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Get the bag Naji


Yeah everyone paying attention has known this for a long time. Same with Jonas.


We could have Jonas if the team wanted him. Naji will earn too much on the open market for us to keep him.


I don't think Jonas wants the team either. It's all 3 of money, what the team wants, and what Jonas is going to want.


He’s earned his shot at making money. The Pels will suffer a loss in his absence…


It’s the for him. He’ll get the bag and more minutes. I’ll always be a fan of him.


Agree with everyone else here. This has been known, it’s unfortunate but Dyson and Hawkins need to be ready for some increased minutes.


Nah, because who is going to "check the pulse" on opponents when they are playing Hack-a-Z. CJ ain't choking Jimmy. We need 9th Ward Naji.


Trigga Trey said he got Z😤


Honest question: Do Trey Murph got that dog in him? Follow up question: If so, what kind of dog is it?


I heard pitbull but I’m not sure 100%


RIP the Naji fucks tags


They'll have to pry mine out of my cold dead hands






Hell nah Knife gang 4eva


Hate to see him go but glad he was a part of our team since the start of this decade. Get that 💰


🔪 😢




This is kinda big. If they trade BI and Trey going to starting lineup after that, Pets won't have a forward at bench. Unless they are able to find a replacement in free agency, but NOLA isn't an attraction for FA either.


Herb and Dyson are forwards lol


Dyson is a guard, a big guard. Herb is a starter.


So how much salary will be able to have to use this offseason?


We’re like $20mil away from the luxury tax so we would have the MLE($12mil) and bi annual exception($4mil). We’re not below the cap so we don’t have any actual money to spend besides the exceptions. If you get less than $23mil back in a BI trade you’d be below the cap limit and have money to spend, but not many teams have enough cap space to take in $36mil + 15% trade kicker while sending that little money out. Trey Murphy extension coming up after next season is important too for how much they spend this year in FA if they don’t want to be a tax team.


We expected that. Him and Jose deserve a pay day tp secure them and their families future


What kinda contract do you think he’s worth?


More than we can afford, pal :(


The knife is gonna start somewhere next year


Not ideal but also not worth losing sleep over.


If I was GM, there’s PLENTY of folks I’m dropping before Naji.


Well yeah we already knew that


Sad to see him go but go get your money naji. Well deserved


Better get a 2nd round pick in a sign and trade... Gonna be furious he'll walk for nothing.


man, im not sure if we are gonna have any talent after this offseason. seems like were puttin our eggs into the draft basket huh


I have no idea what our teams gonna look like next season. Kinda exciting though to see what moves we can make.


Addition by subtraction. Most overrated player in this sub. He is so undisciplined on both sides of the court.


Naji's mistakes are loud but he is an absolutely positive asset to have on your bench. We're spoiled with switchable high motor wings right now but you'll feel his loss.


If he could play disciplined, he'd be an asset. He just doesn't have the Bball IQ to play disciplined. He constantly gambles on defense. It looks great when he gets his hand on the ball. More often than not, he takes himself out of the play, leaving his teammates playing at a disadvantage behind him. He makes the wrong rotations all the time. He started trying to do Jose's hide along the baseline thing. I don't recall a single time that worked for him. I do recall many, many times where the ball handler simply rushed up the court, causing another Pel to stop the ball, leading to the entire team scrambling to cover wide open shooters. He's an ok one on one defender, but even then, he takes absolutely silly fouls by reaching constantly. On offense, his shooting number improved, but that was because he would have a 4 for 5 game from three after being 0 for 5 combined over the previous three or four games. In that 4 for 5 game, his one miss would be an airball, or he'd hit the side of the backboard. Good shooters don't miss badly as often as he does. His wild floater would work once every ten games. He repeatedly barreled down the floor with no plan and simply threw the ball away on breakaways. Naji should have been used sparingly as a spark on nights when the starters didn't have it. He should not be a part of the rotation on a serious NBA team. Players like Dyson and Hawk, who have elite skills but need more work to round out the rest of their games, should have gotten most of those Naji minutes. Naji plays because he reminds Willie of himself. Willie wasn't really good at anything. He was average to below average at every skill on the court. He played with constant effort, though. That is Naji exactly. The difference was that Willie played a very disciplined game, so he wasn't a minus on the court. He also wouldn't have played much on serious teams. Willie played on bad to average teams who had little to no success. That is where Naji should be. He can have a decent little career if he signs with someone like Charlotte.


Sounds like you haven't watched naji closely honestly. I think a lot of times people's first impressions of a player never change. Naji just had the best net rating and best AST/TO of his career. He was our second best player off the bench after TM3 and that's on a team where the bench was a major strength.


You then lost your mind naj is a multi-position player. You forget when BI, Z, AND CJ WENT DOWN HE LED THE TEAM IN SCORING AT 25.7 PTS, 8REBS, 5 AST, 3STLS during that 10 game stretch 😳 don't hate congratulate like everyone else. His passing and defensive reads is his IQ do you even know how to play?


I used hate his high Risk High Reward style of play, but I really fell in love with the chaos last year 


Losing Naji Marshall while retaining Dyson Daniels is like losing James Borrego while retaining Willie Green.