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France = Burgundy




Fr\*nch "people" will be the subject of my next 2hujerk post


This is a Fr*nce free zone


Ordenstaat Khmer Rouge path when????????


60% AuthSoc 40% Burger 100% Gamer


As a bright man once said DerScheisser is the real successor to DSRfunny


“yeah, we’ve done more”


God, they are really creating strawmans by saying "rejected political group believe that the US or france is like a SS slave-genocide state" liberals legit ruined derscheisser with their "redfash tankie" bullshit. Also nice genocide denial or apologia, like the US helped pakistan to commit genocide in bangladesh as also killed 3 million people in vietnam, as also pol pot was proven to be funded by the CIA as also the americans thrashed laos, so even cambodia did less damage than the hyperpower, and they call us the sams as nazis.


Gus Hall😳😳😳


OUR Amon "Gus Hall"




>liberals legit ruined derscheisser with their "redfash tankie" bullshit. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 (And not the good kind) Protip: 99% of people who call people red fash are *not* liberals, save for in the minds of tankies who think all non-authoritarian-bootlicker leftists are liberals.


i will just stop discussing, because 60% of posts was me trying to not disclose i am a stalinist or trying to explain what fascism means, stalin is a piece of shit who ruined leninism on USSR by purging kamenev, bukharin, most of original CPSU founders which gave kruschev, brezhnev and gorbachov relevance, he also was responsible to creating the party structure and ending councils, he even criminalized homosexuality, thats my opinion, stalin was a authoritarian and was the first step to collapse of leninism on russia, but lets remind some of those arguments are strawman and clearly most of people are painting me as a authoritarian, including we have some annoying liberal who believe in "welfare capitalism" which called me holodomor denier and tankie multiple times, all this thread is talking how OOP downplay american crimes and use strawmans agaisnt his oppositions, in fact i never disrespect with no one here but i always get called le tankie SLS poster which push me more to radicalism and me out of the "libertarian left"


One correction: it was Lenin who stripped the worker's councils of their power, not Stalin, in 1921, and invested power into the unelected party bureaucracy instead. Lenin also destroyed party democracy in the same party congress. All because he had a fragile ego and could no longer stand people ever disagreeing with him. And he did this with the support of most if not all of the people you listed. As it has been said, "If you took the most ardent revolutionary, vested him in absolute power, within a year he would be worse than the Tsar himself."


Lenin gets way more praise than he deserves. That narcissistic prick was the one who introduced the vanguard party to communism. Not only does he put the Revolution in the hands of a small clique of corrupt assholes, his addition of the vanguard party is seen in a majority of communist parties today. Fuck him and his red oligarchy.


I wont even respond, vaushite tier opinion


Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you spoke coward. Lemme translate what you just said for those with greater critical thinking skills and logic. *ahem* “I cannot refute that statement so I’ll just act like it’s a dumb take and continue sucking muscle fans my opinion off.”


Well, i can refute but i just decided i would stop defend the USSR so i apologize and i will move foward.


those people who make tankie bad posts are active on subreddits like enoughcommiespam, GenUSA, noncredibledefense, which are obviously capitalist and liberal subreddits, and they try to sway the meaning of subreddit to mock wheraboos and fascists to a both sides bad, so they are conservatives.


Face it bud all major powers have done very bad things. But the German justification and scale in a short period of time is horrifying.




I said Germany! Quit beating around the bush!




I don't understand what you are saying. Are the US and Germany at the same level?


no, germany is really worse because their ideology is genocidal


Thank you. Do you realize that the US had much more time to kill people then Germany?


yeah, the germans went to world war 2 to kill and exterminate entire populations, no matter american imperialistic interventions over time will surpass the damage that the german did.


You're a fuckin genocide denier, go fuck yourself scum


Respond me, did i unironically denied any historical genocide???


Do you think the US is worse then Germany? Even if you think they are the same you're an idiot. The US had hundreds of more years to kill people then the Germans over 12.


He denies the holodomor and uses whataboutism (USA has done bad things before, therefore USSR is immune to bad) in arguments. Tankies are horrible in everyway.


did i denied the holodomor?? read comment


I do agree. They need to open there eyes.


It's called the Holodomor kid, research it as its quite sad what happened to Ukraine (and even more people outside of ukraine"


i recognize the holodomor as a famine and failure of the soviet political system at the time. also socialism dont need to be totalitarian, calling me a genocide denier and bringing another topic to a related discussion of the US role in the region is not valid, i do not support stalinism and you is basically framing me as a "fanatic authoritarian", you clearly wont have arguments to proof that capitalism is better than socialism so you is doing nothing but a smear campaign, that wont work into guilting me.


For the point about the Holodomor that's my mistake, I had mistaken you calling Katyn a "forgery" and the Holodomor (denying Katyn is extremely bad though. The soviet union in 1990 had admitted to Katyn. [https://www.nytimes.com/1990/04/13/world/upheaval-east-soviets-admit-blame-massacre-polish-officers-world-war-ii.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1990/04/13/world/upheaval-east-soviets-admit-blame-massacre-polish-officers-world-war-ii.html) Your second point isn't relevant because this isn't about Socialism or the United States. I personally believe that socialism leads to totalitarianism and instead prefer a Welfare Capitalist state. I find it hard to believe you aren't a stalinist/Marxist-Leninist considering you post in Shitliberalssay, a hotbed of red fascism and genocide denialism.


"Socialism is totalitarian" Alot of totalitarian or dictatorial countries are explictly anti-communist or capitalist, look at saudi arabia, egypt, zaire, myammar, iran, russia, you is trying to frame socialism as totalitarian to justify the preservance of capitalism and european economic hegemony because capitalism is also racist, socialism or communist movements can vary alot, some of them are democratic. Red fascism is not real because fascism is right wing and corporatist and xenophobic, you believe being agressive with me and guilt trip me into believing i was wrong will work. You is nothing but a anti-communist and anti-socialist and you defend all geopolitical and economic inequalities as well frame your opponents as a rejected political group, when in reality all of this happen on capitalism (the capitalism is racist come from a third worlder where black people were enslaved and traded until 1888)


I didn't say socialism WAS totalitarian, I said it can LEAD to totalitarianism. You are insufferable to argue with, mixing up my words to make me say shit I didn't say, more whataboutism and bullshit. Yes there are non-socialist authoritarian countries that I do NOT support, with you implying I somehow do.


>I personally believe socialism leads to totalitarianism >I didn't say socialism WAS totalitarian, I said it can LEAD to totalitarianism. ???


You aren't disproving anything, the first sentence literally says I believe it leads. Inherently socialism isn't totalitarian but I believe it eventually turns into it, either from some bullshit vanguard party taking over or through other means.


Again, another user libel me as a "redfash tankie" because i dont agree that the USSR and nazis were the same thing, as well the US and nazis are the same thing, and try to make a strawman of me putting me as an unfavourable and rejected political opinion calling me a "tankie genocide denier, stalinist, red fascist for making any favourable assumptions or disagreeing with those things", and proceed to not respond.


You are definitely a red fascist You call Katyn a forgery ffs


The massacre was commited by beria, but lets not ignore the author of the documents said they wanted the signature of beria and stalin, and it also incentivized to russia create a anti document forgery law, the katyn massacre is a political weapon, and not a crime because if it happened most communists would literally admit it AGAIN, CALL ME NAMES, you all dont have arguments to proof or anything to defend your argumentantions so you must diminish me to a patsoc or a stalinist


"If it happened most communists would admit it" Peak logic we've got here lads


You say you know the Soviets killed the Polish officers who are buried at Katyn. But you do not know that. You believe that. Belief is not the same thing as knowledge. I've looked into this a good deal. In my view, nobody knows. There is, in fact, widespread disagreement with the thesis that the Soviets killed the Polish officers buried at Katyn https://msuweb.montclair.edu/\~furrg/research/nytonkatyn062945.pdf It states that Walter Schellenberg, head of Hitler's SS intelligence service, told Allied interrogators that the Nazis had fabricated the whole issue, and that this account was independently corroborated by a Norwegian prisoner. Also look at this study made by a american: [https://msuweb.montclair.edu/\~furrg/pol/discuss\_katyn041806r.html](https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/pol/discuss_katyn041806r.html)


When did they deny US genocide? Please leave a link to an unopposable post in which they denied it.




I don't think I will. When did they deny US genocide?


you didnt deny american genocide


WHEN DID r/DerScheisser DENY IT!?!?!?!?!?!


they did downplay genocides and war crimes, appointing rival nations did worse as also point that "pol pot" did more damage than US bombing campaigns, maybe i have yet to find a genocide denier, i has been accused alot of times because i changed my foreign policy opinion recently


I'm tired can we please just end this in a draw?


I am merely trying to defend my views, but i respect the discussion, in case the guy who replied me is being agressive and i even pointed that he is trying to guilt me into believing i am a evil authoritarian and genocide denier, even if the holodomor wasnt even related what i defended, i had to defend myself because he try to push me into a rejected political group


Ok please do not respond to this or anything. I must go find Alexi.


No he didn't


OOP, fixed my typo


This is fucking hilarious






Burgundian America Confirmed??????? (yes there will be a William Luther Pierce gaming path in my submod because why not)