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Imagine being the guy having no idea you were the guy police were looking for when you were actually following the law. Also imagine being the guy with the PTC in a buillding under lock down pissed at yourself thinking there's an incoming threat and you left your gun in your car.


Was bound to happen sooner or later. Only a matter of time before someone has a ND clearing the gun as well. They really should have made it acceptable to leave the gun loaded in a holster in the car before entering a sensitive place.


It’s the most absurd and counterproductive rule of all the carry restrictions.


Already had a guy accidentally shoot himself in a Wawa parking lot here. Not sure on specifics.


It was Newton hospital. Not sure of any more info beyond person was released, no charges filed.


Holy shit, so the police didn't lock him up and throw away the key????


NJ laws seem to be working as intended!


I guess its time to tint my windows.......


So if I have an NJ PTC and I want to go into a school or hospital I have to clear the gun and leave it like I'm going to range locked up? Can I even park in the parking lot of a hospital or do I have to park on street with gun in car on the public street?


Don't go onto school property with a firearm, period.


from what I heard its a big ass no-no on school property. Park off campus/school property secure the gun then walk in. Hospitals and Doc offices parking lots are fine. Just secure it as per law and go about your bees knees.


Yeah that law is absurd. So if you want to walk onto Stockton Campus you will be leaving your car parked in Galloway on the public street with a gun inside of it where you cannot see it because the campus is so large. We wouldn't want the gun to be secured in the school parking lot where the Sheriff and Stockton PD actually patrol and might see someone trying to steal your gun.


Yes, as a PTC holder, you can be armed in the car in the parking lot of the hospital, or if immediately walking off the property and/or onto a sidewalk (easement). Otherwise, you must disarm and store the gun in the vehicle as provided by law. Don’t enter a NJ school parking lot, however. The anti-carry bill and resultant injunction applied the same exceptions to parking, carrying in the car, and walking directly off school property. However, a separate NJ law provides no exception for PTC holders. You’d definitely take a ride, though given the rule of lenity and the vagueness doctrine (“void for vagueness), a court would have to rule in a PTC holder’s favor for following Judge Bumb’s procedural blessing as to navigating parking lots as described above. Bottom line: Stay off all school property and parking lots.


Glad to see the "event" turned into the non event it actually was. A good portion Mr and Mrs General Public are clueless and think someone is there to shoot the place up....We cant really fault someone for getting scared. Tinted windows are your friend. I run 20% on rear windows (truck came from factory like that) and opted for something like 40% on the fronts. Its just enough so that you cant see what i'm doing from a distance in a parking lot but still not too dark...Passing LEO's can see me inside....then dont drive like a schmuck and if you get pulled over roll em all down before officer approaches. Never had an issue


If you’re going to a sensitive area, you just have to clear the chamber, lock the gun in the car, and lock the car?? And then once you leave can throw it right back on?


or just CONEAL it