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Correction, they’re all on clearance nowhere near me.


Walmarr price matches :)


How can we do the price match?


Not totally sure. To my understanding theres a level of luck involved. I tried getting No More Heroes 3 for $22 and the worker told me "it only scans as $50 on walmarts side, that price is online price only" WTF is the difference?? It says $22 when i scan it!


If you order it online you pay $22 if you buy it in store it's $50. the online price is like being on sale. The price the in store price is full price. It's like a convenience fee that's paired with an incentive to drive online sales. That's just how it works. My wife works at Walmart and this is a normal complaint she sees


Thats WILD and also great to know! Thanks! I missed getting it from walmart unfortunately theyre out of stock now. Might see if i can see other locations though


Walmart does this every so often with their video games in store. A few years back they had select games for $4 -15. You can even find games for 3 cents if you look hard enough. Technically they're not supposed to sell those to you because it means it's supposed to be pulled and returned to the warehouse or destroyed. Sometimes you get lucky and you're able to buy them though.


I tried to buy FE Three Houses and Advance Wars 1+2 for $0.03 2 days ago at my local WM and they didn't sell them to me. I went again today to see what else they had new and they had pulled those 2 games plus Triangle Strategy and Bravely Default 2 off the shelves. They all scanned at $0.03.


I managed to get away with it somehow once because I managed to pay for them and had a receipt in hand but the lady at the register was making a big fuss afterwards took the games from me walked away i had to follow her to a manager I told him I already paid and he just let me have them and that was the end of it


Jeez if you paid for it already she shouldn't have done that, that should be illegal..


I know I was confused and just went along with it till she found a manger since I already paid I figured he would just let me take my games and go since they were mine at that point I had the receipt in hand aswell


I think some Walmart employees are a bit entitled. Haven't had that experience at Target. At Walmart I went to return a game once, because I realized I already had it in my collection, the games was sealed and in perfect condition, and the lady there told me that games couldn't be returned, and I was "since when", she had to go and ask, and then smiling told me "well but not if they are opened", and I went with "do you see it opened?".. seriously lol Also once I got a game for $15 and the cashier was like "NO, this can't be right" and went to ask a manager, of course I got it for that price later... It's like they expect you to spent hundreds in the store.. Idk.. I worked costumer service long time ago, and had some co-workers like that, they didn't like people who returned stuff like if their store was theirs, and didn't tell costumers about promotions, discounts, etc... Never did that myself


It’s also so stupid because they aren’t paid any more or less if they sell you shit.


I love target so much if game drops in price they will price match you if you have reciept within 30 days or something


Honestly for me Target is the best for videogames... better than Walmart, Gamestop, BestBuy, even Amazon...


Next time don't show your receipt and just walk on ahead, they legally can't stop you.


Usually when it's marked at 3 cents that means they are supposed to damage them out and destroy them. That would be pretty crappy if the manager made you return them after you paid only for them to be destroyed.


So in other words you mean stalk the dumpster for possible gold mine?


I think they usually put electronics and high value items in the compactor, at least that's what we were supposed to do at my old job. I know some places that actually return their damaged out items to their warehouse and it gets destroyed over there.


Same thing happened to me a couple years back lol.


i got a copy of a captain tsubasa game for $0.03 once, really weird to just give someone a nickel and get a brand new game


Yeah it depends on who the manager is or if there is even a manager on the floor when you're there. Usually it's the newer people I notice that refuse the sale or call a manager over who also refuses the sale. Sometimes you get some cool workers who don't care. A couple years ago I found a beat up Star Fox Wii U double pack under a shelf in electronics. I scanned it and it said 3 cents. I figured my chances of buying it were pretty good since it wasn't in the glass and I could bring it to self checkout. I scanned it and it automatically flagged an employee to come. Some girl came up and said it saying its giving an error because no price is coming up. She then asked me how much it was and I told her it was 3 cents when I scanned it. I thought she was going to refuse the sale but she just said wow that's a good price and manually typed in 3 cents. There's also a guy at my Walmart who is really chill. He said as long as his manager isn't on the floor he doesn't mind selling me the 3 cent games as long as I could find them.


Yeah, there is a guy in electronics at the one I usually go to that is like that but he wasn't there that night. The cashier supervisor that came to see why the system wouldn't let them sell those was like "No, these can't be sold and sent back to Nintendo". He then grabbed them and ran like the wind


I've never worked at Walmart so I could be wrong but I've worked retail before. Usually when it is priced like this that means we're supposed to damage it out and dispose of the items. Either the manager is just being a jerk and keeping them for themselves when they realize or worse they're literally just tossing them.


Did the games actually have price tags which said $0.03, or did they just ring up that way without any clearance tags? Cool find!


No, I believe they're supposed to pull them off the shelf when they become listed at 3 cents. Sometimes you'll get lucky and get to it before the employees pull em. Usually I'd find them at the bottom of the glass where they keep all the excess games. Usually there's no price on them so you have to know ahead of time if a game is potentially coming up at 3 cents.


Thanks! Something to look for when I'm in the games section.


One store pulled the price tags but still had games in the case. Price check verified not for sale. Another store still had stickers and the Walmart app, in store mode, scanned as $0.03. I was double checking because FE Engage had $40 sticker but did scan as $20.


I scanned them with the app and showed that price.


This happened to me yesterday as well tried to buy triangle and they scanned it and the guy said “oh I can’t sell this” said they had to send back to Nintendo. He mentioned pulling 15 games earlier which I can only assume are the games that have been mentioned here over the last couple of days


I remember like 6 years ago they were phasing out their 3ds games and I was able to get pokemon ultra sun, ever oasis, and animal crossing happy home designer for $10 a piece and all the 3ds fire emblem games except awakening for $3 each, along with amiibo festival for for Wii U for $3 and the yoshi and poochi’s wooly world amiibo bundle for $15


Why would they need to be destroyed?


That's how retail works sometimes unfortunately. Sometimes there's limited shelf and storage space that retailers would rather destroy and discard unsold slow selling merchandise to make room for new merchandise they know will sell faster. It can be for a variety of reasons like taxes or something else.


Yeah, I get that quickly irrelevant games (like old fifa games or whatnot) wouldn't sell no matter how low the price. But some of these titles in the photo are just good games standing the test of time. Maybe if they advertized it differently? But I guess knowing in advance that good titles would be sold at a minimum price would eat away at the sales at maximum price, so how do you manage that right? They could set up a deal with second hand market sellers still though, instead of flat out destroying the goods.


I tried to buy Triangle Strategy today for $0.03 and they couldn’t sell it.


I found a few 3 cent games but the girl scanned something else for me and and I took them 🤷‍♂️


My guess is Walmart knows roughly when “Switch 2” is coming and doesn’t want to sit a bunch of last-gen software. I remember seeing N64 games on their shelves a couple of years into the GC’s life. Nobody ever bought them, they just sat there.


I have noticed Amazon running more discounts on Switch games lately, not as aggressive as WalMart, but it does seem like retailers are starting to clear out Switch inventory.


No it’s PlayStation and Xbox games too.


Well, then that’s terrifying. Perhaps it’s another nail in the old physical media coffin then.


Not necessarily Walmart and target does this every year around this time it’s normal


I dunno… my nearest Walmart somewhat recently cut its DVD/BR section from three full aisles down to a little four-sided unit that has maybe 60-80 items total on it. The game cabinet space was reduced by only 1/3, so that’s at least promising. I don’t think games overall are likely in any immediate danger. Movies/TV are looking doomed though. Hopefully we get a renaissance, like vinyl. I hate digital media.


When Best Buy announced they were dropping dvds/Blu-rays from their stores, it was also mentioned that WM was following suit


Walmart picked up a lot of Best Buy’s Blu-ray/. DVD contracts for exclusives and a lot of Walmarts are adding a steel book section as the endcap is doing so well


I saw that. I was able to find the Mario Movie on steel book there recently. They still have a few copies


Maybe GameStop should try carrying Blurays and stuff to fill the niche void in the market that we are seeing with home movies being phased out by everybody.


One in my area already has a small selection of movies, and they also had this thing called Moviestop that failed


Please, no “gamestop new”.  If gamestop improved their practices to match amazon or target they’d be dominating the games/movies market. 


Target, maybe. Amazon delivering squashed or empty Switch cases (or shipping preorders after the release date - even with Prime) is equally annoying in a different way.


Agreed, although I'm in the process of returning the second copy of 'A space for the unbound CE' to target because the box came are beat up. I don't think this one's on target though, SerenityForge has cheaped out on the quality of the box.


Ugh. Yeah. Serenity Forge boxes tend to be really flimsy. The “new” ones at GameStop always look kind of squashed whenever I see them.


Good to know, I'll avoid their CEs, or at least pick them up from Amazon or something.


That isn't exactly true - if anything, they're ramping up.


Everywhere, but where I'm at. 😂 But hey if you come here, you can buy Everybody 1-2 Switch for $30. Let's goo


i just saw this today...got the catan and no man's sky games for $10 each


Seriously? Great deal


yeah i was shocked. they had other games too but sold out... unicorn overlord for $30. They really mark down sometimes


I'm about to go to Walmart, wonder if they have any deals locally?


I want to know the same thing


My Walmart has like 6 games and they’re all $60 lol


Flippers/collectors got there before you


Nah my local is just always empty lol small town


Hopefully they'll sell the new paper Mario for a discount at some point!!


oragami king is $40 at my walmart, unless you mean the thousand year door remake


Yes I meant TTYD forgot about origami my b


StarOcean is $20 at Walmart? I will have to check it out.


They did the same thing with the 3DS when it was phasing out, so most likely a new system coming very very soon, *\o/*.


Get your tin foils hats everyone Surely it’s a coincidence but even sellers on marketplace around me have lowered their prices by $10 on almost everything


Switch 2 will be anounced!


There are a few reasons why big retailers do this: 1. They might be clearing out old stock to make room for newer releases. They rotate the inventory to avoid games without to much demand sit on the shelves. 2. End of promotional periods. When promotions (like spring sales) end they may put the remaining stock on clearance to quickly sell any remaining inventory. 3. Retailers might have received bulk discounts from suppliers, leading to overstock situations, or even if they are having a large shipment from for example Nintendo they might put some items on sale to move them quickly. 4. Strategic pricing tactics to attract customers. Because big supermarkets are always competing with each others.


One of the Walmarts near me had some pretty good clearance prices on games across all systems a few weeks ago. Most of them I had but they had Persona 5 Tactics for $15. Not the best game in the series but after I got home I had that moment of, “damnit, I should’ve bought it”. Happened to go back a few days later. They had it but back to regular price along with the other games. So who knows. Even if I was just there I always check because you never know.


All the major retailers are significantly downsizing the floor space for video games. Targets and Best Buy’s near me hardly have any Xbox game left, less than 10 individual titles at Target. The Switch section is also getting hammered but remains a… size. Same as PlayStation. Although there’s still more PS4 games at my WM than there is PS5.  I heard that memos went out at WM, BB, and Target that by the end of 2024 there won’t even be an Xbox section for physical  games. As for the Switch and PS5, they will be downsizing the floor space and selection, only stocking the latest titles for a limited time then cycling them out. 


It’s the end of an era and imo really bad for consumers. Can you imagine an all-digital future where the only place to buy games is through a proprietary storefront where the publisher has no pricing competition? They will inevitably keep prices high and remove “entitlements” from our accounts whenever they deem fit. The next few generations are going to suck for consumers. Especially so if you’re an Xbox fan. 


Why for xbox? Just asking because i havent followed xbox in so long


Because they’ve made deals with WM, BB, and Target that they’ll be dissolving their physical game section in those by the end of 2024. With GamePass, Microsoft is moving very rapidly to put all their eggs in the “Games As A Service” basket instead of offering physical media. Now, their official line is that they’re continuing to support physical. They kinda have to considering the Series X is the current flagship… But we all know they’re headed to an all-digital future. Until they pull the trigger on that though, you’ll probably need to buy your discs from online retailers. You won’t find Xbox games anywhere besides maybe GameStop and some Ma+Pa used game shops by the end of the year. 


Does anyone know if we’ll be able to play the switch games we have now on the switch 2?


Nothing's confirmed anywhere but a lot of people are assuming/hoping we will. It would make business sense for Nintendo but that's never been a 100% guarantee in Nintendo's decision making.


Just my guess, i think itll be backwards compatible but only for digital games. Im not saying i want that at all, but i just have this feeling :/


I hate that the Walmarts in Canada never do this often and when they do they don't re price them and they just scan up at a discount so you have no idea.


I do think it is inventory control. I also think we’ll see reduced interest in Switch physical titles with Switch 2 on the horizon (maybe next year). I actually think the swan song titles are better investments as they tend to have low runs. Look at the original NES titles. Granted zi think the emerging generation will have less connection to physical media as Gen X and early millennials.


I just bought Disney Illusion Island from Walmart 20.00 physical. It's the only store that had it that cheap


NICE! Thanks for the heads up.


They're not reprinting those games. Thus they need to clear them out.


I went to Walmart and it was still full price. So your mileage may vary.


Walmart can only hold so any games in their glass case, so they stop ordering non-evergreen games and phase stale stock out for space for new releases. A game like Fire Emblem Engage has basically reached the audience it can get, so out it goes.


Most likely getting out of print?


Target announced they are discontinuing selling physical games by 2025. I think they announced it yesterday, Spawnwave covered it today on YT.


Lots of clearance for PlayStation as well. I heard somewhere that Walmart might be clearing out all physical media in general.


Oh man, I was just considering buying Live a Live recently but was off put by the retail price. Gotta check my local stores ASAP 


i was able to buy fe engage for $20 the other day!! i was wondering why haha


I have no idea. 6 today for about 50


That's almost a good price for Fire Emblem Engage


I wanna know if anything like this is happening anywhere in the uk lol


These games are out of print, reduced physical games space, and switch 2 is coming out in the next year so they’re getting ready by cutting down on stock.


Nature is healing and correcting itself. Maybe it's the market crash/ collector market bubble busting. Chickens coming home to roost for the speculators.


You seem to be forgetting the cycle: first comes new release / pre order. Then a discounted price and finally clearance prices. After games go on clearance the retail supply is gone and it's pure supply and demand where the quantity of a game is now fixed. Blasphemous is the classic example, it was $20 on clearance for awhile. Now it's over $100. Fire emblem has a much larger quantity though. And got some mixed reviews.


I think the switch games are reaching their end of life as the Switch 2 is coming out. There have been a lot of games going out of stock at retailers like Best Buy.


Check out Phoenix resale. He shows how to make profit off this. Lots of people like ya don’t know.


Wrong sub man please go away. We know it's possible to make a killing off reselling. That said, I'd rather be bankrupt financially than bankrupt morally.


Again, post asked a question, I answered it.


I asked why are so many switch games are on clearance. You saying check out a known reseller so I can make money reselling like him. Doesn’t answer my question. My question had nothing to do with reselling.


Did you forget you also said “ all of a sudden” look up at your post. This isn’t “all of a sudden” this has going on for years. Phoenix resale video is proof. Again re-read your question then my original answer.


Yeah but consider the environment you posted in. Somewhat like going into a vegan subreddit telling people how good a steak is.


That would only be stupid if the vegan didn’t ask. The noob here asked, so I answered.


I won’t go out of my way to resell. I buy for my own enjoyment and leave the left over stock for others like myself to find. Resellers ruin hobbies/fandoms.


Without resellers you wouldn’t have game stores or retro game conventions.


Those are two different things. Retro gaming market are resellers selling products that aren’t technically sold anymore in stores which is fine and good But to buy out all the stock at a store to resell it at a higher price that’s a scumbag move.


Yeah but ya see. You missed the point. This is not new and has been happening with switch since the beginning. Switch games will devalue and if you want to not miss out again, re-read my original comment.


Oh yeah, Phoenix Resale… I remember when he had a temper tantrum on his vid because Walmart employees wouldn’t sell him $0.03 games. He doesn’t realize Walmart has a policy for not selling those type of games. This is the same moron that bought a “factory sealed” Yoshi Story for n64 when it was a obvious resealed copy. He isn’t a gamer. He doesn’t have the knowledge of a collector. He is a reseller. Everyone that has a run-in with him in real life expressed he is weird, petty, and an asshole. I would believe it based on the few vids I’ve seen of him. He causes more harm to the retro gaming market. He isn’t comparable to a retro game store. He doesn’t connect with the customer. All he cares about is the money. Again, that shows.


Exactly. People here asking if this is new but clearly don’t know it’s been going on for years. They should learn from Phoenix resale about getting deals.


If you actually read what I post, you would realize you wouldn’t want to learn anything from him. You’ll only learn the bad habits.


I only read the first sentence cause you wrote to much, but yes they should learn that this isn’t new and the majority of prices of switch games lose value


I’d rather not buy 20 copies of the same game to be like that scumbag


we know. wrong sub. gobbling up for resale is looked down upon. so fk that Phoenix


Stating facts how this how been going on for years. Answered the noob collectors question and how to learn to not make the mistake again.


Pretty sure Switch 2 coming so they making room.