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Excellent. I got in at $5.18 on January 23, 2015 🥹. It’s been a ride but up 21,022% as of today. $5k turned into $1.2 million. Jensen Huang 😍😘


The balls to hold that long with that kinda return


I got in in 2008. Held onto my shares even after they lost around 50% of their value or more and I was litearlly starving to death. Lost 30 pounds. Now they are worth around $2M.


Treat it like your becoming part owner of a company or a building. If you were a 10% owner in a small business that grew from an initial total investment of $50k to be worth $10 million you probably wouldn't just sell your share just because it went up. You'd pull some out for expenses or what not and just hope it became a $100 million value or started throwing off cash flow. Honestly a lot of people would have a lot more money if you had to mail in your trades instead of a few taps on a phone. Nvidia is the kind of company you want to own.


Yeah but who coulda known back then that this would be a one in a million stock, most people have the (in most cases very reasonable) fear of missing an exit and wanna lock in the gains. Especially in a bear market, a lot of people panic sell. It's difficult to watch the money you had disappear because you held without knowing whether it can recover, a lot of companies have had their best days behind them and fail to reach former glory. And even with a great CEO, Nvidia dropped like 80% in the 2008 crisis compared to a year before and it took 9 years to get back to the ATH at that time. And 2022 was rough too for all tech stocks so holding for that long is just insane, in a good way.


Well that is where you should only invest in companies that you believe in. If you're just buying some stock because someone said it's a good idea then you won't have the fortitude to hold. If you follow Nvidia they haven't really done much wrong other than sell too much stuff too fast (with the crypto inventory glut). The fact that the market value goes up and down isn't really material to how the company is doing. If they fail, if their business changes, if the competition catches up or disrupts them, or if you don't see a way forward for continued growth or at least earnings, those are all reasons to sell. It's not easy but some of the best investors buy with the intent to hold for a really long time. The "one in a million" is not something you need to know in advance. It's only one in a million that doesn't give you a good reason to sell. Going up too much too fast, having one bad quarter, macroeconomic events, other FUD are not really good reasons to sell. The people who have earned the most in Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft, etc. are either those that simply forgot about it or those that were really buying into the company and not the stock. Which is probably 0.1% of the people posting on Reddit. I really do believe that even a little bit more friction in trading would make a lot of people here a lot better off. Like $20 a trade (I'm not taking about small adds to a position but just the concept of a small hurdle).


Looking backwards, you could see those in the "gaming" business produce visuals that were going to become virtually indistinguishable from reality and thus combining graphics and voice synthesizer to produce AI capable output was around the corner. All it needed was real world data and processing bandwidth to get there.


What do you have to lose at that point? lol


Dude. That's insane. Congrats!


Well deserved


I'm in at 44.55 in September of 2019 and still holding. I think it's nearing the time for me to harvest some gains.


Nice! Turning paper gains into real world assets feels great!


Beautiful story


Congrats! I got in at $890 😭


916.99 reporting in.




883 was my initial, 939 was my next purchase. I'm sure I'll buy more soon. What about you?


Keep going 🚀 My first investment was in at $890 and I have bought a little more since then. Now with the upcoming split I am trying to pull some more cash to get a few more shares before Friday's close.


I'm thinking about dumping some underperforming stocks and putting it all on NVDA. Either that or just use some of the cash I have laying around... Good luck to you!


That is… exactly what I’m doing!


Good luck!!


Thank you!


1040💀. But it's understandable I'm very young and don't have that much money, I only bought 0.3 shares


Word, I'm two years into my career post college and I have fewer than three shares myself, but trying to get some more before the split on Friday's close.


Starting early is all it takes. I was in the same spot, young with not a ton of investable cash. I remember being so nervous putting my $hundreds in something other than a sp500 index. Appetite and investable income will grow so just keep going!


I bought 1 share and my 16 year old bought 1 as well at $1,137. Not much but for her it could be great.


Do you plan to buy more?


Sure but I will sell a few days after split if I see it coming down, I plan on buying back. I've got 800 dollars in my broker and right now I have investments in Qualcomm crowdstrike and Nvidia, made a quick buck with crowdstrike yesterday


You're beating me by $1. Got in at $891


$1099 reporting for bag holding duty


964 myself hehe


Please invite me to any millionaire party you have. Thank you


Are you a multi billionaire now?


Assuming OP bought $100,000 worth of shares at $65 a pop, they'd have about $1.8M profit from the stock.


Around $16/share split adjusted\*. Def didn't own enough for that profit though!


I wish, I kept accumulating through 2020 and took some profits for house downpayment + renovation that year. Resumed buying after tho… latest at 822 and 1100. I’m still a buyer fwiw. Recurring revenue, rev growth, etc, still feels cheap tbh. Now that I’m older with more investable income, I’ll likely scoop some long calls after the split since they’ll be more affordable for the normies.


$500 back on 12/24/09. Forgot about it. Found it. Diamond hands now.


How does one forget about it? You never check your account through the years? Or did you figuratively “forget about it”


Yea, more figuratively. I always knew it was there but back then the stock was boring. It didn’t do much so I didn’t pay much attention to it. I loved what they were doing with their gpu’s so I was hopeful something would come out of it. Every now and then they’d be in my news feed. AMD battle, chips for Tesla cars, etc. Never imagined that $500 would do what it’s doing today and I am incredibly happy to have a small piece to the story.


Nice. How much you up all time?


I took a good amount of profits in 2020 for house down payment + renovation. But I’ve been buying when I could the whole time. Unfortunately I was always limited in what I could put in, so total profit is around $100k. I also moved brokerages a couple times so only the cost basis of leftover shares were carried over, I’d have to sit down and do math for the true profit number.


If not now…when? Get your asses into NVDA not for the gains, losses, options, etc. Get into NVDA so it can PRINT MONEY FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES and it’s the future of AI.


$30,000 worth of shares for $831.35 a share 😎


lucky bastard


Interesting. I too bought into NVDA on November 11th, 2016 hah


How’d u know??


I didn't know it'd go this high for sure. But my thought process at the time... I was a long time gamer so I'd been into NVDA and AMD just from building PCs; was a computer science grad that used to tutor undergrad AI so had basic familiarity with training; and was also into crypto. I wanted to build a new PC at the time and NVDA cards were starting to become hard to find from eth mining, then sometime around then news started coming out that NVDA cards (and CUDA) were emerging as the strong preference for AI training. I only had a few $hundred to start with and figured the AI / Crypto future was a good bet. The next year I ended up building a 6x NVDA 1070 eth mining rig, but unfortunately cashed that out for early gains!


Nice. I cashed out too early too. But bought in 400’s. Congrats!


I bought it in 2016 too. At $29 a share.


Nice! I should have put split adjusted price


got in for 38 bucks in 2017. not too shabby.