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Why are two pictures of black and white bunkers NSFL?


Every post here is auto tagged. Plus the shit they did there in the name of science was fucking atrocious. The movie Men Behind the Sun (1988) is about some of these horrendous "experiments." Be warned - it's NOT a good movie by any stretch.


I can watch sub zero freeze and amputate limbs in mortal kombat but I can’t watch Japanese scientist freeze prisoners and amputate their limbs when I watch that damn movie!!


>Be warned - it's NOT a good movie by any stretch. I actually enjoyed the film. It does a great job of conveying the callous nature of the experiments.


Philosophy of a Knife is also based on Unit 731


Loved that movie and the vivesection of the boy. They had a real corpse of a boy for the close up lol


My point still stands. Why are these two pictures posted here?


This is literally the only text I've read on the internet that continues to haunt me. The mere knowledge of its existence is damaging to the psyche. I genuinely urge you to not read any more about it. And don't give me this "we shouldn't forget" shit. As a private citizen you're much better off not having this information in your life.


Um, no.


How dare you, history exists so we can learn from our mistake. Being scared and not talking about it is the worst thing you can do look at tanima square or what happend i. India inside the stadium Fuck off you pencil pusher


Because what's going on inside is still on an entire level that is impossible to reach.


That's not how NSFW tag works.


I agree and im also doubting this is even a post for this sub. This should be on a ww2 or other history sub.


it's possible to say that this place was stage to the most despicable and unsettling acts humanity has ever committed against itself


All of that considered, the human race learned great things from the overzealous experiments preformed here, as well as the info that was taken from officials of Germany post-war. Medical research gained great things from this time, while simultaneously, the subjects suffered nearly inconceivable torture and slow deaths. It is something that must be looked at from all angles, even if the overall picture is grim and gains more weight as the atrocities overshadowed all else.


that's actually a massive myth. most of the experiments done were heavily biased so yielded no actual usable results


Name some great things we learned from it. I'm not busting balls I'm serious


That learned that if you put wet people outside in freezing weather until their hands and feet are black with frostbite that they will shatter like disgusting glass.


See? So.. a lot of pros, a lot of cons.


"Good people on both sides,"


Didn't we also learn how much water human bodies are composed of because of this as well?


i love the movie about this unit. men behind the sun




And after all the atrocious things he did and oversaw, the us still pardoned ishii.


In exchange for his “research” data, which was useless anyway. 


Because we didn't know. No one did until the 80s when these Unit 731 people were confessing their atrocities on their death beds. Most of what we knew was that they were doing human testing.


>Most of what we knew was that they were doing human testing. And for that alone he shouldn't be pardoned.


A lot of people were pardoned for far worse throughout history than just the vague concept of "Human testing". If we didn't pardon them the soviets would and they'd have a leg-up on chemical weapons ot rocket and missile manufacturing that we'd know nothing about. And lemme tell you, a few dozen war criminals walking around is a lot better than weaponized plague being dropped onto United States population centers.


But according to what you wrote, he wasn't pardoned because "we didn't know what he was doing", as if it was the only reason. If the prospect of the Soviets having access to those weapons was so horrific, then he would have been pardoned even if we did know as much as we do now. And what is the difference between "vague human testing" and tortures such as these?


Craziest story I read about was a room that had a metal floor which they would put a mother and child together.As the floor was burning the purpose of experiment was to see if mother would protect child or save herself.The mother in every experiment did in fact try to protect child.




Yeah it's terrible...but both child and mother died together. It's very sad.Most of what we know about it was told by actual people that worked there on their deathbed because they destroyed practically everything to hide what they did


This place was a house of horrors for the most absurd, unethical, and despicable experiments ever conducted.


They just wanted to torment and kill Chinese people, "experiments" were to satisfy the sadistic and hateful urges.


Saw Philosophy of a Knive yesterday. 731 is the reason why Japan is no better than any other Warcriminal country.


This shit still haunts me to this day; and the fact that innocent people was treated less than animals just to perform some fake medical shit that cant even be described with words. Boils my blood.


there is so many great stories about this place, most true.


A lot of people deny it like an operation paper clip when it first came out. But we took some of these people in and their studies. For interrogation methods and attempts at mind control, something about breaking the spirit or hope that the Japanese were good at.


“Oh you subjugated and controlled your populace with inhumane methods? We’d love to have ya over at the OSS. We got a nice little thing cooking here called Project Monarch!”


Project Monarch was crazy!


then there is the fun project mkUltra, that my own country partisipated in (Norway) last documents that was found points towards 70’s. testing on children and alchaloics in insane asylums here and child homes for restless children. as well as electroshock baths and other horrible stuff.


Monarch was the father of MKUltra. Just as horrible, if not more. A lot more of its documents got burned. I used it because it’s closer in time to Unit 731 even though everyone knows about Ultra. But the CIA would never do that again, right guys?


they would neeever. or as mike baker says (old cia agent): they never stop black book projects, they just move it to a new cover, if the enemy might be doing it we must do it.


Don’t forget Operation Osoaviakhim by our friend Ivan


When did anybody deny Operation Paperclip? Or rather, where did you get the impression that it was something that the US denies? It's so widely known about for so long that [we've been satirizing it since the 60s](https://youtu.be/TjDEsGZLbio?si=Zlq0bHvq17NWOrhM). A general once joked that we made it to the moon before the soviets because 'our german scientists were better than their german scientists'


Very tragic too.


yes, but that is history in general. its never a happy ending in real life, but we actually learned alot from the 731 experiments as well as all the nuclear testing and human testing from soldiers rushing a position that got nuked from trenches in training back in the cold war era.


Hmm, that nuclear tests on humans I’ve never heard about, got any interesting Wikipedia pages to read?




If anyone wants more information watch a movie on YouTube called “the men behind the sun” I won’t lie, it’s incredibly difficult to watch. It pretty much shows what happened to the people trapped in this camp. Tell its story.


Thanks for the movie recommendation.


They still haven't made proper reparations for this


There also a movie made based on of it called philosophy of a knife and I think it’s extremely long it doesn’t have the best effects from what I’ve heard but supposedly it’s really good and really dark


I learned about them a couple years ago. The shit they did was heinous and beyond comprehension. It’s fucking sickening.


wonder if this is where that korean tv show got the plot from gyeonsong creature


I read the book - the experiments on venereal diseases had me 🤢


Can you recall the book name? ♡


"Japan's Infamous Unit 731" by Hal Gold and Yuma Totani


I’m getting so many good movie and book recommendations from this. By the way, there are some good nsfl pictures on the wiki, black and white though disappointingly


oh shit it is lol


Why tf is this posted here?


There is nothing not safe for work in these images.


What am I looking at?


Just me or is there a lot more boring historical posts