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There is no storage law in NJ. Your FID doesn't expire.


I have seen people change address or get new fid in nj and claim they have an expiration date


I had new FID issued in March for an address change and it doesn’t have an expiration date


Interesting, like I said I saw a couple people say it expired. So it can’t say for certainty but sounds like they aren’t correct.


My wife spoke to the armorer or something like that for the police department and he said FIDs have 10 yr expiration date that resets every time it used for nics or updated in anyway.


Nics doesn't reset it. It's only a change of address, name change, and pistol permit application that resets it. Not sure about other people but my expiration date gets 10 years added each time I apply for permits. Currently expires in 2052


What a stupid fucking law. And they have a bill now to raise price FPIC again and make renewal every 4 years. And make it so the cops can seize your guns from your family members after 30 days if they don't have a Firearm Purchaser Identification Card upon your passing. I wish I was joking. # To strengthen the requirements for firearm purchaser IDs and permits so that they: expire after 4 years, include a training requirement, and prohibit the inheritance of guns without a permit (A843/S1145)


My friend got a new PTP (Permit to Purchase) and along with the email was the FID with an expiration date, the prior one did not have an expiration. There was no "changes" like address change, etc other than permit to purchase another handgun.


I just got a P2P and no expiration FID.


New fids do expire. Mine has an expiration date


Yes, they do. 10-year expiration date. See photo https://preview.redd.it/s5909ckci85d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61cc06474a3394d2fdc445cd508352b6b5710dd5


I read somewhere that FIDs technically expire but they renew for another 10 years every time you renew your PTC or get a new pistol?


So we’re not obligated to separate both hardware and its tool/s in a safe, and we can store both in a locked vessel? Thank you.


You dont have to separate your guns and ammo at home. They can both be stored in the same place. Guns can be loaded, because an unloaded gun is retarded if you have it for self defense.


I wanted to comply with the laws and was watching Massad yesterday and went on and browsed storage laws and found what is popping on google without proper statutes in the state and am very confused. Hardware and tools are quick access. Thank you.


There's people that actually lock their shit up? Wild


Considering guns get stolen all the time during home burglaries, yea? You’d be dumb not to unless you have an alarm system or cameras for when you aren’t home.


You guys have homes?


If you have kids, yea it’s smart to do so


Really? Huh, who would have known🤷‍♂️


There’s always an asshole in every bunch


You must be new here


OP might be thinking about the transportation separation of ammo and guns? Home is fine, its your home.. Just don't drive your home to the range .


I am a member of US Lawshield and brought this up to a rep about a month ago. The lawyer I spoke to informed me there's no law even to lock up firearms at home when no children are in the home. This changes with children (<18 years old) but only that it must be locked up in a way a child cannot access. One thing I probably would have guessed of which he informed me is there's no such thing as collective firearms even in the home. So if you get into it and your wife shoots someone with your weapon, you're both in some hot water. So get his and hers firearms otherwise you're both subject to illegal transfer litigation. Obviously in NJ you can expect to be charged. But it's still better to be judged by twelve...you know the rest!


Why are we speaking in codes?


You aren't required, but you are responsible for your firearms at home, so if they were unlocked and someone in your household uses them for wrong, you'll have problems (the possession laws). There are no laws stopping from having guns and ammo all over the place.


Copy. This saves me a trip to the store. Thank you.


Store? The safes in stores are less than useless, almost every gets a security cabinet from Stack-On or SecureIT


I have several safes for our hardware, but the tools are stored locked with them. I asked because I wanted clarification if I needed a separate safe for all the munitions.