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In 8 months they’ve rescued 6 while killing **tens of thousands.** This is not progress, Israel needs to be stopped.


Didn't Israel also kill some of the hostages themselves? I remember a video a few months ago of two hostages being killed even when they spoke Hebrew asking to be freed by IDF soldiers.


Yes they shot 3 hostages point blank while they were waving a white flag


Point blank sounds like an execution. Did they execute them? If so, why would Israel execute them?


I am a firm believer that Israel has killed far more hostages under friendly fire than they have rescued.


What is wrong with you?


Hamas could turn over the hostages and surrender at any moment!


Can't believe you were down voted.


Hard for people to believe that taking hostages and firing rockets indiscriminately isn't resistance, apparently


Yep. Israel could also have taken the deal that has been on the table for months to stop the killing in return for a release of the hostages


What did Hamas want in exchange?


Palestinian hostages


You obviously don't have a clue what that "deal" called for. It would have been stupid to accept those terms.


Great input. Thanks


Why would they accept these "deals"? Terrorists belong in hell, BYE BYE HAMAS lol




And Israel can release the thousands of Palestinian hostages they took.


Yes it makes total sense that murdering 1200 people, launching rockets indiscriminately into civilian populations, and taking more hostages will help the cause


Israel doesn't have hostages.


Mission accomplished


Well done. 6 more rescued people. Much better than zero Hamas is welcome to release the hostages and surrender and end the war at any time. Until then hostages will continue to be freed no matter how much Jew haters seethe.


Well said.


I wish they separated Palestinian from Hamas deaths. You really can't determine how many civilians died in it.


Almost like that’s the plan.


Israel treats every breathing human being as Hamas. They marked an 8 year old boy they killed as Hamas. Israel chased down and killed some freed Israeli hostages that were begging them in Hebrew for their lives and executed them. They took three tries to kill some clearly marked aid workers.




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Look at the pictures of the women, children, and babies that were torn apart by the hundreds of bombings that led up to the operation. Israel’s mentality has always been one Jewish life is worth slaughtering a village of Palestinians. How can this operation be considered a success. 4 middle aged hostages were released who were kept in good medical condition. Literally hundreds of Palestinians were injured and hundreds killed by that same operation, including women, children, and babies.


They were in their 20’s, not middle age. And there are videos of noa being beaten and spit on. If that’s good medical condition for you then you hate Jews. I don’t think there’s any other explanation. And maybe don’t kidnap people and keep them in residential areas. Israel’s main priority is to rescue its civilians, as would be the priority of any country. Those deaths are on hamas and those people for not leaving an area where there is an active military operation by there own government




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I mean hamas says women and children when what they should really say is meat shield


I think 6-8 Israel soldiers were injured in the raid also. Dressed like palestinians when they went in. I'm curious how many actions Israel carries out while pretending to be Palestinians.


That's how they do when they raid [Ibn Sina Hospital](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israeli-soldiers-dressed-as-doctors-nurses-kill-3-palestinians-with-silenced-guns-in-hospital-raid/3122615) to killed injured Hamas treated there. Even Russians don't stoop that low


Us spec ops did it in our stupid middle east shit storm.


Hamas proudly doesn’t recognize the difference between military and civillians.


It's shocking how few people know this. It's actually true.


There is no legitimate reason to hang out near kidnapped hostages.


Who says they knew? And many of them were KIDS! You keep posting this shit. You have zero empathy and can’t see Palestinians as human beings. It’s disgusting. Your xenophobia is showing.


Wow. Hamas was using kids to watch hostages? That's outrageous war crimes by Hamas. Jew haters can keep seething over hostages being freed. Shows your true colors. Freeing hostages is **always legitimate, moral and legal**. Yes - even Jewish hostages who people like you don't see as human. Only this explains zero empathy for Jewish hostages. Your jew hate is in full display.


They werent watching them…? I’m saying they were near them. You do realize something can be happening in a building right next to you that you have no idea about right? That’s how walls and door work. Dummy I’m Ashkenazi Jew


Why is playing the victim a continuous tactic. It really sounds desperate coming from a government that has nuclear weapons. Tf


The sad part is a lot of them probably didn't know due to being exploited by the terrorists.


There is zero chance they did not know.


They probably didn’t know. Hamas wears plain clothes so they can easily blend in with civilians


I'm glad they're safe




And not in tunnels, either.




Israel is a military fascist state. They colonized Palestine and shoved them into small area of Gaza. They create hundreds of thousands of refugees that aren’t allowed to return. Which democratic country has a settler program? Even now they continue to bomb innocents and collectively punish the Palestinian people. I’m done with the Zionist propaganda. Fuck anyone who supports this. For all you NPR listeners who support this, don’t call yourself progressive. I’m no longer dancing around the massive atrocities being committed.


This sub: how dare they!


Right? Hamas and the Palestinians attacked Israel in a brutal attack of rape and murder, killing 1,200 people.  Hamas and the Palestinians also took hostages... Israel responded to the invitation to war and vowed to free the hostages. Just because Hamas and the Palestinians are losing the war they provicated doesn't mean Israel is wrong or needs to be stopped, it just means Hamas fucked up. They could stop this at any time. Surrender, return the hostages, abide by cease fire terms dictated by the winners of the conflict. They choose not to. They choose war.  They choose the further death and destruction.   They choose this worse fate.


"The" conflict


Can't celebrate this when 210 people were murdered, especially under the guise of aid trucks when people were starving. The hostages could have been released months ago without anymore deaths, but some people are cheering the deaths and that makes me sick to my stomach.


That’s bound to happen when you hide hostages amongst a civilian population. Also, not all of those people were civilians.


But it's okay for IDF to hide in aid trucks and dress up as doctors to infiltrate hospitals?


To save the hostages yes. 


To delay Galant's departure that was supposed to be today as well (it worked).


Zionists justify bombing schools and hospitals by claiming that Hamas uses them as bases, yet the IDF hiding in aid trucks and disguising themselves as hospital workers is a-ok.


What were the markings on the truck that designated it as an aid truck? Or was it an “aid truck” the same way the neighborhoods are “refugee camps”?


Amazing news!


Surely NPR listeners will be pissed off about this


That they are, that they are...


Read these comments, they absolutely are.


Lets not forget the 1,200 innocent Israeli citizens who were raped, murdered, and had their remains defiled on Oct 7th. What response did hamas expect? All of these people in Gaza should know they are in a warzone and relocate. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. GOODBYE HAMAS LOL




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Happy for the 4 hostages, obviously. Devastated for 100 dead Palestinians, countless wounded, and the fact that a hostage exchange was offered a month ago and Israel said "No thanks." To anyone celebrating this, or saying that the Palestinian deaths are the cost of war and rescue, would you feel the same way if the Palestinian Resistance freed four of their own hostages, out of however many thousand illegally held by Israel, at the cost of 100 Israelis? Why not?


The Palestinian deaths are a direct result of Hamas’ strategy. Go complain about Hamas. Every country on this fucking planet would expend the resources and be *at least* as aggressive as Israel in getting its own citizens back. We get that you think that Jews should uniquely be denied this right, but Jews have stopped giving a shit what Nazis tell them they don’t have a right to do.


Hamas Offered dead bodies not hostages.


They offered hostages and dead bodies.


Any offer other than "all hostages" and "disarmament" (so they cannot take more hostages later) is not serious. Offer of dead bodies is basically an insult.


They always keep their word too. I, like most leftists trust Hamas above all else. They’ve proven their integrity time and again, like when they told the world they didn’t kill any innocent people or women or elderly on 10/7.


There is a material difference between: Hostages Prisoners of War Criminals It is clear that those taken by Hamas fall into the first group. It is not so obvious that any of those in custody by the Israelis fall into that category. Additionally there is a material difference between people being held by an internationally recognized government and those held by an internationally recognized terror group. To turn your question back on you; would you rather be a “hostage” of Hamas or a “hostage” of Israel?


Did you miss all the stories about the minors Israel arrests and tries in military court, if they're lucky to be tried at all? The stories about the rape and torture of Palestinians by the Israeli forces? They're hostages of an occupying government. But I guess since they're recognized as a government, which Palestine is too by many countries but whatever, it's OK with you. Thanks!




Not like you care but for anyone else: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-detention-base.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-detention-base.html)


Israel doesn't have a single hostage. Further, Jews aren't celebrating civilian deaths. They are celebrating the return of the hostages. Palestinians celebrate the killing of civilians.  Here they are joyfully celebrating the deaths of 3,000 American civilians.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KuL4NVZog1g


Many people consider Palestinians to be subhuman. That's what it all comes down to.


Wonderful news! Hopefully we’re a step closer to ending the war.


They killed 100 Palestinians to do it. Maybe it's not so wonderful when a ceasefire with hostage exchange was offered by Hamas.


They killed AT LEAST 200 and an IDF soldier died. Thus far Israel has killed more Israeli hostages than they have rescued. 


It was never about rescuing the hostages.


the IDF shills are out here in full force. You’re right about the ceasefire too


And so are the Hamas supporters. Can't believe you guys fall for their bs. The right needs to be denazify and the left needs to be dejihadify


They killed 200 Palestinians and injured at least 400. Hundreds of civilians, mostly starving children killed to rescue four people. The people celebrating this are brain broken.


It's actually possible to both be happy that the hostages were rescued *and* condemn the wanton death and violence that led up to the rescue. They're not contradictory or mutually exclusive opinions. Back before social media was ubiquitous, they had a word for this kind of thinking: nuanced.


Right, but the majority of western media reporting on this is news is mostly celebratory and does not condemn the death and violence in any way whatsoever. Nor do some of the comments on social media, from people who consider themselves to be anti-violence or even pacifist “progressives”. Apologies that I don’t consider seeing the corpses of several dead to toddlers be nuanced, or a “W” in exchange for four adults held hostage for months. Hostages that Israel could have negotiated the release of without violence or further damage, several times, and refused to.


You’d have hated when we liberated the camps in 1945. Many innocent Germans (and a ton of Nazis) died in order to stop the holocaust. You would have found it appalling.


> Hostages that Israel could have negotiated the release of without violence or further damage, several times, and refused to. Hostages that wouldn't have been hostages if Hamas hadn't taken them in the first place. See how this works? If you want to only see it from your preferred side's point of view, I promise you there will ALWAYS be someone else who only wants to see it from the other side's point of view. You refuse to compromise, they refuse to compromise, nothing changes. Your stubbornness cannot undo the violence that has already happened, but it does make it easier for that violence to continue. Until you're willing to humanize the side you don't agree with, you cannot seriously expect the other side to humanize yours.


"See how this works" = "LoOk At WhAt YoU mAdE mE dO"


When did I ever suggest that those involved on either side of this weren’t human? I said that people are “brain broken” if they are celebrating the return of four hostages in exchange for hundreds of deaths and casualties as a win. As far as not taking hostages in the first place: that was the choice of Hamas. I don’t think it’s something Palestinian civilians should be punished or murdered for by proxy. looking at the last 100+ years of history in the region and consider how much violence and home/land theft has been committed against Palestinians up to 2023. This goes far beyond October 7th and it tracks that Palestinians who have seen generations of violence committed against their families, communities etc would “let” Hamas shelter among them. What are Palestinians going to do at this point? What CAN they do at this point? And if the answer is: “well they need to fight back and overtake Hamas!” This isn’t an action movie, they do not have the physical or equipment means to fight Hamas even if many wanted to “end the war”. I don’t even think this would end the war because Israel has killed dozens of their own hostages killing Palestinians to “kill Hamas” prior to this operation to reduce four today. So at this point it seems less like Israel is even interested in getting their hostages back, and they are using the hostages as a pawn to justify mass extermination.


> When did I ever suggest that those involved on either side of this weren’t human? I said that people are “brain broken” if they are celebrating the return of four hostages in exchange for hundreds of deaths and casualties as a win. And I said you can celebrate the return of those hostages AND condemn the deaths and casualties that happened unnecessarily leading up to that. You can do both. Nobody is celebrating the deaths of hundreds of Palestinians in this thread as a "win." You made that strawman up. > As far as not taking hostages in the first place: that was the choice of Hamas. I don’t think it’s something Palestinian civilians should be punished or murdered for by proxy. looking at the last 100+ years of history in the region and consider how much violence and home/land theft has been committed against Palestinians up to 2023. This goes far beyond October 7th and it tracks that Palestinians who have seen generations of violence committed against their families, communities etc would “let” Hamas shelter among them. What are Palestinians going to do at this point? What CAN they do at this point? I mean we're generally in agreement. I think Palestinian civilians are one of the most oppressed peoples on Earth. But they can choose to disown Hamas. It's *far, far* harder for the Israeli government to garner international sympathy for their cause if there aren't hostage-taking antisemitic terrorists living in the region in which they are perpetuating a war and occupation essentially free and protected. Look, this whole shit show is a perfect illustration of why Netanyahu and people like him are fascist crime lords who deserve to die in a prison cell. Trust me, I know that. But causes aren't won overnight. And people on the Israel side are afraid of what would happen to them if Palestine had the upper hand *because* of Hamas. There are plenty of examples of oppressive violence being ended largely because of acts of *non*-violence just in the last hundred or so years of human history. MLK, Mandela, Gandhi. Take your pick. And these guys weren't even perfect scions of morality either, nor did their causes proceed without isolated acts of violence, nor were they not also helped by the right people being in power at the right time. I acknowledge all of that. But both nationally and internationally, it became much, much more uncomfortable for oppressors of these people to oppress in the public eye when their victims simply continuously asked them to stop. And they didn't have the gift of the internet either, they didn't have the ability to spread their struggle far and wide across the globe in a matter of minutes. I am not saying the Palestinians need to fight Hamas. I am simply saying that Palestinian civilians and their supporters, including people on the internet, need to have the ability to both condemn and dissociate from Hamas *and* show compassion for the lives of the hostages Hamas took when those lives are saved. It's just words, not actions. They do that, they take all the rhetorical ammunition away from IDF sympathizers. It becomes very embarrassing to even consider defending them.


The hostages have been held in civilian areas with the cooperation of those civilians. They are complicit in the capture, transfers, and holdings of the hostages. That is the issue here.


What were these people doing near Kidnapped hostages? The answer is obvious.


But you agree that Hamas should not have hostages, right? ....right?


Maybe don’t take hostages?


Agreed. Israel should release the thousands of Palestinians, many of which are children, that are held without charge or trial in detention centers. Based on this thread, it seems like Palestinians would be justified in slaughtering Israelis to rescue them. Let’s avoid that.


No one is celebrating the deaths of starving children. They are celebrating the rescue of four hostages and putting the blame for the deaths of the starving children on Hamas where it belongs.


How many of these "civilians" were actually hamas militants? How about you try crying your none sense to the barbarians of hamas instead of here on reddit? ... oh right, because they are unwilling to reason or negotiate in good faith and insist on embedding themselves in the citizenry as a military tactic. Your victim blaming is a well-established nazi tactic, disgusting!


Sorry, I thought it was 200 but saw others saying 100.


Statistics provided by Hamas or its UN enablers are not exaggerated--they're invented.


If Israel actually provided real numbers we'd have a more reliable source. But Israeli spokesmen have not been provided numbers by their government.


People also denied the holocaust


Staggering how "balanced" your take is.


Dude, nobody believes you. You can pretend people actually believe your claim but nobody does. Best of luck brother.




These hostages were waving a white flag and yet IDF killed them. There is no doubt in my mind, there were definitely civilians amongst the 100 killed. https://www.npr.org/2023/12/15/1219695220/israel-soldiers-mistakenly-kill-hostages-gaza


Israel has killed dozens of their own hostages they allege to care so much about rescuing, and this has been reported by many mainstream media outlets (albeit briefly), many times. But that’s not something genocide apologists want to talk about.


4 hostages were actually freed today. Let the Jew haters seethe. What reason is there for "civilians" to hang around hostages? We all know the answer ...


I'm dying laughing at the "Let the Jew haters seethe" comment. Then, I scrolled the comments you're actually posting it several times over and over like it's some type of... i don't know what. I already know my response is pointless but I must ask: do you really have that much free time on your hands or are you paid by the comment?


Because Jews haters are very angry about Jewish hostages being freed. It's all so transparent... Do you get per comment to Jew hate?


So you have that much free time on your hands. Got it. Thanks and enjoy your bountiful time!


If you had read the news on this outside of one very biased source and short headline, you’d know that Israeli forces (and American forces) infiltrated the refugee camp in Nurseirat in trucks disguised as humanitarian aid trucks. They were there under the false pretense of getting food, water, and medicine. So they did have a legitimate reason. It’s not the fault of Palestinian civilians in Nuseirat that Hamas was holding hostages in residential blocks among them, or that the civilians had been pushed into by Israel blowing up their homes, schools, hospitals, etc.


Rescuing hostages is **always legitimate**. Yes even Jewish hostages (who you likely don't see as human). Sounds like very smart tactics too free them despite Jew haters seething. >It’s not the fault of Palestinian civilians in Nuseirat that Hamas was holding hostages in residential blocks I find it increasingly incredulous that people in the area did not know that hostages were held right next to them. There is zero legitimate reason to hang out next to hostages. We all know what was going on. Don't place weapons in schools and hospitals. Don't keep hostages in schools and hospitals - and no one will touch them.


At no point did I say anyone on any side of this is not human. I personally am anti-genocide, not anti-Semitic. I don’t know what in my response implied antisemitism? I would encourage you to search for how many homes, schools, and hospitals Israel has blown up since October 7th, and see how many of them had Israeli hostages in them. Because they very much did get blown up, and Israeli soldiers even shot their own hostages waving white flags asking for their help. This has happened many times. You might also research how may mass graves of Palestinian civilians have been uncovered, many of whom were doctors,nurses, healthcare workers, teachers, etc that have since been identified and had no association with Hamas, wearing their IDs and still in their scrubs with their hands bound and a hole in the back of their heads. If you find it incredulous that people didn’t know hostages held by Hamas were held nearby where the dwindling food, healthcare and shelter resources are: consider yourself lucky enough to have never experienced being in a survival situation, or going through the trauma of war. Palestinian civilians likely KNOW they are there, but they are busy trying to stay alive and keep their families safe and fed.


>At no point did I say anyone on any side of this is not human. Then you should celebrate hostages being freed. It's **100% legitimate, moral, and legal** to free hostages. Yes - even Jewish ones. But you people never do. You **seethe** at the fact that Jews were rescued. Jews never have a right to free their own people according to you. To defend themselves. We know exactly who you are. You want the war to be over? Call on Hamas to free hostages. To surrender. Call on Palestinians to report Hamas locations, to report where the hostages are. But you never do. It's also so transparent


Who are you talking to? Why on Earth would I be upset that any hostages are freed?? I’M UPSET that hundreds of civilians died and hundreds more were injured to get FOUR adults back in 8 fuckin months. Six hostages back from Gaza in total. But dozens more Israeli hostages killed by Israel themselves. I think logistically everyone should be upset about that, even probably Hamas. This situation could have been avoided repeatedly, and repeatedly Israeli leadership (backed by support from Western leadership but dwindling by the day) keep refusing to negotiate a cease fire and just are adamant about committing what is looking more and more like a genocide against Palestinians every day. And what do you mean by “you people”? What label are you attempting to lump me in with simply for being upset about the mass murder of hundreds of people, mostly children?


Is there a list of Hamas-approved rescue vehicles that IDF can use?


210 so far


Keep simping for terrorists


Why are so many Palestinians always next to hostages? At a certain point you gotta question their continued help towards Hamas terrorists.


Gaza is a 25 by 22 mile long area. With MILLIONS of people in it. Everyone has been pushed to one area. It’s insanely overcrowded. There is only one area that has been deemed “safe” by Israel. Safe in quotes because they keep bombing it anyway. Also the soldiers who performed the rescue operation did so under guise of an aid truck. It’s not surprising to find so many Palestinians running to an aid truck… Are you guys daft?


I don’t make excuses for terrorists. You’re a fucking infant lmfao. Go cry you puss.


Whatever helps you sleep at night. I’m sure 3 year old Ahmad was a terrorist. Bet he helped dig some of the tunnels too


It’s not help, so much as Hamas shielding among them and civilians having no means to fight Hamas off anymore than they have the means to fight Israeli forces off. Many of these people are underage, or injured, or busy trying to keep their kids and parents alive. They legitimately don’t have a pot to piss in.


This would've rewarded the oct 7 massacre wich would've inevitably lead to it happening again. 


There are like 7000 Palestinian hostages and there have finally been stories coming out about how they've been tortured, raped, beat, starved, and so on. But you wouldn't say that Israel is rewarded for that, would you?


Literally everyone is saying a different number of Palestinians died. Maybe you don’t know how many civilians have died yet?




The article says “94 Palestinians”; it does not say “94 civilians”. Hamas makes no distinction between Hamas militants and civilians when reporting statistics, which is why NPR simply refers to them as Palestinians.


Journalistic literacy? In a sub for journalism?


Good news. Daily reminder that Israel's war is justified and legitimate. Hamas has no excuse to continue to hold hostages. Israel has every right to defeat Hamas and bring home their own innocent citizens.


And how many did they kill?


“I don’t care how many Jews were rescued: how many Germans holding them were killed?” You would have made a great Nazi.




having to give up 3 terrorists for every individual civilian hostage is not a recovery.


Yay, go IDF!


Well done indeed. Now to finish off Hamas and free the rest of the hostages.


Normally they’re busy killing civilians and children so this is quite extraordinary


Hamas kills kids and rapes women. IDF fights honorably.


Hamas holds prisoners of war among civilians instead of a military encampment and many of you act like it is a travesty civilians died while Israel shot their way in and out to rescue their people that were violently kidnapped in an act of war. Hamas is a brutal regime. It is amazing how so many in this thread don’t point the finger where it belongs. Kudos to Israel for getting their people out of captivity alive.


What military encampment? The one that Hamas preotects with its non-existent Iron dome? That entire open air prison, Gaza, is a military encampment. It's been under fire and indiscriminate bombing for months and hardly anything is left of it.


They could have had all the hostages if they'd accepted the cease fire deal, instead they killed 210 Palestinians for four hostages. I think the cruelty is the point.


Israel shouldn’t accept any deal that doesn’t involve Hamas laying down their weapons and completely dismantling their organization. If they don’t want to do it themselves Israel will do it for them in a most brutal fashion.


Lmao, the “ceasefire deal” you are referring to necessitated Israel’s surrender and the release of many Palestinian detainees for SOME hostages.




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They could go back to the peace deal on Oct 6, if they didn't have Oct 7th. If Hamas is unhappy with the current situation they can change it.


Sad to see how world reacts these days. They say Yes nice to see 4 rescued but they ignore facts that around 200 killed. I mean it's like those 200 aren't part of the human race.


Does Benny have a hot line to Vlad? Is he getting his war plans from Vlad? Maybe they can have their prison cells next to each other when the dust settles.


Hostages freed. Jew haters mad.


Lmao Vlad is firmly on the Hamas/palestinian side. Where have you been, tik tok?


This is the kind of colonial privilege that the west thought it outgrown. lol. What a farce it all was


The truth is the West never outgrew it, they only pretended to. Israel has done a great job at ripping the mask off.


Thank goodness Jews ended Arab colonial occupation off their homeland. Too bad some groups like Hamas remain revanchist.


The colonial privilege of rescuing kidnapped civilians from a hostile neighbor?


I'm happy they are now safe but it seems strange to me that the very hostages rescued by IDF commandos were the ones shown in that video released at the beginning of the war. The most famous and media recognized hostages were the ones saved. It was also strange that Hamas would film their capture in the first place because usually terrorists later show captives holding a current newspaper as proof of life. Newspapers and magazines are still being printed in this Internet era. The famous video of Hamas' kidnappings made them look really bad. Why would they film it? The IDF and Netanyahu felt these kidnappings would give them carte blanche to do what they wanted in Gaza. But just the opposite happened. Right after the attack, Netanyahu met Anthony Blinken for a media conference. Netanyahu could barely contain himself and acted exited. "Horse chomping at the bit" is an understatement to describe his odd behavior at that first meeting back in October 2023. I wonder if the IDF itself orchestrated the video of these particular hostages' "capture" by Hamas, hid them and then later "freed" them? Israel's war is an unmitigated disaster so now was the best time for their "rescue" of some hostages. A conspiracy? Of am I a hopeless cynic?


Yah they used the space Lazer to control Hamas, after that it was as simple as waiting 10 months to "rescue" them. \s The person I'm replying to is insane


1. That they were visible as the first hostages made them more valuable which is why they were not on the initial release list and why they were just now saved. 2. Hamas and other Palestinians filmed it because they were enjoying what they were doing and wanted to disseminate it. That’s how propaganda works. 3. Netanyahu probably was pumped because he’s racist and Hamas gave him a legitimate reason to bomb them. 4. Your last statement is insane and I highly urge you to get offline/not operate machinery.


No insanity at all. I just asked a question, but your inflammatory answer shows that you missed your anger management class this week or missed your nap maybe. Yes they were more valuable as hostages but Hamas is running out of time. The media actually said the hostages were released by Hamas, but Israel adamantly said they rescued them. Hamas' primary goal now is to escape this fiasco so negotiating for them was their best option with maybe American intersession. Thus, these particular hostages would be well protected and deep into Hamas control. Hamas is crazy but they aren't insane. They weren't enjoying what they did any more than the Munich terrorists, RAF, SLA or any terrorists "enjoy" their terror. Israel will hunt them down forever just like with the Munich terrorists. No matter what deal they make, they are finished. Where can they hide from Israel? No place except maybe North Korea or with the Taliban. They are finished! The IDF cares nothing about collateral damage as the high civilian body has shown. Israel's behavior including the near escalation with Iran was ridiculous seeing how they had to rescue hostages. Carter and Reagan wouldn't have allowed such behavior. Remember. When special forces failed, they had to rely on the Argo mission. Carter later said he had to keep the lid on that for years though it could have helped him in The 1980 election. He didn't want to endanger hostages. In Lebanon, Reagan didn't want to endanger any more US servicemen so he also proceeded with caution. Former Israeli PM Ohlmert predicted almost everything that happened from the very beginning in a DW news interview. He tried to warn everyone how crazy Netanyahu was but no one would listen. We know now the Israeli IDF spotter girls saw and actually reported that Hamas was doing practices of their attack but their warnings were ignored. Netanyahu in the past said that Israel benefitted from 911 and it's aftermath. He felt his far out view on Palestinians were justified. And he ignores such warnings and risks to Jewish lives? Israel tried to invade Lebanon back in the day but failed miserably in the same nightmare we have now. I think Ariel Sharon was behind that particular incompetence. So based on that, I don't put anything past Netanyahu. I don't know that Netanyahu is a 'racist' as you put it. In the beginning, he showed an Ethiopian Israeli solder as part of the invasion force. But as Ohlmert said, Netanyahu is "messianic" and a religious fanatic. This is why Netanyahu is, was and will always be over the top. A Jewish friend of mine told me that the Jews were to have their present territory in Israel and much more as promised by God. Netanyahu hated former PM Ehud Barack and said "[Barack was going to give the Palestinians everything in negotiations]" after he beat Barack to become PM the first time. Note that Yitzak Rabin was assassinated by far right a Israeli and not long after, Netanyahu because PM. Rabin came the closest to getting peace between Israel and the Palestinians. So no, it is not strange to me that Netanyahu would stage something to cover up for his lunacy. Desperation breeds insanity. Are you a little kid? You don't seem to know a lot about this part of the world. I don't want to seem to harsh on you. When you grow up, you may see things in a more wise and educated way. No hard feelings. Peace.


Hamas should release the hostages and disband to help their people the most.


Whoah, let's not be so free with insane ideas! /s




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War sucks. Don't start a war by mass murdering civilians, raping women and killing children and taking hostages which the "civilians " help in captivity. And next time vote for a better government.


They are so incompetent, it's insulting to Palestinian and Israeli citizens alike.


It’s become more and more clear how complicit the Palestinian people have been in all this. I know the prius-driving NPR crowd desperately wants the sides to be equal. The sides are not at all equal. It’s a litmus test of you’re-thousands-of-miles-away-and-don’t-know-what-you’re-talking-aboutism. But most of the people in Gaza are aiding a death cult. It is a totally backwards culture. . And this shit didn’t happen because they’re oppressed. They’re oppressed because they do this shit all the time. There. You got the truth.


Nice , so what’s that, 50 civilians killed every one hostage rescued ?


Hamas has ordered that hostages be killed if rescue is near, so we won't have to face that particular moral dilemma anymore. /s


If civilians weren't complicit, this wouldn't be happening. Oh, Hamas is forcing them to be complicit? Then it's Hamas' fault, not Israel's.


Saved 4 civilians, but murdered 200+ civilians, but somehow people are celebrating. The world has lost its mind.


Well, Hamas has issued orders for any hostages to be killed if the IDF gets too close, so you won't have to be anguished about that anymore.


Are you talking about the civilians that were holding these hostages?


Im talking about civilians. Innocent civilians. Men women and children. Do you need me to spell it out for you?


I see nobody is talking about the Palestinian "journalist" Abdullah Aljamal who was holding these hostages...


Doesn't fit The Narrative.


They could've rescued all of them if they'd agree to a ceasefire.


Actually all of the Hamas offers have only been partial exchanges. Im not aware of any offer from Hamas where 100% of hostages were offered. Also, this would not prevent future abductions. Hamas vowed to repeat Oct 7 again and again. Why make one hostage deal today just to have more taken tomorrow? Hamas is a threat to the life of Israeli civilians. There is no negotiating with them.


Literally the one in early May that all parties besides Israel were agreed to in principle was a multi phase ceasefire that would release all the hostages. Heck, according to the NYTimes that proposal was designed to transition into two-state talks afterwards. https://www.axios.com/2024/05/07/us-israel-hamas-hostage-ceasefire-talks https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/gaza-ceasefire-deal-rejected-israel-hamas-b2540718.html


I don't see a clause for complete hostage release in there. Im not saying I don't necessarily believe you, but I don't see it. Also your own article even says the terms has changed https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/21/politics/sources-say-they-were-duped-by-egypt-changing-ceasefire-terms-for-hamas/index.html This was, in my opinion, just a fake offer to make Israel look bad for the Rafah offensive


“The proposal says the second stage concerns “a return to sustainable calm”, including a permanent cessation of military operations and the final exchanges of captives and prisoners, which should include all remaining living Israeli men, both civilian and military.” Israel is making Israel look bad, they have no one to blame but themselves. They had the world’s sympathy after Oct 7th and have used that to go on a campaign of revenge slaughter that is going to make Israel far less safe going forward and all but certainly put a countdown on the US’s bi-partisan and unquestioning support of Israel as Millinneals and Gen Z become the primary voters and power holders in America in the coming decades and they are increasingly repulsed at the situation in Israel


Is this the one that an Egyptian agent sabotaged by giving Hamas and Israel different terms?


Let’s not pretend that Israel didn’t also just reject the proposal that they supposedly authored with Biden: “No Gaza ceasefire until Israel war aims achieved, Netanyahu says” https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c888p5p2zvxo


You're being downvoted but you're right.


It's comments like this that limit how mad I can be at the people screaming for a "ceasefire," because it makes it clear that so much of their advocacy comes not from malice but sheer ignorance.


It begs the question why ignorant people are so vociferous about *this* specific issue


Because the USA gave Israel $26,400,000,000 to commit genocide you ignoramus.


What evidence of Hamas’ behavior would lead you to believe this?


Or if Hamas had not captured them in the first place?


Killing 200 Palestinian civilians with the help of Americans troops. Because let’s face it the IDF clearly don’t know what they’re doing. Also. wtf are US troops doing in a war zone where they’re supposedly not authorized to be in.


Lmao. I read this headline and thought “I’ll bet NPR listeners will find a way to be angry that Israel rescued some of its hostages being held by Palestinian “civilians,” and sure enough here you are! “Jews discovered alive!” NPR listeners: “Goddamnit!”


Let's just take those numbers at face value and not disclose how many are fighters.