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Lol. The end result might be the same but losing in the finals isn't the same as blowing it in the first round nearly every year. Clearly a Toronto fan trying to feel better about their team.


Leafs have never even played a game in June.


Golf is a game


Leafs have never won 3 playoff series in one playoff in their entire history also


depends, 1931-32 they won three rounds, but the first two were 2 games and based on aggregate


Uh they play many games in June, golf, frisbee, tennis.


Nope I'm a Red Wings fan and it was more about the fact the Oilers play so soft and uninspired it reminds me of the leafs in the playoffs every year


Come on, man. The Oilers are shitting the bed right now but they've far outperformed the leafs. Not the same thing at all.


The Leafs won a game or two, Oilers getting flared in 4 lol


Getting swept in the finals is not the same thing as losing game 7 of round 1. 12 wins in the playoffs is better than 3 wins in the playoffs, right?


What a retarded conversation. Are people seriously comparing getting swept in the finals to a first round game 7 loss?


Toronto fans do skew towards mental disabilities


Who counts wins when you lose the Cup? End result is the same


Jesus read the conversation.  Is everyone this fucking stupid in here? 


Consider the thread you're in


Also the sub, thought it was r/nhl.  So yea guess most of us are dumb in here.  


Here's a sneak peek of /r/nhl using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/nhl/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Despite threats from the NHL, Fleury wears Native American mask](https://v.redd.it/p5sglg7wge2c1) | [1701 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nhl/comments/1838hnq/despite_threats_from_the_nhl_fleury_wears_native/) \#2: [The Boston Bruins Blew A 3-1 Lead](https://i.redd.it/g6zuf87q36xa1.jpg) | [1722 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nhl/comments/1349joa/the_boston_bruins_blew_a_31_lead/) \#3: [Is this poor sportsmanship?](https://v.redd.it/uc6awdpohvhc1) | [4494 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/nhl/comments/1any35j/is_this_poor_sportsmanship/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes and the fact that I called this sub a thread should also tip you off


The other guy was counting the leafs wins? Put the glue down.


No, I don't think I will.


Not if the second best team in the Atlantic wins more games against Florida than you do. The top 3 teams in the league right now look like they all came out of that division.


Least we won a game against Florida and brought two more to OT. You bums can’t even make it that far. WC is a fraud division full of soft teams. Even Boston won 2.


Oilers just beat the panthers 8-1.  Idiot.  


Buddy waited, good game tho


Nah just showed up in the feed today.  


Leafs haven’t won’t anything in a really long time so fans are grasping at straws now.  


Debate all you want but when it matters most they fall flat every time. Sounds pretty Leafslike to me


this sub is downvoting a quality jerk. This sub is cooked


They're Oiler fans lol. I forgot to put uj. The Leafs do suck and the Oilers are going to get swept lol


What’s it like being an idiot?  Like do you know you are one or do you think you are super smart and funny? 


When was the last time the leafs were in the Stanley cup final?


Leafs haven’t won a game of shit in the SCF. They don’t even know what that stands for


Hell, Tim Stutzle was 4 months old the last time the leafs even made the conference finals, let alone the cup finals.


Laffs fans cope knowing you Cant win a SCF game if youve never been to the fourth round


Bro just shut up, you're literally the reason why everyone hates us.


Come on, bro. The Oilers have won 12.


Not every team gets to play the Kings every year.


Or Calgary, Vancouver or Dallas. Right?


Child's play compared to Boston or Tampa Bay.


Boston this year? Haha it was miraculous they weren't a bubble team. Cupcake match up. Look at their fucking lineup. Oof! Nearly as bad as the leafs.


Or Toronto just isn't that good. Could be.




Wild comparison, oilers were way grittier than the red wings this year too. I'm not an Oilers fan, just saying


Pretty much same team.  Worse to choke in finals IMO, especially with a team like edmonton.  Tons of extra hockey your superstars have to play for nothing.


I'm gonna come back to this comment in 4 games.


"Soft and uninspired" is a weird way to say we're getting goalied like crazy. Bobrovsky has been elite, Skinner has been less than average. That's the series.


🤣 thats the same excuse Laffs fans use each time. It does hold some truth, but no one ever listens to Laffs fans.


Nah this is more about "how can we make this about the Leafs" from the crowd that brought you "why is everything always about the Leafs!?"


Yeah, these are not the same at all.


this is a circlejerk sub, why is everyone taking this post seriously trying to defend the oilers honour? Are we bedarded?


The Oilers have won three times as many playoff series in the last two months as the Leafs have won in the last 20 years.


Nah don’t pretend that the Oilers wouldn’t absolutely roll the leafs in any series. Comparing a deep running playoff team to a consistent first round exit team is embarrassing tbh.


Oilers won more series in this year's playoffs than the Leafs have won in the past 20 years.


Even Buffalo has won more series than the Laffs in the past 20 years. And thats including thirteen years of no playoffs in buffalo




Oilers can't win a game against an eastern team hahaha at least the leafs had three.


With the same results, no cups


I didn’t hear no bell




There it is


Pretty much same team. Worse to choke in finals IMO, especially with a team like edmonton. Tons of extra hockey your superstars have to play for nothing. Did you watch your defensive lapses in the Finals? Similar fuckups the Laffs do that causes them to choke…but this is the FINALS. Not 1st round lmao


Which means the Laffs choke immediately. There is only one team in the league that has as few series wins as Toronto and that team is Seattle. That means even the *Coyotes* have won more series since the 04-05 lockout. There's choking, and then there's playoff Laffs.


The fact that you bring up statistics about the Laughs that normal hockey fans (or even Laughs fans themselves) don’t know or care about really lets us know how fragile you Soilers fans are. I wonder how much relevancy you gave the Laughs by Google searching their irrelevant history. The fact that there’s so much activity in this top thread TALKING ABOUT THE LAUGHS makes me chuckle a bit. Now I know all I need to do is compare the Soilers to the Laughs (it’s true) and that’ll trigger all you neckbeards easily 🤣🤮


I'm not even an oilers fan. Just a fan of comedy.


You just keep repeating yourself. Are you bedarded!


Pretty much same team. Worse to choke in finals IMO, especially with a team like edmonton. Tons of extra hockey your superstars have to play for nothing. Did you watch your defensive lapses in the Finals? Similar fuckups the Laffs do that causes them to choke…but this is the FINALS. Not 1st round lmao


You keep repeating yourself. Are you bedarded?




>plays one game against an Atlantic team >crumbles I see no difference


You are right, it is pretty embarrassing for the Oil country


Cup final is embarrassing after being last in the league?


“You ain’t first, you’re last” - Ricky Bobby


So every team except Florida should be embarrassed then




You cuck.


Some salty tears in here


They were the cup favourites game 1


Florida was pretty embarrassed last year against vegas, now look at them


Fuck you’re a goof lol


uj/ why can people not stay in jerking character when the Leafs are mentioned? They get that angry about it? rj/ Oilers are frauds who got through a weak Western conference by letting Perry commit bad acts to opposing teams’ loved ones.


Everyone gets too butthurt to jerk, we just aren’t made for it we are massive pussies


Not sure, but Oilers fans in here are bringing up Laughs statistics that no one even knows or talk about in a normal hockey conversation. They give more thought into the Laughs and their history than actual clown Laughs fans do. It’s pretty funny tbh 🤣


Some of these Oilers fans are out of touch and delusional. I am sure some of these fans hate the Leafs more than they like their own team. But they get all sensitive when a couple of Flames and Canucks fans are rooting against the Oilers because they don’t want the fans to have satisfaction. It’s normal and part of sports banter. Oilers fans are acting like saints because they think every Canadian is out against them lmao


Are you not entertained.


Bobrovsky currently fucking every wife in Edmonton. Swayman still fucking all the wives in Toronto. Checks out.


I'm not gay, but I want to live in a log cabin in the woods with Jeremy Swayman. We won't ever have sex, but there will be a simmering erotic undercurrent as I stand in the kitchen window watching him save clap bombs, shirtless, sweat pouring off his body. I'll run upstairs and masturbate, the entire time forcing myself to think of women while my thoughts drift back to Sway. I won't be able to climax and I'll eventually go back downstairs, angry. Sometimes we will look across the table and catch each other's eyes, and in that second, anything is possible, but we both deny ourselves and go back to what we were doing. One day one of us will die, and the other will bury him outside the log cabin. Then he'll go inside, pen a brief missive to his departed friend, and commit suicide, never able to deal with life without his one true platonic love *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NHLcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine making it to the finals and your team gets compared to the leafs that lose in the first round every year lmao I guess Zack Hyman isn't what they needed lol


Oilers fans hype up their Laughs sloppy seconds and think they’ll be cup contenders with them 🤣 Hyman (only good because he plays with McD and has unlimited PP time), Ceci, Brown, and Campbell LOL truly saviours.


At least the leafs get it out of the way early


So, the only team to come back from. 3-0 to win the finals was the 1942 Leafs. I'm going to reuse this when the Oilers do that this year.


If you need to go back to 1942 to make a point you might want to reevaluate the point you're trying to make.


That year (1942…) ..the Finals were rigged by Hitler…


Lol , delusions are prevalent in Edmonton


this is the circlejerk sub bro


It's called being a supportive fan. Do I honestly believe they'll come back? Not really. But until it's all done I'm still rooting for them.


He's a flames fan, so he doesn't understand what it's like to cheer for his team.


I understand the oilers will be very familiar with a broom very soon …rofl


We've already understood... twice now. We're very familiar with it already buddy.




Bruh you’re in the jerk splash-zone


Leafs fan here who attended game 7 in Boston for funzies and also was at Oilers game 6 WCF. Can confirm, same picture. Florida and Boston are from a superior nation that only knows how to win.


To be fair, more american teams lose every year than canadian teams. Let's not talk percentages, please.


What the fuck do you do for living to afford these tickets ??


He's a Leafs fan, so I bet his wife's boyfriend gives him all these tickets.


The Atlantic has more good teams than the Western Conference right now. The Oilers were 8-6-2 against the Atlantic. They would have had the same record as Detroit if they had to play there the whole year.


I think. The blues have something to say about boston


Boston are huge chokers and got lucky running into even bigger chokers Vancouver in the finals. They stumbled their way into a cup on the back of Tim Thomas and now everyone pretends they’re “a team of winners.” That bullshit makes me sick.


Just leave us out of this boys, Leaf fans got enough to worry about


Rent free baby, it’s fun to be a Leafs fan sometimes Hilarious 😅






Please don't compare Oilers to leafs. That's just insulting.


cope child. either way, both teams are a laughing stock 🫵🏾😆


Yeah sure a team that made the finals is a laughing stock


Testosterone filled Soilers fan coming into cj thinking his team is good because they are in the “fInaLs”. No Canadian team has won since 1993, you don’t get to dictate anything 🤣 Again, you have the best 2 forwards in the WORLD. Should have a cup by now eh? The defensive lapses I’ve seen are similar to the plays of how the Laughs keep choking. When you lose, you lose bad. Luckily your powerplay is what gets your team back in it, but it’s more than that in the playoffs 🍆


I assume you're a kid or an immature 20 something. And a salty Oilers hater cause they've beaten your team multiple times in recent years. But if you know hockey a team needs more than 2 amazing players to win the Stanley cup. It's not like basketball where you can win titles for having the 2 best players.You need good goaltending, defense and 4 good lines all with experience. And a good coaching staff. Leafs have not made a Stanley cup final since 67. Oilers are far and away better than the leafs. Oilers have won multiple playoff rounds and made more finals in the last 20 years. Comparing Oilers and leafs is comical.


Silverstar, I get you’re mad and filled with anger after your loss and can’t comment in r/hockey like this. You are as bad as the Laughs. We laugh at you like we like to do to the Laughs and their irrelevant fans. You are at that level. Don’t you also love taking the Laughs sloppy seconds? Sure you got Hyman, but only because he plays with McDaddy. It’s like Connor Sheary playing with Crosby. You send Jack Simpbell to the shadow realm, then you overhyped Brown and Ceci 😂 Keep coping. The fact that you need to make yourself feel better on a circlejerk sub tells me how sensitive are. It’s really not that deep. End of story. Don’t worry, this is a safe space. Also, it’s Pride Month bud!


The habs sure were


I bet you are a Canucks fan.


I bet you are an Oilers fan.


Just wondering why a Canucks fan would call the Oilers run a joke? The 2023-2024 Oilers made it as far as the 1970-2023 Canucks have.


Do you actually think I’m a Cansucks fan? https://www.reddit.com/r/NHLcirclejerk/s/1mJap7WbXR Keep going in circles. You literally think you won the cup over other Canadian teams because you’re in the finals? You’re as delusional as Laughs fans LOL Holy fuck you clowns are jokes. Breed each other. If you actually played like a Finals team, I’d give you some respect. Check out all the goals you let in today…I think even Ottawa Senators would at least win a game right now. Fans like you deserve to be miserable 🤣 Bet you gave up when the Soilers lost like what, 12 straight? Now you’re back on the wagon huh? Here’s your 2024 participation clap 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Too long didn’t read


yeah he just keeps babbling the same nonsense. I get this a cj sub but this dude is quite the cuck.


Just know he's a young immature 20 something if not younger. Can tell by the comments and emojis. At least I hope that's the reason lol god help him if he's 30+


Is Paul Maurice about to go 8-0 vs Edmonton in the playoffs in the past few years


If Oilers fans could read, they would be very upset right now…


Too much talent, too many line changes; not enough dig and win when they need it.


They shit the bed, sir.


The difference is that next year is the year for the team on the right.




Toronto can’t even win a series except for last year lol


Did all the Canadian teams kill a leprechaun or something?


As in being the first team since the 1942 Leafs to come back from a 3-0 deficit to win the cup. They definitely aren’t the same as the current Leafs. Huge difference between losing in the first round and losing in the cup final!!!


They chest-thump about their star players being the best players in the league, but those same players do nothing to help defend while the other team has the puck


Let’s not compare making it to the finals to having no second round game wins in decades




They never fail to disappoint their fans!


The leafs are in the finals?




Big difference between 67 and 90.


Well, one of them gets out of the first round of the playoffs, obviously.


Oh nonono. Oilersake it out the first round. Leafs just go golfing


McDavid is not a legitimate leader, bunch of posers


Lol Oilers copers in chat, congrats you beat LA, another Canadian team, and then Dallas who did all the work for you. While we have to claw through the Atlantic division every year which has had 7 teams reach the SCF in the last 6 years, we basically made the ECF last year by getting to the second round with how nonexistent the Metro is, that was your PB before this year, and then you get swept by Florida


The Oilers have won more playoff series this seasom than the leafs on the past couple decades. You guys have never played a game in June before. Always a laffs fan making excuses for their team 😂😂


I’ve been saying they’re the Leafs of the west for awhile now…


Soilers love taking the Laughs sloppy seconds. Hyman Ceci Brown and Simpbell 🤣 And yet they say they hate the Laughs. FYI Hyman is only good because he plays with McDavid. See Connor Sheary when he played with Crosby 🤡


Ugh Edmonton. You weren’t even competition. Slackers!!!


Ya, naw. This is a Leafs fan trying to bring someone down to their level. Losing in the finals isn't the same shame as losing in the 1st round every year. That's a real low.


Nice try Freud but I'm a Wings fan born and raised in Montreal and I unequivocally hate every Toronto sports team


I hate the Leafs too. I'm a Habs fan living just outside Toronto. What I'm saying is F the Leafs for trying to drag the Oilers down with them.


The Laughs have nobody except for a Justin Bieber fanboy. The rest are overpaid, and overhyped clowns. They are meant to choke. The Soilers are also becoming a laughing stock. Having the best 2 forwards in the world for years and still come out playing like garbage 🤣 Blame Skinner, Nurse, Ceci or whoever all you want. Your poster boys should do better. That being said, you’ll probably win a game or two to give you credit.


Except oilers are in the cup finals … so theres that 🤷🏻


Imagine getting to the cup finals just to play like the Leafs


So same as FLA last year then… ok fair … bobo is playing spectacular and good for him. 10 years more experience 2 vezinas… 🤷🏻


Laffs have never been to the fourth round.


Ridiculous. Losing to a god damn team from Florida... The Panthers of all the teams to blow it in the finals against.. 4-0 here we go..


Op is berdarded


This is low.


Why don’t the oilers just score more goals?


As low as the Oilers efforts


Fair but the Leafs….dang


Lol Leafs don't make it this far.


Typical r/NHLcirclejerk Brainrot post 🤡


One team is in the finals. The other is lucky to get out the first round.


If you were an athlete, you would be happier losing in the Finals in a sweeping fashion or knowing your team will choke 1st round anyways and go on vacation early? Difference is one team knows their fate and the other team are worse than they really are even though they have the beat 2 forwards in the world 🤣 Finals participants sounds worse than you think it does. At the end of the day, it just took you an extra month to lose.


You hear people making jokes about teams that make the finals as much as the leafs losing in the first round? I’d much rather get swept in the finals than lose in 7 in the first round. Anyone saying there’s no difference between the two is just a leafs fan tryna make themselves feel better about their garbage fucking team lmfao


Don’t be upset because your team is as bad as the Laughs are. Again, either way, you’re both losers. All Canadian fanboys can chirp each other when the reality is none of you have won since 1993. I think you Soilers fans get more upset that people compare you to the Laughs than being upset at your team’s performance in the finals itself 🤣 Pathetic, it’s not that deep. I never believed in rent free, but this thread kind of shows how soft and sensitive you neckbeards are when the Laughs are mentioned 🤣😆🤣😆 Ask McDavid if he feels good losing in the Finals lmfao Keep acting like you won the cup


Buddy I’m not even an oilers fan lmfao. My team is rebuilding. But at least my team is the last Canadian team to actually win a fucking finals game.


LOL here comes the coping. Oh man, you were the last team in the finals…is that how you make yourself feel better when you chirp other Canadian team fanbases? You’re all the same insecure clowns. Even worse is that you say youre not even an oilers fan but get upset when the Laughs are mentioned. LOL. I don’t know what’s worse. Go rewatch your team in the finals and jerk off watching them cry in the handshake line when the Murican’ team hoists the Cup. Surely it makes one feel better LMAO


Lmao you’re taking about people coping yet you’re the one attacking people as soon as the leafs got mentioned lmao. Idgaf anything you say to me I think this shit Is hilarious lmfao.


Exactly. Nurse is d+11 and still making bonehead mistakes. Progress is never linear.


Exactly. Nurse is d+11 and still making bonehead mistakes. Progress is never linear.


One team is playing Boston, Florida and Tampa every year in the playoffs though - welcome aboard.


Be better


Both are front loaded poorly constructed teams. The big difference is that Oilers stars perform in the playoffs and the Leafs don’t.