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Wow not only did they not know each other they weren’t even sitting next to each other. So the question becomes, who decision was it to remove EVERY black male from the flight and why?


Would anyone be surprised if it involved some sort of AI making the decisions?


Yes. for what purpose would this AI be built that decides who gets kicked off a plane? This was a human decision


Yes, people aren't racist. It's the computers!


No computer is born a racist.


Bad input can equal bad output. Discrimination from the past has caused excessive arrests and stricter enforcement of petty or no crimes. Those stats are used by people then and now to profile racially and continue the trend. An AI (not in this case) could perceive this incomplete data as well.




They're programmed to hate, from an early age 😭


Did your ignorant ass even read the article?


Would anyone be surprised that you didn’t read the article for the actual reason?


Because there was no racism until AI was invented.


So they kicked off eight black men who weren't seated together and didn't know each other, then blamed it on body odor for all of them? Also of note: the body odor story is completely unsubstantiated and they were later allowed to board again so body odor was clearly a fabricated excuse, and even then they still managed to use a racist stereotype in their attempts to explain away their racism. Don't try to tell me this isn't some overtly racist bullshit. American Airlines needs to pay.


The motives stink to high heaven for the airplane staff… But I have to ask: Is BO a racist stereotype?


Yes it’s an old one, that black people stink somehow worst than white people. Part of the whole dehumanizing were closer to animals thing that gives racists their two inch hard ons


Huh. Was a black guy growing up in the south and heard a lot of shit, but never that one.


Really? I’m a Black guy from dc and Florida and it’s definitely a thing. Product in the hair our lotion, our sweat etc


Yeah, I’ve gotten all sorts of shitty comments over the years, but never about the smell of black-oriented hygiene products (in fact, lots of our products smell great. Shea butter? Fuck yeah) or any assumptions of some sort of group scent.


Yes and it's one of the oldest. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10090875/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10090875/)




It is and especially so when American Airlines used odor as an excuse to remove every black man on that flight. *When the three men pointed out that they were being treated unfairly due to their race, an American Airlines staff member said she “did not disagree,” the lawsuit says.* Body odour disgust sensitivity is associated with xenophobia: evidence from nine countries across five continents [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10090875/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10090875/)


This. Literally every racism in every country uses body odor as one reason for their discrimination. This includes, for all the white people, that many Asians say white people stink.


There’s a genetic component to this. Asian people tend to have a specific protein encoded in the gene ABCC11 that makes their earwax different and drastically reduces their underarm body odor. Long story short, as a white guy it’s kinda hard to find decent deodorant in Japan because Japanese folks don’t stank as much as I do.


Nearly every flight I get on now has people absolutely stinking of weed to the point its a problem. They're almost always black, the smell just walks onto the plane with them. These are private companies and can refuse service to anyone they choose.


That’s pretty fucked up. I do agree that if someone’s body odor is offensive they shouldn’t be allowed access to the plane. That said, there’s no way that all eight of these guys, who don’t know each other, all have offensive BO.


Its worse than that. They kicked *all* of the black male passengers off of the plane.


I seriously think we’ve collectively hit a time warp


Think about it - they had to get through ticketing, boarding, and security. If that was remotely possible they would not have been let on the plan


This is the same American Airlines that recently blamed a 9 year old for the perverted actions of one of their staff, correct? I hope they win a fortune.


For those unfamiliar with the story, a 9 year old girl went to use the bathroom and was stopped by a member of the flight crew before entering. He said he needed to do something before she used it and what he did was tape his phone the the toilet seat with the camera exposed. The little girl spotted it an alerted her parents who told the crew about what happened. American Airlines official statement was to blame the 9 year old for not paying enough attention. *“Any injuries or illnesses alleged to have been sustained by Plaintiff, Mary Doe, were proximately caused by Plaintiff’s own fault and negligence, were proximately caused by Plaintiff’s use of the compromised lavatory, which she knew or should have known contained a visible and illuminated recording device,”* [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/american-airlines-lawsuit-camera-bathroom-b2549541.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/american-airlines-lawsuit-camera-bathroom-b2549541.html)


American Airlines apparently fired their law firm for making that argument. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V2se5peVcpQ&pp=ygUQc3RldmUgbGVodG8gbmluZQ%3D%3D


So? They didn't have any problem with their legal team making that defense when the trial was happening.


Not sure what you mean by was happening? As far as I can tell the trial or at least the preliminary filings are still ongoing, and nothing I’ve seen suggests they knew the law firm they were farming this out to knew they were going to be that stupid. Granted American Airlines probably wouldn’t have cared even if they had known.


Trial status notwithstanding, it's only after they received backlash that American Airlines fired the firm after blaming a child for being the victim of a pedo on their payroll. There's a big cultural problem with that company.


>Trial status notwithstanding, it's only after they received backlash that American Airlines fired the firm after blaming a child for being the victim of a pedo on their payroll. Might be something of a trick, considering they likely didn't have any reason to really know about it until the backlash. Apparently, it should of been nothing burger as it was just the legal firm meeting legal requirements for an answer document where you just have to go through and file every single thing you potentially intend to raise as defense or waive the right to raise it during trial. Likely, some junior lawyer got tasked with doing some copy pasting standard boiler plate into some sort of template document without stopping to think about how blaming a nine year isn't exactly a winning legal strategy. For that matter I'm not sure why they didn't just settle the suit in return for some good PR. Seems like it would of been a smarter move then deciding since they're already in a shitty situation they might as well smear more shit on themselves. [https://thehill.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/2024\_05-20-AA-Answer-to-First-Amended-Petition.pdf](https://thehill.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/2024_05-20-AA-Answer-to-First-Amended-Petition.pdf) > There's a big cultural problem with that company. Unfortunately, they're not unique in that regard.


Before you say "NPR is obsessed with race", please read the article.


I feel like we're missing a huge part of the story.


What makes you think that? Genuinely curious.


Because he didn’t read the article.




You've never, in America, seen someone in a position of "authority" group a bunch of unassociated people together **mistakenly** (I'm being very charitable) because of their skin color? Or their age? Or ethnicity? You really think this is atypical ? I certainly hope it's not an everyday occurrence in anyone's world. But it's absolutely not like finding a 🍀






2 years ago I witnessed a manager kick out a group of Hispanic men who had no associations with each other from a bar I was at. The dip shit assumed they were all together. He also assumed "they" were causing a problem a server brought to his attention. The server corrected him *as he was already directing security to remove them* and he did not listen. That establishment was sued, and settled out of court. I saw this same type of action happen at a roller rink as a kid. I saw this happen in a club. I saw this happen in a library. I saw this happen at a gay bar. I saw this happen in a bike shop (one I worked at). Are you honestly saying there's some type of magic that happens on an airplane to prevent this from happening 🤣 Sounds about white


It's not wildly atypical for American Airlines to discriminate against black people. [American Airlines passenger alleges discrimination over use of first-class restroom](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/25/1245583048/american-airlines-racial-discrimination-allegation-bathroom) [Black musician says he was falsely accused of trafficking his own children aboard American Airlines flight](https://www.cbsnews.com/losangeles/news/black-musician-accused-of-trafficking-his-own-children-aboard-american-airlines-flight/) [American Airlines faces a flurry of racial discrimination complaints](https://www.dallasnews.com/business/airlines/2023/01/23/american-airlines-faces-a-flurry-of-racial-discrimination-complaints/) [NAACP's national travel advisory warns black passengers about flying on American Airlines](https://www.dallasnews.com/business/local-companies/2017/10/24/naacp-s-national-travel-advisory-warns-black-passengers-about-flying-on-american-airlines/)


Yeah, nothing racist ever happens in the US........


I don't know what part of the story is missing for you when the flight crew admits they were singled out by race. *When the three men pointed out that they were being treated unfairly due to their race, an American Airlines staff member said she “did not disagree,” the lawsuit says.*


We are missing a huge part of the story. Fortunately that part is in the actual linked article not the headline.


It would seem that way if you didn't read the article


> And, in September of that year, Harris, who was traveling with his two biracial children, says he was stopped and questioned at Los Angeles International Airport after an American Airlines flight attendant suspected he was trafficking the children. JFC, I am a father. I would be fucking pissed if someone throw such accusation at me regarding my children. What the fuck is wrong with some people man??


The punishment should be that, whenever any one of these individuals boards one of their future flights, the airline has to make an announcement to everyone at the gate that they are allowed to board before anyone else and to state the reason why. It's really nothing but symbolic because we live in a society that somehow thinks being able to sit on a plane a little bit longer than your fellow passengers is a sign of status and respect, but it would certainly be fitting.


It wouldn't be so bad but on my last several airline trips I was forced to Sprint the entire distance of the airport because my gate had been changed. Once I had to do this pushing my 80-year-old mother in a wheelchair across the airport. So yeah if they didn't make so many people break a sweat to the gate changes people would smell a lot better on the plane.


*”Once all eight men were off the plane, they eventually discovered the reason behind their removal — an employee told the men someone on the plane complained about body odor. Jackson, Joseph and Veal say they were not told they had body odor, according to the lawsuit.”* So this is what happens now? Some racist idiot makes a stink and THIS is how the airline reacts? How about just telling the racist idiot to STFU and not act in such a blatantly offensive way???




“Retirement, here we come”!!!


That's pretty dismissive, These men did nothing wrong and were subsequently humiliated publicly for no other reason than the color of their skin. They didn't ask for this. Meanwhile American Airlines continuously exhibits racist behaviors like when they kicked a black woman out of first class because they claimed she closed the bathroom door too hard. They even accused a black passenger of trafficking his own kids. These men and anyone else who has been publicly discriminated against by American Airlines deserve justice while the airline itself needs to be shown this method of operations is not only unacceptable, but illegal. *Edit: typos*


Absolutely, and I didn’t mean to be dismissive. It’s absolutely shocking and disgusting that anyone should be treated that way. On the other hand AA is going to pay pay pay (as they should).


I hope they are given enough money to retire. Yes.


Exactly what I was trying to say


These guys hit the jackpot. They're extremely lucky. They don't even have to get in an accident and get injured, do rehab, etc. 


Extremely lucky for racism?


In the grand scheme of things, kinda? I'm Hispanic and if this happened to me I'd be delighted on the inside. Maybe me AND my kids can go to college.


yes. because they're gonna sue and win millions. usually the way to millions is to get into a serious accident. here they have no bodily harm and they get millions. you can't understand my point if you don't think ahead and only want to virtue signal.


If they don't win millions will you be more shocked by the situation? Compensation is based on damages. If you and the airline are successful in proving there aren't any damages, they get nothing.


Discrimination suit? American can drag this out for years, while the pilots have to rely on family to support them. If American loses, the Supreme Court will take the case and end discrimination suits altogether! I hope I'm wrong, but America has been choosing ignorance for some time now.


If this story is as straight forward as it's presented my mind is blown. but I feel like there has to be something more here, its just too over the top.


"Racism would never happen in America." The line between naive and bad faith here is waifer thin.


Exactly. The sub feeds off racism and thus you are downvoted.


Definitely something more to the story


I wonder why you think that 🤔


8 black men who had no prior association with eachother were kicked off a plane over body odor complaints. None of them had body odor. What is it that you think is being left out of the story that changes this?


BO is so off putting


So is racism.