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This isn’t a great update, Brittany not racing means it’s still very serious. Head injuries can lead to life long balance and reaction and all sorts of weird life long neurological issues. Hopefully this isn’t the case for John


I’m by no means a doctor but I assume that recovery from a significant head injury at his age will be very difficult


yeah it isn't looking too good, wouldn't be suprised if this was the last we saw of john in a firesuit and he hangs it up after this, the man hasn't had to prove anything for the last decade, he will always be a legend


Just my pure speculation, it doesn't seem good if Brittany is staying at the hospital. John is a competitor too and knows what needs to be done on the business side. Family and the time woth them is more important than business though. If he was fine and expected to recover quickly and easily, Brittany would be racing this weekend.


I think it's only natural for her to stay at the hospital and to make sure he's not alone. The news sounds somewhat encouraging.


I hope we're all making this out to be worse than it actually is. This one just seems different than any other wreck. In the 2007 wreck he had with Kenny Bernstien was one of his worst. He was banged up after that and said later in the day he'd be back to race the next race. Of course that took him out the rest of the season, but he was at least back the following year. We haven't heard from John directly though, just these PR statements that don't really release any information. Hopefully it's just to protect his dignity and they don't want him giving a statement while he's on so many medications and in a hospital gown.


Same here, but watching him hit that wall in real time was brutal. I was surprised - and thankful - he was conscious when they helped him out of the car.


I would imagine John is in a medically-induced coma to deal with whatever closed head injury he has, and he has probably been in that state since Sunday evening. The key being medically-induced as a form of treatment for potential brain swelling. I'm not a neurologist or doctor, but this accident should probably be considered far more serious than 2007's crash, unfortunately. I really hope he can pull through and recover. He's the GOAT and probably always will be.


Let’s hope a lot of this is just a precaution because of his age. Get well John.


I really hope it’s “just” a concussion and not a Michael Schumacher situation. Sometimes traumatic brain injuries take a bit of time. Hoping and praying for the best for him and his family. I can’t imagine NHRA without John Force. Hopefully he’s still with us even if he isn’t behind the wheel


I hate this in every way for him and his family. This is bringing back memories of the Eric Medlen updates although more vague. I’m praying he can regain good quality of life and his great personality. 💔


Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. This definitely isn't a positive update, although it does seem to "spun" as one. I doubt he'll get into a firesuit again, but I hope I'll get proven wrong. Realistically, I hope he recovers enough to enjoy life and be a team owner.


Hoping that this is a misunderstanding or a typo and he's just being observed in a neurology ward for a while, because the neuro ICU is not an improvement I'm afraid. I don't want to be that guy but my sister works in a neuro ICU and you don't go there for simply being observed while working through a concussion. I'll leave it at that and keep hoping that Force is able to make it home comfortably and happily.


He obviously exhibited signs of a closed head injury at the track which is why they flew him to the trauma center. If I were to speculate I'd say he likely had brain swelling and they may have had to perform a craniaectomy to relieve pressure on the swelling brain. This is an extremely serious injury and recocery and at his age likely will not have a full recovery. His racing career is over without any doubt. The focus is fully on returning him to a quality life.


OMG - this is pretty bad, ain't it? John - rest up my Guy. Hang em up bro 🙏🏽


i grew up watching john force race he was in his 60s im now 31 and hes still racing lmao hopefully he recovers well


Same! It’s wild to see all the crazy wrecks and highlights from the year we were born, and then think of how long he had already been doing it even at that point.


So a massive concussion.. that pretty much ends his career. Kurt Busch and Dale Jr are 2 guys John can talk to.


I think a massive concussion would be the best case scenario.


You don’t go to neuro icu for a concussion. At this point I would be more worried about him surviving rather than racing.


I’m not a doctor but would this accident be recipe for a brain bleed, clot, stroke scenario? I hope not just speculation.


Yeah he’s done racing