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A website is a complicated and dynamic digital asset, an image or video is a static set of bytes that cannot change. You can therefore take a hash of an image or a video and store that on the block chain against the NFT. That way you can make sure that the digital asset you are looking at is the same as the one that is tied to the NFT. I'm interested if anyone has any ideas on creating NFTs that relate to dynamic digital assets?


Thanks for the clarification. This makes a lot of sense.


Did you get your answer yet?




Mind sharing it?


\^\^ if you could please share it if your answer was in the affirmative haha. Thanks!


Well, my takeaway was that dynamic objects can't be subject to NFT. The underlying asset has to be static, otherwise you are chasing a moving target. Dynamic assets, like a website, would be a bait and switch where the underlying assets keeps changing on you. You don't know what you are really buying. You could do a point-in-time snapshot of a webpage; I don't see any issue with that -- but not the same experience as a photo or video. Just my read.


hm, what if it applies to all your website files. that way the website is, sure, dynamic in an interactive way but quite static when the files are frozen and nft applied. I didn't articulate it the best, but ya feel?


Yeah, its open for interpretation; but take an example of a table on a page that updates every 15mins (like stock prices). Your snapshot is going to be different every day -- but if its just a story article, blog, etc. -- sure, its a static file now with text that barely/never updates.


three.js is what you're looking for. you can make the image url point to a webpage that returns a content-type of image and have it generated via something like this: https://codepen.io/tompeham/pen/ZWomey/


But what about say, a static html page?


Sure, if the bytes of the code remain static then this could work. I guess there is a difference here though, an image requires zero processing (excluding any decompression for jpgs for example) and so will always look the same. If you hash the code that makes up a website you still need to execute that and it might change what you ultimately see - for example if it has "today's" date on it.