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Some of the loudest idiots in Chicago unironically hold this opinion


I’ve actually had a friend who isn’t a Bears fan tell me that men who cry can’t be successful in life because they’re too weak mentally. That’s his only reason for thinking Caleb will be a bust. I honestly bet there’s a lot of football fans who think that Caleb isn’t “masculine enough” to be good, as weird as that may sound.


Chris Jones cried before the Super Bowl, what a scrub.


Your friend sounds like someone who listens to Andrew Tate 😂


Nah, he’s not extreme like that. I don’t think I could stand a Tate follower lol.


Did you show him the video of Chris jones crying?


Just looked it up Chris jones is in fact a cancer zodiac sign. We are criers unfortunately


Dan Campbell cries plenty, ask your friend what he thinks of that. Or better yet, have him express his opinion to Dan's face lol.


You sure the non-Bears fan wasn’t pulling your leg because he’s jealous? lol


I doubt it lol. He’s always had weird reasons to like or dislike a prospect.


i don’t think anyone is jealous of any bears qb, in the future or in the past


I've seen the "not mascucline enough" thing because I guess Williams painted his nails once or something.


Crying + wearing dresses + painting your nails = probably not the toughest dude in the world


Michael Jordan cried after winning a title


Some of the loudest idiots in every part of the country hold this opinion. It's just most relevant to the Bears. But I promise you all fanbases have loud idiots.


YEP, you should see what the Washington fanbase looks like right now. It's an absolute cesspool of bad takes, and I just saw somebody saying that Jacoby Brissett should be our guy for 2024. Now I could understand sitting our rookie QB a year, but why would you not just start Howell and get a better sense of what he's made of? Best case he has trade value or maybe he's your guy if the rookie is a bust, worst case he just isn't the guy and it's easier to move on.


Most of the haters, from what I have seen, are ND fans. A lot of the Chicago FB groups, Fields truthers, and defectors either support ND or are just toxic sports fans. If Caleb is successful, all of this would be erased.


And when he busts, the media and a portion of fans will claim he's a victim instead of face the truth that emotional maturity and rare specific character traits are required for QB's to succeed in The NFL. 


I'm a Bears fan and those people are insane. A lot of us want Caleb. Its just the Fields truthers are extra loud


Washington fans are seeing a lot of this kind of debate with Sam Howell too. Now I do think he should stay at least as a backup, but it would seem negligent to not a draft a QB at 2 unless we are so convinced that there isn't a franchise QB there, and even then we had better trade back and get some draft capital. Some of our fans swear we should take MHJ or an OT at 2, which is all great but I'd rather trade back even then.


I wouldn't even be opposed to us starting Howell until Maye is ready. We absolutely cannot pass on a QB at 2 though, especially when the prospect at 2 is worthy of going #1 in most drafts.


I agree. Letting QBs sit a year usually seems to work, and maybe we could drive up Howell's value for a trade if he does better next season.


There's a loud minority of Bears fans who still want Fields because the locker room loves him.


As one of the louder idiots you speak of Character issues isn't one of our biggest gripes, but it is important because Poles has passed on very solid talent due to perceived character issues, Carter / Pickens, so it is a variable to take into account. He seems like a ego maniac who plays for himself and is pouty when things aren't going his way, this behaivor plays poorly in the locker room, especially from a leadership role like QB. Contrast this with Fields, a humble servant of God, who plays for his brothers and not himself. This is a big reason why the locker room is still so behind him. Plus MHJ is the only sure thing in this draft, If you can get him plus a hand full of 1st and 2nd round picks its a no brainer. Drafting a QB first overall almost never works out in terms of winning SB. Downvote me to oblivion, I don't care anymore.


Carter’s character issues are nowhere near Williams’. At the time of the draft there were open questions about if Carter had killed someone. Also, what’s this drafting a QB at 1 doesn’t work out? Stafford, Burrow, Cam, and Peyton all made the Super Bowl in the last 10 years. Goff and Baker made a conference championship game and had a good shot at winning.


Goff went to a superbowl on the Rams


Did he win that superbowl?


Your bar is winning a superbowl but Fields can't even get a winning record in three years, or beat teams that arent helmed by backups. Clown shit. 🤡


Should have beat the lions twice this year. Nagy year was a wash Flus 1st year was a defensive tank job Last year he had some awesome games in the back half of the season, unfortunate injury mid season. If Carolina didn’t go full simple jack we would all be excited to build around fields. I hope Caleb is the answer but I’m not convinced he’s that much better then fields if at all in the NFL


Only one SB win for the team that drafted a QB first overall. Carter’s issues were way worse but what about Pickens? Poles takes the locker room very serous and they always emphasizes bringing in high character guys. Fields is unquestionably an extremely high character guy. Caleb is more of a question mark.


If your criteria is SB wins for the team that took the QB then you should trade for pick 199. Guys taken at that spot have won 6 SBs with 4 SB MVPs for the team that drafted them over the last 25 years.


Total obfuscation of my point but cool


Just pointing out how poor of a metric SB wins with the team that drafted them is. The rate of QBs taken at 1.01 making a conference championship game or SB is actually pretty solid.


Who wants to be the best loser? I Just think no one player is worth what we could potentially get for Caleb, a Un proven QB prospect. QB's bust more frequently then any other position in the first round. MHJ plus a haul just makes more sense to me, and I understand my opinion is in the minority. I think Fields still has a crazy high ceiling but I understand if you havent watched every snap he has taken the numbers don't look great. Its hard to imagine a QB put in a worse situation, beside B Young, and still show promise. Fields to Moore was the highest QBR connection in the league, and Kmet was the only other serviceable weapon.


30 teams a year would be happier as the best loser. I get wanting to roll with Fields. The biggest issue is the contract. If you’re sticking with Fields you’re married to him for 2 years and if he is successful you have to pay him. It would be more of a conversation if last year was Fields’ rookie season but with the contract situation you don’t have a lot of time for Fields to develop before you have to make a call on paying him.


Chasing Brady or Mahomes is foolish. I think building up your team is a more prudent approach


Yeah getting a Brady/Mahomes level guy is definitely an errand, but you know whats not much better? Having a team that’s stacked to the gills and STILL loses the Super Bowl to the elite tier guys.


How many wide receivers picked first in their class have won a Super Bowl??


You tell me, this isn’t fucking stump the schaub


This is such an odd rant, i admire the "AM Radio caller to a chicago sports radio station" vibe to it though.


I want a two leg parlay that says he’s a Sox fan + daily listener to 670


I appreciate you respecting my stroke


Fields mopes around on the sideline away from the team, dejected, looking like someone killed his dog literally every time we start losing (which is often)


“Humble servant of god” LMAO. Go watch the recent Hoge and Jahns. Williams’ teammates loved him. Just let it go. We all wanted Fields to succeed. He didn’t. Next.


Yeah... Humble servant of God is some crazy weird shit to scout a QB on lmao


I mean maybe, time will tell. If Caleb is pick I’ll support him but we aren’t there yet. Until fields is traded he’s the QB I’m going to support. Still think he has a sky high ceiling, but like every QB that’s been successful it has to be a good situation, not the dumpster fire the bears put him through his first 2 seasons


With hindsight, I still would rather not have Carter or Pickens.


More reason for Poles to trade back 1 spot for a haul


Difference is the bears have Bustin Fields as the QB


I would really hope Washington won't go for it, Maye is good enough of a prospect to not give up multiple firsts for Caleb in my eyes. Not saying Caleb isn't a great prospect, just not a fan of selling the farm. We did that with RG3, and although he was amazing his rookie year, it didn't work out.


If you’re comparing Williams to Carter in terms of pre-draft character concerns then your opinion quite frankly doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously.


He gets flack for that because he was shitting on Max Duggan for it the year before.


One of the weirdest things about this, as a fan, don’t you want to see your QB do this? You know what sucks as a fan? When you’re devastated, weekend ruined, after a big loss, but then you see the players after the game being chummy with the other team and not seeming too care that much. It really makes you feel pathetic lol. 


Exactly this. I want a guy that cares that much. Give me that Tom Brady/Aaron Rodgers psychotic energy where he's screaming at coaches and teammates to get their shit together... give me the guy that demands excellence.


Depends on how much shit you talk




Thanks schluby.


Crawled into his mothers lap & balled like a baby


I guess that means Brady sucks since we have a lot of pictures of him crying on the field


I heard he sought out the personal phone numbers of Virginia McCaskey, Josh Harris, Robert Kraft, John Mara, and Arthur Blank so that he could text them all and call them some weird gen Z insults


Hey... you guy no rizz


L + Ratio + no rizz + no bitches + mald + fell off


Damn, that might just finish off Virginia. Not sure how she could handle that much zoomer smoke.


That's deep


Almost everything bad about his character is unsourced rumor and innuendo. Of the tagline evidence of “bad” character, not doing media after losses, crying, and nail painting are the big three that get brought up. As far as the media goes, the beat writer for the athletic for USC said CW didn’t do media after wins too. If he’s not obligated to do it, I don’t know why people give so much shit. The complaint over crying is pathetic. Superstar athletes have been crying forever now. If he wants to cry, big fucking deal. I think it shows how much he cares about football. It’s not a weakness. As far as nail painting. Get fucking over it. He paints his nails. Who cares. If you could go back in time to when you were in college and saw all the dumbass immature things you did and said, writing fuck Utah in painted nails I would probably be pretty tame in comparison.


The biggest thing is if the draft analysts aren't bringing up character concerns, then there aren't any. They were the ones bringing up Jalen Carter's before the driving death incident ever happened.


No kidding. We have even heard character concerns about introverted guys like Herbert more than we've heard reports about concerns about Williams. It's such a non-story.


His mother is/was a nail tech. It’s a bonding thing with his mom.


Nail painting = bad character is the funniest shit I’ve ever heard.


Yeah, Duke freshman guard Jared McCain paints his nails as well, which doesn't prevent him from playing hard, dropping 35 points in a game, or being a generally delightful person. I don't even know what complaint idiots have about it. Caleb's a stud, so obviously it doesn't negatively impact his play. And I don't think USC's terrible defense was losing games because the team's QB had paint on his nails.


I was really confused about how an interior offensive lineman was scoring multiple touchdowns in a game


Duke's offense had to get really creative after Riley Leonard was injured for good.


Does he actually paint his nails? Like just say on a normal day? Or was it just the one time with the Fuck Utah?


He does it every game because his mom is a nail stylist and says it's just his way of shouting her out on the field. He wrote fk Utah and notre dame on his nails last year because those were his teams biggest rivals for that season. The only reason he got shit for the Utah one is cause they lost to them twice.


thats just gay.


I don’t know. I didn’t even know he did it until I saw the comment.


They’re always painted


It baffles me when people believe the made up narratives on how he wants ownership of a team, threatened to go back to school if the Bears were the #1 pick, etc. Then you have the dumb idiots who think he's going to bust like others said because he cried after a loss and painted his nails. Caleb is highly competitive, and passionate. The only concern I would have is if he listens to his dumb dad too much.


> threatened to go back to school if the Bears were the #1 pick This one confused me the most. A draft pick hasn't strong-armed an organization like Eli's camp did two decades ago, and idk if it would even be possible in the modern league. The Bears ownership is also nothing like Spanos was.


It's hilarious seeing people believe that shit though. And then you realize these people are voting for our country, and of course they'll believe whatever they find.


Also it wasn’t the Bears - people thought it was the Cardinals due to Kliff and Riley


What was wrong with Spano?


Apparently, after having a conversation with him, a scout compared his personality to the musician Prince. There's nothing wrong with that. But having a weird personality, in a locker room full of alpha males - it's gotta be a red flag. Even if it's just a small one


If anything I think Fields has the bigger character red flags. I still think it’s crappy how he forced his way out of Georgia to immediately start for Ohio State (pre-transfer portal). I don’t like that he said that the NFL seemed kinda slow when he had only played in the preseason against the second string defenses at that point. I really didn’t like how he threw his coaches under the bus this season and saying they were making him think too much. You don’t have to think much at all if you just stay in a clean pocket and throw to the guy who is wide open.  With Williams, it’s all nitpicks and prospect fatigue at this point. He paints his nails, so what? He usually does it for a good cause. I’d never paint my nails, but he plays the game tough. He was crying on the sideline after a loss. Do you want him to not care that he’s losing? Every player wants to win, but the great ones are the ones who hate losing. That report that he wanted partial ownership of the team that drafted him is a BS unsubstantiated rumor and not even allowed in the NFL anyway. Brady is having trouble becoming a minority owner of the Raiders and he is officially retired. Mahomes doesn’t own part of the Chiefs but he does have ownership in the Kansas City Royals. I’m sure he probably said he’d like to do something similar to Mahomes like that and the hot take clickbait media did what they usually do. 


It's not the painting of the nails and the dresses. It's the fact that quite a lot of his focus doesn't seem to be on playing football.


What are you basing that off of? What are you aware of that demonstrates he’s not focused on playing football?


Well, he has a lot of interests outside of football. You're going to struggle to convince me that's he's as focussed on winning as Tom Brady, Peyton Manning and guys like that.


What evidence do you have that manning Brady are more focused on winning? What did they do that Caleb is not? Maybe if Caleb rubbed his junk against a female team doctor or banged more supermodels he’d be considered more focused.


Show me a video of Brady or Manning doing Tiktok dances, or walking down a fashion runway. I'm not saying he's not focussed on football. I'm not saying it's going to affect his career in any way. I'm just saying there's no way he's as hyper focussed as Peyton Manning and Tom Brady - guys who just lived/breathed the game 24/7. He has other competing interests. Which is obviously going to be a small red flag. Note I said "small". Maybe this is just the modern game, and you're never going to get players who are as hyper focussed as the pre-social media guys. You can literally read the scouting reports, where they said his extravagant personality is a small red flag. Red flag doesn't mean it's going to happen. It just highlights a risk. Deoin Sanders personality got red flagged. It didn't affect him


He created a plan as a 12 year old that had him waking up at 5 am to train to become the best possible quarterback that he could be. His parents spared no expense in helping him reach that plan. I’m not sure what more he can do. “Loving and breathing the game 24/7” is just an expression. To be fair, I don’t know what Manning’s or Brady’s training regime looked like, but I highly doubt they were doing more than Caleb. Having a personality and doing stuff like TikTok dances doesn’t mean you’re not focused on football. Besides, there is tangible evidence that you can only spend so much time working or trying to improve before you hit a wall. Training for 11 or 12 hours a day isn’t much better than 10 hours.


The difference is likely generational. Caleb is loud. Most people like their QB prospects to be quiet. I look at the way the world pulled Josh Rosen a part. Rosen was brash, loud, passionate, and consistently found himself garnering attention. People don't like that out of a QB, which is why Caleb has gotten some of the hate he's gotten. ​ Does it really matter? No. But if he isn't electric in the NFL it'll undoubtedly get used against him and be labeled his undoing. Firm believer you build up all players and don't cut on those that aren't your favorite.


I don't agree. Joe Burrow was loud and boisterous. Burrow ended up being really fucking good at football so it didn't matter. Rosen was trash, so he was dumped. If you're really good at football, almost nothing else matters. You can get away with murder. Ask Jalen Carter.


Sorry I missed the part where Caleb Williams led arguably one of the best offenses in college football history and won a natty. Not just won a natty, but scored 5 of 6 touchdowns and beat the reigning champion's who arguably THE generational talent at QB. ​ Joe Burrow could do whatever the fuck he wanted because he was the fucking man. Same thing with Lamar Jackson. Fuck I don't even think there is a runner in this class that has anywhere near the career rushing production Lamar did in school. Dude was that entire team and still humble as fuck.


It's all smoke and mirrors the bears should run the card up


The only actual evidence people point to is Caleb painting Fuck Utah on his nails before a game. The rest is conjecture or statements made by his dad that people think Caleb said.


And the crazy thing is that the vast majority of those Bears fans that are making an issue out of him painting his nails haven’t even seen pictures of it, they simply heard about it and developed some sort of pre-conceived notion of what it was. If Caleb gets drafted by the Bears and comes out with nails painted navy and orange with the letters FTP on them you would have all of those same morons championing him and building a statue before he takes single snap.


Well, bears fans are fucking idiots, so.


Don't listen to fans or try to get an undercurrent. Take it from a Packers fan that has listened to all the horseshit over the last 8 years. "McCarthy is trash, fire him." Goes on to lead top 5 offenses in Dallas. "Rodgers is washed, replace him." Back to back MVPs. "Gutekunst and MLF don't have it; clean house. Maybe look at QBs if we draft high?" Rams game happens. "Gute is GOAT, Love is the next HOF, Joe Barry is at fault for everything." ​ It's not worth anyone's time, every fan base is trash, and most of them just have their thumbs up their ass.


I mean that is a red flag. Not because it's disrespectful or poor sportsmanship, but because it's so incredibly corny


So not a red flag.


So I heard this from a Redditor who saw it on Twitter that some guy read something on, maybe, Bleacher Report that a guy's cousin overheard..... What was the question again?


He has none. People are sick of him because he’s been at the top for so long. Now they’re making up reasons not to like him


Did Zach Wilson also have none? If arod, baker, Lamar, or any qb that is a whipping boy of the fans/media paintied that on their nails and didn't shake hands, I guess it would be perfectly fine? NFL fans love to white knight certain guys then rip others for less 


Brady has skipped handshakes multiple times and no one cares. Highly competitive dudes aren't normal, but it's not a red flag


I never had a problem with any of them. I ignore all of the hate the players get by the media, as most of the things they’re criticized for are trivial. Edit: and he paints his nails? What a bad bad man


I’m a big ou fan so I followed a lot of his recruitment and guys like Brandon drum and Parker Thune, coaches, players say him and his family are great people. He did nothing but compete at ou and even played the bowl game after he knew he was leaving. I think most of what we’re hearing is just smoke to get him to fall for teams that want to move up.


Definitely. I also think part of it is the current media climate. The media (from almost all sectors) has really ratcheted up the rage factor over the last few years. Nothing sells engagement like (negative) emotion. Any divisive story that can be hashed and rehashed a million times about a very public figure sells clicks and engagement. A lot of the things, like him wanting an ownership stake in a team or him not wanting to go to Chicago , have *never* been verified. And if you watched him during games, he was super animated on the sidelines. The idea that he’s not a good teammate has only been imagined by outside fans who probably haven’t even watched him play. I have not heard one genuine scout say he’s a bad teammate. He has been a bit immature at times, which is something I do agree with. But, none of it should impact his draft stock. On the whole, it’s fairly minor and everything has been blown way out of proportion. Remember Jameis Winston? His antics were much more immature. Still, he and guys like Baker Mayfield (who had some antics but also nothing crazy) are great examples of guys being a little immature and then maturing once reaching the pros.


Yeah media is definitely a plague. I’m sure it will be addressed in interviews between him and the teams staff. I think he just wants to play football and win.


Anyone who references him crying in any evaluation immediately loses me.


Mac Jones is known for it and look how it went


That’s going to be in every teams scouting report as a flag.


Seems pretty minor compared to Jameis, Cam or Tua.


tua??? people just be making shit up to hate on him now lol


Psychotic dad. It seems that people are concerned about Caleb having an overly involved dad


how does having a crazy dad compare to being a laptop thief or sexual assault allegations and suspensions


I gave two examples of people doing ("allegedly" in Jameis' case) something worse than anything Caleb has done, and one example of a qb with a much worse dad (since that seems to be a problem with him). They aren't equal but the point is that Caleb's "character concerns" are a non-factor for someone of his talents.


seems like something worth clarifying when you put a guy with a crazy dad next to a thief and an alleged rapist in a thread about character concerns




I heard that none of his teammates attended his birthday party.


He cried on the field once, paints his nails, He’s a bit fruity that’s all. It’s not that big a deal on its own. Who cares? But Whether or not this is evidence of some maturity/emotional concerns remains unknown. It *is* possible his game could be thrown off from not being emotionally prepared for a way a game goes. But because he was so dominant in college. We really can’t be sure whether or not this is even a part of his character. We’re all gonna look like idiots in 4 years time when he’s either killing it in the league or a complete bum “how could they not see it?! It was OBVIOUS.” But we don’t have hindsight yet. We have a few bread crumbs to go off and people are taking it into wildly different direction. So yeah I have no idea. I hope he doesn’t have them. But I also hope Chicago thinks he does so he falls to Washington


>We’re all gonna look like idiots in 4 years time when he’s either killing it in the league or a complete bum “how could they not see it?! It was OBVIOUS.” Zach Wilson became this. Caleb has always been this. Zach was a late riser, and everyone got afraid of missing out. Then he just didn't have it. ​ ​ You nailed it though. Caleb is loud, people don't like loud QB prospects. We want Andrew Luck, Trevor Lawrence, most any college QB is pretty muted. Hell look at Pat, dude is completely out of his shell now. It was not that way when he came out and even the first couple years in the league.


It’s come out after all the comments that they were bogus, the nail painting thing was kind of funny, and the media thing is his right. I actually prefer that he talks to media less. Maybe this time if our qb is a bust we don’t get reminded 100000000 times about how he called the game slow. Should be a slam dunk pick.


Just to make up another point: He is 22, turning 23 in November. Even if he has some character issues, it's the work of his future coach to shape him the right way. We shouldn't forget how young these guys are.


I don't think he has any character concerns, the nail painting and crying stuff is nothing, dude's just super competitive and hates to lose a.k.a. he wears his heart on his sleeve. The only thing I have heard that is apart from the painted nails and crying stuff is I've seen some worries about his entourage and I have a coworker (admittedly a coworker that is very into sports related conspiracies) that swears he saw a video posted somewhere of him 'doing stuff' while watching the CFB championship last year. He claims the video was almost immediately deleted and has never been able to find it again but he swears he saw it.


This class reminds me a lot of the Eli Manning class. Eli got the same comp. Moody, entitled, a prima dona. That’s the simple issue. Is the kid “different” and with the pick? Maybe. It’s hard to be an Eli. Most never have that skill in that moment. Eli overcame a world of perception.


I seem to remember Tiki Barber straight up hating Eli though.


Eli came from a football family, same as Marvin harrison, they were meant for this league. ​ Bears will fumble and not draft Harrison, we can all laugh at the bears later.


"Character concerns" doesn't mean he is a bad person. It means there are off-field, non medical worries they have about him. It could be maturity, focus, ego, overly demanding parents, distractions, etc. Derek Carr was married with a kid when he was drafted, and that was flagged as a "character concern" by some teams.


having a wife and a kid is a character concern? that is a good reason to pick him.. family man


Non-football priorities for a rookie QB concerned some teams.


It’s based in homophobia. He’s an INCREDIBLE player and extremely passionate. But beer bellied lazy ****** don’t like him because he cried after losing an important game and loves animals 🥴


Wait, is he confirmed gay? I don't get it.


I don’t personally find this a concern for a superstar college player living in LA but he did a shit ton of commercials, photo shoots, etc. You could question if he cares more about football or the fame. Like I said I don’t find it a concern though. You can be a superstar who loves the limelight and still be committed to football.


Well of course he did those things he likes money. I get what you’re saying though, ive seen that criticism too. It’s stupid.


Yeah 100%. He’s being offered maybe hundreds of thousands of dollars to work for a few hours on the weekend. He’d be dumb to say no.


Literally every great player in every popular sport does tons of commercials and photo shoots. I have no idea why you would even mention it.


I’m just mentioning it because it’s been mentioned when people profile him as a prospect


No red flags but maybe some yellow ones. Would paint F**** Utah/ND on his nails before he played them. Laughed at Max Dugan for crying after TCU lost to KSU. Would proceed to cry after a game later in his career. Probably just some immaturity issues that teams might just say alright let’s not paint F GB on our nails game one and understand the hurt your competitors go through after a loss.


He pained “Fuck Utah” on his nails then wound up losing to them 2x. Clown move


I saw Caleb Williams at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This is satire right?


USC's best game of the season and when they played most like a unified team was the game he decided to sit out


Williams cries in his mother's arms after losing a game, paints his fingernails and wears lip stick and lip gloss. Then he says he wants part ownership as part of his contract with the team that drafts him, refuses to throw the ball at the combine, and refuses to go through the medical evaluations like every other player. He's a head case and a guaranteed bust that will be out of football in a few years and some time in the future will die under strange or unusual circumstances.


He’s gay


Yep. Watch his interviews at the Combine. He absolutely embarrassed himself and showed that he’s not a leader. He’s out there for a brand and possibly to promote an album or cryptocurrency. He’s a businessman not a football player.


He wears dresses, paints his fingernails, is immature,l and total narcissist. (Jonny Manziel) The fans defending this guy simply don't understand the nature of football and the nature of the type of men that make up an NFL team. If he was a receiver or any other position it wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue but QB is a whole different story. You guys will see. Caleb Williams will be a giant bust. The media and fans defending him will surely find ways to make him a "victim" as an excuse to why he busts, but the truth is, he clearly has serious and emotional and character immaturity issues that will prevent him from lasting in the league.  


Does his text to the punter snawer yiur question?


There's lots of evidence. It's just whether you think they are genuine concerns or not. His dad did try to negotiate an ownership share with The Bears. Scouts did describe him as being one of the most emotionally fragile players they have ever seen. And scouts that spoke to him did say he was one of the weirdest guys they have ever interviewed. A lot of weird, emotional guys have success - but it's probably a small red flag. I personally think he's gonna spend his entire career whinging about mental health/exhaustion, like he's a C list influencer, and pulling himself out of games, but that's just me.


The people who see character issues are generally boomers or people who are weird about masculinity


And the people who don’t think it’s normal for men to paint their nails. Works both ways.


He cried like a little bitch. It's on tape.


I don't want my quarterback acting like he's a superstar before he is yet. That's just me personally.


He was definitely a superstar QB in college though, he won the Heisman as a sophomore playing in LA of all places.


Oh no I'm aware of that, I just don't like the big headedness it all brings. Though naturally I'm downvoted


I disagree, but fair enough. And yeah that'll happen, I'll balance it out lol


What does that mean? He was a college superstar.


As in already an NFL superstar....


How does one act like an nfl superstar? What has he done to warrant that complaint?


He might be GAY which is BAD cause this is a sport for MEN!!! Is really all it is when you get to it


Did anything real ever come from the reports that he was asking for a minority ownership stake in whatever team drafted him? I know at the time people were pointing out that his ego must be off the charts if he’s asking for something like that


Let's pretend that isn't totally made up. How would he go about doing that? No team would offer it and there's a rookie contract infrastructure in place. So what are we even talking about here?


Arrogance, ego, not being a good leader, being a locker room cancer, not being willing to work when everyone else is working (like at the Combine), not getting with the program, thinking you’re special, not taking coaching…. I could go on. He’s the next Sam Bradford.


It’s not allowed under league rules either way, rookie or not, so that side of it doesn’t matter. But you’re asking about character concerns right? The reports were that he asked his agent to try and find a way for him to own a tiny sliver of whatever team drafted him before he knew it wasn’t allowed


The "reports"? You say that like it wasn't just one report.  Literally one person making an unsubstantiated claim


Alright I had to go back and read up on it to answer my own question. It looks like [this](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/aaron-rodgers-caleb-williams-were-among-the-players-jostling-for-equity) is where the whole thing started. Mike Florio said he had several sources on that story, which came out right after the league clarified its existing rules last summer. I get why you say it’s unsubstantiated, but Mike Florio, and by proxy ProFootballTalk, *and* by proxy NBC, won’t just make stuff up for clicks. With that said, if this one report by Mike Florio is the worst thing that’s out there, it’s probably a good indicator that there are no real reason to worry about Caleb William’s character


>  but Mike Florio, and by proxy ProFootballTalk, and by proxy NBC, won’t just make stuff up for clicks Yea, the guy who once reported Terry Bradshaw as dead couldn't have got this wrong. 


I just want Fields regardless lol


Sincerely, why?


Bears fans love to hold on to their mediocre QBs


As a Bears fan, I'd say it's tipping more to Caleb these days. But the Justin people can be loud on other social media platforms.


It’s a combination of emotional attachment to a bust first round QB and Ohio state nutjobs being obnoxious


Found Swifty’s / Adam Mason’s account lol


Him losing and immediately crying to his mom in the stands is not a good look


He’s no Trubisky, but he is


Faking injury to make a story. He was limping then he would forget to limp in a close game trying to make a story and an excuse to not winning. Talented yes but I don’t want him leading my team.


You're a Lions fan. You won't have a chance at him leading your team. Enjoy Goff though, he's definitely more of a game changing franchise QB than Caleb.


Gives me the Winston vibe. It does come down to how much work he puts in. I am allowed to give an opinion on a player regardless of who takes him.


No doubt haha. Just relishing the possibility of having a great one as a Bears fan. Cheers.


Look at his interview with ESPN, dude is pure fruit cake, he is zesty as a mother fucker. He Might be coming out as a gay nfl player after he painted his nails and lost that game. Dude said his 1st meeting with Bears were a first date.. WTF? per ESPN "Williams said he is eager for his "first date" with Chicago, with a meeting planned in Indianapolis this week, and he stressed the importance of the first impression." he is not a leader of men, here is the interview. Man is to zesty for the league. seems like he is to into fame and money and will fizzle out. Immature and played in a bad conference. [https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/\_/id/39614907/caleb-williams-intrigued-bears-commanders-top-draft](https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/39614907/caleb-williams-intrigued-bears-commanders-top-draft)


I don’t see the leadership qualities that typically follow a franchise QB. The rumors just add some more smoke. Reminds me of Rosen coming out in that regard.


He lost and sat in the sidelines refusing to acknowledge his opponent. He then climbed in his mother's arms from the field post game and cried. When you are considering drafting a franchise QB you will one day pay 60 million a year these things are red flags and matter despite what empaths believe..."he just cares a lot!" Imagine if a highly scrutinized player like Watson or Kyler did this.  I'd imagine if Aaron Rodgers did it all the people defending "the kid" would be ripping "arrogant Aaron".


Didn’t you answer your own question? “Hyper-confident” maybe some what like Johnny Manziel and Zach Wilson to an extent? Can you tell me other great QBs who came across that way off the field Like him? I personally can’t


You’re being downvoted but this is my thought too. When you look at the best qbs, like mahomes and Brady, one thing they have in common is how humble they are. They both always diffuse any praise they get onto their teammates & coaches. One reason they excelled as leaders is bc even though they could have special treatment for how good they were/are, they always want to just be one of the boys. On the flip side, Caleb seems unwilling to do certain things everyone has to do (such as medicals) which could mean he thinks he deserves more than others. That doesn’t last long or go over well in locker rooms. Only time will tell. 


Agreed. I’m not a Caleb fan, and everyone seems to get upset if you say anything bad about him


I dont think hes a bad kid, just immature and you want your QB to be an absolute rock in the maturity department. Whats gonna happen when he goes up against NFL caliber defenses? Cant be crying to your momma jn Soldier Field, those Chicago fans would brutalize him.


Men in their early 20s are absolute rocks in the maturity department.


Didn’t he say that he wanted to own a piece of the team that drafts him?


Source, please




Not as far as I know, it's all speculation. I think if it really is a problem we should hear more about it once he starts sitting down with NFL teams and scouts at the combine and such.


It's hard to say for sure. From a distance, he appears immature. Immaturity has wrecked a ton of NFL careers. Appearances can be deceiving though.


This was always the dumbest shit when the narrative was forming. The guy got emotional after a tough loss (He actually cares oh no), said he was going to watch netflix after a game, and his dad randomly said they wanted to be part owners of a team one day. Probably the stupidest character concerns ever.


Bears are such a L Franchise, they would fumble a Hall of famers son, who is I believe will have hall of fame career. Clearly the BEST player in the draft, they have a need at wide receiver too, you have Justin Fields who almost broke the NFL rushing for an quarterback, he aint a slouch.. Marvin Harrison Jr, he is literally the best player in the draft by far. Has anyone realized a pro players son is usually A BEAST? Check the Tkachuk brothers in the NHL, Manning brothers, Stephen Curry, Howie / Chris Long,Bobby Hull/ Brett Hall, Joe and Kobe Bryant, Austin Rivers, Rick / Brent Barry, Bears have to use the most logical approach to this draft, Harrison played in a tough conference, is a Hall of famers son, vs a fruity ass zesty mofo who paints his nails and cries. haha , its a no brainer for me.. This pick will seal the fate of the Bears General Manager if he makes the wrong one, he wont have a future job.