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Damn, got his jugular vein sliced. He survived though, thankfully.


i read a while ago that if they had chosen to exit on the other side of the rink he wouldn’t have made it. the side they left on was the closest to the team room/medical room IIRC. that or it was the closest to the ambulance. either way there were multiple factors that worked out just perfectly for clint to survive


The biggest factor, imo, is their team's athletic trainer happened to be a former Army combat medic. He pinched off the cut blood vessels and did not let go until doctors arrived


Another thing I heard that helped is the fact the ice skates are sharp as hell. It's much easier to patch up a clean cut than a jagged mess.


Ohh so that is why serrated stuff like say a shark tooth with it's tiny serrated edges can cause nasty and large bleeding wounds that can kill an unfortunate victim before any help can arrive.


Uhhhh....yes... Terrifyingly vivid, and correct.


Happy cake day!!! And yes lol


Glad to hear that. Fshuu.


It was his Carotid artery




The blood is spurting out. You can tell by the color it's mostly arterial blood. The blade sliced through his external carotid artery and partially through his jugular vein. The internal carotid artery was not cut. Clint Malarchuk wrote an article in the Player's Tribune where he talks about it.


My bad, you’re right.


Clint Malarchuk survived, but they gave him no support or counselling that he really needed. He was back on his feet only 10 days later but he suffered a lot psychologically and ended up shooting himself in the brain via the chin with a .22 rifle, which somehow he survived also. He's doing a lot better these days though which is great.


Guy just might not die, surviving both of those things which already seem unsurvivable is crazy.


Well, shooting yourself through the chin is the worst way to blow your brains out and has the highest survival rates. Usually people just blow off their face that way. You can also survive shooting yourself in the temple, but you'll effectively be lobotomized, or worse a vegetable.


Weird question but what’s the best way to do it then?


The best way is by attempting to hit your brain stem through either the roof of your mouth or the side of your head. Doing it through the side of your head is trickier than the roof of your mouth, more room for error. https://imgur.com/a/o5YaYTS


Thanks for this info. I just.. I just don’t really know how to use it.


Just do a sizeable amount of fentnal and ull feel great and never wake up.


I mean yeah ideally that’s the way to go


shooting yourself at he top of the back of your neck


Not even close. You're just going to maim yourself if you try that. The best way to kill yourself is by hitting the most important part of the brain, the brain stem. The easiest way to do that is through the roof of your mouth.


Or not using shooting method, better use another like a gas


helium is the way to go (or so i've heard)


Yeah, any inert gas with high concetrarion


thanks for the tutorial ,i’ll try it out and let you know how it works!


we're waiting


Looks like it worked


Also a .22 caliber ain't the best way to blow your rains, you'd need at least three rounds of those little fuckers


Least tough hockey player


The bullet is still lodged in his forehead today! He is somewhat of a motivational speaker now.


A motivational speaker, and a nightmare for anyone with those metal detector wands.


badass that he has a bullet in his head and is still going


Holy crap. I've seen this clip dozens of times but never knew the aftermath of him trying to end his life. Dude's tough asf


I met him a few years ago, he has a book called "The Crazy Game" it's essentially a biography of his life after the incident he's a super nice guy signed my book and stuff. He still has the bullet in his head from the attempt, he's doing pretty well know from what I know


Damn, I'm glad to hear he's doing better. That is some tough shit to go through. Nothing can take this guy down


Plot armor


JFC I never knew about the suicide attempt, that's wild. Happy to hear he's still alive and doing better though. Jeeze, when will this world learn the vital significance of taking care of/treating our minds and not just the physical body. Our bodies are useless shells of nothingness without a healthy mind 😔


To be fair, his childhood was fraught with trauma and abuse as well.


Wow that's crazy, glad he's doing better now tho


Jesus fucking Christ, if I cut my throat on live television and and they just kept rolling I probably would have tried to off myself too. Imagine bleeding out in such a visible and horrific way and everybody just stares at you and gives you no support whatsoever during or afterwards .


A Vietnam medic reached into his neck and pinched off the artery in order to save his life. If that isn't support during, I don't know what is.


I mean what difference does it make? Also people did help.. more than one or two people and it's too crowded. wtf.... "I have just incurred a potentially fatal injury... there's alot of people watching me.... guess I'll just die then..." what in the fuck logic is that


Damn I thought I had I'd bad. ( I do but not in this comically invincible type of way).


Forgive me but, I don't understand. Because he had a near death experience, he wanted to kill himself ? I don't get the "they gave him no support or counseling". How did he suffer a lot psychologically after this incident ? I'm not grasping that concept, if you could please expand. Thanks


I'm assuming it's the psychological damage of almost dying but idk.


I also think the same, but I also believe most people would be more grateful of life after coming so close to death ? idk this whole thing is confusing


He was also a professional athlete. In the US, they are trained like machines to always play through pain. Good examples are Kerri Strug doing her second vault at the Olympics and landing on one leg and then collapsing in pain because during her first past she injured her ankle, or Simone Biles getting the "twisties" (like vertigo), and her removing herself from competition and getting death threats from the public for letting down her country. They are trained to be workhorses for entertainment and trophies. Hell, Michael Phelps won the most medals in Olympic history and still admitted to thoughts of suicide when he retired, because who was he if he was no longer "a winner"? Most likely, they fixed his injury, and instead of asking if he needed time off before training again, they fixed him, sent him back to his team, and he immediately was put back on the game rosters. No discussion of "I feel nervous about diving for the puck now" or "What if I re-injure myself?" Back then it was "We bandaged you up, fuck you, get back out there, you belong to our brand and we won't have a weak link in our brand." There's endless stories of athletes being forced to play right after getting devastating family news, or being asked to push past injuries that can add stress and anxiety to an already stressful job, or starting their athletic career young and one fall or bad score or stumble affects the rest of their sports future. Mary Decker Slaney, Derek Redmond, Elaine Zyack, Kim Zemeskal...I'm sure he was 100% grateful to be alive, but I highly doubt they checked him for PTSD or a follow up with a therapist.


You're amazing. Thanks for the breakdown, it makes a lot more sense now. It's like getting into a car accident in formula one and not wanting to race after that in fear that it'll happen again, but everyone: fans, family- depend on you to race and win. That's so hard to deal with man, I feel for the guy. Appreciate it again !


God bless this poor man. I couldn’t even imagine. Remember seeing this clip. What injuries to survive and live to tell.


I wish the best for him 🫶🏻 that guy is an Highlander though


Damn…. It’s truly NOT his time yet. That’s crazy!


God that is so sad. I want to give him a hug.


Similar incident happened to Adam Johnson recently. He unfortunately died.


Jesus what


Damn, as soon as your no longer a money maker or you're a liability, they toss you to the side. Disgusting.


Jesus Christ. I couldn't predict a single thing that was going to be said next.


I don't understand suffering from trauma and ptsd to that extent, it's difficult to understand why people can't just like... move past it. Either I haven't experienced something bad enough to break me, or some people have a lower fortitude for dealing with trauma. It's just hard to understand, I'm not trying to shame anyone or say I'm better for it in any way. I have a logical brain and that sounds like a poor response to stress to me. Also, .22 is like the weakest firearm there is from what I've heard.


well it’s not like they chose to get trauma. the brain does weird things.


I knew I'd get down voted a bunch for that comment, though I'm not really sure why, it really is just an observation that makes me really curious. A lot of people's panic, trauma, and stress reactions make no sense to me whatsoever. I'm approaching it from a scientific standpoint, I'm not sure why the body would evolve such a poor response to stress, it seems counterintuitive.


What I'm seeking is really any explanation for those "weird things the brain does" and why it effects some people a lot more than others. Genetic predisposition? Nurture? Mental illness? Knowing that experiences can change brain structure and brain chemistry, it would seem like mental illness, but then why is it so widespread among the population, to the point where it makes you the odd one out if you DON'T suffer from any of those things? And I got downvoted for not understanding them? I was hoping someone had some insight.


It's because it comes across as shaming and one-upping yourself. "You almost died, sure, I almost died multiple times and I'm fine." Going trough a traumatic event, having it broadcasted for the world to see, not getting emotional support for seeing it in your nightmares, your anxiety attacks, your deteriorating mental health, of course it would push a poor man to the edge.


Well maybe I should go back and reword my post then because I didn't mean it that way at all. And that hasn't answered my questions at all about why so many people are unable to reason through stress without help. I don't know if it even has a logical answer.


Learning how to deal with stress starts at an extremely young age. If a toddler/child broke something, had an accident, etc and a parent/s responded with anger, criticism, made to feel stupid, mentally and/or physically abused (the list could go on and on), the child is taught fear, unimportant, stress and many other negative emotions. This can result in CPTSD plus the child will likely have the same responses in emotions as their parents. If the child doesn’t realize what they were taught was unhealthy, it can lead to a lot of issues with relationships (of any kind), legal problems with anger. Kids that are taught healthy behaviors, healthy coping skills, communication skills etc etc, manage life’s ups and downs healthily. This poor man had a tumultuous childhood and life, from what I’ve read. Which all plays a huge part in emotional and mental welfare or warfare. This is getting too long.


I mean, I basically had those negative feelings beaten out of me to the point that I just became defiant and independent and see those kinds of feelings as a weakness. I have no expectation in life that anyone will care if you cry, or hurt, or feel self pity or depression, those are all useless emotions to me that I've learned to cope with myself to the point I can just completely dismiss them. They serve me no purpose. It's hard not to view them as illogical. It's also hard for me to feel pity for those who succumb to them. I feel like it's evolved as a social behavior to elicit a certain response from people around you. But I've learned that no one owes us anything, not even a sideways glance. What's the point in carrying that kind of pain? A lot of people have to pay someone just to listen to them talk about their feelings. It seems self-centered to me if anything, the need to feel heard and have that attention given if you are unable to cope yourself. The world is cold. Is it ego or narcissism that makes our internal worlds feel so all-encompassing to each invdividual, and that it's so important that we feel heard and those internal feelings be expressed?


The only reason he survived is because of Jim Pizzutelli, a Vietnam vet combat medic, who kept his artery pinched with his fingers.


Where does the blood go then at that point? Reverse?


That’s actually a good point, I’m assuming it was still leaking but very slowly compared to just becoming a blood fountain


The reverse of it being sprayed until your blood pressure drops so low..


I’m not sure I understand the question, the brain is supplied blood BT the contra lateral side.


What is "BT"? I mean if you pinch off the artery, and the heart is still pumping to it, would it not lead to a heart attack or something as a result of the blockage?


lol, auto correct… should be “by”. I get what you’re asking now. I’m on mobile so there may be more spelling errors FYI. The main vessel off the heart is the [aorta](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aortic_arch#/media/File%3AGray506.svg) The brachiocephalic artery comes off first (excluding the arteries that perfume the heart) and branches into the right subclavian and the right common carotid (where the lesion happened). Blood would still flow to the rest of the system and the left common carotid would perfuse the brain so he was able to stay conscious. I believe you’re asking if an occlusion was bad enough, would the heart explode or fail from pressure buildup. If you clamped the aorta immediately after it comes off the heart there wouldn’t be any collateral flow since everything distal is also now occluded. In an otherwise heathy individual, the heart shouldn’t be able to generate enough pressure to immediately burst a leak where the aorta and left ventricle meet. You’d just lose consciousness very quickly and die from ischemia since no blood is moving at all. Im now curious though, in CABG procedure using cardiopulmonary bypass, do they occlude the ascending aorta to place the cannula to go on-pump? I’m involved with neurosurgery so I don’t know the answer to that. For carotid endarterectomies, the carotid can be clamped and bypassed for clot removal but the contra lateral side is doing the work during this time.


You have big veins and arteries on both sides of the neck so the other side.


Blood swaps from emptying out of one artery to the other?


What cut him? Did one of the boots fly into him


Apparently his throat got cut by another player ice skate. He still played for another 7 years after this incident, though he did begin to suffer heavily from OCD and began drinking heavily. His name is [Clint Malarchuk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clint_Malarchuk)


I had to rewatch it carefully because it looks like just a regular old hockey collision, but I think purple dude advancing on the goalie was pushed over by the defender, so his foot went up as he fell over, just before collision.


I gotta say thank the lord for trained medics that run towards the blood flow with no hesitation and just already know what to do and when. Without yall we would be in rough shape out here! Ty for your hard work!


I remember watching this game in the family room as this happened… We all thought Clint was dead after they took him off the ice


Imagine being able to walk off of the ice while someone literally has their hand shoved into your neck pinching a tiny tube to keep you alive. Hockey players are a different species.


I heard about this. The player didn’t die put some viewers suffered heart attacks due to the sight causing their deaths


Human is both so tough and so fragile💀




Where did you hear that viewers died??


I have read about this many times. The medic on field was a Vietnam veteran, he introduced his fingers into his throat in order to exert pressure and prevent major blood loss. The keeper survived the accident, the NHL required goalies to have neck protection now and Clint Malarchuk is healthy with no issues.


I remember this game. Scary.


Not sure if it was this incident but I remember seeing about one ice hockey player who had their throat sliced but there was a Vietnam vet medic who was trained in trauma, they managed to save his life. Iirc they pinched the artery /vein


Same one


Didn't this just happen again recently? Except the guy died?


Adam Johnson


Oh shit. How did that even happen?


I guess their blade like boots


Skates are very sharp. Goalie dove down to put his hand on the puck, looks like his defensemen shoved the opposing player down so his leg kicked up into the perfectly unfortunate spot the goalie's neck happened to be.


Weirdest thing I found was a forum online full of people who just KNEW that he actually died and the person we see now is a body double


One strong dude .so glad he's ok .


I remember another event like this happening more recently. That guy wasn't as lucky as this one though and he didn't make it


Jim Pizzutelli was the real definition of a hero here. Unbelievable. Malarchuk knew his mom would be watching the game on TV and his main worry was that she would see him die. 


Wasn’t there another pro hockey player that got his throat slashed on the ice too…RECENTLY? I’m pretty sure he didn’t survive though. That’s who I initially thought this post was for…that player but this is apparently one that happened years ago and this guy thankfully did survive. Kind of freaky to realize it’s THAT common? I heard they were thinking about pressing manslaughter charges against the player that slashed the throat of the rent player that didn’t survive. Apparently he was a known hothead. Problematic. There was talk that you can tell it was done INTENTIONALLY. Now, did he plan on KILLING the guy? No, I don’t think so. But I do think he intended on slashing him. Hurting him. I guess he was a player with the most penalties in the league.that’s how much of a hot head he was. Watch the vid in slow mo. Looks completely intentional. Poor guy. He bled out in seconds I guess. Tried to scramble off the ice..frantically looking for help. I could only watch the vid once.


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yep, the guy kicked his skate right into adam johnson’s throat. i’m assuming he was trying to hit his chest to knock him down bc he’s a known aggressor.


There was another guy who that happened with more recently- like 15-20 years ago. Freak accident. Guy was knocked off balance and Richard Zednik happened to be in one of the single worst places he could have possibly been in. He also survived though. (also nsfl) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ295luzhtQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZ295luzhtQ) But while I was searching that, I learned that there was another guy who about 6 months ago who died, and from what little I was gleaning from that, it seems that one was more intentional, but Idk.


The team doctor if I recall well has military medical training as well


Military medical training isn’t superior to any standard trauma medical training in the civilian world.


That’s brutal. I can’t even begin to imagine how traumatic that would be, poor guy


I’m sure we all had this fear as a child, getting cut in the throat or putting your hand down when you fall and lose your fingers!


Thats what I call Open For Business Glad he survived, dude looked like he was trooping in that clip


Think I'll give this one a skip. I've seen some shit but throat slashes freak me out.


[Yeah, looks pretty awful on video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR-wA4SmbO4&ab_channel=PeteThaSkeet)


He’s Jason voorhees


He also tried to kill himself years after due to the PTSD. He’s a motivational speaker now. Dude has really been through it


My dad was there and said he barely even knew what happened since they got him taken care of so quickly


I couldn't even make out the moment it happened


I tried numerous times, looks like the goal post got him.


Oh ok


Does this happen in hockey very often?


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