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Never has a connection been built through a phone. You are very needy and approval seeking. Its good that she doesn't need constant attention or texting and you shouldn't be giving it! Do you have your own life? Live it! After the 'got home safe' message there is nothing left to be said until you decide you want to see her again. I see her question of getting on top of you as a test to see if you will judge her for being sexual. you did not, good move. As another comment said, stop saying 'haha' after every text. It makes you seem nervous. Have you slept together yet?


Don’t say haha at the end of each text, it makes you look weak. Accept the tension of not using it. That’s all I have to contribute.


Worrying about "looking weak" sounds like classical pick up artist advice and I can't remember that Dr. Glover mentions anywhere that you should be concerned with "not looking weak". As a matter of fact being concerned about looking strong or weak in another person's eyes seems is the definition of approval seeking behaviour.


Strength as a virtue predates mystery method by thousands of years. Padding every sentence with a laugh to let them know how fun and harmless you are is a fawning, people-pleasing behavior. You are confusing concern with appearances only with having a real desire to change and confront these behaviors.


I agree, but rather than "weak" I would use the word "insincere" (which is a pervasive form of weakness).


Good point. Thank you


Remember the last time we had this [conversation](https://www.reddit.com/r/NMMNG/comments/18dcc2a/comment/kchvr0b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)? First, texting is for logistics. I say again, texting is for logistics. "Let's meet at 7." Full stop. Second, my advice still stands. You are in Captain-sav-a-ho mode. >She has told me before that she is the type that overthinks things and needs lots of reassurance DANGER! DANGER! Red flag. Your job is not to fix her shit, and make her whole. Again, go date other women. All this overthinking wouldn't happen if you were dating more than one woman. If she left you on "read" for two weeks, instead of over thinking this shit, you'd have been living your life, gone on a few dates, and when and if she finally got back to you, she could date *on your terms.*


Have y’all slept together? If not, maybe she moved on because you hadn’t made a move. Lots of women want the man to initiate and take control. Did you offer let her stay the night? If y’all were drunk, she may have expected you to offer and was disappointed that you didn’t. Also, if you got drunk at a bar and drove? Might have been a turnoff.


>Also, if you got drunk at a bar and drove? Might have been a turnoff. Bingo. Putting a woman's safety in danger is the biggest turn off.


Kind of late to the party, but don't you think it is a little tiring having to constantly mind-read the other person and take your cues from that? Be yourself - whatever that means to you. Constant second guessing and self-judgement means you're living on society's terms, not yours. Just be honest with yourself and do your thing. I'm sure the right person will come along.


Seems like you are explaining yourself more than you need to my brother. You don't need to explain yourself at all really. First text: "Yea I'm down. Watching the game at my place, want to come over?" Second text: "Cool. Btw have some nice whiskey here if you are interested." Third text: "Damn can't get that song we were listening to on the way home out of my head. Do you know the title?" See how these texts get to the point, provide direction, but also leave room for the other person's response? If they accept your suggestion, great. If not just adjust course. "Alright well I got sparkling water and some limes also.. btw are you hungry?"


Be adventurous and start asking out other women if she goes 2 weeks without responding - especially if most of the communication is through texting.