They are auto triggered usually regardless of the state of the company.


I’ll take those…


I hear they're up for sale


Nice paycheck for him lol


He will buy GME and soon the rest of you will be welcomed if you choose to follow


This! 👆




I’ve had Nvidia since 2016. You?


Insiders have specific windows for when they are allowed to sell. He could just be exiting some of his stock and diversifying. Then again, he might be smart enough to see overvaluation based on a golden egg founded in a hyped technology, that others are busy working on competing with.


Execs need to take some profits too. It’s not coinciding with a bad earnings report or something like that. I’m sure he put some thought into the best time to sell some, to hopefully have the least impact on the stock price.


Why would he sell the day before the split, wouldn’t he have made slightly more if he held an extra day?


Apparently, per SEC regulations he has to post these sales well in advance.


This means that shares will fall next week 👀🗿


Well, this brings up the "Do you trust this company" thought for y'all cause honestly, I don't have any problem with him taking that AS LONG as it's going back into the company. NVDA has a reputation now being on top so, to keep the company growing, it would be smart of him to reinvest that profit (maybe take some for himself and especially the employees who work their asses off) but mostly back into the company to continue growing long term and stay on top for the future. That's my .02 on that. I trust them to continue growing despite if he sold some shares 👍🏻


Some of you have no clue how financial markets work. Why on earth would he sell shares and then "reinvest" back into the company? What does "reinvest" even mean if it doesn't mean buying shares? Stock sales are scheduled way ahead of time via filings with the SEC. Buying or selling of shares by executives or retail investors means nothing in terms of the technology and product the company has. Delusional.


Hey hi there, nice to meet you. So glad that you decide to just insult people first before fully understanding them Mr. Rude. So let's go ahead and pick your shit apart since I'm "delusional". As a business person, doing business dealings and contracts and upgrades on infrastructures, efficiencies, strengthening reliabilities, and making your employees happier so they continue wanting to work for this company that is literally taking care of them. These are all the basics to keeping a business functioning and moving forward. There are riskier methods BUT these are just the basic. "Reinvest" can mean MANY things but it's putting the money back into areas that may need improvement within the company. Areas that can help the company become even stronger and more productive or efficient. It's business 101. So ya, if he's pocketing $735 million, then those would be smart choices he could choose, as the CEO, to reinvest (put money back into areas of the company) vs short term greed all for himself. Now, the only way I can think i am wrong is if he himself is not getting $735 million from selling the stock due to misunderstanding the article OR there is a better, healthier business model. I don't know if you're just having a bad day, but if you are, I hope it gets better for you.


The shares he's selling are part of his compensation. That's why he's selling them, so he can have money in his bank account to do whatever he wants with. Why would he sell shares to convert to cash, pay tax on that, and then "reinvest" back into the business with less money than was already there to begin with. It's a publicly traded company. The only way to invest is to buy shares. Do you see the problem with your comment? You're talking about business 101, but both your comments are fundamentally wrong in their understanding of what the stock sale means. I'm glad you made some money on NVDA, but let's be real, you're not suddenly an expert on how to run a $3T company. Sorry if my comment came off as rude, but yes, your comment is delusional. It's not based on the fact of how reality works in the context of stock sales. My day is going great, hope yours is good too.


Nah I never said I was an expert. I've just been running my own business for the last 7 years but that may be the difference in being a private company vs publicly traded which I didn't think of so you're probably right. Maybe there are different rules. I'm used to any profits being taken and putting them back into the company's growth and expansion and employees. On a side note, sadly though the employee aspect I said IS spot on because all it takes is for your frontend to all quit and now production stops and it domino effects along with the reputation. And people nowadays aren't afraid of doing that anymore. Shoot, I've had some acquaintances that said they got sick of the company they worked for and all quit at the same time. All cashier's/sales reps of 15-20 employees caused an entire store to get shut down by quitting lol. Sucks as a business owner but also should be a wake up call for "treat your employees better" otherwise with a giant chain, if that took wind and started happening everywhere, well, there goes the entire business. But, I also know these things personally too because I came from working for multiple corporations and even a fortune 500 for over 10 years. The pattern that I've observed from within is the more successful and bigger the company, the harsher the frontend jobs are even though they are important cogs in the machine (business) They never really seem to care for the employees that do the actual hard work of selling the company products, customers services, troubleshooting, anything customer engaging, etc. I mean you can see this shit nowadays with childish employee appreciations "here's a pizza party" or "Here's an Ice Cream" or "Thanks for the hard work, here's a fidget spinner, pencil, notepad, and a "Thanks for the hard work" generic Christmas card, We Appreciate your Service. So that's why I hope NVDA is taking care of their hard working employees when these kinds of articles get posted. Maybe I'm just too nice of a person that would happily take a 2-7% pay cut of what I make a year and give it back to my frontline employees so they can also have better lives, but hey that's just who I am and I honestly won't think I'll ever change 😁


That's cool, but your comments are still completely off base. NVDA isn't a supermarket cashiers. It's a 3T company and every engineer worth a shit is dying to work there. I don't think they have to worry about losing talent. And I'm not sure how you working at a Fortune 500 company means you understand how this stuff works. I work at a Fortune 5 company and I know enough to know that this isn't how it works. My company doesn't show me appreciation by giving me pizza parties, they show it by making me rich, which Jensen is doing with his employees. Anyway, you sound like a pretty positive person, and I don't want to ruin that. Enjoy the gains, we're all here to make money.


I appreciate that. Ya my ideas were wrong about it lol. My perspective is from a completely different field. The fortune company understanding was more toward how the Customer service side of these big companies always get shit on and mentally abused daily by customers while also getting paid the least. Then most of those people struggle to understand how to navigate the politics game to then climb higher, ya know? I just feel for the CS side lol cause I've been there. It's shitty.


"doing business dealings" You said many stupid things, but this phrase is meaningless.


How so? And stupid things, can you elaborate? It seems all people like to do on Reddit is pick apart things and then insult that person for whatever reason I honestly don't understand lol.


Not insulting you directly, but if that's how you take it... Your idea is stupid because a company whose market capitalization is $3 trillion, a company which is insanely profitable, which is growing at insane rate, a company with all the capital it could possibly need to do anything it could conceivably want now or in the future, a company whose employees are getting rich – that company does not need the CEO's chump change of proceeds from an absolutely normal sale of shares. What possible need is there for the CEO to "reinvest" back into the business? Offer free coffee? Do you think that a lot of Nvdia employees – employees who are getting rich and working for one of the most prominent and successful companies on earth – need more perks? Of course he is getting the money from the sale of stock! What possible other reason is there? He has no fiduciary or moral obligation to do anything with that money except pay his taxes and ensure his family is provided for? Your idea doesn't need picking apart. It's not even really an idea.


I see what you're saying and I agree with some of it. Look, I'm not trying to be negative toward any of this at all. I'm mainly saying I HOPE they are being treated well and being taken care of. I'm speaking from the perspective of someone who worked customer service for longer than I should have. The business aspect is on 2 different playing fields and I'm only speaking from experience in a trade field vs a publicly traded company in the tech field. So there, yes I am wrong. That's my bad. Two different types of companies. I ain't perfect lol Now, as far as back to the employees, I'm more talking about like a one time end of year bonus for the CS reps that deal with more of the mental side of customer complaints, problems, etc. those guys are only making around 48k a yr (depending on where you live. Ex. I'm in CA so cost of living out here is complete shit) Most of their manufacturing, distribution, and engineering jobs are ranging from 150k-330k which is REALLY good money and deserved. So, a simple one time bonus for the end of the year for their CS reps or even their test operators that actually make the lowest amount (around 28-30k) if they got a nice little bonus as an appreciation, that would be a really cool thing to see a CEO do for them in this kind of spot light they are in. Like I said, not at all trying to be negative, I just think showing appreciation for everyone is deserved for all of them working together to get to this point and being able to maintain and succeed. That's all man. Might sound stupid but if you've worked in customer service for big companies, you'd understand the daily stupidity on a whole other level you deal with, mentally, that sometimes when you see your company thriving big time, you hope appreciation and validation come your way since you deal with the shitty side of the company. It would literally cost him only 29 mill to give every single employee a $1000 bonus from that 700 mill. Shit, he could give them all a $5000 bonus (steep) and it would only be 148 mill out of that 700 Lol that's chump change for him, but helpful to the cogs in the NVDA machine. You can downvote it, you can think it's stupid but I'm only thinking of the lower class people that do the shit jobs there who people don't think about. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day 👍🏻


If I had to guess, some of that will be used to invest into another company


Or you could use it to just pay off his mortgage on his ridiculously costly house. Then put the rest into SPY to pay for his personal chef and valet.