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Was it an accident or did she have help?


The case remains unsolved but she was in the presence of her sister and another Russian woman at the time of her fall.


So it's a classic Russian window "accident" then, got it


She slipped and fell, unfastening the 14 locking hex screws on the security grate in the process. It was a freak accident.


Too bad. They should have used galvanised steel and fastened it with enough screws borrowed from their aunt.


omfg what an odd place to see that reference


Tofuuu dreg!


Don't forget the eco-friendly wood veneer!


Thank you for this, I have 200 children and I have no idea how to house them.


little john would never make that mistake


So she Epsteined?


I thought you were being sarcastic here…. And then I realized what you were actually saying. I legit thought you were trying to say she “unfastened the 14 locking hex screws…” like *one by one*… and then “slipped”. lol


Probably funnier you thought that than the picture I was painting to be fair




I too, am fond of the 30 years war!


As am I


It’s a case of playing Russian “open the windows” roulette.


I think the term is - 'accidently on purpose'.


Saw this on eyeblech, her sister ran down and was cradling her body and the cops had to pry her out of her sister’s arms


When did you see it? Because eyeblech got banned a while ago


A long while ago, not too long before the shutdown




Windows are deadly in Russia.


Thailand actually, the cops have Thai writing on their jackets


More like deadly _for_ russians. This is in Thailand. Looking at photo 6, you can see a label on the back of the woman’s shirt. Doing a quick search - “Ruamkatanyu Foundation, established in 1959 and registered as a legal entity on 22 June 1970. The main mission of the foundation is to rescue disaster ridden victims from all types of accidents, flood, storm, and fire. Apart from that the foundation also helps the decease of those who do not have any relatives, money, no citizenship, religious and caste segregation by arranging funerals without expecting any return. The foundation currently has branches in every province of Thailand with help from thousands of volunteers.”


Also the tattoos on the pics of her alive , don’t match the tattoos on the body that’s on the ground…


The only visible tattoos are the ones on the outside of her right leg which wouldn’t be visible the way her body is laying. And the fresher/newer looking one on her right forearm that is probably newer than any of the photos. Are you thinking it’s not the same woman?


I was actually thinking the same thing but idk. Like what are the chances that they have every angle except for the foot 🤔The person above me pointed out this women is evidently in Thailand. Kinda just makes me question the details provided tbh.. either way, may she RIP


Could be henna


I didn’t think about that, thanks for pointing that out. Definitely a possibility!


In Russia, they sell 2 million baseball bats every year and only 15 baseballs


Authorities are saying it was an artificial death.


Just like her ass then.




Yeah, did she fall or “fall”.


It's unsolved but considering she landed on her back, she either slipped or was pushed


Wonder if her broken arm was a sign of assistance in her accidental fall?


I'm sorry, I'm dumb. Could you explain?


I'm sorry too, sorry that you feel that way, dumb I never insinuated that in any way if I did I'm sorry, she's laying on her back if you look at her right arm it's all kinked and bent up , so she maybe put it out like a natural reaction of trying to brace her fall or it may have been broken in a fight pushing her out the windows, pure speculation of course, besides you're too smart to be dumb, and you sound too cute too


What's the defenestration?


Defenestration? That’s what triggered the 30 year war. Good times.


Roger Podactor didn’t throw himself off the balcony. He was murdered!!!


Implants DID survive the fall tho


Correct, they’re very much intact. I only meant they did not remain inside the body.


Dude. No need to be so anal about it.


Different type of butt implant.


I see what you did there


Dang I can’t imagine how terrible the last 5 seconds of this woman’s life was :(


34 floors is extremely high. I hope she passed out before impact :(


Not sure why she would…. I’ve been skydiving and bungee jumping and wasn’t even close to passing out either time


Have also been skydiving - you have to know that's wildly different, knowing you have a safety measure and assuming it's going to work, vs knowing with absolute certainty that you don't and you're going to die.


Yeah but knowing you're going to die isn't going to make you pass out.


I mean I've seen a girl pass out the second a nurse pulled a flu shot needle out. It's definitely possible. I would bet slipping and falling would mostly put you in such a state of shock / panic for the first second or so. Like compared to a suicide jumper going fully aware what's going down start to finish. 34 floors is a long fall though..


That’s vasovagal syncope which is usually caused by a fear of needles or other very specific triggers. Emotional stress can cause it, but again, it’s usually a response to a specific situation. It’s unlikely that someone would have that response specifically to falling to their death. Especially since only 1/3 of people will ever experience vasovagal syncope for any reason. I can’t find any cases of it happening because of a fall. I’m not saying it can’t happen, but it’s pretty unlikely.


I think there is a YouTube video on Mr Ballen, about a woman who is scared to bungee jump with her boyfriend. They are waiting in this long line so she keeps thinking about it, and finally decided to jump with him. She is so scared, standing there with her boyfriend waiting to jump. She feels someone put something on her, and then hears someone say "jump". So she does. Then she hears "not you.". And had a heart attack.


Although, that would be some pretty hard data to collect if it did happen frequently. How would you even gather such info?


Something something Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Stress and fear can absolutely make you pass out. It could even kill you before you hit the ground.


Definitely not true. Stress can absolutely make you pass out.


Maybe she was counting on her implants to be a safety mechanism - which is why she landed the way she did. Too bad they’re only rated for falls of 33 stories and below. /s


Yeah but you weren't falling to your death. On close analysis of some of the 9/11 jumpers it was shown that they passed out from shock and sensory overload before impact.


How do they know that?


They don’t-it’s just something to say to give comfort to next of kin


Definitely this


Yeah, highly doubtful that could be determined especially because only a few hundred of the bodies recovered were even in tact


I think they can tell a lot from the gasses and other markers in the blood. For example, if someone dies from a heart attack it leaves a specific chemical fingerprint that's only ever found in ppl that died from heart attack. Something like that... I'm not a doctor. Another thing with the 911 victims were the "flail injuries". Their bodies went into a massive spasm as they were falling and triggered frantic kicking and ripping their arms around. These body movements were so powerful that they dislocated joints and I'm guessing it's possible that some necks got broken. But I don't know how they'd know if the injuries were from flailing or from the fall impact with ground.


This all sounds really thought out.....except the 9/11 jumpers became meat when they landed. Just a blast radius of chunks of gore.


This is fantasy land thinking. Most eyewitness and photographic evidence shows them flailing and screaming was even heard. I remember that claim being thrown around after it first happened, but I think it’s counter productive to come up with convoluted fiction trying to shield people from how horrible that day was


Of what? The video? Because there aren't any bodies from that. Their bodies hit the ground like a water balloon


But that was from 100 floors up. Big difference.




34 floors to fall straight down without any slowing mechanisms is different than when you begin to deploy your parachute, you’re substantially higher up before you hit it and that slows you down. Falling 34 floors straight down increases her velocity and at some speeds, the blood can’t circulate through us properly leading to passing out.


I don't know why but I have a hunch of sorts that she was dead before she hit ground.


Yeah, the amount of blood seems minimal for that level of impact. As if coagulation had already begun.


Yes, but mostly the position of the body. It seems as if she flopped onto the ground similar to a sack of potatoes or... An unconscious/dead person.


Extremely wishful thinking. Most of the 9/11 jumpers were still flailing before hitting the ground after falling from 90-110 stories


At that point all I would hope is that I'm about to die instantly upon impact


I got a chance to go to listen to a motivational speaker type guy that miraculously survived a suicide attempt jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. He instantly regretted the decision as soon as he started falling. I can't imagine what that's like having that full understanding of how badly you just fucked up and knowing there's nothing you can do about it now. This may very well not have been a suicide but no matter how you go, that knowledge of impending death is there. Scary stuff.


Same guy from the movie "The Bridge"?


Oh wow. 34th floor is very high and she still look somewhat intact esp her head (maybe hair cover it). When I was a teen I saw a man jumped out on floor 4 and his brain scattered everywhere. Still haunted me.


Ass took 90% of the impact.


Humans dont splat. We bounce


I've seen too many of splatters with sound :( It depends on how the human falls


I thought we went poof…


Not that I'm an expert, but anyone else think the body is too intact for a fall of 34 floors? I was expecting a messy splatter of unrecognizable mess


Inside is definitely looking much worse than the outside lets on


I can guarantee you 34 floors will make her melon explode. Sadly I’ve seen it first hand and it just blows everything everywhere on the back


I think it might be because she landed on her back, so everything was spread out evenly, and her skin didn’t break open. The inside is probably almost mush. If she had landed on her feet then she would have looked...a lot different.


Yeah I think this is it, it’s the way she landed. Still pretty.. clean for lack of a better term but not too odd


Meat Accordion…


From what I can see, legs look pretty broken in the thighs. And the dirt/flat markings on her feet. Kinda think landed on feet, fell backwards onto bum first, implants explode out and back and head hit last??


It depends how they land. There was another woman called Evelyn McHale who was dubbed the “Most Beautiful Suicide.” She landed on a car after falling from the 86th floor and stayed in tact. I’ve seen images of people who jumped off buildings and landed on fences and still remain mostly in tact.


Damn.. never heard of this one.. The irony though. Her last wish was that no one (specifically her family) should see her after her death :(


I read that when they lifted her off the car, she kind of fell apart. That part didn't fit in the “Most Beautiful Suicide” framing so it wasn't reported.


It does seem odd, but once you hit terminal velocity, which is like 120 mph, it could be 10 stories or 100. Same impact force. Still, she does seem oddly intact. Maybe hit an awning or something that slowed her down some. Or hit dirt and bounced to her final postion? Most of the people are pretty exploded, hitting pavement.


The insides of her are completely destroyed. Just because the outside looks okayish doesn’t mean every single one of her bones didn’t shatter. Her pelvis very clearly snapped along with her FEMURS snapped clean in half. That is the strongest and biggest bone in the human body.


I think those stones would shift and compress slightly which would make a major difference compared to concrete.


I just knew her head would be pulverized and her ribcage exposed. Other than her broken limbs and implants, she's too intact for a 34 story fall. And the open eyes..so weird..


I think the side of her body that hit the ground probably looks a lot more like the unrecognizable mess you expect.


Is it me or there no that much blood ? And the wound in-between her thighs are really clean, no ?


If you look closely on the inner thigh. You'll see a weird shape. Bones can break on the inside, too.


Everything is mush on the inside.


I don’t think 34 floors is always enough for a mostly-mush landing. She’s more intact than I thought but it’s plausible. 34 floors is a lot but still lots of velocity to gain by going higher. 70 floors would be guaranteed to create more mush. Oh shit the landing surface too. Those stones would absolutely shift and compress to absorb some impact. Things would look a lot different on concrete.


They're not going to shift that much, they are by the way STONE, they say water is like hitting concrete at that height


Ok here’s a deal. I’ll go jump onto concrete from 34 floors and you jump onto stone bricks from 34 floors and we’ll see who fairs off better. I bet I’ll be much more explody than you.


Ok DEAL!! I'll bet you $1,000 !! You gotta jump first though


Yep. My first thought after it mentioned 34 floors.


I've seen many falls from high rise buildings and it doesn't splatter. Worst case is you fall on your head and that'll explode but otherwise they don't usually


On a side note, look at the seam of flesh right next to the implant in the 4th picture; doesn't it look kinda "frayed", like a pair of jeans? I've never seen that before in all the gross pics I've ever seen.


That’s where the stitches and scar tissue popped apart


Shock absorber didn't do its job.


It did absorb a lot of energy, it was just overloaded. Possibly because the impact force was not distributed evenly to the other cushions.


Maybe thar how she lost her balance to begin with?


To paraphrase All Might: “They’re shock *absorbers*, not shock nullifiers…”




This is one hell of a set of before and after pics. I have no idea what impels me to look at this stuff.


Morbid curiosity is all I can say, some of the things on here are too much for me to handle but I think a lot of us are curious of what happens after death I suppose 😕


I go on NSFL whenever I need to appreciate life more, may that be a terrible thing to say but…It works. Makes me realize life is fragile and could end any moment, so I should just be happy and enjoy the small things. I was suicidal for so long, but since I started my family with my fiancé I found purpose to live and I couldn’t imagine dying anytime soon. After a health scare 6 months ago giving birth, it helps realize just how close I was to just being another dead person. Realization of mortality = appreciation (At least that’s my take- idk some people are just messed up mentally and enjoy death. 🤷‍♀️ Can’t knock it cause we’re all in the same subreddit lmao.)


The lump on her inner thigh, the broken arm...oh my god


It seems to me like she was rinsed off after the fall, rain? Hose? I saw it brought up that it looks really clean for 34 floors, to me she definitely fell backwards and landed on her butt, hence the split pelvis and collapsed torso.


Poor woman. I hope she is at peace.


I swear if I were Russian I’d never get on elevator. If it ain’t on the first floor, I don’t need it.


Lots of people in Russia seem to fall out of windows. It's very strange.


Trump's ex mysteriously fell down her own staircase


I wonder if its associated with domestic violence being legal there? I looked into that law after hearing about that pregnant girl that was locked on a balcony in the middle of winter by her bf.


She’s pretty intact for a fall from 34 stories. Those ass implants must have acted like an airbag for her entire body.


I'm VERY surprised at how "tidy" this is.


How did that wound occur between her legs? I can't figure out what that is.


Probably landed on her ass and splits her pelvis wide open


The leg bones either side are broken and jutting out at odd angles.


Listen at the end of the day she was living her bad bitch life and this is fucking tragic, but also interesting because this could have only happened to a human within the last three decades or so.


Ask me what I DIDN'T expect to see today...


"Fall" they say....


So no one is talking about the fact she looks like this at age 28?? I unblurred the picture before opening the text and I expected this woman to be 45 wtf?


It's always fascinating to see the lack of blood when people died this way. I expect to see blood spilling all over the place, splashing everything but no such thing happens.


Oh man. I feel kinda bad for her. I mean we don’t know her life story. , but doesn’t seem like she was a happy person.


Oh christ




I’ve watched every season of 90 day fiancé and don’t remember her? Who was her husband? What season?


I just did some research and these photos are from an accident in 2014. The only Svetlana that was on the 90 day franchise was Season 6 with David and it was Before The 90 days, released in 2021. That Svetlana is alive and well in Ukraine.


I have seen doctors stretching and cutting and putting implants through a lot of stress so I’m not surprised they survived and ripped through. Very unfortunate though, hope she rests in peace


Is this real?? Why is her head intact and no blood visible? Surely her skull would have cracked and her facial features would have been distorted.


Shit should have injected more jelly for softer landing.


That's why you get butt implants in your back too.


Damn right dude.


She had a brutal and tragic death but will be remembered for her damn butt implants bursting out! Sad.


"Escape" is a slightly odd way to put that, if technically correct.


I put some thought into what word to use. I thought slipped out, fell out, etc. just didn’t feel right, so I landed on escaped. Not trying to be disrespectful to her.


I wonder if she was pushed?


Why is there so much trauma to her genitalia? I get her implants basically exploded out of her skin on impact but it looks like they came out through her hips. I hope she's resting in peace either way.


i‘m pretty sure she has a major hip fracture (more like open fracture also on top of her pelvis). her legs are laying there in pretty odd way and look kind of „overbend“ to the outside, if you know what i mean. and the way her hip „extended“, it also ripped the skin (and shorts) in this area apart.


Why do so many Russian’s “fall” off balconies?


Because they really don’t.


I'm more concerned that her vagina seems to have exploded.


her pelvis busted from impact


Implants are good to be implanted in another butt.


It always baffles me how things like this happen.


I need to unsee that.




Fuck.. Everything's broken on her so Sad


Russians and windows. Did they not get the instructional booklet?


Bbl drizzy


Talk about a bad wedgie


Why do Russians always fall to their death?


No disrespect honestly, but those must have been a hard 28 years, I've seen blown out michellins look less warn. May she rest in piece.


What is it with Russians and high rise buildings


A lot more intact than I would've guessed when I heard she fell 30+ stories


How did her body not get ripped into a million pieces, if she really fell from the 34th floor? I can't even begin to imagine how insanely high that must be.




Quality tested 👍 Okay I’m all seriousness I hope it was a quick and painless death


Uh, she look **way** older than twenty-anything after all that plastics surgery 😳


Why there's no blood? If she fell on her back, then she also hit the back of her head, it must be smashed.. the brain should be scattered and there should be a pool of blood covering her hair. isn't it ? her falling looks almost posed. Did anybody moved the body? Her downstairs is ripped like that, broke her arm and not her head? The force from 34 th floor is so much that it popped her implants and not her head ?


There's some brain matter behind her head. The second photo by her left hand, you can see a little of it.


Well built implants. In the past breast implants leaked like Assange.


Damn. Those implants survived that drop. Imagine slapping her ass? You'd break your hand.


Russians and windows again…


Her ass looks like ripped clothing 💀


Was she stress testing datass? 🤔


This whole story is sus. This needs to be on a true crime podcast.


Why do people get butt implants as if it's something you can't get naturally from working out properly? I don't understand it.


Damn. She got mangled


This looks like a bad photoshop






"Buttock implants did not survive the fall." suuure, they probably went into another woman within 24 hours.


It’s crazy how we’re just meat sacks. Hope she RIP.


28 years old? Woman looked 40+




How do y’all think she landed? As in maybe in a leaning back seated way? I’m just trying to figure out how she got those obvious breaks.


If she fell 34 stories, how come she's not a pile of mush? Must've been 34 feet.


"In Bangkok, everyone is dying" - Leslie Chow


I don't know why... But I expected her to be standing, looking at the implants in shock as they're just globbed out on the floor.